Problem-based Writing with Peer Review (Pw-Pr) Learning Model in
Environmental Management: A Best Practice at Al-Lathifah Islamic
Boarding School
Imam Taqyuddin
and Kusmana
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
Keywords: PW-PR, Management, Environment
Abstrak: This study discusses the effectiveness of Problem-based Writing with Peer Review (PW-PR) learning models
in dealing environmental problems. This theme has been neglected due to scarcity of the similar research.
There is one previous study but focuses on merely the understanding of student on environmental issues. The
present study goes further by identifying the awareness of pupil in solving the destruction of nature, and
maintenance of nature. Using descriptive-analytic method, this study discusses how Al-Lathifah Boarding
School effectively teaches Problem-based Writing with Peer Review (PW-PR) learning model in dealing
environmental problems. The study find that Environmental problems start from a crisis of human
understanding of nature, which makes people lose consciousness and even tends to be exploitative of nature.
The model is based on systematic problems direct students to solve it. The effectiveness of the PW-PR
learning model is proven by the results of the Hypothesis Test of differences in cognitive and affective
competence of the experimental class and control class students.
Environmental damage that has occurred to date is
included in the problem which is very concerning
(Nasrudin, 2010). Human awareness of cleanliness
and environmental preservation, especially in
Indonesia, is still very far from the values in Islamic
teachings (Akhtaruddin, 1997). Insufficient human
awareness of environmental conservation is evident
from small examples of garbage that are seen scattered
on the streets, schools, and even in rivers. Air
pollution, floods, landslides, forest fires, water
pollution and other environmental damage are
evidence of erosion of human awareness of
environmental conservation The attitude of hedonism,
exploitation and loss of human awareness of
environmental preservation is a result of the paradigm
of positivism that has been attached to human beings
which judges nature as an object that can be exploited
as they want. This positivism paradigm of nature must
clearly be changed, because if it does not it will
continue to occur due to human damage.
Learning Model Problem Based Writing With
Peer Review comes as a learning model that is
thought to be effective in strengthening knowledge,
raising awareness of students in an effort to overcome
damage and preserve the environment, because this
learning model is a problem-based learning model
that systematically directs students to can solve a
problem. So that eventually students grow up to be
human beings who are able to preserve the
This article is divided into five points, the first
point is introduction, in the second part we will
present a little discussion and literature review, at this
point we will also present indicators and answer
research questions, we will present the research
methodology in the third point, then the results and
discussion on the fourth point, this article ends with
a conclusion on the fifth point.
2.1 The Importance of Environmental
New education and the most important in the present
is environmental education. The education is related
to the knowledge of the environment around
Taqyuddin, I. and Kusmana, .
Problem-based Writing with Peer Review (Pw-Pr) Learning Model in Environmental Management: A Best Practice at Al-Lathifah Islamic Boarding School.
DOI: 10.5220/0009945625082515
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2508-2515
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
humans and maintains various elements that can bring
the threat of destruction, pollution, or destruction
(David Orr, 1994) Environmental education was
taught by the Prophet Muhammad to his friends. Abu
Darda 'ra. explained that in the place of study raised
by the Prophet Muhammad, he had been taught about
the importance of farming and planting trees and the
importance of the effort to change barren land into a
fertile garden. This action will bring great rewards in
the sight of Allah SWT and working to prosper the
earth is including worship to Allah SWT (Al
Qaradlawi, 1997). From some figures' views, the
emergence of volunteer movements and various cases
of environmental problems that occur in various parts
of the country, it can be concluded that environmental
problems that occur stem from a crisis of
understanding of the environment itself lack of
understanding about the environment causes humans
to act arbitrarily exploiting nature (Ahmed, Abubakr
Bagader and others, 1994).
Therefore, theoretically and practically the world
of education is considered to be able to change the
understanding of the environment for the better. This
indicates how important environmental education is
in overcoming various environmental problems that
occur. Making individuals and
understand the complex nature and the environment
through their physical, social, economic and cultural
interactions in acquiring knowledge, attitudes and
practical skills in managing and solving environmental
problems, this is a basic goal of environmental
education. This goal will be achieved if learning about
the environment is carried out continuously and
continuously (Ronald:1990)
2.2 Environmental Management in the
Biology Subject of Madrasah
The object of discussion on the environment is
formally discussed in Chapter 10 Biology subjects in
class X 2013 curriculum of Madrasah Aliyah with the
title Environmental / Climate Change.
Environment / Climate changes in this chapter
have some Basic Competencies as a benchmark for
the minimum ability of students in a lesson. In Basic
Competencies 1.3, it is stated that students must be
able to understand the concept, be sensitive and care
about the problems, have the motivation to maintain
and love the environment as the practice
manifestation of the teachings of their religion. If
Basic Competence 1.3 is associated with Bloom's
Taxonomy, it will be seen that Basic Competence 1.3
requires students to have two basic competencies
Bloom Taxonomy, they are Cognitive competence and
Affective competence. This is reinforced by the
indicators of the Basic Competencies, the students at
least have: (1) an understanding of the concepts (causes
and impacts) of environmental damage caused by
humans (water, soil and air pollution) and the concept of
environmental conservation efforts.
(2) attitude towards environmental damage and
determination or motivation to maintain and preserve
the environment (water, soil and air) (Puskur, 2007).
(3) Finally, it can be concluded that the selection of
an appropriate learning model in learning in the
classroom is very important to be considered, in
order to achieve Basic Competence or the minimum
ability of students who have been determined in the
study of Environmental Management.
2.3 Problem based Writing with Peer
Review (PW-PR) Learning Model
The PW-PR Learning Model was introduced by
Nancy J. Palaez from California University in 2002.
According to him, the PW-PR Learning Model is a
problem-based learning model by educators, the
problem solving is put into writing by students, then
followed by a response to the writing of students by
other students with the final activity of strengthening
the concept by educators, in addition to overcoming
misconceptions that occur among students
(Pelaez:2002). Steps or steps taken in the PW-PR
learning models:
1) Educators give some questions to students.
2) Students carry out theoretical studies from
various sources, from books, journals, the internet
and through interviews.
3) Students complete or solve problems in
writing with references from various references or
4) Students do calibrated peer review by
checking and responding to answers from their
friends that have been prepared by the teacher,
then the results of the students' responses are
equated with the educator's response to the
example of the answer.
5) Educators provide concept strengthening and
discuss some misconceptions that occur in the
results of the students' answers.
2.4 Relevant Research
Referring to the research conducted by David Orr, he
said that the environmental crisis that occurred
basically began with a crisis of understanding, and it
was the world of education that was able to change
that understanding for the better (David Orr:1994)
Problem-based Writing with Peer Review (Pw-Pr) Learning Model in Environmental Management: A Best Practice at Al-Lathifah Islamic
Boarding School
Moreover, Islamic education which combines aspects
of divinity in environmental management, added
Azila Ahmad Sarkawi and Alias Abdullah
(Sarkawi:2015). Gregory S Keller and Julian D.
Avery also emphasized in their research that
educational institutions can help improve
conservation awareness through the learning process
carried out continuously (Keller:2006) Robert E.
Slavin specifically stated that the process of education
services is in a strategic position in the development
of human resources, because human excellence in
science is the proper management result of the
education system (Robert:1994) The results of
research conducted by Nancy J. Pelaez showed that
Learning using Problem-based Writing with Peer
Review (PW-PR) can improve student learning
outcomes in the concept of human physiology
compared to learning using traditional methods
(lectures) both tested using test questions in the form
of multiple choice or essay (Pelaez:2002).
The research method used in this study is a mixed
research method (mixed method / combination that
combine qualitative and quantitative methods).
3.1 Research Sites and Objects
This research was held in Al-Lathifah Islamic
Boarding School Cibitung-West Cikarang Bekasi.
The object of the research is the students of class X
Madrasah Aliah Al-Lathifah.
3.2 Data Source
Data sources in this study are divided into two,
primary data sources and secondary data sources. The
primary data source in this study is the source of data
obtained from the results of multiple choice questions
and scale questionnaires. Secondary data sources in
this study are data sources obtained from observation,
interviews, and from various kinds of literature
relating to the discussion of research on the learning
of PW-PR in Environmental Management
3.3 Data Analysis Methods
Primary data collection techniques: (1) Test multiple
choice questions to determine students 'cognitive
competencies, (2) Scale questionnaires to determine
affective competencies and students' responses to the
application of PW-PR learning models. Primary data
collection techniques from multiple choice test results
(cognitive competence) and scaled questionnaires
(affective competence) were carried out through
True-Experimental (real experiment) research
methods [15]. The research design used was the
randomized pretest-posttest control class group
design. The research design can be seen in the
following table:
Table 1: Research design
Class Pretest
Experiment T1
Control T1
T1 =
First Test
T2 = Final Test
X1 = Application by using PW-PR learning
X2 =
Application by using conventional learning
Secondary data collection techniques: (1)
Observation of the environment of Al-Lathifah
Islamic Boarding School to obtain data on the state of
the environment in schools, (2) Interview with
Principal of Al-Lathifah Islamic Boarding School and
tutors of Al-Lathifah Islamic Boarding School to find
out the history and school profile, (3) Various
literature studies on Islamic Concepts of the
Environment, Problem-based Writing Learning
Models with Peer Review (PW-PR), Learning
Evaluation, and Environmental Management
4.1 Education Evaluation based on
Learning Model Problem based
Writing with Peer Review (PW-PR)
at Environmental Management
Theoretically, the learning model of Problem Based
Writing with Peer Review (PW-PR) is assessed as an
appropriate learning model applied in environmental
management. To prove the effectiveness of this
learning model, it is conducted to prove the
evaluation of education or research quantitatively.
This research was conducted with the intention to
find out whether there is an influence of the Problem-
based Writing with Peer Review (PW-PR) learning
model on the achievement of instructional education
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
goals in environmental management. The purpose of
instructional education is to mean how students'
abilities are measured through the cognitive and
affective domains. To find out whether or not there is
an influence, a comparison class or control class is
needed. In this study, the control class is a class taught
by conventional learning models.
PW-PR learning is assumed to be an effective
learning model that contributes to the increase of
knowledge and awareness of students in
environmental maintenance and management. This is
based on a systematic learning model that has
systematic stages that can improve students 'abilities
not only in increasing knowledge, but also in
improving students' attitudes towards damage and
maintenance of the environment in daily life that can
be proven through a study compared to conventional
learning model.
The proof of the effectiveness of the PW-PR
learning model in environmental management is done
through true-experimental research methods (real
research) (Sugiyono: 2013) with the research design
of the randomized pretest-posttest control class group
design (comparison of two randomly formed groups
with pretest and posttest). (Sukmadinata: 2008) The
instruments used in this study are written tests and
applicative tests as data collection tools.
The main data from this study is in the form of a
written test instrument in multiple choice forms with
a number of 20 questions that have been judged and
tested. This written test is conducted to determine the
cognitive abilities of students in environmental
management. In addition, two non-written test
instruments were used. First, non-questionnaire-
shaped tests were used to determine affective abilities
as well as student responses to the PW-PR learning
model. Secondly non-test which is in the form of
learning used to determine the response of students to
the PW-PR learning model.
Giving the test was done twice, namely at the
beginning of learning with the aim to find out the
students 'initial competencies about learning material
for environmental management, and at the end of
learning with the aim of knowing students' final
competencies after being given treatment. The test
questions used at the pretest and posttest are the same
problem. The use of the same questions is assumed
by using the same evaluation tool to find out changes
in the value of students after being given treatment.
Significant differences between the two final test
result, and between the initial test, and the final test in
the experimental group showed the effect of the
treatment given.
4.2 Effectiveness of PW-PR Learning
Models in Cognitive Competencies
of Students
Cognitive competence measured in this study is the
cognitive abilities of students in learning material for
environmental management. Based on the average
value of posttest testing of cognitive competence, it
shows that the experimental class is superior to the
control class. The experimental class has an average
grade of 57.3 at the pretest, and becomes 79.8 after
the posttest. While the control class achieved an
average of 57.5 at the pretest, and 63.3 at the posttest.
This indicates that the PW-PR learning model has a
significant influence on students' cognitive
competencies on environmental management
The effectiveness of learning in both classes can
be known by calculating the percentage of students'
values. Effective learning is 75% of students get a
value greater than or equal to 65 [16]. Based on the
posttest results of the experimental class students and
successive control classes have an average grade of
79.8 and 63.3 with Minimum Completeness Criteria
(KKM) at a score of 65. In the experimental class, 30
students get more than or equal 65, or 100% of
students achieving KKM. This indicates that the
percentage level of cognitive competence of the
experimental class students exceeds the average
criteria of learning completeness that has been
established and is included in very effective learning.
Whereas in the control class, students who get a score
greater than or equal to 65 totaled 14 students, or only
46% of students who achieved KKM, this shows that
the percentage of cognitive competence of control
class students is still below the average completeness
learning criteria, that has been established and is
included in less effective learning. The results of this
study indicate that the learning model Problem Based
Writing with Peer Review (PW-PR) has a significant
effect on improving the cognitive abilities of students
in learning environmental management.
Before the teaching and learning process begins,
it is important to know the students' initial
competencies in the subject of environmental
management. Learning success depends not only on
the environment and learning conditions but also on
the students' initial competencies. The initial
competencies possessed by students become the
initial capital in the learning process that will be
carried out so that it affects the results after the
learning process is complete
Problem-based Writing with Peer Review (Pw-Pr) Learning Model in Environmental Management: A Best Practice at Al-Lathifah Islamic
Boarding School
4.3 Effectiveness of PW-PR Learning
Models in Affective Competencies
of Students
The student affective ability in environmental
management can be known from the questionnaire
given to students at the last meeting, after students
have done the posttest. The answers of students in the
questionnaire were calculated on the average value
and then compared between the pretest and posttest
scores between the experimental class and the control
The results of questionnaire processing indicate
that the average value of the experimental class
pretest is 57.1, and the posttest value is 80.8. While
the average value of the pretest of the control class is
57.6 and the average posttest value is 63.7. For more
details, the difference in the average value of the
experimental class and control class can be seen in the
graph below:
These results indicate that the affective
competencies percentage of experimental class
students exceeds the average criteria for learning
completeness that has been established and it is
included in very effective learning. The results of this
study indicate that the Problem Based Writing with
Peer Review (PW-PR) learning model has a
significant influence on improving the affective
competence of students in learning environmental
management. Increased affective competence occurs
when students conduct problem-based learning by
carrying out a direct observations review of the
phenomenon of environmental damage that occurred.
4.4 Response of Students to PW-PR
We can see from the questionnaire filled out by
students after attending PW-PR learning. From the
results of the questionnaire, 81.03% of students stated
that PW-PR learning on environmental management
material can improve the ability of students to find
solutions to problems, help improve writing skills,
train students in criticizing other people's writings,
and constitute fun learning models, can help students
learn more effectively and help increase awareness
and ability of students in environmental management.
This is confirmed from the acquisition of the average
value of the experimental class tested through the
response instrument for PW-PR learning to obtain a
class average value of 81.
The responses of students to the Problem Based
Writing With Peer Review (PW-PR) learning model
in this study were students who were in the
experimental class as the respondents showed, 24 of
the 30 students or 80% of the experimental class
responded very strongly that Problem Based Writing
with Peer Review (PW-PR) learning models can help
them in learning to solve a problem by thinking
systematically through PW-PR learning, starting
from exploring the causes of problems by conducting
direct reviews to the level of how students are able
solving problems by doing various kinds of literature
studies from various sources even asking experts
The second statement about the response of
students to learning Problem Based Writing with Peer
Review (PW-PR) showed that 23 out of 30 students
or 76.6% of the experimental class mostly responded
strongly agreeing that their writing skills had
increased because it is required to pour out an answer
to a problem in written form.
The third statement about the response of students
to learning Problem Based Writing With Peer Review
(PW-PR) shows, 24 out of 30 or 80% of experimental
class students mostly responded strongly agree that
PW-PR learning trains students to criticize the
writings of others, so that their critical thinking skills
grow and develop.
The fourth statement about the response of
students to learning Problem Based Writing with Peer
Review (PW-PR) shows, 25 out of 30 or 83.3% of
experimental class students generally responded
strongly agreeing that learning uses PW-PR in it.
Includes conducting literature studies, writing down
the resolution of a problem, reviewing the resolution
of problems made by friends helps facilitate them in
understanding the material being studied.
The fifth statement about the response of students
to learning Problem Based Writing With Peer Review
(PW-PR) shows, 25 out of 30 or 83.3% of
experimental class students generally responded
strongly agreeing that the way to learn using the PW-
PR model is fun learning methods and can help them
learn more effectively.
4.5 PW-PR Learning Model as
Effective Learning Model in
Environmental Management
Sustainable environmental damage is occurring until
now, including a problem that is very concerned in
various parts of the country. Human awareness of
cleanliness and environmental preservation,
especially in Indonesia until now is still very far from
the values guided in Islamic teaching.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Environmental damage is evident from a small
sample of garbage that is seen scattered on the streets,
schools, even in rivers. Air pollution, floods,
landslides, forest fires, water pollution and other
environmental damage are concrete evidence of the
erosion of human awareness of environmental
preservation. The attitude of hedonism, exploitation
and the loss of human awareness of environmental
preservation are the result of the positivism paradigm
that has been inherent in humans so far who views
nature as an object that can be exploited as desired
and is not sacred. Since the end of the 17th century,
scientists intensified the degradation of nature into a
mechanistic knowledge.
Nature is seen as a machine that has a regular
system, and its parts are intended as natural laws that
are deduced through rational thinking and verified
using experiments. At this time nature was no longer
regarded as a living organization, but was only seen
as an object that could be exploited and manipulated
then the findings of modern technology are
increasingly advanced as a result of this positivistic-
mechanistic view.
The development of this increasingly advanced
technology strengthens the position of man in his
position as the "ruler of nature" with the various
riches contained in it. In the next stage, it is man's
superior attitude towards nature that provides many
opportunities for human beings themselves to destroy
various kinds of environmental settings.
Dualistic arising between spiritual and material,
subject and object, is a serious consequence of the
dominance of the above view, which then results in
for example the arbitrary and excessive
objectification of nature and the exploitation of the
natural world at the limit. In the view of positivism,
nature is not seen as something sacred but is seen as
an object that can be exploited as desired. From here
then a phenomenon called the ecological crisis
On the other hand, this view also tends to position
humans as objects, and engineered society functions
as a machine, causing human values to be lost, or
often referred to as inhuman humans. Furthermore,
this view of knowledge that is empirical, rational and
positive is the highest standard of truth, so that moral
and religious values are then ignored. The result arise
religious moral disorientation which ultimately leads
to mental depression, violence and destruction of the
The positivism paradigm for nature clearly must
be changed, because if not, then there will continue to
be environmental damage caused by human activities.
The positivism paradigm of nature can be
changed, one of which is by presenting the Islamic
concept of the environment and several cornerstones
of contemporary scholarly Muslim science
epistemology by applying the right learning model.
Because the environmental damage that occurs comes
from the crisis of human understanding that is wrong
with nature, and the world of education which is
considered as the right place to change that
understanding for the better with the right learning
model. In the technical order, the selection and use of
the right learning model determines success in
fostering knowledge, fostering awareness and
realizing the ability of students to preserve the
environment. Learning Model of Problem Based
Writing with Peer Review is present as a learning
model that is considered appropriate in achieving
successful learning in environmental management.
Finally grow students become human beings who are
able to preserve the environment.
If we see from various aspects, PW-PR learning
model has advantages and disadvantages, but in
general the PW-PR learning model is more able to
improve cognitive and affective competency of
students compared to conventional / traditional
learning. The characteristics of the PW-PR learning
model are unique, causing this learning model to be
categorized into an effective learning model in an
effort to overcome environmental damage even to the
level of environmental management and preservation
efforts. The characteristics of the unique PW-PR
learning model have a variety of distinctive
characteristics in each step of their learning. First,
PW-PR learning model can train students to solve
problems through systematic and scientific thinking.
Second, Problem-Based Writing trains students to
explain thoughts as well as express cognitive
structures that arise from their understanding into
written form. Third, peer review or peer review can
enrich students 'knowledge of the material being
studied and sharpen and require students to have more
knowledge because they are required to respond to
friends' answers.
Learning using PW-PR strongly demands the
active role of students, because educators only act as
facilitators when students solve problems and
conduct peer-reviews. Educators only provide
reinforcement of concepts and overcome
misconceptions at the end of learning. Conventional
learning models are more teacher-centered, so
conventional learning models do not provide
opportunities and facilities for students to develop
their own knowledge and there is no opportunity to
play an active role in the learning process.
Problem-based Writing with Peer Review (Pw-Pr) Learning Model in Environmental Management: A Best Practice at Al-Lathifah Islamic
Boarding School
The effectiveness of the PW-PR learning model in
environmental management competencies in the Al-
Ahliyah Islamic Boarding School in Karawang is
shown by changes in the acquisition of class average
values. The significance of changes in students'
cognitive competencies can be seen from the change
in class average values from 57.3 to 79.8 in the
experimental class using the PW-PR learning model,
while in the control class using conventional learning
models the class scores only change from 57.5 to
63.3. The significance of changes in the affective
competence of students can be seen from the change
in the class average value from 57.1 to 80.8 in the
experimental class using the PW-PR learning model,
while in the control class using conventional learning
models the class scores only change from 57.6 to
63.7. Aside from the significant changes in class
average values, the effectiveness of the PW-PR
learning model was also strengthened from the results
of the questionnaire responses of students to the use
of the PW-PR learning model in environmental
management materials. 81% of students in the
experimental class stated that the learning model
using PW-PR can help students understand, master
and apply the subject matter.
Referring to the research that has been conducted,
PW-PR learning is proven to be an effective learning
model in environmental management competencies.
Imam Nasrudin (2010) states that a good environment
in the form of abundant natural resources that God
gives to humans will not last and recover without
human concern
Abdussalam Ibadi (2010) stated more specifically
that gratitude for God's favor by preserving nature
must be instilled early so that later the quality of
human education is in an order that can take care of
the earth with full responsibility
Referring to the research conducted by David Orr
(1994) who said that the environmental crisis that
occurs basically starts from a crisis of understanding,
and the world of education is able to change that
understanding for the better, especially Islamic
education that combines divine aspects in
environmental management, added Azila Ahmad
Sarkawi and Alias Abdullah (2015)
Gregory S Keller and Julian D. Avery (2006) also
emphasized in his research that educational
institutions can help increase conservation awareness
through continuous learning processes.
Robert E. Slavin (1994) specifically states on the
technical order that the process of education services
is in a strategic position in the development of human
resources, because superior human beings in science
are the result of proper management of the education
The results of research conducted by Nancy J.
Pelaez (2002) show that Learning using Problem-
based Writing with Peer Review (PW-PR) can
improve student learning outcomes in the concept of
human physiology compared to learning using
traditional methods (lectures) both tested using test
questions in multiple choice and essay forms.
Meanwhile, research conducted by R.P. Dewi
(2008) shows that the PW-PR learning model affects
the improvement of critical thinking skills of high
school students in the concept of environmental
Francis Bacon's Paradigm of Positivism which
states that knowledge must be a force for humans to
master nature, where nature is an object that can be
exploited as desired. In the opinion of John Fischer
who doubted the concept of education as an important
instrument that can be used to deal with the natural
crisis. In contrast to the above opinion, David Orr
stated that the environmental crisis that occurs
basically starts from a crisis of understanding, and it
is the world of education that is able to change that
understanding to be better, especially Islamic
education that combines aspects of divinity in
environmental management. Gregory S Keller and
Julian D. Avery more specifically emphasized that
educational institutions can help improve
conservation awareness through the learning process
that is carried out continuously, and finally the
research conducted by R.P. Dewi, which shows that
the PW-PR learning model influences the critically
thinking ability of students in the concept of
environmental pollution.
The root of the damage and pollution of the
environment that occurs is sourced from western
science and technology based on the assumptions of
positivistic views. This Positivist view has been
inherent in humans and has developed to this day.
Positive paradigms assume that this nature must be
seen as an object that can be exploited in accordance
with the wishes and not a sacred thing. This positive
paradigm for nature must clearly be changed, because
if it does not, there will continue to be environmental
damage caused by human activities.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
This positive paradigm can be changed by
presenting the Islamic concept of the environment.
Environment in the concept of Islam is interpreted as
a unit consisting of biotic elements (humans, animals,
and plants) and abiotic elements (air, soil, water,
climate and others) as proof of God's power.
This view creates responsibility to God, because
insulting and doing damage to the environment means
insulting God. It is this divine aspect that does not
exist in the Western view.
Theoretically, in education the PW-PR method is
seen as the right method to change understanding and
foster human awareness of environmental
conservation for the better. To change understanding
and awareness of the environment to be better, in the
world of education technically requires the right
learning model.
This study proves the effectiveness of the
Problem-based Writing with Peer Review (PW-PR)
learning model in fostering the competence of
environmental management of students of Al-
Ahliyah Islamic Boarding School.
Ahmed, Abubakr Bagader and others. Environmental
Protection In Islam: Second Revised Edition. Jeddah:
IUCN, 1994.
Al- Qardawi, Yusuf. The Lawful and The Prohibited in
Islam (Selangor: Islamic Book Trust, 2013) or see
Online at
%20islam&f=false (diakses pada tanggal 20 Oktober
Arikunto, Suharsimi. ProsedurPenelitian. Jakata:
RinekaCipta, 2006.
Arikunto, Suharsimi. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan.
Jakarta:Bumi Aksara, 2009.
David Orr. Earth in Mind on Education, environtment and
The Human Prosspect ,Washington DC: Island Press,
Davies, Denys Jhonson. The Island of Animals, Adapted
from an Arabic Fable, Austin: University of Texas
Press, 1994.
Davies, Richard. “Indonesia- 43 Killed in Floods and
Landslides Since Start of Year” (2016), Report of
Copernicus Floodlist- The European system for
Earth monitoring,
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