Correlations between Socio-economic Background and Motivation
Learning with Student Learning Outcomeson Field Study Arabic
Nur Fadli Hazhar Fachrial
, Madian Muchlish
and Aziz Fachrurrozi
Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia
State Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Socio-Economic Background, Motivation Learning, Student Learning Outcomes
Abstract: Socio-economic background is something underlying conditions that describe the status, income, and
education levels of the family in society based on the economic conditions of life or property. Motivation to
learn is the tendency of students to achieve academic activities meaningful and beneficial and try to profit
from the activity. Students who have the motivation to learn will heed the lessons delivered, read the material
so that it can understand and use specific learning strategies that support. Student learning outcomes are
changes in student behavior as a result of learning which includes cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. This
study aimed to determine the correlation between socio-economic background and motivation to learn
together with the student learning outcomes in the field of study of Arabic at Government Elementary School
Mampang Prapatan Jakarta. The population in this study were 183 students, the samples are 46 students or
25%. Sampling was done by random. This study using inferential analysis, the correlation analysis. Before
the correlation analysis, first performed normality test, homogeneity and linearity test. Research results found
that there is a significant correlation between socio-economic background and learning motivation with
student learning outcomes.
National education aims elaborated students'
potentials to become a man of faith and fear of God
Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled,
creative, independent, and become citizens of a
democratic and responsible in order to achieve the life
of the nation. Likewise, the national education serves
to develop the ability and character development and
civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of
educating the nation (Department of Education,
There are at least three requirements that must be
considered in the development of education in order
to contribute to improving the quality of human
resources, namely: means of building, quality books,
teachers and educational staff professional.
One of the causes of underdevelopment and the
deterioration of education in Indonesia is the absence
of a strategic vision that puts education as a leading
sector. Society respective political elites consider
education as a complement to the sector in national
development strategies. It can be seen from the low
government spending on education and society.
Government spending on education amounted to 9%
of PDB, while public expenditure for field educators
by 1.7%, lower than Vietnam
at 2.7%. Philippines 2.2%, Singapore 3%,
Thailand 4.2%, and Malaysia amounted to 5.3%,
which comes out on top in terms spending funds by
communities in the ASEAN region (Wibawa, 2005).
Deterioration of education in Indonesia is not just
happening in schools that are under the auspices of
the Ministry of National Education, but also occurs in
schools under the auspices of the Ministry of
Religious Affairs, better known by the name of
madrasah (school). This fact is reflected in the lack
readiness and lack of ability stakeholders, educators
and education personnel who are in madrasah
(school) to compete and compete in a healthy and
competitive with teachers and education staff who are
in public schools, both in improving the quality and
capacity as professional educators and certified by an
accredited college.
To address the deterioration of education in
Indonesia need to restructure the education system as
a whole, especially with regard to the quality of
education, as well as its relevance to the needs of
Hazhar Fachrial, N., Muchlish, M. and Fachrurrozi, A.
Correlations between Socio-economic Background and Motivation Learning with Student Learning Outcomes on Field Study Arabic.
DOI: 10.5220/0009941922832292
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2283-2292
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
society and the world of work, education
management, decentralization of education, quality
standards, investments in education, technology for
education and training of teachers and lecturers
conducted continuously so as to produce educators
who are creative, professional, and fun, so as to create
a conducive learning environment, learning
environment that challenges and is able to provide
learning with fun, as if they were the streets in places
of recreation, and they garda forefront of the
advancement of this nation, in the hope they could be
role models as well as the heroes of Indonesia such as
education; Ki Hajar Dewantara, Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo, and Dr. Douwes Dekker, they
pioneered national education by establishing Taman
Siswa in 1922, and gradually increase the
understanding, awareness and intelligence of
Indonesian society, so that it becomes an independent
nation, and sovereign as it is today (Mulyasa, 2008).
The success or failure of education, basically can
be seen from the achievements of learners who have
participated in the educational or instructional
teaching and learning process has taken place.
Changes are expected to be a change in behavior or
achievement of learning, thinking skills and attitudes
that can be used to achieve a more decent life.
However, educational efforts do not always produce
the desired achievement, can sometimes be managed
satisfactorily sometimes because there is a failure.
Factors of success and failure of students in
achieving a learning achievement, depending on
several factors including; Internal factors eksternal
school and school factors such as community and
family life. In the family, children receive informal
education, when children live in a family
environment that is harmonious, caring, affection,
then this affluent economy will grow at a steady
pattern of personality. Conversely if the economy of
the parents is insufficient premises good, full of
contention, not pleasant home atmosphere, parental
control is lacking, lack of motivation to learn from
themselves and their parents, it could hamper the
achievement of which will be achieved by students.
Basically the responsibility of parents in
educating children to get a good education is very
heavy, because it costs relatively little cost. Each
individual involved in the learning process must pay
necessary. Education costs that may include matters
relating to the primary needs, such as textbooks, and
the secondary needs such as bags, shoes and other
tertiary needs such as private and courses.
Student learning outcomes than specified by
socio-economic background, is also determined by
the students' motivation to succes. From this sense as
well known there are differences in learning
activities, suspected to be due to a difference in the
interest, motivation and patterns of use of time in
learning activities in addition to possible cognitive
background of students.
In learning activities, especially in the field of
Arabic studies the amount of encouragement or
motivation to learn each student must be different,
there are highly motivated and there that have low
motivation. Motivation someone has two
components, namely component in the (inner
component) and external components (outer
component). Components inside is a change in the
person, the circumstances are not satisfied, and
psychological tension. External components is what a
person wants, the goal to which his behavior.
One's motivation is influenced by two factors: the
factors of the (internal) da factors outside (external).
Factors of the inside can be caused by the individual's
ability to achieve an optimal result and a passion for
travel. External factors can be caused by many things,
for example encouragement from parents, friends and
The success or failure of students is determined by
many factors, among others, teachers, curriculum,
facilities and infrastructure, administration and
students' motivation and their socio-economic
background. Therefore, the role of teacher let
functioned as possible, let the teacher is able to
become educators, teachers, counselors, coaches,
advisors. reformer, a model and example, private
investigators, driving creativity, actors, routine,
storyteller, emansivator, evaluators, preservatives
and kulminator good.
Arabic is the field of study is one of the
characteristics of the madrasas both from primary
school level to aliyah. But unfortunately Arabic
lessons have not been able to attract the attention of
students, parents, and community. This can be seen
from the lack of motivation, interest in students so
that student learning outcomes in the field of Arabic
studies unsatisfactory. Presumably it is still necessary
to hold studies to get the answer. Therefore, in this
study will be disclosed if there is a correlation
between socio-economic background and motivation
to learn with the learning outcomes of students in the
field of Arabic studies at the Madrasah Mampang
Prapatan Jakarta.
The problems of this study can be formulated,
namely; whether there is a correlation between socio-
economic backgrounds with student learning
outcomes?, whether there is a correlation between
learning motivation and learning outcomes of
students?, and whether there is a correlation between
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
socio-economic background and motivation to learn
together with the results of student learning?
2.1 Socio-economic Background
Socio-economic status is a level that is owned by a
person based on the ability to meet the needs of alive
daily income or earned income so as to have a role in
a person's social status in the structure of society.
Income or job can also determine the level of a
person's status (Thamrin, 1986). According
Bunyamin (1995) that a person's socio-economic
status can be viewed in terms of income, wealth and
According to Arifin (1999) that socioeconomic
status affects the index of student learning outcomes,
so that the socio-economic situation has something to
do with the intelligence of children, so that in general,
children who are good at learning from affluent
families are indicated by coefficient. Socio-economic
situation the family has a role in the development of
children. For example, children whose parents earn
enough (their socio-economic enough), then the
children get more opportunities to develop a variety
of skills, and vice versa.
Placement of a person in a certain socio-economic
layers of the discussion of social stratification that
includes three dimensions, namely: first; the
dimensions of richness, second; power dimension, the
third dimension and prestige. The third dimension of
its own social formation. Dimensions wealth
formation called social class dimension and the
dimension of power formed parties formed prestige
status (Elly et al.2009).
Their socio-economic levels in society, caused by
the differences in status among the community. To
determine the socio-economic stratification in society
can be seen through three methods: first; objective
method, that stratification is determined based on
objective criteria including the amount of income,
long or high education, type of job, the second;
Subjective methods, ie social groups defined in the
eyes of community members assess themselves in the
hierarchy of life in society, third; methods reputation,
namely the social classes were defined based on how
members of the public to put each in the social
stratification of society that (Gordon, 1987).
Strata or socio-economic levels of a family in its
existence in the mindset of society can be broadly
classified into three classes, namely; 1) upscale, 2)
middle class and 3) lower class (Nasution, 1994). A
Greek philosophers argued that society in a country
divided into three groups, namely; the rich, the poor
and those who are in the middle. Meanwhile,
according to Sorokin that the system of society that
society is fixed and common traits in each community
lives on a regular basis (Arifin, 1999).
Criteria for low and high socio-economic status of
a person, is, among others, can be seen from the
manner and place his home, family income and
family welfare criteria. As a result of the observation
that the achievements of children from families with
low socioeconomic status at the end of first grade is
higher than the achievement of children whose
families had a higher socio-economic status (Ahmadi,
Based on these explanations can be noted that the
socio-economic background is something underlying
conditions that describe the status, income, and
education levels of a person or family in the
community based on the conditions of economic life
or property.
2.2 Motivation
Motivation is an impulse contained within the
individual to try to establish behavioral changes that
better meet their needs. According to Good and
Brophy that motivation is a hypothetical construct
used to explain the initiative, direction intensity and
persistence of goal-directed behavior. The concept
was classified in; needs, achievement, need for
affiliation, incentives, customs / habits, a discrepancy
/ discrepancies and curiosity / curiosity
(Atmowidjoyo, 2009).
According to the congregation (2007) that
motivation is a strength (power) or power (force) or
power (energy), or a state complex (a complex state)
and a readiness (prepatory set) within the individual
(organism) to move (to move, motion, motive) toward
specific goals, either consciously or unconsciously.
Motivation as a state contained in the one who
encouraged him to perform certain activities in order
to achievement of a goal (Suryabrata, 2005).
Meanwhile motivated by Gates is
physicologies condition and psychological contained
in a person who set her act a certain way. Greenberg
suggested that the motivation is the generation
process, directing and stabilizing behavior toward a
goal (Djaali, 2008).
In another explanation, motivation is a
psychological state that stimulate and give direction
to human activity (Ramayulis, 2002). Motivation is
the strength of the individual that moves people to act.
This motivation can be divided into impulse and
Correlations between Socio-economic Background and Motivation Learning with Student Learning Outcomes on Field Study Arabic
needs and also be divided into two types of reward
and punishment (Ahmadi, 2004). According
Gleitman (1986) and Reber (1988) motivation is the
internal state of both human and animal organisms
that prompted him to do something. In this sense the
motivation means the power supply (energizer) to
behave directionally (Shah, 2006).
Hamalik (2009) explained that there are two
principles that can be used to see the motivation,
namely; first; motivation is seen as a process.
Knowledge of this process will help to explain the
observed behavior and to predict the behavior-
behavior on someone else, and secondly; determines
the character of this process to see clues of his
behavior. Do the instructions to be believed, can be
seen usefulness in predicting and explaining the
behavior of others. Mc Donald suggested that the
motivation is the energy change in the individual
person who is marked by the emergence of feelings
and reactions to achieve the goal (Sardiman, 2007).
Factors which influence or determine motivation
by Klinger (1991) among others, include; 1) the
interests and needs of the individual. If the interest
and needs of physical, spiritual and social children are
met, then the learning motivation will appear, 2)
perception of the difficulty of the tasks. When the
children saw the difficulties the lesson was not too
heavy, but challenging enough, then the motivation to
learn they will occur and 3) any hope of success,
expectations are generally arises because the child
was often successful (Pidarta, 2007).
The theory of motivation often mentioned by
experts, but in general can be categorized to two,
namely 1) the theory of the content (content) that
focus on the needs and goals of interest, and 2) the
theory of the process, which is a lot to do with how
people behave and why it behaves with certain way.
While the study is the difference between humans
and other creatures. Humans are the first to be given
the glory of God to learn and learn what is around. It
is described in the Qur'an surat al-Baqarah verse 30,
which means; and he taught Adam the names
(objects) entirely. Then bring it to the angels and said;
please say me the names of these if you are truthful
people are correct.
Learning by Lester D. Crow and Alice Crow is the
individual changes in habits, knowledge and attitudes
(Kunandar, 2007). Cronbach explained that learning
is a change in behavior as a result of experience
(Sardiman, 2007). Learning is a relatively permanent
change in behavior that a trend is the result of
strengthening exercises and strengthening that which
is the cause of these changes (Tafsir, 2007).
Hilghard and Bower (1975) suggested that
learning associated with changes in a person's
behavior to something that changes are application-
specific situations by repeated experiences in that
situation. Gagne (1977) explains that the motivation
is occurs when a stimulus situation along with the
contents of memory affect students such that his
actions (performancenya) change of time before he
experienced the situation to the period after he
experienced that situation.
Learning is to change the behavior of students can
not be able to, from not understand being understood,
and the task of the teacher is to control stimulus and
the learning environment that changes closer to the
desired goal, and teachers giver of reward or
punishment for the students, which is a gift given to
students who have been able showed significant
changes, while the punishment given to students who
do not show significant changes. Therefore, the flow
of behaviorism laying reinforcement processes in the
position it is important for students to achieve the
desired changes (Rosyada, 2007).
While the motivation to learn by Brophy (2004)
prefers a cognitive response, namely the tendency of
students to achieve academic activities meaningful
and beneficial and try to profit from the activity.
Students who have the motivation to learn will heed
the lessons delivered, read the material so that it can
understand and use specific learning strategies that
support. In addition, students also have an intense
involvement in the learning activity, high curiosity,
search for materials related to understanding a topic,
and accomplish a given task. Students who have the
motivation to learn will depend on whether these
activities have content that is interesting or enjoyable
process. In essence, involves learning motivation and
learning goals and strategies related to achieving the
learning objectives
There are two aspects of learning motivation
theory proposed by Santrock (2007), namely: 1)
Extrinsic motivation, is to do something to get
something else (how to achieve the goal). Extrinsic
motivation is often influenced by external incentives
such as rewards and punishments. For example, a
student studying hard in the exam to get good grades.
There are two uses of the gift, that as an incentive to
want to do the work, where the objective is to control
the behavior of students, and contains information
about mastery, and 2) Intrinsic motivation, ie internal
motivation to do something for the thing itself (an end
in itself). For example, students studying for the exam
because he delighted in subjects tested it. Pupils are
motivated to learn when they are given a choice,
happy face challenges that suit their abilities, and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
rewarded that contain informational value but is not
used to control, for example, the teacher gives praise
to the students.
According to Brophy (2004), there are five factors
that can influence the motivation to student learn,
namely: 1) Expectations of teachers, 2) direct
instructions, 3) Feedback (feedback) is a proper 4)
Strengthening and prizes and 5) Penalties. Sardiman
(2000) states that the form and manner that can be
used to motivate their learning activities are: 1)
Provision of numbers, this is because many students
study with the primary objective is to achieve a rate /
value, 2) Competition / competition, 3) Ego-
involvement, which is to raise awareness to the
students to feel the importance of the task and take it
as a challenge to work hard at the risk of self-esteem,
4) Giving replications, it is because the students will
be keen to learn if you know there will be a replay, 5)
notify the results, it will encourage the students to
study harder, especially if progress is made, and 6)
Praise, if there are students who successfully
complete the task well, it is a form of positive
2.3 Learning Outcomes
Results of learning a thing that can be viewed from
two sides, namely from the students and teachers.
From the student side, learning outcomes is the
mental development rate are better than in prior
learning. The level of mental development is realized
on the types of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
In terms of teachers, the results of the current study is
the completion of study materials (Dimyati and
Mudjiono, 1999).
According Hamalik (2006) of learning outcomes
is that if someone has learned there will be changes in
the person's behavior, for example, from not knowing
to knowing, and of not understanding be understood.
Nana Sudjana (2009) defines the learning outcomes
of students is essentially a change in behavior as a
result of learning in a broader sense include the areas
of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
Indicators based on Taxonomi Bloom of learning
outcomes, covering three domains categories,
namely: 1) The sphere of cognitive, intellectual
learning with respect to the results of six aspects,
namely: a) knowledge, b) understanding. c)
Implementation, d) Analysis, e) Synthesis, f)
Evaluation, 2) affective sphere, with regard to
attitudes and values. Affective domain includes five
levels of ability, namely: a) Receiving b) Answer /
Reaction, c). Assessing the Organization, d)
characteristic with a value, e) Complex Values and 3)
psychomotor sphere, including: a) motor skills, b)
manipulation of objects, and c) neuromuscular
coordination (connect, stalking).
Results of study as one of the indicators of
achievement of learning objectives in the classroom
can not be separated from the factors that affect the
outcome of the learning itself. Sugihartono, et al.
(2007), mentions the factors that affect learning
outcomes, as follows: a) Internal factors are factors
that exist in individuals who are learning. Internal
factors include: physical factors and psychological
factors and b) External factors are factors that exist
outside the individual. External factors include:
family factors, school factors, and community factors.
While Arabic is the language of the Arabs and
Islam religious language (Ibrahim, tt). According to
al-Ghalayain (1987) Arabic is the sentence delivered
by the Arabs to submit their purposes. Position Arabic
can be used as the language of religion, language and
an international language of science.
2.4 Theoretical Framework
The correlation between socio-economic background
and motivation to learn together with the student
learning outcomes, can be described by a theoretical
framework that is:
Figure 1: Theoretical framework.
3.1 Variables
This research there are two independent variables,
namely socio-economic background and student
motivation, as well as the dependent variable that
student learning outcomes in the field of Arabic
3.2 Method
This study used survey method by using correlation
analysis techniques. While the design of this research
using descriptive method, a method in researching the
status of human groups, an object, a situation the
conditions, a system of thought or an event in the
Correlations between Socio-economic Background and Motivation Learning with Student Learning Outcomes on Field Study Arabic
present with the aim to create a description, picture or
painting in a systematic, factual and accurate with
facts , the properties and the relationship between the
phenomenon investigated.
Methods of correlation analysis in this study. is
intended to give an overview and simultaneously
investigate the relationships between variables
namely; socio-economic backgrounds to learning
outcomes, learning motivation and learning
outcomes, and socio-economic background and
motivation to learn together with the results of student
3.3 Samples
The study population was Islamic Elementary School
sixth grade students in Mampang Prapatan Jakarta
2009/2010 academic year as many as 183 students.
Samples taken from a population of 183 are as many
as 46 students or 25%. Sampling was conducted in a
random way.
3.4 Data Collection
Collecting data in this research use, namely;
questionnaire, the research data obtained by filling a
question or statement submitted in writing to the
respondents sampled this study with the aim to get an
answer or response from the respondents and the
information required by the researcher. Observation
is by observing or investigating directly to the
location of the study, in order to obtain an overview
of the socio-economic conditions of students and the
learning process in schools studied. The interview, by
doing question and answer directly to the parties, with
the aim to obtain a description and explanation of the
learning process of the students who were in school
were studied. Literature, by studying the theories of
books, journals, internet and magazines related to
socio-economic background variables, the motivation
and student learning outcomes.
3.5 Instrument
This research there are two independent variables,
namely socio-economic background and motivation
to learn, and the dependent variable is the result of
learning. To get the data in this study, the instrument
used is a Likert scale to make some points about
questions or statements related to the concept which
is measured through indicators each variable research
that has been determined, then given to the
respondent to get an answer by selecting the 5
alternatives answer, namely; always, often,
sometimes, rarely and never. Selection of correct
answers were considered by the respondents, it is
given a checklist and mark with a mark ().
3.6 Data Analysis
In this study the data that has been obtained is
processed by techniques inferential analysis
(hypothesis testing) with a correlation analysis.
Before carrying out the correlation analysis, first
tested for normality using Liliefort test, homogeneity
test using Barlett test and linearity test using Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA).
Operationally data analysis techniques used in
this study are as follows:
a. Univariant analysis, this analysis is used to
describe each variable in order to determine the
data, which is the average, median, mode, and
standard deviation.
b. Simple and multiple correlation analysis, this
analysis is used to determine the presence or
absence of ties between the independent
variables with the dependent variable, while the
levels of relationship is expressed in the form of
the correlation coefficient.
c. Linear regression analysis, the analysis is used to
predict the dependent variable is based on two
independent variables.
4.1 Description of Socio - economic
Based on data obtained through questionnaires
distributed to 46 students as respondents, then
obtained a minimum score of = 60 and the maximum
score of = 95, with a mean score = 78.28, a median
score = 80.02, a score mode = 85, 48 and standard
deviation = 8.70. Such information as described in the
frequency table below:
Table 1: Frequency distribution of socio-economic
1 60-65 62,5 3 59,5-65,5
2 66-71 68,5 9 65,5-71,5
3 72-77 74,5 10 71,5-77,5
4 78-83 80,5 8 77,5-83,5
5 84-89 86,5 12 83,5-89,5
6 90-95 92,5 4 89,5-95,5
Total 46
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
4.2 Description Motivation Learning
Based on data obtained through a questionnaire
distributed to 46 students as respondents, then
obtained a minimum score of = 52 and the maximum
score of = 99, with a mean score = 66.80, a median
score = 61.18, a score mode = 51, 50 and standard
deviation = 18.07. Such information as described in
the frequency table below:
Table 2: Frequency distribution motivation learning.
1 52-59 55,5 19 51,5-59,5
2 60-67 63,5 14 59,5-67,5
3 68-75 71,5 0 67,5-75,5
4 76-83 79,5 7 75,5-83,5
5 84-91 87,5 0 83,5-91,5
6 91-99 95,5 6 91,5-95,5
Total 46
4.3 Description of Learning Outcomes
Based on data obtained through a
questionnaire distributed to 46 students as
respondents, then obtained a minimum score of = 72
and the maximum score of = 90, with a mean score =
82.19, a median score = 83.29, a score mode = 85, 12
and standard deviation = 5.95. Such information as
described in the frequency table below:
Table 3: Frequency distribution learning outcomes.
1 72-74 73 3 71,5-74,5
2 75-77 76 4 74,5-77,5
3 78-80 79 10 77,5-80,5
4 81-83 82 7 80,5-83,5
5 84-86 85 14 83,5-86,5
6 87-90 88 8 86,5-90,5
Total 46
4.4 The Correlation between
Socio-economic Background to the
Student Learning Outcomes in the
Field of Arabic Studies
The results showed a correlation between socio-
economic backgrounds with student learning
outcomes in the field of Arabic studies. It is based on
the calculation t
= 3.78, greater than the value t
= 3.21 significance at the level of α = 0.05. The
pattern of the relationship between socio-economic
backgrounds with student learning outcomes in the
field of study of Arabic is expressed by the regression
equation; Ŷ = 66.73 + 0,195X
Results of simple correlation analysis between the
correlation between socio-economic backgrounds
with student learning outcomes in the field of Arabic
studies obtained correlation coefficient of = 0.496.
This means that the better the socio-economic
background of students, the higher the student
learning outcomes in the field of study of Arabic at
Government Elementary School mampang prapatan.
This is as described in the table below:
Table 4: Correlation between socio-economic
background with learning outcomes.
Koefisien Uji
46 0,496 0,246 3,78 3,21
The amount of the contribution of the socio-
economic background can be determined by squaring
the correlation coefficient of the acquisition value of
simplicity. The results of squaring the correlation
coefficient is simply amounted = 0.246. Statistically,
this value gives the sense that approximately = 24.6%
increase in student learning outcomes are influenced
by socio-economic background. That is, if the whole
Islamic Elementary School students mampang
prapatan assessed study results, then more or less =
24.6% influenced by socio-economic background.
4.5 The Correlation between Learning
Motivation and Student Results on
the Field of Arabic Studies
The results showed a correlation between learning
motivation and learning outcomes of students in the
field of Arabic studies. It is based on the calculation
= 3.34, greater than the value t
= 3.21
significance at the level of α = 0.05. The pattern of the
relationship between learning motivation and
learning outcomes of students in the field of study of
Arabic is expressed by the regression equation; Ŷ =
75.04 + 0,103X
Results of simple correlation analysis between the
correlation between learning motivation and learning
outcomes of students in the field of Arabic studies
obtained correlation coefficient of = 0.448. This
means that the better the students' motivation, the
higher the student learning outcomes in the field of
study of Arabic at Government Elementary School
Correlations between Socio-economic Background and Motivation Learning with Student Learning Outcomes on Field Study Arabic
Mampang Prapatan. This is as described in the table
Table 5: Correlation between motivation to learning
Koefisien Uji Signifikansi
46 0,448 0,200 3,34 3,21
The amount of the contribution of the motivation
to learn can be determined by squaring the correlation
coefficient of the acquisition value of simplicity. The
results of squaring the correlation coefficient is
simply amounted = 0,201. Statistically, this value
gives the sense that approximately = 20.1% increase
in student learning outcomes are influenced by the
students' motivation. That is, if the whole Islamic
Elementary School students mampang prapatan
assessed study results, then more or less = 20.1%
influenced by the students' motivation.
4.6 The Correlation between
Socio-economic Background and
Motivation to Learn the Results of
the Field Study Student Learning
The results showed a correlation between socio-
economic background and motivation to learn with
the learning outcomes of students in the field of
Arabic studies. It is based on the calculation t
9.81, greater than the value t
= 3.21 significance at
the level of α = 0.05.
Results of simple correlation analysis between the
correlation between socio-economic background and
motivation to learn with the learning outcomes of
students in the field of Arabic studies obtained
correlation coefficient of = 0.561. This means that the
better the socio-economic background and student
motivation, the higher the student learning outcomes
in the field of study of Arabic at Government
Elementary School mampang prapatan. This is as
described in the table below:
Table 6: Correlation between Socio-economic
background and motivation with learning outcomes.
Koefisien Uji Signifikansi
46 0,561 0,315 9,81 3,21
The amount of the contribution of the socio-
economic background and motivation to learn can be
determined by squaring the correlation coefficient of
the acquisition value of simplicity. The results of
squaring the correlation coefficient is simply
amounted = 0.315. Statistically, this value gives the
sense that approximately = 31.5% increase in student
learning outcomes are influenced by socio-economic
background and student motivation together. That is,
if the whole Islamic Elementary School students
mampang prapatan assessed study results, then more
or less = 31.5% influenced by socio-economic
background and student motivation.
Based on these explanations, it can be noted that
the socio-economic background variables and
students' motivation to contribute or contribute
positively to improving student learning outcomes in
the field of study of Arabic at Government
Elementary School mampang prapatan of = 31.5%,
while the remaining amount of = 68.5% of student
learning outcomes are influenced by other factors,
some of them; learning, teaching methods, learning
strategies, learning environment, learning discipline,
the ability of teachers and students' creativity.
Based on the results of research and discussion
that has been put forward, this research can be
summarized as follows:
a. There is a significant correlation between socio-
economic backgrounds with student learning
outcomes in the field of Arabic language studies,
premises correlation coefficient of = 0.496 and
determination coefficient = 0.246. The coefficient
of determination shows that the 24.6% increase
student learning outcomes are due to socio-
economic background. This is corroborated by the
test calculations-t
= 3.78 = significantly the
real level of 0.05 with t
= 3.21. Thus the
research hypothesis which states there is a
correlation between socio-economic backgrounds
with student learning outcomes in the field of
Arabic studies received.
b. There is a significant correlation between learning
motivation and learning outcomes of students in
the field of Arabic language studies with a
correlation coefficient of = 0.448 da
determination coefficient = 0.200. The coefficient
of determination shows that the 2.00% increase
student learning outcomes is due to students'
motivation. This is corroborated by the test
= 3.34 = significantly the real
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
level of 0.05 with t
= 3.21. Thus the research
hypothesis which states there is a correlation
between learning motivation and learning
outcomes of students in the field of Arabic studies
c. There is a significant correlation between socio-
economic background and learning motivation
with student learning outcomes in the field of
Arabic language study with multiple correlation
coefficient of = 0561 and determination
coefficient = 0.315. The coefficient of
determination shows that the 31.5% increase
student learning outcomes are due to socio-
economic background and student motivation.
This is corroborated by the test calculations t
= 9.81 = significantly the real level of 0.05 with
= 3.21. Thus the research hypothesis which
states there is a correlation between socio-
economic background and motivation to learn
together with the results of students in the field of
Arabic studies received
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