Hahslm Equation in Quran Al-Hijr 15.87
Roikhan Mochamad Aziz
State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Quran; Equation; Hahslm; Islam; Science
Abstract: The research aims to found the form Quranic equation that almost able to unite the dimensions of time and
space, but it still needs clear structure and systematics of the concept. Islam in the Quran Surah Al-Hijr [15]:
87 was interpreted as instruments of 7 and Quran. Quranic equation can be synchronized with the symbols
of the root word of Islam. The research data from Quran and real factor in universe. The methodology uses
system approach based on prophecies development and empirical values. The approach of the study is
descriptive analysis with comparative advantages. The conclusion is Quran has equation as H = Ah (SLM)
to be a fundamental pattern of the creation.
The concept of creation is begun by Islam.
Grand Unified Theory and Islam can reconcile
together which means Islam and its science certainly
in accordance with nature and universal values
(Edgar, 2013). So that the center point of the highest
human civilization is Islam. In this study revealed
that science originated from concept of Islam as a
comprehensive system with the approach of Quarnic
language (Arabic hijaiyah) from the root word of
Islam by three consonants, sin, lam, mim. Then
formulated in the function of Islam as H Theory
based on the basic philosophy of ontology in Islam,
epistemology in kaffah, and axiology of two
directions. These function of H Theory can be
explained as the background is Islam with big
picture Kaffah concept which has balance of two
Islamic knowledge must have a foundation of
thought as a theory to be implemented in the field
according to the progress of science at this time.
Synchronization is required between theory
derived by the Quran and the practice in the
simulation or in the modern technology, so it took
the corridors of the high concept from the basic
sciences of Islam itself.
The first element is God, then the second
element is human, and the third element or feedback
is worship, as well as the other two elements are the
path and straight. This formulation of Islam is
derived by the Qur'an Surat A-Hijr [15]: 87.
Islamic Science can be developed in
academics environment by integrated with Al-Quran
and As-Sunnah, and also bring the concept of 3
dimensional elements where first element is God,
second element is nature, and third elements is
religious service. In the future, the integration is
more difficult to be explained in the nano era. The
reason is the modern science has rapid progress in
some aspects. The capability of the scholar will be
more focus and more partial. This will have a group
of scientist to be in right concern and on the other
hand the are a group of scientist that focus in left
research. It will more difficult to have the middle
scholar again. To accomodate the partially effort of
religion and science then the scholar suggest to have
new approach that is reflexivity. This will be the
future concept of reflexivity about Islam and
science. Islamization had been come from scholar
with fiqh approach then current development as
integration is contributed by scholar with modern
approach. In the future there are scholars develop
reflexivity concept with approach of universal
pattern. The differentiation among three theories are:
Islamization to explain science that has relation with
Quran and Hadist, Integration to explain science
with comparison between invention from classical
Islamic scholar and modern contemporary scholar,
and Reflexivity to explain science by showing the
repetitive pattern from Islamic treasure and invented
Case study of the reflexivity approach is
about to analyze the reflexivity of invention such as
Aziz, R.
Hahslm Equation in Quran Al-Hijr 15.87.
DOI: 10.5220/0009937018961903
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1896-1903
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Relativity Theory. History of this theory was spelled
out by Einstein (1905) that founded E=mc
develop theory into relativity. Relativity analyzes
about space and time that have different perspective.
However, since 1400 years ago Islam was already
having an explanation about it and in the 9th century
Allah Swt showed us all the evidence of the miracle
of space and time through the story of Ashabul
Kahf. In this study explained about the equation of
in the theory of reflexivity that shows the
same direction from Quran into empirical study. The
result of this research describes the pattern of
equation E=mc
can be founded in some universal
evidences such as rotation of earth and days of year
for Qauniyah perpective and in Quran for Qauliyah
perspective. The ultimate of H=ah
is invented by
muslim scholar from the exploration of Quran in
spiritual thought, where E=mc2 was invented by non
muslim scholar with physics theory in secular
thought. Allah Swt put the holy proof for people to
think that Allah Swt is Greatnes One that human can
only found the mystery of universe after decades.
Einstein's theory of relativity does a
fundamental redefinition of our understanding of
space and time, which has been rooted for centuries.
Serious thought of space and time, in the context of
modern science, has at least emerged since Newton
discovered laws of mechanics and gravity over three
hundred years ago.
The theory of relativity teaches us (and
quantum theory) to understand the deeper structure
of the workings of the universe, through the laws of
physics. In the 19th century, the phenomenon of
light, as well as electricity and magnetic fields began
to be understood as aspects of the electric field and
magnetic field. Maxwell's equations give a change
relationship in the magnetic field followed by
changes in the electric field, and vice versa.
Maxwell found the solution of electromagnetic
phenomena in the form of electromagnetic waves
that propagate with constant speed.
The physics was born in the nineteenth
century, supported by two great theories namely
Newtonian mechanics laws and Maxwell's
electromagnetic theory; Certainly with the addition
of a series of basic concepts in thermodynamics,
hydrodynamics, optics, and so on. If the physics is
over: the basic principles of nature have been
understood, and which needs to be developed and
then its application to the industrial world,
engineering, technological development. In the same
time, at the beginning of the 20th, the foundations of
two great theories are found: quantum theory and the
theory of relativity. The theory of relativity in a
limited version was developed based on Maxwell's
electromagnetic theory.
Then it was Einstein (1905) who laid the
physical foundations of special relatvity explicitly
and found surprising logical consistencies. During a
period of very incentive weeks between April and
May of 1905, Einstein struggled with the principle
of relativity. Finally, in June 1905, Einstein
formulated it in a paper with a simple title “About
the Electrodynamics of Moving Things”. This paper
alters forever our understanding of space and time,
and ends the controversy about aesther. However,
this problem does not stop there, and Continued to
disturb Einstein until ten years later, until he
formulated the general theory of relativity.
Meanwhile, in the holy book of Muslims, the Qur'an
there are several verses that pertain to the theory of
relativity, one of them in Surah Al-Hajj [22]: 47,
which means, “Surely a day beside your Lord is like
a thousand years from the years You count “.
Special relativity is the theory of space-time
structure. Introduced by Einstein through his work
of 1905, About the Electrodynamics of Moving
Things (for other physicists' contributions see the
History of Special Relativity). Special relativity
indicates that if two observers are in an inert frame
of reference and move at equal speed relative to
other observers, then both observers can not
experiment to determine whether they are moving or
silent. The special theory of relativity rests on
postulates that the speed of light will be equal to all
observers in an inertial frame of reference.
General relativity is the theory of gravity
developed by Einstein in 1907-1915. The
development of general relativity begins with the
principle of equivalence, in which the state of
motion is accelerated and dwells on a gravitational
field (eg, when located on the surface of the earth)
that is physically identical. The result is free fall is
the inertia motion: the falling object will fall because
that is how the object moves when no force is
applied to it, not by gravity as in the case of classical
mechanics. Then this is incompatible with classical
mechanics and special relativity because in theory
these inertia-moving objects cannot accelerate
against each other, but objects that fall freely can. To
solve this problem, Einstein proposed that space-
time is curvature.
Hahslm Equation in Quran Al-Hijr 15.87
Doubts scientists to ensure there is one
theory that capable of being single theory to explain
all existing theories, give an encouraging other
inventors around the world to bring up their theory
respectively. There are many scientist comes up
from different perspective such as mathematics,
sciences, economics, socials, religions, and other
Theory H has been defined as (narrow) the
archetype of dominant three theory in typical context
with five dimensional array invariance. And (broad:
most common usage) the basic concept theory of
creation pattern in a certain relationship. H derived
from Hahslm equation, stands for Huda, or Quran
surah Hijr. H’ or Big H In Indonesia, the name of H’
was reserved for the Guidance Human of high or
noble rank. The “H” prefix can reasonably be taken
as meaning someting to be guided, in the sense of
“of the guidance of ...”.
Modern science in the early 20th century
AD was amazed by the discovery of a German
scientist that published a special relativity theory in
1905. One decade later, Einstein Who was asked by
Time Magazine as a figure of the XX century
sparked the theory of general relativity (general
relativity theory).
The theory of relativity was formulated as E
= mc
. The formula of such a popular theory of
relativity suggests that the speed of light is constant.
The special theory of relativity that Einstein relates
to matter and light travels at incredibly high speeds.
Whereas, the general theory of relativity
states, any mass object causes spacetime around it to
bend (geodetic wrap effect). Through both the
theory of relativity Einstein explains that
electromagnetic waves do not correspond to the
Newtonian movement theory. Electromagnetic
waves are proved to be moving at a constant speed,
unaffected by the observer.
The crux of both theories states that two
observers moving relative to each will get different
time and space interval for the same event. Even so,
the contents of physical law will look the same by
both. With the discovery of the theory of relativity,
man can explain the properties of matter and the
structure of the universe.
The theory of relativity is a revolution of
mathematics and physics. Indeed, 1,100 years before
Einstein sparked the theory of relativity, Muslim
scientists in the 9th century AD have laid the
foundations of the theory of relativity. Is a scientist
and philosopher of the legendary Al-Kindi who
sparked the theory.
It is not surprising that a great scientist of
Al-Kindi had sparked the theory in the 9th century
AD Moreover, the 801-year-old Kufah-born scientist
must have mastered the holy book of the Qur'an.
For, no doubt if the verses of the Qur'an contain
absolute knowledge and always be the key to the
mystery covering the universe of this universe.
Adam and van Loon point out that
reflexivity as self-confrontation is to mean anything
in this context it is not a confrontation between two
sets of calculations, and also reflexivity in this
context requires us to compare that is looking back
upon that which allows us to reflect in the first place
In Islam, sciences values came from Quran
and Hadits in the form of universal principles. While
other knowledge system only focused at causality
and positive in a laboratory activity, Islam preferred
to have ethics and values which is implied in theory
activity. These values always constitute in every
single Islamic environment.
The big picture of Islamic Science is based
on kaffah thinking, which can be labelled as
everything sciences, while Stephen Hawking
proposed the theory of everything. The appearance
of this everything sciences concept represent the
beginning of whole life system.
The ontology of Kaffah concept is Islam.
This can be conjunction with existing life system in
human being, environment, and universe. All
creations by God could be pointed as the form of
The word of Islam has root word from 3
initial letters and 1 letter which are alphabet ‘a’ or
alif in Arabic , ‘s’ or sin in Arabic , alphabet ‘l’
or lam , and alphabet ‘m’ or mim in Arabic .
There is sentence in Holy Book from Moslem,
Quran, as a ultimate source the meaning of ontology
for Islam, that is QS. Ali Imran [3]: verses 19.
Really, the system beside Allah is Islam.
The new concept can be made a Scientific
Method if it has fundamental of knowledge
according to basic science. One of requisite in
philosophy study is epistemology. Epistemology is
philosophy branch which study exhaustively the
whole process to obtain science. Epistemology
studied about knowledge philosophy which is
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
related to origin of science, how to get knowledge,
and validity of thinking.
Islam can be meant as a system with
holistic approach, comprehensive view, and Kaffah
perspective. Then Islam as a system becomes the
root of concept to integrate in science concept which
called Kaffah.
Kaffah Science emerges in epistemology
based on the argument that all concept of basic life
is Islam which is considered as a system. This
epistemology can be found in a sentence of Quran
Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: verses 208:
To religious people enter all of you into Islam by
Studying about epistemology is not enough,
without describing its axiology. In consequence of
Islamic epistemology, there has to involve a picture
of axiology. Analysis in Science Of Islam for
axiology explains about know how in values and
benefit of the knowledge. Human being will not
conduct something without involving factor of
advantages and disadvantages.
Function of epistemology in Kaffah Science
made axiology in the form of equilibrium for human
real life. Begin with ontology as Islam for the
fundamental of life, then epistemology as Kaffah for
science, and then axiology in the form of application
of knowledge such as good and bad for balance.
In this axiology relation has 2 matters
representing good and bad. The existence of Islam
can be done by Kaffah concept. The equilibrium
between well and ugly can be read in QS. Saba [34]:
verses 28 which expressed 2 matters that is "carrier
of good news and giver of commemoration”.
We have not sent thee but as a (Messenger)
to all mankind, giving then glad tidings, and warning
Science of Everything based on above 3
science philosophy framework. First, ontology made
Islam as basic thinking. Second, Kaffah
epistemology of Kaffah represented value of
science. Third, axiology performed the balance in
regard to good and bad.
From this three frameworks, it can be built
new paradigm that is Scientific Method of Islam.
This methodology can be referred to Quran with
words ‘Silmi Kâffah', with interpretation the word '
silmi' is derived from letters of sin lam mim
, and
sinlammim is a root of Islam.
Scientific method of Sinlammim represents
one of the solutions to break the stagnation of new
science in order to solve some elementary problems.
This approach has effort to integrate between the
science and religion. Sinlammim is important to
become a counter balance in overcome basic
question of science. This new paradigm in line with
growth of human latest knowledge which already
need to look for a middle course of problems in
existing science by having new way theory related to
spiritual. From time to time human being wishes
better civilization and can answer the basic question
of life. One of the example how the methodology of
Hahslm is very simple can be seen on human hand.
Definition of H Theory according to
Roikhan (2015) are:
1. Narrowly, H Theory is defined as the theory of
archetype by the dominant of three elements in
a particular context at five-dimensional
invariant arrangement.
2. Widely, for the most common use H Theory
can be interpreted as a theory of the basic
concepts in creation pattern with a certain
relationship. H derived from the formula of
Hahslm, quran letter of Hijr, also stands for
Huda or Holy.
And the meaning of H Theory:
1. A complete set of systems / holistic /
integrated part that consist of three main
elements, primary (creator / intermediary),
secondary (creation / receiver), tertiary
(worship / transmitter).
2. These three elements will meet the
statement that the primary is the highest
and secondary is below, and do it tertiary
(God created human to worship).
To know the philosophy of H Theory, it is
necessary to deep understand about ontology that
has been associated with Islam, both literally and
meaning. Further development in epistemology that
Hahslm Equation in Quran Al-Hijr 15.87
Islamic institutions has Kaffah is presenting new
terminology into a more comprehensive approach. In
general philosophical H Theory can be sentenced
sequentially: the background of H Theory is Islamic
values with the comprehensiveness concept through
a balanced way to embody the meaning of worship
in life.
This is in accordance with the Quran that
reads 'silmi kaffah’ with the explanation that the
word 'silmi' is a derivation of the letter sin lam mim.
The word root of sinlammim in general is one
solution to penetrate the development of the concept
in order to solve the fundamental problems. It was
felt the need for a better method to be a balance in
addressing the limitations of the methodology in the
study of Islam.
Figure 1 Posts Islam In The Human Hand
Source: Aziz, 2006
It is also in line with the current
development of civilization that it deems necessary
to find a bridge ground on the issue of existing
civilization institutions by switching to matters
which related to the spiritual. In the near future,
human ask for more better idea, sharper and able to
answer all aspects. This will be the impetus of proof
that the H Theory is also includes the search for
identity regaridng the simplest of Islamic knowledge
which started from a human hand.
Figure 2 Thinking Kaffah In Islam
Source: Aziz, 2010
The figure of kaffah thinking in Islam
above means that a comprehensive system must be
worth of Islam, so that a kaffah system will consist
of 3 main parts: God, Nature, and Worship. These 3
variables will metamorphosis into particular context
of the focus topic. But the basic idea of a system or
sub-system intact, it must consist of 3 things. H
Theory approach can be developed in life such as
actions institutional development. By changing the
first element of the God to action macro elements,
then the second element is nature which can be
converted into a an action micro element, and third
element is feedback can be converted into worship
then transformed into action opportunities in life.
Basic word that consists of 4 letters (3
letters + 1 letter) became the main root word to form
the word of Islam. Then this basic word will be
written in a simple equation to proof about Islam
equal to alif sinlammim.
Function 1
Islam = Alif (Sin, Lam, Mim)
Where, Islam = I, Alif = A, Sin = S, Lam = L, Mim
= M.
I = A (S, L, M) ...................................... (1)
Now from the word Islam that equation has 4
variables: alif, sin, lam, mim. These 4 variables will
be used as benchmarks for the development of other
formulas. There are verses in the Qur'an Surah Al-
Hijr [15]: 87:
"And I gave you 7 repeated and Quran the deep"
(Q.S. Al-Hijr [15]: 87).
From H Theory above, the formula
obtained the dimensions of time and space.
Implicitly Allah mentions 7 is repeated, then human
civilization interprets that after 14 centuries later as
a symbol of the time dimension from arguing the
word of matsani or repeated. While the Quran is
symbolized as dimension of space that divided into 4
forces, it is interpreted from word of azhiim or deep
meaningful space. In the science, the dimensions of
space has been divided into four forces.
According Roikhan (2015) from verse
15.87, the theory obtained two main variables, 7
(Seven) and the Qur'an. Seven (7) is regarded as an
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
absolute variable, and the Quran can be factorization
into 2,3,1,9. In multiply function, the result of
2x3x19 is 114. So the formula get five numbers,
7,2,3,1,9. To make it easier to be read in a formula,
the numbers are converted into letter. In the above
table can be seen 7 to A (Alif), 2 to h (Hanif), 3 to S
(Sin), 1 to L (Lam) and 9 to M (Mim) the finally get
AhSLM formula. To make an equation, it requires
the dependent variable, the variable is H (Ha). Ha
derived from the number 4. The number 4 is derived
from the sum of independet variables: 2 + 3 + 7 + 1
+ 9 = 22. And 22 can be digital root into 2 + 2 = 4.
Finally, there was an equation that H = Ah (S, L, M).
This formula can be read as an everyday life, for
example H is life then A reflects the corridor or
boundary in the community, h reflect the balance of
circumstances, S reflects the relationship with
human and surrounding, L reflects the relationship
with the creator of universe, and M reflect the
intangible relationship or natural chain. Variable M
is elusive in life.
The differentiation approach between the
existing formula with the formula refers to scripture
is the weighting factor. In the conventional
approach, results category will be emphasized in the
form of tangible or physical value that more visible.
While the religious approach will emphasize the
intangible or more than a physical perspective which
also include the value of religiosity or worship. Even
if these 2 approaches are aligned, there will look the
same formula, but when implementation occurs then
there will be deviation in results interpretation.
Scientific secular will underlie the data segment
implementable, or empirical. While Islamic scholars
will continue to enter not only empirical but also the
amount of religiosity or intangible value.
The research of technology more
thoroughly to own up until nano technologies which
build a science more better and more precise based
on the scriptures the Quran. If it reaches the very
high formula and very sharp, it is very easy to
recognize the mistake, when there is a little
difference among formula. So, if there is a formula
which is more better and more precisely, then God
has promised to give more easier and more accurate
to get another invention.
Hahslm Theory can be benchmarked with
theory in Physics, there are 3 important variables,
space, time and motion. Time is represented by God
that the ultimate dimension. Time is the enforcer of
life as God, the support for all its creatures. In the
theory of Physics: time is closed to God think. Space
is considered very important and it can be
symbolized to sun. Space includes land space, sea
space, and air space. Space is the place for all living
things, a place to direct people to worship God. Last
variable is motion where the entire universe moves
like the earth that surrounds the sun.
The exposure of 3 important variables time
is described as the spine that sustains human life.
Time keeps spinning as time goes by. Muslims are
obliged to always use the best time possible to
practice worship. Spinning earth spinning the sun.
This rotation slowly continues to slow because of
the influence of the moon's gravity. In addition, the
moon and the sun also have movements, the moon is
identical to the night, at night, the illuminating is the
moon, although dark, there is still light that will
illuminate like a candle. Candles can provide light in
the room.
More than 70% of the earth's surface is
covered by water, and the remainder consists of
continents and islands with many lakes and water
sources. Water flowing of course used a lot of
people for life. Water is used for cooking, drinking,
washing, to perform ablution solat. With the clean
water to meet the needs of the community, the
community has a healthy body, thus making the
community more productive in carrying out daily
life. As a productive human being, must perform
useful activities such as studying in college.
The universe is indeed filled with mystery.
All that exists in this world is the work of God. And
the key of all this is already in the Qur'an. In
everyday life, the symptoms of time dilation can not
be observed. This is because we move at a much
smaller speed than the speed of light. Supersonic
aircraft alone are only 3 or 4 times the speed of
sound, which is 1 km / second.To observe the
symptoms of time dilatation well required observer
who has a reference speed U, which approaches the
speed of light C is 300,000 km / sec.
The Qur'an has carved the science of
Relativity in Surat al-Kahf. In the surah is told 3
pious young men who avoid the polytheism of his
people that time. They hide in the cave, pray and
bermunajat to his Rabb. This can be proven by
analysis through modern physics, Einstein's theory
of relativity. “If an object, a living thing or anything
that moves at a certain speed (near the speed of
light), then the object will experience time dilation
and long contraction).
In Islamic evidence, the approach of existing
era has a very strong basic to define two-
Hahslm Equation in Quran Al-Hijr 15.87
dimensional concept and no basis at all to explain
the origin of 3 (three) dimensions. Islam has a very
strong reason to explain the 3 (three) dimensions and
as the property that belongs to Islam. And the
evidence of structures 2 from conventional concept
and structures 3 from Islamic concept is very strong,
and it is absolute to distinguish between the secular
and Islamic view.
The differentiation approach between the
existing formula with the formula refers to scripture
is the weighting factor. In the conventional
approach, results category will be emphasized in the
form of tangible or physical value that more visible.
While the religious approach will emphasize the
intangible or more than a physical perspective which
also include the value of religiosity or worship. Even
if these 2 approaches are aligned, there will look the
same formula, but when implementation occurs then
there will be deviation in results interpretation.
Scientific secular will underlie the data segment
implementable, or empirical. While Islamic scholars
will continue to enter not only empirical but also the
amount of religiosity or intangible value.
The research of technology more
thoroughly to own up until nano technologies which
build a science more better and more precise based
on the scriptures the Quran. If it reaches the very
high formula and very sharp, it is very easy to
recognize the mistake, when there is a little
difference among formula. So, if there is a formula
which is more better and more precisely, then God
has promised to give more easier and more accurate
to get another invention.
4.1 Conclusions
The results of this study with the formula of
Al-Quran, especially Al-Hijr [15]: 87 yields the
equation that creation consists of time and space that
is H = Ah (S, L, M) which also corresponds to the
conventional formula which states that there are
dimension of time and space which consists of four
forces. So the equation of conventional and Islam
will make new era that H Theory as a new
benchmark in better science and more appropriate,
because it derived from the holy book the Quran
itself which is the word of Allah as the creator of
this universe.
Technically formula, the differentiation of
Islamic H Theory is at variable of worship where in
conventioanl theory it symbolized with gravity
force. In the empirical findings, the data represented
by gravity in tangible value, while the value of
worship represented in intangible value.
This modeling will be new nano-
technology approach in the future due to its accuracy
derived from the formula of God to be able to bridge
the complexity of science which will be achieved by
humans. So the purpose of this study is to provide a
theoretical basis in the form of functions that can be
used as a resultance point for the complexity of
current knowledge but still refers to the holy book,
as well as universal values given by Allah SWT.
4.2 Theoretical Implications
H Theory has become the new benchmark
in Islamic science that inspired by the Quran. The
theoretical implications of this new theory would
add to the treasures of the theoretical basis for the
sicence development. So that the references of
current science not only the hard core theory of
western theories or conventional theory, but also can
refer to Islamic theory as the H Theory.
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Hahslm Equation in Quran Al-Hijr 15.87