The Role of Teacher Personality Competency in Growing Students:
Research at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi
Achmad Junaedi Sitika
, Marhamah
, Sutarjo Atmowidjoyo
and Ahmad Jahid
Doctoral Program, Djakarta Islamic University
Keywords: Teacher, Personality, Competency, Growing Students
Abstract: Teaching and learning process is a process that contains a series of actions of teachers and students on the
basis of reciprocal relationships that take place in educational situations to achieve certain goals. The
interaction between teacher and student is a major requirement for the ongoing learning process. Interaction
in the learning process has a broader understanding not only the relationship between teachers and students
but in the form of educational interaction. In this case not only the delivery of messages in the form of subject
matter, but rather the inculcation of the students' learning attitudes. Islam as a religion in line with the human
nature, of course, emphasizes the importance of education / coaching in order to explore positive personality
that is in each individual. Individuals developed in a democratic climate tend to have personality traits: more
active, more social, more self-esteemed, more intellectual in want, more original and more constructive than
children developed in an autoritarian climate. The role of teachers in education has a very important role in
the creation of a series of interrelated behavior undertaken in a situation of progress changes in behavior and
development of students who become its purpose. It is intended that the students will have a knowledge based
on a strong foundation, so it is not easily carried away by the unaccountable currents. So from the teacher of
religion that must instill good values to the students. The method used in this research is analytical descriptive
method. The research approach uses Qualitative approach. The model formed is further tested to determine
the ability to explain real events. This method to describe an event that occurs in situations and conditions
that are not the same, because this method is done to describe the systematic facts or characteristics of a
particular population or field in a factual and accurate. From the results of research and discussion about the
Role of Teacher Personality Competence in growing Akhlaq Students at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi,
the writer can draw some conclusion that, Teacher Personality at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi Regency
is categorized quite successfully, because of the question instruments distributed to respondnnen , which
always answers as much as 73.17%. Thus, the Teacher Personality at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi
Regency, is said to be quite successful with the amount of 73.17%., Akhlaq Students at SDN Cibuntu 05
Cibitung Bekasi Regency, said quite influential, because of the question items distributed to respondents who
answered always as much 71.64%. Thus that Akhlaq Students at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi,
categorized very influential on morality students with a percentage of 71.64%. As well as the role of Teacher
Personality in growing Akhlaq Students at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi, categorized quite successfully,
this is evident from the results of the recapitulation of questionnaire assessment distributed to the respondents
of 41 students SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi, who answered always as much as 72.40%. Thus it can be
concluded that the Teacher Personality in growing Akhlaq Students at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi,
categorized quite successfully with the percentage of 72.40%.
1.1 Background
Education comes from the word "educate", then this
word gets the prefix me to be "educate", that is to
maintain and give practice. In nurturing and giving
practice is required the existence of teachings,
guidance, and leadership about morals and
intelligence of the mind. Furthermore, the notion of
"education" according to the Big Indonesian
Dictionary is the process of changing the attitude and
behavior of a person or group of people in an effort to
mature human beings through the efforts of teaching
and training. Education can be interpreted as a
process with certain methods so that people acquire
knowledge, understanding, and how to behave
according to needs. (Muhibbin Shah, 2010: 10)
Sitika, A., Marhamah, ., Atmowidjoyo, S. and Jahid, A.
The Role of Teacher Personality Competency in Growing Students: Research at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi.
DOI: 10.5220/0009942423282338
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2328-2338
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In the world of education, teachers occupy the
highest position in terms of information delivery and
character development given the teacher to interact
directly with learners in learning in the classroom.
This is where the quality of education is formed in
which the quality of learning undertaken by teachers
is determined by the quality of teachers concerned.
(Ahmad Tafsir, 1991: 74)
Teaching and learning process is a process that
contains a series of actions of teachers and students
on the basis of reciprocal relationships that take place
in educational situations to achieve certain goals. The
interaction between teacher and student is a major
requirement for the ongoing learning process.
Interaction in the learning process has a broader
understanding not only the relationship between
teachers and students but in the form of educational
interaction. In this case not only the delivery of
messages in the form of subject matter, but rather the
inculcation of the students' learning attitudes.
As one component of the learning process, the
existence of teachers becomes so important that the
role of teachers is not only the task of planning and
implementing the teaching and learning process in the
classroom, but also responsible for its success.
Therefore, although in essence it is the students who
learn but the teachers are most responsible that the
learning process is happening well to every student
(S. Nasution, 1982: 92). Thus it can be said that the
quality of education depends a lot on the quality of
teachers in guiding the student learning process.
Teachers are among the educational factors that
have the most strategic role, because the teacher is
actually the most decisive in the process of teaching
and learning. Therefore, teachers must be
professional and competent. Because the teacher is
the spearhead in the learning process. To produce an
effective and conducive learning process and produce
learners who excel, of course started from a teacher
who gave Science to them. If a teacher does not have
a professional attitude then students who are educated
will be difficult to grow and develop properly. This is
because the teacher is one of the foundations for the
State in terms of education. With the existence of a
professional teacher and quality, it will be able to
print a nation of quality children as well. Teachers are
adults who are consciously responsible for educating,
teaching, and guiding learners. The person who is
called the teacher is a person who has the ability to
stimulate the learning program and able to organize
and manage the class so that learners can learn and
ultimately can reach the level of maturity as the
ultimate goal of the educational process. While in the
learning process activities, so that the expected goal
can be achieved maximally then the teacher must
have competence in teaching.
In the National Education Standards Act it is
explained that educators should have academic and
competence qualifications as learning agents,
physically and mentally healthy, and have the ability
to realize the goals of national education.
Qualification in question is the minimum level of
education that must be met by an educator as
evidenced by the relevant diploma and certificate of
expertise in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations. Competence as a learning agent at
elementary and secondary education and early
childhood education include: Pedagogic
Competence, Personality Competence, Professional
Competence and Social Competence.
Meanwhile, in addition to the efforts of learning
coaching conducted by religious teachers, especially
the field of moral studies, there is also another
interesting phenomenon to be studied ie religious
teachers are also often faced with difficulties in
directing behavior in accordance with the material
Aqidah Akhlak even tends students and students
apply against and not willing to listen to the command
even the teacher sometimes considered no longer
even teach.
Empirical phenomenon that occurred above
shows a gap between the role of teachers who foster
student Morals.
1.2 Problem Formulation
The problem of the focus of this research in detail can
be formulated as follows:
1. How is the Reality of Students Akhlaq at SDN
Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi?
2. How the Role of Teacher Personality Competence
in growing morality students at SDN Cibuntu 05
Cibitung Bekasi?
1.3 Research Objectives
Through this research the authors have several goals
1. To Describe the Reality of Students Akhlaq at SDN
Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi?
2. To Describe the Role of Teacher Personality
Competence in fostering morality of students at
SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi?
The Role of Teacher Personality Competency in Growing Students: Research at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi
1.4 Thinking Framework
Education in the view of Islam is in a very special
place, how not this Allah Almighty described in the
Qur'an Surat Al 'Alaq [96] verses 1-5:
Meaning: Read by the name of your Lord Who
created, He has created man from a clot of
blood, Read, and Your Lord is Most
Gracious, Who teaches (human) with the
gift of kalam, He teaches man what he does
not know
2.1 Master's Competency Basics
2.1.1 Basic Teacher Competencies
To be a professional teacher is not easy because he
must have various teacher competencies. Basic
competence (basic competency) for teachers is
determined by the level of sensitivity of the weight of
the basic potential and the propensity it has. This is
because the potential is the place and the material to
answer all the views as a result of the growing process
because adannya grace and inayah from Allah
Subhanahu Wata'ala, the personafikasi mother while
pregnant, and the situation that influence it, and the
heredity. This is used as a foothold for individuals in
performing their functions as servants and khalifah of
According to Big Indonesian Dictionary
(WJS.Purwadarminta) competence means (authority)
power to decide or decide something. Understanding
the basic competence of skills or abilities.
Competence is a benchmark for a teacher in
performing their duties. Teachers who are highly
competent, then he will be able to run his education
W. Robert Houston defines competence with an
adequate task or possession of the knowledge, skills
and abilities demanded by one's position. This
definition implies that prospective teachers need to
prepare themselves to master a number of knowledge,
skills and special abilities related to the teacher
profession, so that he can perform his task well, and
can fulfill the wishes and expectations of learners
(Rostiyah, 1989: 2)
Competence is a fusion of knowledge (power
fikir), attitude (power kalbu), and skills (physical
power) is manifested in the form of deeds. In other
words, competence is a combination of mastery of
knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that are
reflected in the habit of thinking and acting in
carrying out the task / job. It can also be said that
competence is a combination of ability, knowledge,
skills, attitudes, nature, understanding, appreciation
and hope underlying one's characteristic to perform
work in performing task or job in order to achieve
quality standard in real work. Thus, competence is a
set of knowledge, skills and behaviors that must be
owned, experienced, and mastered by teachers to be
able to carry out professional duties. (Syaiful Sagala,
2008: 23).
The teacher's competence is based on the word of
Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala as it is in the QS: S: Al-
An'am verse 135:
Meaning: Say: "O my people, do all your abilities, I
will do (too) .When you will know who among us will
get good results in this world, luck
Based on the above verse, teacher competence is
an absolute ability of the teacher, so that his duties as
an educator can be done well. Because in the process
of teaching and learning that teachers are not
competent, it will be difficult to achieve the desired
learning objectives.
2.2 Definition of Teacher Competence
a. The Meaning of Competence
Competence is defined and interpreted as an
effective behavioral device related to exploration and
investigation, analyzing and thinking, and giving
attention, and perceiving that leads one to find ways
to achieve certain goals effectively and efficiently.
Competence is not an end point of an effort but a
process that develops and learns throughout life.
(Mulyasa, 2007: 26)
Competence basically refers to, among others:
1) The ability or ability to do any work,
2) A qualified person's traits are those who
possess skills, power, authority, skills,
knowledge and so forth to do what is
3) Demonstrate to a rational (performance)
action that can achieve its objectives on a
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
satisfactory basis under expected conditions
b. The meaning of the teacher
Teachers are the spearhead of educational success
that is considered as a person who plays an important
role in the achievement of educational goals that is a
reflection of the quality of education. (Kunandar,
2010: 43) the teacher is also one of the most important
components in an educational institution. Teacher as
educator is a very heavy mandate to be implemented.
Said heavy, because teachers should be able to guide
and direct the students in a positive and better
direction, from all aspects of the students in terms of
cognitive, affective, and psikomotorik, in order to be
developed in a balanced to the most optimal level .
(Khoiron Rosydy, 2004: 172)
Teachers as examples of his students must have
the attitude and personality intact that can be an idol
role model in all aspects of his life. Therefore the
teacher should try to choose and do positive actions
in order to lift the good image and authority.
Teachers required by Islam are teachers who have
authority, authority, legitimacy and charismatic,
because the status of teachers can not be clothed by
anyone. The teacher is hinted to have the personality
(personality), knowledge, and worldview owned by
Rasulullah Shalallahu Alaihi Wasalam namely:
1) Sidiq nature (honest)
2) Trustworthiness (trustworthy)
3) The properties of Tabligh (meyampaikan)
4) Nature of Fatanah (smart)
In addition, teachers must have sincerity,
gentleness, humility, honesty, professionalism, and
justice that are entirely the implementation of the
The teacher's personality is related to the
appearance of the teacher as an individual who is
disciplined, well-dressed, responsible, committed and
exemplary. As the word of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala
in Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Mudatsir verses 1-7:
That is to say, O he who clings, arise, and warn, and
thy Lord glorify, and clothe your garments, and sin
shall abide, and give not more (gain) (Dan) ) Your
God, be patient
The above verse explains that teachers are
required to warn learners when they break the norm,
awaken their profession in God's majesty, neatly and
cleanly in dress, abandoning religious restrictions,
being selfless and being patient both inside and
outside the classroom.
According Mulyasa, (2002: 37) describes some
aspects or domains contained in the competence, as
1) Knowledge, namely awareness in the field of
cognitive, for example a teacher knows how to
identify learning needs, and how to learn to
learners according to needs.
2) Understanding, ie: the cognitive depth, and the
effective possessed by the individual, for example
a teacher who will carry out the learning should
have a good understanding of the characteristics
and conditions of learners, in order to carry out the
learning effectively and efficiently.
3) Ability, namely: something that the individual has
to perform the task or job assigned to him, for
example the ability of the teacher in possession
and make simple props to provide ease of learning
to the learners.
4) Values, namely: a standard of behavior that has
been believed and psychologically incorporated in
a person, such as teacher behavior standards in
learning (honesty, openness, democracy and
5) Attitudes, namely: feelings or reactions to
something coming from outside stimuli, such as
the reaction to the economic crisis, the feeling of
wage increases).
6) Interests, namely: a person's tendency to perform
an action, such as an interest to learn or do
2.3 Factors Affecting Master's
Personality Competencies
According Iskandar Agung, 2013: 156, Factor of
teacher personality competence is influenced by
internal and external factors.
1. Internal factors originate and reside within the
Is the competence of the teacher tekait with the
implementation of its duties. Competence in question
is a set of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that are
owned, lived, mastered, and actualized in doing the
job / job. (Permendiknas No.16 / 2007).
According to Jalaludin, (2005:177-180)
Personality has a kind of dynamics whose elements
actively influence one's activities. These elements
a. Energy Ruhaniah (psychic energy) that serves as
a regulator of spiritual activities such as thinking,
remembering, observing, and sebgainya.
The Role of Teacher Personality Competency in Growing Students: Research at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi
b. Instincts that serve as primary needs regulators
such as eating, drinking and sex. The source of
instinct is the physical need and the motion of the
heart. Unlike the spiritual energy, the instinct has
a source (pushing), purpose and purpose.
c. Ego (I Sadar), which serves to ease tension within
the way of doing activities to adjust the impulses
that exist with the reality of objective (reality).
Ego consciousness to harmonize good and bad
encouragement so that there is no anxiety or inner
d. Super Ego, which serves as a rewarder in the form
of rewards (satisfaction, pleasure, success) or
punishment (guilt, sin, regret). The inner
appreciation is played by the ideal ego, while the
inner punishment is done by the conscience.
The totality of individuals is formed through the
interaction of the three factors. All three can be
explained as follows:
a. Heredity. To know how heredity affects
personality development.
b. Family experience and family.
c. Culture, because children have a tendency
with their parents can be behavior can be
inherited from parents.
This opinion according to Wasty Soemanto
(1988: 82) heredity can be interpreted as the
inheritance or biological transfer of individual
characteristics of his parents. This inheritance
through a genetic process.
In the heredity of a physical nature such as the
characteristics of skin color, facial shape, shape of the
nose, eyes and so on are different in each person.This
shows that the physical properties that exist in each
person is derived from the offspring, da nada also
which is innate child / person respectively. The
physical state plays an important role in one's
personality. Different physiological states lead to
different attitudes and traits. (Ngalim Purwanto,
1987: 164)
Mazhahiri dicutif Erhamwilda (2009: 40), the law
of descendants to displace internal inner traits, which
have a moral and spiritual nature, which in turn affect
not only limited to physical characteristics outwardly.
2. External factors
External factors often affect and form internal
factors. Competence is not something that comes or
already exists by itself, but is obtained through the
process of learning from outside the self. The
knowledge, skills, and teaching behavior of a teacher
is derived from the learning process, either from a
particular educational institution or other source, so
that its formation is influenced by the ability of
external factors in introducing, communicating, and
equipping the teacher. Implementation of the task of
teachers requires certain competencies that are
dynamic. That is, although various educational
institutions have attempted to inculcate and establish
teacher competence, but often have not been able to
achieve the expected case.
Among the external factors are environmental /
social factors, namely: Environmental factors that
include all material and stimulus inside and outside
the individual, both physiological, psychological, and
2.4 Teacher Competence under Law
No.14 Year 2005 about Teachers
and Lecturers
In Law No.14 Year 2005 Article 8 is the teacher
must have academic qualification, competence,
educator certificate, physical and spiritual health, and
have ability to realize the goals of national education.
Academic qualifications as referred to in Article 8 are
obtained through higher education or undergraduate
diploma four programs. Teacher competence includes
pedagogical competence, personality competence,
social competence, and professional competence
gained through professional education. In Article 10
paragraph 1 that is, the teacher has a steady
personality, stable adult, wise and authoritative, be an
example for learners and society and noble morals.
While the competence that must be owned by a
teacher is:
1. Pedagogic Competence
Slamet PH (2006) says pedagogic competence
consists of Sub-Competence namely:
a) Contribute in the development of KTSP related to
the taught lesson.
b) Developing syllabi syllabus based on competence
standard (SK) and basic competence (KD).
c) Plan a lesson plan (RPP) based on a developed
d) Designing learning management and classroom
e) Implement pro-change learning (active, creative,
innovative, experimental, effective and fun).
f) Assess students' learning outcomes authentically.
g) Guiding learners in various aspects, for example:
lessons, personality, talents, interests and career.
h) Develop a professional self as a teacher
2. Personality Competencies
Any positive words, actions and behaviors will
enhance one's self-image and personality, as long as
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
it is done with full awareness. Personality according
to Zakiah Daradjat (1980) is called an abstract, hard
to see in real terms, can only be known through
appearance, action, and speech when faced with a
problem. Personality includes all elements, both
physical and psychic, so it can be seen that every
action and behavior a person is a reflection of one's
Personality competence is related to the
appearance of the teacher as an individual who has
discipline, good appearance, responsibility,
commitment, and role model. Thus it can be
emphasized that the glory of a teacher is manifested
in everyday life. Teachers can actually share with
their students. Master has a high heart rate that
features a plenary personality. The heart power
consists of spiritual, emotional, moral, compassion,
courtesy, tolerance, honesty, and cleanliness of self-
discipline, dignity, responsibility, moral courage,
crafts, commitment, aesthetics, and ethics.
Viewed from the psychological aspect, the
teacher's personality competence shows the personal
ability that reflects the personality that includes:
a) Steady and stable, that is to consistently in
accordance with the norms of law, social norms,
and ethics that apply.
b) Adults, which means having the independence to
act as an educator and have a work ethic as a
c) Arif and wise, that looks useful for learners,
schools, and society by showing openness in
thinking and acting.
d) Authoritative, namely the behavior of a respected
teacher so as to have a positive effect on learners,
acting according to religious norms, honest,
sincere and helpful. The value of personality
competence can be used as a source of strength,
inspiration, motivation, and innovation for
The teacher as an example for his students must
have the attitude and personality intact that can be
made an idol role model in all aspects of his life.
Therefore the teacher should always try to choose and
do positive actions in order to lift the good image of
authority, especially in front of the students.
Personality competence according to Usman,
a) The ability to develop personality.
b) Ability to interact and communicate.
c) Ability to conduct guidance and counseling.
Personality competence is related to the
appearance of the teacher as an individual who has
discipline, good appearance, responsibility,
commitment, and role model. Thus it can be
emphasized that the glory of a teacher is manifested
in everyday life. Teachers can actually share with
their students. Master has a high heart rate that
features a plenary personality. The heart power
consists of spiritual, emotional, moral, compassion,
courtesy, tolerance, honesty, and cleanliness of self-
discipline, dignity, responsibility, moral courage,
crafts, commitment, aesthetics, and ethics.
3. Social competence
In social competence, society is a tool of behavior
which is the basis for self-understanding with an
integral part of the social environment as well as
achieving social interaction in an objective and
efficient manner.This is a teacher's appreciation in the
community, so that they gain self-satisfaction and
produce real and efficient work , especially in
national education. Social competence includes a set
of behaviors that involve:
a) Ability that supports the effectiveness of
interaction with others against themselves,
interpreting other people's motives, achieving a
sense of security with others.
b) Life-changing skills such as managing time,
money, family life, understanding the value of life
and so on.
4. Professional Competence
Djononegoro (1998: 350) says Professional
means doing something as a staple work as a
profession and not as a filler of leisure or as a hobby.
The profession means to declare public and in Latin
the "profession" used to denote public statements
made by a person who intends to occupy a public
office. Teachers who are assured of their quality are
believed to be able to perform their duties and
functions well.
Professionalism in a job is determined by three
important factors, namely:
a) Have a special skill set up by a skill education
program or specialization.
b) Have the ability to improve skills (skills and
special skills).
c) Earn sufficient income in return for the expertise
they possess.
The Role of Teacher Personality Competency in Growing Students: Research at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi
2.5 Teacher
1. Understanding Master
In the realm of the Indonesian state education we
often hear the term teacher, ustad, educator,
mua'allim, lecturer, and professor or professor. All
said is addressed to people who convey knowledge to
Teachers are professional educators with the
primary task of educating, teaching, guiding,
directing, training, assessing, and evaluating learners
in early childhood education on formal education,
primary and secondary education (Law No. 14 Year
2005: 4).
Lecturers are professional educators and scientists
with the primary task of transforming, developing and
disseminating science, technology and the arts
through education, research, and community service
(Ibid, 2005: 4).
In the Islamic concept, the teacher or educator is
a guide, supervisor and atmosphere controller that is
not only displayed in words, but is done by gesture
that gives a reinforcement to the application of the
meaning of education (Munawar Rahmat, 1993: 156).
In the second dictionary of the second edition of
Indonesia 1991, the teacher is defined as a person
whose job is teaching. The word teacher in Arabic is
called Mu'allim, ustad, mudarris and in English is
called teacher has a simple meaning, namely: "teacher
is A person whose occupation is teaching other (Mc
Leod)" means teacher is someone whose job teach
others (Muhibbin Shah, 2001: 222)
2. Master's Functions and Purposes
Teaching and learning process is a process that
contains a series of actions of teachers and students
on the basis of reciprocal relationships that take place
in educational situations to achieve certain goals.
Interaction or reciprocal relationship between teacher
and student is a major requirement for the ongoing
learning process. Therefore a teacher has an
important role to the progress and improvement of
quality of learners.
The role of the teacher is the creation of a series
of interrelated behaviors that are done in certain
situations and related to the progress of behavior
change and student development which is the goal
(M.Uzer Usman, 2001: 4).
The teacher is an advisor to his students and often
to parents. Students who are often distracted by
difficult questions and have to face them all by
themselves, will go to seek help from their teachers.
The advice provided by the teacher is often the
lessons learned from his past experience. These
experiences are usually special and very useful to
advise his students who may be having problems and
better if they are given at the request of the students
themselves. The wise teacher will be careful and not
impose his counsel to his students
2.6 Morals
1. Understanding Morals
The word akhlak, in a large dictionary Indonesian
means character or behavior. The word akhlak is
rarely found in the Qur'an, which is found only a
single form of the word. Khuluq as mentioned in the
letter of Al-Qalam verse 4.
Meaning: And indeed you are truly a virtuous
Moral is etymologically derived from the word
"khuluq" and plural "morals which means character,
ethics, morals. Similarly khuluq word has conformity
with khilqun khuluqun only is the human nature of
the self (rukhaniyah) while khilqun is the human
nature from outside ( corpore). The khuluq temp is
also closely related to the "khaliq" (creator) and
makhluq (created).
The Word of Allah SWT QS: Al-Ahzab verse
Meaning: Surely it is in the Messenger of Allah that
is a good example for you (that is) for those who hope
(grace) of Allah and (coming) the Day of
Resurrection and he many mention Allah.
The etymological understanding implies that
morality has to do with God the creator who creates
the outward and inner human temperament, so that
the moral demands must be from kholiq and also there
is a word matching with makhluq which implies the
existence of morality source from the common human
determination, so that in human life must have good
character according to Allah SWT and human size.
Ibn Maskawih in his book "Tahdzibul Akhlak wa
tathhirul Araq defines morality with a state of motion
of the soul that pushed towards doing deeds with no
need of mind. In line with that understanding of Al
Ghozali in Ihya Ulumuddin limit morals with the
plates embedded in the soul of the sipat arose the
deeds easily with no need for consideration of the
mind first. (Muhaimin et al, 1994: 243).
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Thus the definition of morals can be summarized
as follows:
a. Morals as the expression of a constant base and a
constant person who has a relationship with the
b. Morals are always familiarized a person so that
moral expression is done repeatedly.
c. Morals are a gift given by the Kholik to humans
in order to have a clear back and rule in the life of
2. Basic Guidance of Morals
Basic guidance of Sustainability comes from Al-
Quran and hadith Rsulullah SAW. As for guidance of
Morals in Al-Quran diantarnya as exemplified
luqman to his children. In the QS: Lukman: 13 Allah
SWT said:
Meaning: And when Luqman said to his son, when he
taught him: "O my son, do not associate partners with
Allah, indeed associating (Allah) is really great
The above verse explains that luqman has advised
his son not to do shirk.
In the QS: Lukman: 14 Allah SWT said:
Meaning: And We commanded men (do good) to his
two fathers; her mother had conceived her in a state
of weakness that grew, and weaned her in two years.
Be thankful to Me and to your father's two mothers,
only to You are your return.
The above verse explains to us to imitate the
Messenger of Allah in all things because in the
Rasululah there is a good role model.
3. The scope of moral coaching
a. Morals against Allah SWT
Akhlak against Allah SWT can be interpreted as
the nature of submissive and obedient a servant
(human) with all his soul and body in everyday life.
The submissive and obedient attitude is gathered in
one word that is piety is to carry all its orders (either
forced or not forced) and stay away from the
prohibition (either liked or not).
Bertaqwa is the command of Allah SWT, which
must be implemented, because only with piety
someone will get a guarantee of a happy life and earn
reward in the Hereafter. The Word of Allah SWT
concerning the commands of piety and recompense in
the Hereafter for the pious person in the QS: Az-
Zumar: 10:
Meaning: Say: "O my faithful servants, fear your
Lord." Those who do good in this world gain
goodness. And the earth of God is vast. Verily, only
those who are patient will suffer their reward without
Abandon against Allah SWT, is a must
(obligation) and also is the main act that must take
precedence before others. Because Allah SWT is
above all things.
b. Morals Against Parents
Being good to the parents is a provision
(command) that has been required by Allah SWT. To
Muslims both men and women through his word in
the Qur'an. The Qur'anic verse which states it is the
letter of Al-Israa: 23
Meaning: And your Lord has commanded that ye
should worship none but Him, and ye should do good
to your father's mother with the best of it. If one of the
two or both continues to be old in your care, then
never say to them both "ah" and do not yell at them
and say to them the noble sayings.
3. Moral Against Teachers
The teacher is one of the scholars (intermediaries)
coming science. With the existence of science in one
person it will be easy to live life in the world. This is
because science is like a nighttime lights that can
illuminate the path that is being passed.
So with knowledge will also come the grace of
Allah SWT to humans, because the science in
ridoinya will deliver humans to happiness. Therefore
knowledge is a gift from Allah SWT, which must be
nurtured and honored (respected). Because
glorification of science is a necessity, then respecting
content (pelantara) the coming of science is a virtue
that must be done.
The Role of Teacher Personality Competency in Growing Students: Research at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi
4. Morals Against the Environment Besides Man
The number of damages that occur in the world,
both on land and at sea is as a result of the absence of
morally commendable in humans. Allah SWT states
in his word that the damage that occurred on land and
in the air is due to the act of the human hand itself the
problem is in QS: ar-Ruum verse 41 which reads:
Meaning: It has been seen that the damage on land
and at sea is caused by the act of human hands, so
Allah feels to them a part of their (effect) deeds, that
they may return (to the right path).
3.1 Research Methods
The method used in this research is analytical
descriptive method. The research approach uses
Qualitative approach. The model formed is further
tested to determine the ability to explain real events.
This method to describe an event that occurs in
situations and conditions that are not the same,
because this method is done to describe the
systematic facts or characteristics of a particular
population or field in a factual and accurate.
In this study the author uses descriptive method.
According to Winarno Surakhmad (1982: 1390) the
deciptive method is: To describe and interpret the
existing data, for example about the situation
experienced, a relationship of activity, the visible
attitude or the appearance of an ongoing process, the
influence that is working, the desire that is emerging,
apparent tendencies, tapered contrasts and so on.
Furthermore Winarno Surahmad presents about
the characteristics of descriptive methods as follows:
(1) focusing on solving current problems, on actual
problems, and (2) collecting data first in stacking,
explained and then analyzed.
The concept would have given an answer to the
determination of research methods used. Because in
fact the problem under study is a problem that is
applicable now and is revealing the symptoms being
studied to be taken into consideration in the future.
3.2 Population and Sample
The population in this study were students of SDN
Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Kab.Bekasi.
3.3 Data Collection Techniques
Data collection techniques used questionnaire
distribution techniques to class XII students and
interview techniques addressed to managers and
teachers. The observations were made on madrasah
reality and objective conditions of madrasah.
a. Observation technique
Kartini Kartono (1986: 142) states "The technique
of observation is a deliberate and systematic about
social phenomena and psychic phenomena by
way of observation and recording". This
observation technique is done by way of
observation and recording towards the spiritual
aspect approach in preparing the students' mental
facing national examination in madrasah aliyah in
karawang regency.
b. Technique Questionnaire
Questionnaire is a list of written questions that are
compiled and disseminated to obtain information
or information from respondents. For clarity about
this questionnaire, according to Kartini Kartono
(1986: 200) is as follows: "Questionnaire is an
investigation of a common problem done by way
of circulating a questionnaire in the form of forms
submitted in writing to a number of subjects to get
answers or written responses as necessary ".
c. Interview Technique
According to Kartini Kartono (1986: 171) the
intended interview is "A conversation directed at
a particular problem is an oral question, where
two or more people are physically opposite". The
use of this interview technique in upaaya obtain
data or information directly with the organizers of
taklim assembly as well as teachers or extension
as supporting data, so that the accuracy of data or
information data can be accounted for.
d. Literature
3.4 Data Analysis Technique
The data collected through questionnaires were
analyzed quantitatively over the frequency by giving
a percentage, in this case using the formula according
to Arikunto in his book entitled the basics of research
statistics (1998: 248) as follows:
P = F / N x100%
P = Percentage Rate
F = Frequency being searched for percentage
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
N=Number of cases (number of frequencies or
number of individuals
100% = Fixed numbers
With the following categories:
0% -49% = Less than once
50% -64% = Less
65% -74% = Enough
75% -89% = Good
90% 100% = Very good
4.1 Reality the Role of Teacher
Personality at SDN Cibuntu 05
Cibitung Bekasi Regency
Table 1: Teacher personality
Question Instrument
Answer of Respondents (%)
The teacher gives the
example of praying
before studying
Teachers are
disciplined in teaching
and learning activities
Teacher gives an
example when will do
something work by
reading basmallah
Teachers always
communicate well and
Teachers behave well to
Teachers always look
Master always gives an
example of maintaining
Teachers always have a
high social attitude.
The teacher gives an
example of forgiveness.
Teachers always
practice religious
Master is always wise
and fair.
Teacher gives an
example of good
Based on the above table, it shows that of the
respondents a number of 41 students SDN Cibuntu 05
Cibitung Bekasi, answer the Role of Teacher
Personality in growing Akhlaq Students, most of
which always answer as much as 73.17%, who
answered sometimes 29.23% and who answered
never as much as 2.44%. Thus, the role of Teacher
Personality in growing Akhlaq Students at SDN
Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi, categorized successfully
with the amount of 73.17%.
4.2 The Reality of Student Morals
To know the morals of students at SDN Cibtuntu 05
Cibitung Bekasi, the authors distributed
questionnaires to a number of respondents with
details of the recapitulation of the results of
respondents' answers as follows:
Table 2: Student morals formation
Question Instrument
Answer of Respondents (%)
Students know morality
and praise
Students behave
Students have an
optimistic attitude
Students have an
attitude of
Students are able to
control emotions
Students are disciplined
in teaching and
Students are always
obedient in carrying out
religious teachings
Students have an
attitude of social
100 %
Based on the above table, shows that of the
respondents a number of 41 students about Akhlaq
Students at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi, most of
the answer is always 71.64%, the answer is
sometimes 29.23% and the answer is never as much
as 2.74%. Thus, the teacher's personality is quite
instrumental in growing Akhlaq Students at SDN
Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi, with the amount of
The Role of Teacher Personality Competency in Growing Students: Research at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi
From the results of research and discussion about the
Role of Teacher Personality Competence in growing
Akhlaq Students at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi,
the authors can draw some conclusions as follows:
1. Teacher Personality at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung
Bekasi Regency is categorized quite successfully,
because of the question instruments distributed to
respondents, who answered always as much as
73.17%. Thus, the Teacher Personality at SDN
Cibuntu 05 Cibitung, Bekasi Regency, is quite
successful with the amount of 73.17%.
2. Akhlaq Students at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung
Bekasi District, said quite influential, because of
the question items distributed to respondents who
answered always as much as 71.64%. Thus that
Akhlaq Students at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung
Bekasi, categorized very influential on morality
students with a percentage of 71.64%.
3. The role of Teacher Personality in growing Akhlaq
Students at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi,
categorized quite successfully, this is evident
from the results of the recapitulation of
questionnaire assessment distributed to the
respondents of 41 students SDN Cibuntu 05
Cibitung Bekasi, who answered always as much
as 72.40%. Thus it can be concluded that the
Teacher Personality in growing Akhlaq Students
at SDN Cibuntu 05 Cibitung Bekasi, categorized
quite successfully with the percentage of 72.40%.
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