Blocking Voa-Islam.Com Website: An Appropriate Regulation or
Human Rights Violation
Masyrofah, Nahrowi, Sahrul Adam
and Tarsius Murwadji
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
University of Padjadjaran Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Blocking Islamic Website, Online Media, Regulation, Human Rights, Radicalism
Abstract: The Ministry of Communications and Informatics blocked eleven sites containing negative content. The
eleven sites are,,,,,,,,,, Voa- highlights as a radical Islamic site. This blocking takes place in 2016 and reap the pros and cons.
The party that proclaims it as one of the government's steps to ward off radicalism and that is contrary to the
action The Ministry of Communications and Informatics which contain freedom of expression for Human
Rights. This paper asserts that regulation can counteract the proper understanding of radicalism through
media, especially online media. The Indonesian government through the communication and informatics
authorities is responsible for disciplining and suppressing radical sites. The results of the analysis found that
the reason for the implementation of the regulation of blocking of Voa-Islam through Ministerial Regulation
No. 19 of 2014 to protect the people of Indonesia and they will understand that radicalism related to the
concept of public security which is the responsibility of the government. The role of government in
conducting direct control of online media products is radical Islamic site. The urgency of blocking is to
counter radicalism amongst the people who are behind the blocking of's website because it
has negative content that can affect a person's thinking in the act of radicalism and acts of terrorism in
Indonesia. The impact of deregulation and liberalization of this regulation is contrary to the freedom of
opinion guaranteed by the constitution. The basis of blocking of sites that are deemed to contain negative
content is of course referred to in the ITE Act (Information and Electronic Transactions) no. 19 of 2016.
In order to counter the danger caused by radicalism
and terrorism act, universal prevention has been
exercised by the entire nation, including the
government by involving the ministries, related
institutions, and all the components of societies.
These efforts started from the top to the grassroots
and integrated holistically in order to establish a
better cooperation. The prevention of radicalism and
terrorism is in need to be encouraged, especially by
involving every layers in the society from those who
are active within the internet by using google,
facebook, twitter, instagram, whatsapp, line, BBM,
path, or youtube, to those who are not or haven’t
been in touch with the internet.
Indonesian government, represented by the
Ministry of Communication and Information
Technology, has an authority to discipline, ban, and
block websites that floats in the internet that falls in
the category of containing a negative content,
including hate speech, racist comments, slanders and
defamations, provocations, and supporting
radicalism. Based on the Minister of Communication
and Informatics Regulation No. 19 of 2014 on
controlling internet websites containing negative
contents, the government has the right to block the
website that was deemed helping to spread
Masyrofah, ., Nahrowi, ., Adam, S. and Murwadji, T.
Blocking Voa-Islam.Com Website: An Appropriate Regulation or Human Rights Violation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009944330193028
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 3019-3028
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Since the regulation took effect in 2014, there
have been 773,097 websites with negative contents
blocked by the government until December 2016.
The biggest number came from website containing
pornographic content which is 766,000 websites in
total. The rest of the number came from websites
containing contents related to radicalism, racist
comment, fraudulence, gambling, security, and
breach of copyrights. Up until December, the
Ministry of Communication and Information
Technology has received a number of reports
through its social media regarding negative contents
in social media with 1,769 accounts of Youtube,
Twitter, and Facebook reported in total.
In early 2017, the ministry blocked another 11
website that was deemed containing negative
contents, specifically related to radicalism. Those
websites are,,,,,,, izzamedia. com,,, and
Since the ministry started to hunt these radical
Islamic websites in 2015, the ministry has asked all
of the internet service providers operated in
Indonesia to block the website so that it can’t be
accessed by the people. According to Noor Iza, the
acting head of public relation in the Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology, the
eleven websites that were blocked are the result of
thorough observation of around 200 websites and
online news outlet that were believed to contain
negative contents.
One of these blocked Islamic websites is Voa- This website is indeed very vocal in
criticizing the problem happening in Indonesia,
especially related to the politics, religion, and socio-
culture. Government policy is one of the main
spotlights in this website as it argues that the policy
was deemed to do harm to the Muslim society and
fail to consider the aspiration of Indonesian
Based on the description above, this paper try to
answer the question on how the blocking of Voa- website was viewed through the
regulation and human rights perspective and whether
this act of blocking the website by the Indonesian
government with the Minister of Communication
and Informatics Regulation No. 19 of 2014 violate
the basic human rights to hold opinions and express
them freely.
This paper aims to assert that radicalism can
spread quickly through the media, especially online
media. Indonesian government through the authority
of the Ministry of Communication and Information
Technology has a responsibility to discipline and
block the site related to radicalism. By releasing the
Minister of Communication and Informatics
Regulation No. 19 of 2014 on controlling internet
websites containing negative contents, the
government try to prevents the spread of radicalism
that can sparks terrorism acts that recently happened
again in Indonesia. The government deemed the
content in website can fueled
Islamic radicalism movement and enabled their
teachings through online media.
The main theory used to analyze the blocking of website is regulation theory by Gill
Branston and Roy Stafford in their book titled The
Media Student’s Book. This book discussed about
the reason on why regulate, which is related to
public safetyand the quality of media products. This
book also discussed about the historical background
of regulation which argued that knowledge is power
and has been acknowledged ever since. The ruling
authorities always try to keep the masses and the
people from ‘harmful knowledge’. It then talks
about deregulation and liberalisation which explains
the privatization and public sector monopoly in
broadcasting and telecommunication, ‘loosen’ the
regulation control, and ‘open’ the media market with
new license for broadcasting services. Lastly, the
book talks about the contemporary regulatory
environment which is related to the direct control by
the government, government delegation to the
independent law regulators, regulations/self-
regulation by the media producers, and law
framework as a control even though the one who is
in control is the ‘market power’ and audience
This paper uses the methodology based on the
concept of Tanzhim, Tarikh, Huriyah, and
Kauniyah-Tajdid since radicalism is often related to
those concepts. The establishment of Islamic Sharia
Law is one of the goals of the Islamic radical
movement that caused a conflict with the
government. The call for Jihad is always encouraged
by the Islamic radical movement by using Quran
verses mentioning Jihad in order to gain freedom
from the control of the government. Radical Islamic
websites are also participating in disseminating the
idea of Islamic nation or Dawlah Islamiyah in
Indonesia, so the government needs to revise the
regulation to prevent this movement to spread
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
1.1 Tanzhim fi Hifz al-Ummah
There are five maqashid al-sharia which have been
stated by the scholars, namely: hifzh al-din, hifzh al-
nafs, hifzh al-‘aql, hifzh al-mal and hifzh al-nasl.
The five objectives of this Shari'a must be
maintained, by strengthening various aspects and
carrying out various preventive and repressive
efforts on the other, so that the maqashid is not lost
in the ever-changing life process.
According to the maqashid concept, that there is
a set of rules that have the properties of dharuriyah
(primary), hajjiyah (secondary), and tahsiniyah
(tertiary). If the dharuriyah is not achieved, then
human life will experience shock. If the hajjiyah is
not carried out, then this life will be a troublesome
thing. In the end, if the tahsiniyah does not
materialize, then human life will become something
that is not beautiful. So with the achievement of
maqashid al-sharia, according to the assumptions of
the scholars, life that is right and good and beautiful
or a maslahah life will be realized which is a life
marked by hasanah fi al-dunya and hasanah fi al-
akhirah reaching Ridho Allah.
Ibn Khaldun stated that human togetherness is
the main thing in fulfilling their lives, al-insan
madaniyun bi thabi'i. La budda is Min Al-ijtima
’Alladzi Huwa Al-Madinah fi Ishtilahihim Wa Hiya
Ma'na Al-Umran. From this aspect, developing
aspects of human culture in the fields of social,
political, economic and scientific. To preserve all
order and orderliness of mankind, rules are needed
so that life can run well according to existing rules.
The problem of Islamic radicalism has become
an actual hot topic in Indonesia and in the
international world. A number of terrorism acts such
as Bali bombing, JW Marriot Hotel bombing, and
the recently happened Kampung Melayu bombing
were deemed as the result of radical Islamic group’s
action. Many academics use different terms to call
these radical Islamic groups. Martin Van Bruinessen
for example, call these radical group as
fundamentalism. James Barr call this group as
radicalism group or revolutionary Islam. R. Hrair
Dekmejian, as cited by M. Imdadun Rahmat, uses
the term Islamic revivalism. Meanwhile Oliver Roy
called it as Islamism and Neo-Fundamentalism.
However, many call this group simply as Islamist.
According to Dekmeijan, from these terms
mentioned before, the term of fundamentalism,
revivalism and Islamism are often used in the
literature related to the contemporary Islamic
movements even though at the end, the West
conditioned the fundamentalism in the same group
of radicalism and terrorism.
Bernard Lewis stated that The Islamic umma had
a dual character. On the one hand it was a political
society-a chieftaincy which swifly grew into state
and than an empire; On the other it was a religious
community, founded by a prophet and ruled by his
After escaping from western colonialism,
Muslims began to organize themselves in social
matters in their respective national countries. Then a
number of groups emerged, which can be divided
into three outlines, namely groups that separate
Islam and the state, groups that are oriented to the
universal values of Islamic teachings, groups that
want to implement Islam in full. In order not to fall
into exclusive attitudes, it is necessary to emphasize
the purpose of these groups namely hifzh al-ummah.
Tanzhim is relevant to the form of regulation that
refers to public safety to maintain order in society,
so that life will goes well in accordance with
existing rules. The government or Ulil Amri is given
the authority to make rules or regulations that must
be obeyed by the community, so that the quality of
media products does not violate the prescribed
regulatory content.
1.2 Tarikh
According to language, it comes from arrakha-
yuarrikhu-taarikhan which means knowing the
events of events and writing and compiling events.
While in terms of dates means events and events that
are passed by a nation. If the date is connected with
Islam, then it means the events and events passed by
the Islamic ummah. The benefits of studying the
history of the predecessors are for I’tibar (taking
lessons) as revealed in the letter of Yusuf verse 111,
"Indeed, in their stories there are teachings for
people who have reason. The Qur'an is not a
contrived story, but he justifies (the books)
beforehand and explains everything and as a guide
and mercy to the believers.
The relation between tarikh and historical
background lies in knowledge is a force that has
been recognized throughout history, so by knowing
the historical background of the regulation of the
media industry, the government can monitor and
protect the public from 'dangerous knowledge', one
of them is radicalism. This regulation theory can be
used as a reference for the blocking of negatively
charged internet sites.
Blocking Voa-Islam.Com Website: An Appropriate Regulation or Human Rights Violation
1.3 Hurriyah
According to Zainab Ridhwan, legislation which is
the legal basis in Islam has four main principles,
namely equality, freedom, justice, and social
integrity. Independence or freedom begins with the
release of feelings of devotion to other than Allah. In
addition, human freedom also occurs when it is free
from material influences or restraints. If it is so,
humans will easily use their freedom such as
freedom of worship or religion, freedom of thought
and opinion and so on.
Freedom or independence is a part of human
rights and covers various dimensions and activities.
Community life in an Islamic country is built on an
idea of benefit for all members of the community.
This benefit is realized when there is no restraint, let
alone seizing social rights and individual rights.
When the benefit is disrupted, either because of
violations committed by members of the community
or by the government and its apparatus, a collective
obligation (mandatory kifayah) arises to eliminate
the violation through the actions of amar ma'ruf
nahy munkar.
Freedom of association and assembly can occur
in any field, political, economic, social, cultural and
others. Islam justifies and allows for that reality,
with clear boundaries, namely for good and truth. As
mentioned in QS: Al-Maidah verse 2 and QS: At-
Taubah verse 71.
True independence starts with self-liberation
from the influence of lust and controls it under the
guidance of faith and common sense. Thus, freedom
is not absolute freedom, but freedom that is
responsible for God, for the safety and benefit of
human life on earth. The freedom consists of
freedom of thought, freedom of religion, freedom of
expression, freedom to study and freedom to own
Freedom (huriyah) in terms of deregulation and
liberalization emphasizes that regulations set by the
government or Ulil amri are not interpreted as
restraints on one's creativity or political goals. But to
make restrictions so that the freedom they have does
not violate existing regulations or regulations. All
layers of society are given the freedom which is
responsible to Allah SWT.
1.4 Kauniyah-Tajdid
The kauniah verse is a verse or sign that is
manifested around that created by Allah. These
verses are in the form of objects, events, events and
so on that exist in this world. Because this nature is
only able to be carried out by Allah with all its
unique systems and rules, it becomes a sign of the
greatness and majesty of its Creator.
The meaning of "at-tajdid" in some of the
hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam
is the same as the meaning of the language above,
which revolves around the meaning of the
resurrection, reviving and returning. In the hadith of
Abdullah bin Amru bin al-Ash Radhiyallahu anhu,
which means that actually the faith in the hearts of
one of you can be damaged as the clothes can be
damaged, then ask Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala that
He renew faith in your hearts.
Based on the concept of Kauniyah and The
Contemporary Regulatory Environment that what is
in the universe can only be carried out by God with
all its unique systems and rules. Therefore the
atmosphere of contemporary regulation must be in
line with Allah's rules, through the direct control by
government of renewal of regulations aimed at the
benefit of the people.
Based on the thought and phenomenon described
above, this paper will study the case of Voa- blocking by the Indonesian government
as it is deemed as one of the Islamic radical websites
and has a potential to trigger radicalism in Indonesia. founded in April 2009 in Bekasi,
Jawa Barat. This website operated officially in June
1, 2009. The background for founding this website is
based on the concern regarding the reality faced by
Muslim community, especially in Southeast Asia
who became more and more marginalized by
capitalism and Zionist movement who accused the
Muslim fighting and preaching Islam according to
the understanding of the best Islamic generation,
salafus sholeh (The Prophet, Tabiin generation, and
Tabiut Tabiin) with the label of extremist,
conservative, and fundamentalist. This website tried
to voice the needs of Islam and Muslim
communities. The founding of this website is based
on the interpretation compiled from Quran verses
Surah An Nahl: 125, Al Hujurat: 6, and Ash Shaff:
The vision of is:
- To become a trusted media that put
forward honesty and fairness professionally.
- To help realized the Muslim community
that recognizes its dignity and its role and
responsibilities in order to build a dignified
The mission of is:
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
- To preach the da’wah of Al Haq
whenever, wherever, through whatever media.
- To increase the quality of human resources
and the capability of Muslim community realted to
communication and information technology.
- To build online da’wah as a form of
advocation on Muslim in Southeast Asia.
- To protect the unity of da’wah, sunnah,
and the struggle of all Muslim.
- To become a leading media in Indonesia
and Southeast Asia.
- To communicate balanced information
about the existence and the problem of Muslim
community in the world and particularly in
Southeast Asia.
The founding institution for this website is PT
Visi Media Veteran.
Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU)
through its cyber team and LTNNU released the list
of Islamic website deemed as radical, including which is listed at level 1. As cited in, PBNU categorized radical
Islamic website into several levels. Within the list,
there were no Shiite media, Liberal Islam media, or
deviant sect media included. The compiled radical
Islamic websites in the list reached 208 websites
divided into four levels and categorized into
affiliated web or true Wahabi web. These websites
were read by millions of viewers, but they need to be
vigilant of the incitement within the content. People
then was asked to be cautious of the compiled
Islamic website that contains racist comments,
Sinophobic, rebellious against the republic, and anti
The Content in radical Islamic sites is trying to
attack kiai, ulama, NU and state symbols and
philosophies of the Indonesian state because it is
indeed anti-nationalism and likes to make violent
posts. There are those who are affiliated with ISIS
directly, to radical parties in Indonesia, there are also
those who under the guise of purifying Islam,
namely Wahabi.
However, after tracing not all the content of the site is negatively charged. Not a
little info-info related to the Islamic world both
nationally and internationally was discussed on the
site Even trying to respond to the
latest developments regarding conflicts and issues in
Muslim countries. This is where the dualism of the
meaning of both parties, namely the site owner and
the government, takes place. The owner of the site claims that this is an Islamic
missionary site, but the government considers Voa- a radical Islamic site that should be
watched out for. Muslims in Indonesia again get
unfair treatment by stakeholders. Starting from the
BNPT (National Counter-Terrorism Agency) and the
Ministry of Communication and Information, led by
Minister Rudiantara, it has coordinated to block
Islamic preaching sites in Indonesia. Several reasons
that emerged in the community, the da'wah site was
allegedly spreading radicalism. Letters of request for
site closure from BNPT spread on social networks
with number: 149 / K.BNPT / 3/2015 on radical sites
/ websites mention there are 19 (nineteen) sites
included in the list of sites for disseminating radical
ideas. If you see the information reported on the
official website of Kominfo.go there are more or 22
sites that are blocked.
The Ministry of Communication and Information
has also asked the internet service provider (ISP) to
block the 22 sites according to what the BNPT said
that the site / website is a site / website that drives
radicalism and / or radicalism sympathizers. This is
denied by the Islamic site, they stressed that when
searching and viewing content most of the sites
classified as sites of dissemination of radical ideas
above were very far from BNPT's allegations. Most
of these sites are Islamic propaganda sites,
especially if these sites are considered to have
contributed to spreading ISIS propaganda. Because
the majority of Islamic scholars and mass
organizations in Indonesia have agreed to the fatwas
of ulama in the world that ISIS ideology includes
Ghuluw / Radicalism. So if there are groups that
support ISIS in Indonesia, we can be sure that there
is only a small group. This means that BNPT's
allegations to most of the sites above are totally
wrong, because their understanding is very contrary
to ISIS.
The government's authority to block the Voa- site and others through the Ministry of
Communication and Information reaped strong
protests from various parties, who suspected the
Ministry of Communication and Informatics of
using the ISIS issue to silence Islamic preaching
through online media. Even though the blocking /
banning of Islamic sites actually violates the
freedom of the press, as stipulated in the Act No. 40
of 1999 article 4 which reads:
1. Freedom of the press is guaranteed as a
human right of citizens.
2. The national press is not subject to
censorship, banning or prohibition of broadcasting.
Blocking Voa-Islam.Com Website: An Appropriate Regulation or Human Rights Violation
3. To guarantee press freedom, the national
press has the right to seek, obtain and disseminate
ideas and information.
4. In taking responsibility for reporting before
the law, journalists have a Refused Right.
However, the government refers to regulations
concerning handling negatively charged internet
sites as stipulated in the Minister of Communication
and Information Technology Regulation Number 19
of 2014 dated July 17, 2014.
1. Preventing Radicalism by Implementing the
Minister of Communication and Informatics
Regulation No.19 of 2014.
The phenomenon happening in Indonesia in
recent year regarding terrorism acts made the society
restless and concerned about the civil safety in
Indonesia. Some parties stated that terrorism act can
be caused by the developing radicalism that is
spreading in the society. According to the study
from many references, the term radicalism refers to
the violent movement that is taken by some groups
as a response to their displeasure on the politics and
socio-historical condition.
The understanding of Islamic radical groups is
usually totalistic and formalistic. Their
understanding of religious literature is rigid,
terrifying, and rejects every notion of reasoning in
religious field that they often damage and hinder
Islam form the dynamic of life, causing the
regression among Muslim society and paint Islam in
a bad way for the sake of religious purity.
Radicalism has massively spreading in society
with the advancement of internet and
communication technology and the popularity of
websites that has potential to spread the radical
view. Nowadays, online media has become easily
accessible for the society in every layer. Regulation
in Indonesia is still lacking in this department, the
proof is that it cannot regulate negative contents
from spreading around. For example, pornographic
contents are still accessible even though the
government claimed that they have blocked it. This
proves the lack of regulation implementation in
Indonesia, even more so since pornographic contents
and radicalism can caused a negative impact for the
generation. In comparison to the eight countries with
strict regulation such as Iran, China, Afghanistan,
Maroko, Burma, Kuba, South Korea and, United
Arab Emirates, the implementation of the regulation
in Indonesia is still relatively weak. The existing
regulations are not accompanied with heavy sanction
that can deter the violator.
Indonesia as a country with Muslim population,
the same with Iran, Maroko, and United Arab
Emirates, should be able to implement a stricter
regulation regarding internet usage. As discussed in
the theory of why regulate, there is a form of
regulation that is implemented referring to the public
safetyand to control the quality of media products
which is the websites containing negative contents.
Regulation implemented in the concept of maqashid
has the property of dharuriyah (primary).
2. Blocking as Radical Islamic
According to Rubaidi, based on the context, in
Indonesia there exist two different Islamic radical
movements. First is the Islamic radical movement
that is still within true to their nature. Some of them
are Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Tarbiyah-
Ikhwanul Muslimin, and the movement of Salafi-
Wahabi. Second is the Islamic radical movement
that has been undergoing a metamorphosis, even
though the basic ideology retains a similarity to the
Islamic radical transnational movement in Middle
East. Some of the examples are Front Pembela Islam
(FPI), Lasykar Jihad (LJ), Majelis Mujahidin
Indonesia (MMI) and many others.
The existence of said Islamic radical
movements started from the radicalism tenets spread
through the media, one of them is through online
media. As got blocked because it
was deemed as one of the radical Islamic websites,
people questioned the blocking and the criteria on
what contributes as radicalism.The Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology stated
that the report to block came from
BNPT. According to BNPT, the criteria for radical
Islamic website are:
1. Willing to use violence to initiate
changes quickly in the name of religion.
2. Takfiri or quick to blame other as an
3. Support, spread, and invite people to join
4. See the act of Jihad in a narrow and
limited sense.
According to those criteria, painting Voa- as a radical Islamic website is not
accurate. After observing the content in the website,
most of them generally highlights and criticized
issues surrounding Islam, delivering facts so that the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
report in media is more balanced. This is because
oftentimes, there is news that points the Muslim
community as bad, such as the airing of the movie
that paints Indonesian Muslim community as
intolerant to other religious group and got a bad
review and critics from Muslim clerics.
The Ministry of Communication and Information
Technology stated that the report to block the
website came from BNPT and they only relay the
report to the telecommunication providers to
implement the blockade. The Ministry employs a
system called Trust Positif that campaigns a healthy
and safe internet surfing and lists website containing
negative contents.
The contents that are deemed as negative by the
Ministry are pornographic content, racism, hate
speech, violence, fraud, gambling, sites with
malicious content, and copyright violation. Based on
the theory stating that the government always tried
to protect its citizen from ‘harmful knowledge’ in
the media, the case of blocking can
be seen as protecting the citizen from radicalism
content. In Canada, Australia, and Japan, the public
news agency is controlled bystrict regulation and
their work is supervised. This concept goes along
with the concept of tarikh. In making a regulation or
Tanzhim, it is encouraged to refer to the phenomena,
event, aspiration, theme, or issue that becomes a
background for the regulation to be necessary. Also,
in trying to understand the content of Al-Quran, we
need to refer to Asbab al-Nuzul while to understand
the Hadith, we need to refer to Asbab al-Wurud. The
misunderstanding of the concept of Jihad came from
the interpretation of Quran verses and Hadith in a
rigid and literal way so that it deviates from the
intended message taught by Islam.
3. The Blocking is a Violation of
Human Rights and the Freedom of Speech. blocking garnered protests and
critics from many sides, including the Indonesian
Ulama Council or Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI)
that regretted the action taken by the Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology. This
matter invites heavy reaction from the Muslim
community because it is a sensitive issue. According
to the Chairman of MUI, Zainut Tauhid, “This
action could invite pros and cons opinion even
though the reason behind it is to weed out radicalism
and terrorism.” This is because the Ministry hasn’t
released the explanation on what kind of criteria that
they consider as radicalism.
The action from BNPT and the Ministry in blocking
Islamic websites invites many critics. One of them is
from expert and lecturer of telecommunication,
Onno W. Purbo. As an activist of open source, he
valued the access for information as a part of human
rights that is protected by the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (UDHR). This is a violation of
human rights by the Ministry because they blocked
some Islamic websites haphazardly without any
explanation. Purbo questioned the definition of right
from wrong, halal from haram, pornographic
content, and terrorism that was referred by the
In the era or globalization and information
technology, Islamic da’wah channel faced a distinct
challenge to run their mission using online media.
On one hand, people sometimes misinterpret the
website doing da’wah as malicious. On the other
hand, the activity of da’wah needs certain creativity
to adapt to this era. Science and technology can help
the activity of da’wah to be more creative and
interesting. However, the da’wah needs to come
from a strong religious and empirical faith.
A similar opinion was also voiced by Harits Abu
Ulya, that the blocking of Islamic online media
which is violates human rights. Voa- is a media of da’wah to disseminate
information about Islam. blocking is
counterproductive to the rights of the citizen to
express their opinion or ideas. The government
should give an open space for the citizen to enable
civil control towards the media. The government
was also seen as anti critics by limiting its citizen to
their freedom of expression. This blockade reeks of
political interest proven by the premature argument
and showed the regime’s intellectual weakness to
face alternative media that criticized their policy and
can balance the report given by the mainstream
Deregulation and Liberalization Theory gave
space to public media, giving an impact on the
‘loosening’ the regulation and ‘opening’ the media
market. Thus, the regulation made shouldn’t restrain
the society as long as they follow the existing rule.
Regulation can be reevaluated as long as it is for the
greater goodness of the nation.Freedom (Hurriyah)
is a core part of human rights. The freedom here is
not an absolute one, but a freedom with
responsibility to Allah SWT toward the benefit of all
people in the world. This is where regulation is
needed to control the life.
The blocking case can be
considered as a violation of freedom of speech
guaranteed by the constitution and human rights on
one side. But on the other side, the government has
an authority to control and implement the regulation.
Then, the communication between the admin of
Blocking Voa-Islam.Com Website: An Appropriate Regulation or Human Rights Violation
3025 website and the Ministry need to be
encouraged so that the content that is considered
incompatible based on the regulation No.19 of 2014,
July 17, 2014 can be revised.
4. Mediation as a Solution to Evaluate the Ministry
Policy in Blocking
The case of blocking has draw
people’s attention, especially Muslim community.
Not only because it is an Islamic online media, but
also to understand the mistake done by Voa- that got them blocked by the government.
Many are asking the question regarding the
definition of ‘radical’ that was used by the
government as a rationale to block the website. This
situation rose because the Ministry, without any
explanation beforehand, suddenly announced the
blockade. The blockade involved several institutions
such as BNPT and Densus 88.
After the communication between the Ministry
and the admin of was done, the
access to the website has finally opened again after
the agreement was reached and the admin will revise
the restricted content. The mediation event that was
held at the office of the Ministry of Communication
and Information Technology in January 4, 2017
uncovered the fact that the blockade of these eleven
website is based on the report from NGOs and
Densus 88. then only required to
delete 4 news that was deemed by the Ministry as
‘hot news’ regarding Densus 88, Ahok or Basuki
Tjahaja Purnama, and the Dutch Christendom that
enslave Indonesia. The chairman of Indonesian Press
Council, Yoseph Stanley Adi Prasetyo encouraged
the blocked website to register themselves to the
Press Council, completing the legal requirements,
and partaking in journalism training to develop the
capability of their journalist in journalistic
competency test. Answering that, Voa-Islam is
willing to do all of the above since they have been
contributing for 8 years towards the realization of
amar ma'ruf nahi munkar in Indonesia.
The result of this mediation is an implementation
of The Contemporary Regulatory Environment
theory regarding the type of regulation which is
direct control by government. The Ministry has done
an effort to communicate to reach an agreement in
contemporary regulation. Self-regulation by media
producers was also done by the admin of Voa- who agreed to revise the content based on
the regulation applied in Indonesia. This is in line
with the concept of kauniyah and tajdid in realizing
something in the form of regulation revision for the
greater good of the society.
3 CONCLUSIONS blocking was done according to the
Minister of Communication and Informatics
Regulation No.19 of 2014 on controlling internet
websites containing negative contents. According to
the regulation theory related to the reason behind
why regulate, it is because was
deemed as radical Islamic website which the content
contains radicalism. Based on the historical
background, the spreading of radicalism through
online media has a systemic impact which is the
increasing number of terrorism act in Indonesia, thus
the government tried to prevent that by releasing the
regulation on website containing negative contents.
Deregulation and liberalisation which is the Voa- blocking was based on the regulation
No.19 of 2014 which resulted in the ITE Act No.19
of 2016. The blockade invites protest and critics from
several parties that see this act as a violation of
freedom of speech which is protected by human
rights and the constitution. The contemporary
regulatory environment gave many pros and cons
related to this blocking. For those with a pro opinion,
the step taken by the government was deemed
appropriate to prevent radicalism that has been
developing in the society. However, the cons side
heavily rejects the painting of Voa-Islam as radical
Islamic site because it only gave information about
the image of Islam to balance the news from
mainstream media. After holding mediation between
the Ministry and the admin of, the
agreement was reached for the website to revise the
content especially regarding Densus 88, Ahok or
Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, and the Dutch Christendom
that enslave Indonesia. From eleven blocked
websites, only five website agreed o revise the
content, including The revision of
these five websites is already suitable to the existing
The implementation of the regulation No.19 of
2014 was done to protect the Indonesian people from
radicalism related to the concept of public safety as a
part of the responsibility of the Indonesian
government. Here, the role of the government to do
direct control to the media products such as Voa- website was exercised.
The urgency behind the blockade is to prevent
radicalism to spread in the society that can
potentially influence the mind which could result in
terrorism acts. Freedom of expression is indeed the
rights of the citizen, but it also has to conform to the
existing regulation so that the expression can be
accounted for. Muslim community as a majority
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
group in Indonesia needs to conform to the regulation
orTanzhim that has been set by Ulil Amri or the
government. The concept of Tarikh, Hurriyah and
Kauniyah-Tajdid becomes relevant with the case of
website blocking. History has wrote that the
establishment of Islamic Sharia law is one of the
main goals for Islamic radical movements that
created conflict with the government. The call for
Jihad becomes a symbol of freedom to express the
aspiration of the radical Islamic group by using
Quran verses related to Jihad. Radical Islamic
website also helped to spread the discourse to build
Islamic nation (Daulah Islamiyah) in Indonesia, so
the Indonesian government need to revise the
regulation to counter radicalism and to prevent
terrorism act that creates tension in Indonesia.
However, there is a shortfall in the act
implemented by the Ministry to block the website, in
which the blocking was not accompanied by any
explanation regarding the reason behind to the admin
of the website and to the society. This creates a
negative assumption that the act reeks of political
interest. Supposedly, the Ministry needs to hold a
public dialogue to communicate the reason
beforehand. Afterwards, the admin of the website can
clarify about the content that was deemed as negative
by the government. The communication was only
held after the case blew up, however, after the
content was revised, the blockade was lifted and can be accessed again.
The government realized the role of the media in
influencing the masses. Thus, the development of the
media in Indonesia needs to be considered greatly as
an anticipation to minimize negative impacts that can
threatens the nation. The admin of the website are
encouraged to do an evaluation regarding the content
contained within their site and the government should
be able to act objectively in evaluating the circulation
of the content in online media.
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