Implementation of Public Involvement Policy in Public Service:
Study on Licensing Service in South Tangerang City
Agus Nugraha
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Public policy, public involvement, and licensing service
Abstract: The government has been realized that public involvement is the key in creating quality public services,
especially on licensing service. For this purpose, a series of policies have been undertaken to ensure that
public or communities are involved in the whole range of public service process. Law Number 25 the Year
2009 on Public Service, mandates that the public should be involved in all stages of public service
especially in the formulation, discussion, and stipulation of public service standards. Besides, the public
should also be involved in the supervision and complaint of public service. The purpose of this study is to
describe the implementation of public involvement policy in public services, especially on licensing
services in South Tangerang City. The research method used is qualitative research method, with data
collection using documentation technique, observation, and interview. The results of the study indicate that
the public involvement on public service, especially the licensing service in South Tangerang City has not
been appropriately implemented. It is evidence of the lack of public involvement in the process of
formulation, discussion, and stipulation of licensing service standards. Besides, public participation in
supervision and complaint of licensing service in South Tangerang City is still meagre.
Public participation has a vital role in government,
especially in the implementation of public services.
It is based on the idea that good governance is a
government that reflects the will and trust of
citizens. Thus, the public must participate actively in
the government and the implementation of public
services, from the stage of formulation,
implementation, supervision and even until the
evaluation. The urgency of public involvement in
public services is due to several reasons. First,
universally the existence of society (population) is a
requirement of the establishment of a country,
besides there are regions, governments, and
international recognition. The government as the
organizer and policymaker must realize that the
existence of society is an integral part of the state.
Secondly, constitutionally the 1945 Constitution
asserts that "sovereignty is in the hands of the
people and is carried out by the Constitution."
Sovereignty is the ultimate power, so it is clear that
the people rule and become king, while the
government only carries out the mandate of the
people Third, Law Number 25 the Year 2009 on
Public Service affirms that public participation in
public service delivery starts from the preparation of
service standards to evaluation and award. Fourth, in
the context of good governance, participation is one
of the principles and pillars for the government to
run effectively. Fifth, public participation is the
essence of democracy, namely government from, by
and for the people (RES Fobia, 2016)
Regarding public policy, currently, the
Government of Indonesia is actively promoting
public involvement in public services. It is reflected
in Law Number 25 the Year 2009 on Public Service
affirming that the public must participate in all
process of public service delivery. In addition, the
public should also be involved in the supervision
and complaint of public services. Furthermore, to
implement the law, the government issued
Government Regulation Number 96 the Year 2012
on the Implementation of Law Number 25 the Year
2009 on Public Service, which reaffirms that every
public service providers including licensing service
must involve the public namely all parties who are
related with the recipient benefits of public services,
either directly or indirectly, including public figures,
academics, business, professional organizations, and
non-governmental organizations.
Nugraha, A.
Implementation of Public Involvement Policy in Public Service: Study on Licensing Service in South Tangerang City.
DOI: 10.5220/0009931715501557
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1550-1557
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reser ved
Nevertheless, the results of the Ombudsman's
survey held in May - October 2016 stated that 78.41
percent of the 2,000 public service units do not
involve the public in the preparation of public
service standards. Also, as many as 60.73 percent’s
of public service units in Indonesia do not conduct
community satisfaction surveys.Whereas the level of
public satisfaction is an indicator of public
involvement in evaluating the public services
quality. (Alidona, 2016)
These conditions motivate this research to
understand deeply on the implementation of the
government policy that actively encourages public
participation in public services, especially licensing
services in South Tangerang City. This research uses
qualitative methods, with the hope of revealing the
realities that occur in depth, both those that appear
real and hidden. In collecting data is used
documentation, observation and interview
techniques. Many forms of documentation are
collected like various laws, government regulation,
regional regulations, local government regulations
and document in service provider units. Interviews
in this research also is done with purposive sampling
from service providers and users in South Tangerang
The public sector must adopt the flows of
globalization, information technology and the wave
of democratization. Thus, there are various concepts
in public sector governance such as global
governance, electronic governance, and democratic
governance. Furthermore, from the concept of
democratic governance emerges the term
participatory governance, which emphasizes public
participation as the central pillar of
governance.(Bevir, 2011)
According to Rhodes (Pierre, 2000) there are at
least 7 main concept of governance, namely: (1)
Governance as corporate governance, namely the
implementation of governance in the private sector
with speed tasks and high accountability. (2)
Governance as new public management, is
understood as a governance process that puts the
spirit of management as in companies. With a
management style that is always alert to
competition, market mechanisms, efforts to
prioritize customer satisfaction. (3) Governance as
good governance, namely the process of
administering government that applies the principles
of good governance, such as being more responsive,
transparent, participatory, and accountable to very
complex public interests. (4) Governance as
international interdependence. Reflecting the
existence of international interdependence, in the
fields of production, financial transactions, law,
security, and so on. (5) Governance as a socio-
cybernetic system. As a system of governance that
involves the interaction and interrelation of many
actors both from government and non-government
such as the legislature, the private sector, NGOs,
academics, and the press who together take
responsibility for public problems. (6) Governance
as new political economy. In the new political
economy approach, governance is an interaction
between society, the state, and a very open market
economy. (7) Governance as networks, a governance
process that is based on the establishment of links
between actors who interact with each other in
providing services for the community.
The importance of public participation can be
examined from the concept of good governance,
especially in implementing development programs.
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
views that good governance is a prerequisite that
must exist in order to realize sustainable
development. UNDP say that “good governace is a
necessary condition for the achievement of each of
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) –
eradicating extreme poverty and hunger; achieving
universal primary education; promoting gender
equality”. In this context governance is defined as
“the exercise of political, economic, and
administrative authority to manage a nation’s affairs.
It is the complex mechanisms, processes,
relationships and institutions through which citizens
and groups articulate their interests, exercise their
rights and obligations and mediate their differences”.
Therefore, governance is said to be good when
applying the principles: participation, the rule of
law, transparency, responsiveness, consensus
orientation, equity, effectiveness & efficiency,
accountability, and strategic vision (United Nations
Development Program, 1997). Thus it seems clear
that the participation or involvement of the public is
one of the principles that must be applied in good
governance, especially in public service.
Good governance is a governing that reflects the
will and mandate of the people. For this reason, the
people or the community must absolutely participate
actively in the government and the implementation
of public services, from the stage of formulation,
implementation, supervision and even evaluation.
Implementation of Public Involvement Policy in Public Service: Study on Licensing Service in South Tangerang City
Vilkišienė says that public participation is a
precondition for democratic governance. Therefore,
it is essential to empower citizens as public service
users to be more active in the service delivery
process. According to Vilkišienė, citizen
participation in public services can be interpreted as
a part of the provision of the public services
impacting on the performance of the service
providers’ organization. Citizen participation is
essential and appropriate to improve institutional
performance in the provision of public services and
improve citizen satisfaction on the quality of public
services (Vilkišienė, 2010).
Nowday the application of the good governance
principles is no longer seen as the insistence of the
donor country, but has become an organizational
need to maintain its existence. Without the
application of the good governance principles, each
organization is ensured that its existence and
sustainability will be threatened. The important point
as the end of the application of good governance
principles is to improve the quality of public
services. In other words, there is no good or better
governance if there is no evidence that public
services are getting better quality. Therefore, the
quality of public services is a strategic point where
public trust in the government is at stake. Even the
purpose of Law Number 25 the Year 2009
concerning Public Services expressly stated for "the
realization of a proper public service delivery system
in accordance with the principles of good
Public service is closely related to good
governance, where good governance will certainly
be very responsive to the demands of the community
to obtain public services with sufficient quantity and
good quality. This was affirmed by Léautier, Vice
President of the World Bank (Shah, 2005): "Poor
governance leads to weak delivery of vital public
services and unwelcome outcomes for access to
public services by the poor and disadvantaged
members of the society”. Of course on the contrary,
good governance can provide good public services,
including for the poor. There is positive synergy and
a very close relationship between good governace
and public service quality. If the administration of
the state is well organized and consistently applies
the principles of good governance, public services
will automatically run well and good quality.
About public service itself, the Law Number 25
the Year 2009 on Public Service describe Public
service is an activity or series of activities in order to
fulfill service needs in accordance with the laws and
regulations for every citizen and population on the
goods, services and administrative services provided
by public service providers. Public service providers
are any state administering institutions, corporations,
independent institutions formed by law for public
service activities, and other legal entities that are
formed solely for public service activities. Provider
is a public service organization which is a public
service provider working unit within the state
administration institution, corporation, an
independent institution established by law for public
service activities, and other legal entities that are
formed solely for public service activities. Public
services can be carried out by central and regional
government agencies, state-owned enterprises,
regionally-owned enterprises, and privately-owned
business entities, as well as individuals who are
given the task of organizing certain public services
in which part or all of the funds are sourced from the
state and regional budget. The public in this context
is all parties, both citizens and residents as
individuals, groups, or legal entities that are
domiciled as beneficiaries of public services, both
directly and indirectly. Publi service providers must
serve the public with service standards, namely
guidelines for service delivery and quality
assessment guidelines service as obligations and
promises of the organizer to the community in the
framework of quality, fast, easy, affordable and
measurable services.
Thus, for the organizers to provide quality public
services, it is crucial to involve the public to know in
advance what the expectations and needs of the
community it serves. Do not let the gap as Zeithaml
et all (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, & Berry, 1990) says:
(1) The gap between customer expectations
(expected service) and management perception
(management perception of customer expectation).
This gap arises because of a lack of survey of
market needs or improper use of research results and
lack of interaction between service providers and
customers. Other causes are the lack of
communication between management and service
providers (customer contact personnel), even though
they have many informations about the things that
were expected by customers. Also too many
bureaucratic levels in the service unit are also a
factor in the emergence of the gap. (2) The gap
between management perception (management
perception of customer expectation) and service
quality specifications. (3) The gap between service
quality specification and service delivery. (4) The
gap between service delivery and external
communication to the customer. (5) The gap
between expected service and perceived service. In
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
order to solve the gap, the most strategic step is the
intense citizen involvement in formulating the
quality of service specifications, oversee the course
of service and complain if the services provided are
not following the expected service.
The policy of public involvement in public service is
one of the types of public policy that is a term used
to describe the laws, decisions, regulations, etc. of a
governmental body (United Nations, 2007). The
legal basis for public involvement is based on the
1945 Constitution, which provides guarantees for the
protection of human rights. It includes the right to
association, the right to issue opinions, the right to
obtain services and to obtain equal opportunities in
Public involvement in public services
emphasizes the importance of community
participation in all public service activities, from the
stage of policy formulation, implementation, and
even to the level of evaluation. This is following
Law Number 25 the Year 2009 on Public Service
which affirms that the implementation of public
services is based on "participatory principle" namely
the form of community participation in the delivery
of services by taking into account the aspirations,
needs, and expectations of the community. Article
39 of the Law specifically regulates the public
participation, namely: (1) The participation of the
public in the implementation of public services
starts from the preparation of service standards to
the evaluation and awarding; (2) Public participation
is manifested in the form of cooperation, fulfillment
of the rights and obligations of the community, as
well as an active role in the preparation of public
service policies; (3) Communities can form public
service supervision institutions; (4) The procedures
for public participation in the implementation of
public services are further regulated in government
regulations. (Law on Public Service, 2009). Further
Government Regulation Number 96 the Year 2012
on the Implementation of Law Number 25 the Year
2009 on Public Services, reaffirms that the
organizers must involve the public in the
implementation of public services as an effort to
build a fair, transparent and accountable public
service system. Article 41 describe that public
participation in the implementation of public
services covers the entire process of organizing
public Services which includes: (1) Preparation of
public service policies; (2) Preparation of service
standards; (3) Supervision and evaluation of the
implementation of public services; and (4) Awards.
Article 42 declare that the participation of the
community in organizing the public service is
conveyed in the form of input, responses, reports,
and complaints to the organizers and direct
superiors of the organizers and related parties in
accordance with the provisions of the legislation or
through the mass media. In addition the organizer is
obliged to provide information to the public
regarding the follow-up to the completion of inputs,
responses, reports and complaints. Article 43
explain the participation of the community in the
supervision and evaluation of the implementation of
public services, is realized in the form of : (1)
Supervision and evaluation of the implementation of
service standards; (2) Supervision of the application
of policies; and (3) Supervision of the imposition of
sanctions. Article 44 confirms that public
participation in granting awards as referred to in
Article 41 is realized in the form of monitoring,
evaluating, and evaluating the performance of the
organizer. Article 45 describe community
participation in the implementation of Public
Services as referred to in Article 41 refers to the
following principles: (1) Directly related to the
service user community; (2) Having competence in
accordance with the type of service concerned; and
(3) Prioritizing deliberation, consensus and diversity
of the community. Article 46 explain that
community participation in the implementation of
public services can be carried out individually,
representatives of service user groups,
representatives of observer groups and
representatives of legal entities concerned with
public services. Article 47 declare that the
community can independently provide awards to the
organizers or implementers who have good service
performance according to their ability or
competence. (Government Regulation on the
Implementation of Law Number 25 the Year 2009
on Public Service, 2012).
As a follow-up to the public involvement policy
in public services, the Ministry of Administrative
Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic
of Indonesia issued various regulations to ensure that
the policy is fully implemented. They are as follows:
First, Regulation of the Ministry of Administrative
Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic
of Indonesia Number 16 the Year 2014 jo Number
14 the Year 2017 on Guidelines for Public
Satisfaction Surveys on Public Service
Implementation of Public Involvement Policy in Public Service: Study on Licensing Service in South Tangerang City
Implementation. The purpose of the regulation is :
(1) Encourages community participation as service
users in assessing the performance of service
providers; (2) Encouraging service providers to
improve the quality of public services; (3)
Encouraging service providers to be more innovative
in organizing public services; (5) Measuring the
tendency of the level of community satisfaction
towards public services. The regulation also require
public service providers to conduct a public
satisfaction survey periodically at least 1 (one) time
per year, as a form of public participation. In line
with the strategic point of public participation in
government, especially in public services in the local
government, the government issued Government
Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45
the Year 2017 on Public Participation in the
implementation of Local Government which
confirms that the role of the community to channel
aspirations, thoughts, and importance in the
administration of regional government. The public
participation can be done in form of public
consultation, delivery of aspirations, public hearing,
work visit, socialization, seminars, workshops and
discussions. (Government Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia on Community Participation
in Local Government Implementation, 2017).
Second, Regulation of the Ministry of
Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 the Year 2017
on Guidelines for Performance Evaluation of Public
Service Provider Unit. In the regulation, the
principle of participation is used in assessing the
performance of public service delivery. The
principle of participation emphasizes the level of
involvement (participation) of the community in
policy making, planning, implementation and
monitoring and evaluation of public services.
Besides that, the regulation also uses community
participation is an indicator of service provider
performance (Regulation of the Minister of
Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform on
Guidelines for Performance Evaluation of Public
Service Provider Unit, 2017).
Third, Regulation of the Ministry of
Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 the Year 2014
on Standard Service Guidelines. In this regulation,
there are several principles that must be used in the
preparation and setting of public service standards,
including the principles of participation. So, in the
preparation and stipulation of public services
standards, it must involve the community and related
parties to discuss together and get alignment on the
basis of commitment to the the results. (Regulation
of the Minister of Administrative Reform and
Bureaucratic Reform on Standards of Service
Guidelines, 2014).
Fourth, Regulation of the Ministry of
Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 the Year 2014
on Guidelines for the Implementation of National
Public Service Complaint Management. The
regulation ensure that public complaints are
important and adequately managed for the
improvement of the public services quality
(Regulation of the Minister of Administrative
Reform and Bureaucracy Reform on Guidelines for
the Implementation of National Public Complaints
Management Complaint, 2014).
Fifth, Regulation of the Ministry of
Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 the Year 2017
on Guidelines for the Implementation of Public
Consultation Forum in the Public Service Provider
Unit. In this regulation, every public service
provider is required to have a media consultation for
the public to discuss their idea, aspiration, need and
their problems (Regulation of the Minister of
Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform on
Guidelines for the Implementation of Public
Consultation Forum in the Public Service Provider
Unit, 2017).
At the level of local government, community
involvement is also regulated in Law Number 23 the
Year 2014 on Regional Government. Article 354
mandates that local governments should encourage
community participation in drafting local
regulations, regional policies and in the delivery of
public services (Law on Regional Government.,
2014). As a follow up of the Law on the Regional
Government, the Government Regulation Number
45 the Year 2017 on Community Participation in
Local Government Implementation. In article 16
reaffirmed that public participation in the delivery of
public services encompasses the whole process of
public service delivery in the administration of local
government (Government Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia on Community Participation
in Local Government Implementation, 2017).
To ensure the public's right to public services,
including the right to participate, under Law Number
37 the Year 2008 there is a state institution called
Ombudsman (Law on the Ombudsman, 2008). The
Ombudsman has the authority to oversee the
delivery of public services, whether administered by
state and government entities (those held by State-
Owned Enterprises, Regional Government
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Enterprises, and State-Owned Legal Entities) or
private entities assigned. The function is to carry out
certain public services which their funds are sourced
from the state revenue and expenditure budget
and/or local budget
The substance of the policy of public involvement in
public service is to build the quality of public service
is prime and world-class. It can be understood
because the essence of quality public services is the
presence of customer or community satisfaction.
Satisfaction of the society is the form if the service
received, in accordance or even exceed the
expectations and needs of the community. To that
end, the community must participate in conveying
their aspirations related to the expectations and
diverse needs. Thus, the organizers and
implementers, really know and can provide services
following the community' expectation and needs.
4.1 Public Involvement in Licensing
Policy Formulation
Public involvement in the formulation of licensing
policies at the local level can be observed from the
process of drafting local regulations (Perda). Under
Law Number 23 the Year 2014 on Regional
Government Article 354 that local governments
should encourage community participation in the
drafting of local regulations and regional policies
that regulate and burden communities in the form of
public consultation. In the context of South
Tangerang City, the licensing policy is regulated in
Perda Number 4 the Year 2014 on the
Implementation of Licensing and Registration of
Industry and Trade (Regional Regulation on the
Implementation of Licensing and Registration of
Industry and Trade, 2014). Of course, ideally, the
drafting of the local regulation should involve the
public at large, so that the public can provide input
and criticism so that the regulation is obtained
following the conditions and needs of the
community. However, the results of the field review
and interviews with the Chairman of Commission II
of DPRD Tangerang Selatan City showed that the
procedures for determining the law in the form of
public discussion and extensive socialization to the
public are constrained by the limited budget so that
only a few involved parties explicitly involved
Although the public is not widely involved in the
formulation of the licensing regulation, as mandated
by Law Number 25 the Year 2009 on Public
Services Article 39 that community participation can
also be started from the preparation of service
standards to evaluation and award. In the preparation
of these service standards, there is room for the
community and business actors to be involved in an
intense and severe deliberation in the stipulation of
service standards. However, in the field, until now in
South Tangerang City there has been no process of
preparing the participatory service standards. Where
the terms and procedures of licensing services
currently applicable and displayed in the online
licensing of SIMPONIE v2.3 DPMPTSP South
Tangerang City 2018, still refers to the Decree of the
Head of Integrated Licensing Services Agency
Number 503 / 335.a-BP2T / 2012 on Standard
Operating Procedures ( SOP) Licensing. The SOP is
prepared unilaterally by a licensing service provider,
without involving the community.
Whereas the existence of public service
standards viewed as a more applicable solution in
involving the community to improve the quality of
public services. Because with this service standard
can be seen legal basis, service requirement, service
procedure, service time, cost and process of
complaint so that service officer understand what
they should do in giving service. The community as
a service user can also know with certainty the rights
and obligations to get service. Service standards can
also help improve the transparency and performance
accountability of a service unit. Thus, the
community can be helped in making a complaint or
demand if not get services under predetermined
From the overall information indicates that the
intensity of community involvement in the
formulation of licensing policy in the low category.
The condition is the results of observation, that the
businessman of micro, small, medium and large
companies in general in every day is always busy
from morning until the afternoon and even there
until night. These conditions, it is difficult for them
to participate directly unless there is a request from
the party who has authority.
Implementation of Public Involvement Policy in Public Service: Study on Licensing Service in South Tangerang City
4.2 Community Involvement in
Overseeing Licensing Services
Law Number 25 the Year 2009 on Public Services
Article 18 regulates the rights of the public in public
services such as the right to supervise the
implementation of service standards and submit
complaints. The right of the public in supervising the
licensing service in South Tangerang City, it seems
that until now it has not been appropriately
implemented. Even the right to submit a complaint,
which can be submitted online in practice many
people are reluctant to deliver. The organizers
especially those who handle complaints, always say
"we are open to the public who want to submit
complaints: directly come to the office meet us, send
a letter, by phone, send an email to The
important thing is the ones who complain and their
addresses are clear so it will ease us".
Formal complaints to the organizers are certainly
demanding the courage of the complainant because
it must include the name and full address. Of course,
people will be worried, if known to complain later
someday take care of permission again, will be
complicated. For that reason, there should be a
forum where people who have complaints can freely
convey to an independent party, such as the
ombudsman. However, generally, the community
has not been aware of the existence of the
ombudsman. Thus, the description indicates that
public involvement in monitoring public service
standards and submitting complaints on licensing
services are very low.
Based on the above description it is clear that the
policy of public involvement in public services,
especially licensing services in South Tangerang
City has not been appropriately implemented. It is
evident from the lack of public involvement in the
formulation of licensing services policy, especially
in the preparation of licensing service standards.
Besides, the community is also not many involved in
supervising the implementation of licensing
services, including in delivering complaints. Public
services, especially licensing services, both in the
formulation of policies and the preparation of
service standards, as well as in supervision and
Therefore, in order for the public involvement
policy in public services to run well, there must be a
firm commitment from the service provider as the
party having the authority and the resources to
implement the government policy consistently.
Besides, a strong commitment must also be owned
by the policymakers to conduct supervision,
guidance, facilitation, as well as giving rewards and
punishments for the policies that have been taken
implemented adequately in the field
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Implementation of Public Involvement Policy in Public Service: Study on Licensing Service in South Tangerang City