The Analysis of Teaching Writing to English Young Learners (EYL)
through a Movie: An ICT Perspective
Paramita Kusumawardhani
and Nurhayati
The Academy of Foreign Language BSI Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Technology, ICT, movie, writing skill, EYL
Abstract: This research has a purpose about using a movie to improve the learners’, especially English Young
Learners’, writing skills. The participants of this research are English Young Learners (EYL) from the
ages 10-13 years old in of the English Course at Gading Serpong, Tangerang. Descriptive qualitative was
used as the method of the research and the English Young Learners’ (EYL) story paper are used as the
instruments of the research. The results of the research are: (1) Most learners were excited when they are
asked to watch a movie; (2) Most of them got bored when they were asked to watch a long-period movie;
(3) Learners who have good writing skill could retell the story well, and (4) Learners who are not really
master in writing, got some difficulties in retelling the story in written.
1.1 The Nature of Movie
Teaching English nowadays has become challenging
than before. English teacher should always keep
searching attractive sources in order to help the
learners’ mastery (increase the proficiency) of
language skills. English teachers can also use the
technology such as computer, video, movie, CD,
radio, etc to help in teaching learning process. It is
used in order to help the English learners, especially
English Young Learners (EYL) to master English
skills, especially writing skill.
Technology is related to ICT. The term of
‘ICT’ is defined as “forms of technology used for
creating, displaying, storing, manipulating and
exchanging information”, (Meleisea, 2007; Nguyen
& Williams, 2012:3 cited in Tri & Nguyen, 2014:33).
The fast-growing advance of information and
communication technologies (ICTs) has made
potential contributions to English language education
for the past few decades. The ICTs can be applied in
many teaching methods in order to ease the learners,
especially the EYLs to learn English.
Based on the explanations above,
technology is created to ease human’s life.
Technology then is expanded into ICT which is meant
to be implemented in every aspects such as education,
especially English lesson.
There are many barriers in learning English,
such as poor comprehension, limited vocabulary,
slow reading, bad grammar, nonexistent
conversational skills. But now, there are also many
ways to improve English skills and movie is one of
them. Movie can help on all counts. Since 1970s,
educators experienced in using film as a teaching tool
and it has been adopted by others, (Culkin, 1970:
Maynard, 1969: 1971: 1977). Wegner (1977) was a
pioneer in using this medium. His 1977 pamphlet
described various film types and how to use them in
the classroom.
(Champoux, 1999:5) says, “Film can also be
used to improve the learners’ English skills, such as
listening, speaking, reading and writing. (Kasper,
2002) demonstrates how screenings can be used to
help develop writing skills. (Stewarts, 2006:1) says
that vocabulary and listening comprehension are not
the only skills improved by watching films; subtitles
and closed captioning (dialogue and other sound
information printed across the bottom of the frame)
can help students increasing reading speed; films can
also serve as the basis of writing assignments and oral
presentations, especially when they are combined
with the diverse. (Kasper, 2002) demonstrates how
screenings can be used to develop writing skills.
Based on the definitions above, it can be
concluded that movie can help the English learners,
especially EYL to improve their English skills. By
using movie, as one of the teaching media, English
Kusumawardhani, P. and Nurhayati, .
The Analysis of Teaching Writing to English Young Learners (EYL) through a Movie: An ICT Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0009947225612566
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2561-2566
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing
can be improved.
Teaching English to EYL needs special
approach as they have special characteristics. Young
learners usually have a great curiosity to try new
things and to explore concrete to abstract things.
(Juhana, 2014:13) also stated that young learners
learn directly from their surroundings not only from
their peers but also from the adults.
Based on the experts’ opinions above, it can
be concluded that teaching English to EYL needs
special approach. EYL’s characteristics are necessary
to be known and understood by the EYL’s teachers.
By knowing and understanding the EYL’s
characteristics, the EYL’s teachers can know the
effective teaching process, such as teaching style,
methods learning materials, lesson plan that can used
to teach them.
Movie is one of the media that can be used
as the teaching tools. By using movie, the EYL can
learn about listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The use of movie is related to technology.
Technology has also used in education, especially in
English education. It gives some influences in
teaching method. It attracts the learners, especially
English Young Learners (EYL) to learn English. The
EYLs become more excited in learning English.
Although some debates regarding the effectiveness of
technology have existed (Kleiman, 2004; Kozma,
1994), most researchers agree that technology can be
used effectively as a cognitive tool as well as an
instructional media. Technology can also be helpful
in classroom settings by encouraging inquiry, helping
communication, constructing teaching products, and
assisting students’ self-expression. (Kramsch &
Thorne, 2002) explained that the use of technologies
provides learners with unprecedented opportunities to
practice English and involve themselves in authentic
environments of language use. The use of technology
in various fields has been so successful and beneficial
for teachers to reach some particular goals especially
in education and for those who are learning a foreign
language and literature, (Amiri, 2012:103).
1.2 The Nature of Writing
Writing is the most difficult part in English subject as
what it is said different from what it is written. (Ron
White and Valerie Ardnt, 2011) stated that writing is
far from being a simple matter of transcribing
language into written symbols; it is a thinking process
in its right. So, before the learners starting to write an
English composition, they should master the English
pattern correctly.
Writing is one of the skills in learning English.
Some students, especially EYL have difficulties to
express their ideas through writing. The difficulties
are sometimes about choosing the topic of their
writing. Therefore, they need some helps to find out
the inspiration about what to write so they can express
their ideas through writing easily.
(Gloria, 2013) stated, “The writing is good when
it gives information or messages clearly and creates
effective verbal dialogue to readers. It aims to give
point of view of the ideas in text where it organizes in
different way of writing such as narration,
description, exposition, and argumentation”. When
students write a paragraph, they try to explore what
they are thinking in mind, and they also concern with
the language, meaning, and the structural of context
related to English language acquisition as second or
foreign language.
(Mousapour, 2011) said that writing must be
related to the content, the language and grammatical
rules. In order to avoid misunderstood, the students
have to use correct sentences by creating a well
written text and giving attention to the arrangement
of words their composition to express their idea and
to give the value of the writing to readers.
Writing is seen as a product constructed from the
writer’s command of grammatical and lexical
knowledge, and writing development is considered to
be the result of imitating and manipulating models
provided by the teacher. For many who adopt this
view, writing is regarded as an extension of grammar-
a means of reinforcing language patterns through
habit formation and testing learners’ ability to
produce well-formed sentences.
(Alamargot et al., 2010) explained that
developing writing is related to the writer’s
knowledge of language and writing exposure. Writing
process is the way the writers give their ideas and
messages to readers in the form of text. The writers
present their ideas in various ways of writing such as
narration, description, classification, comparison and
contrast, argumentation and etc. First narration is a
basic writing strategy for presenting past event or
activities. It can be used for a variety of purposes such
as to illustrate and support ideas with anecdotes, to
entertain readers with revealing stories, to analyze
causes and possible effects with scenarios, and to
explain procedures with process narrative. Second,
description is a strategy used to create a dominant
impression. For example, students describe a place in
order to set a scene and make readers aware of its
atmosphere and to describe people to show a kind of
person’s performance. Third, classification is aimed
to classify number of items or ideas into a small
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
number of classes. In a classification of paragraph, it
is important to set up adequate categories and define
what goes into categories. Fourth, comparison and
contrast are to compare similar aspects or to contrast
different aspects of two subjects, people or things. At
last, argumentation is to argue ideas or opinion by
giving some argues to proof the concept or research.
A good paragraph must give readers complete
information and unified by a controlling idea. It is
organized form and can be understood what the
paragraph is going to be about.
Based on the theories above, it can be concluded
that writing is the most difficult part in learning
English as it needs to master all English aspects, such
as grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, etc to
make a good writing. They are needed in order to
avoid misunderstanding between the writer and the
1.3 The Nature of EYL
There is a phenomenon in learning English. Learning
English has started in the early age. It has happened
since the second half of the century. It is also
happened because now English is used in order to
face the global demand which emphasis on the need
for communication skills.
Teaching languages especially English to young
learners is different with teaching to adults. Young
learners have different ways than older learners and
also have some advantageous over the older ones who
start later. (Cameron, 2001:1) says that:
Some differences are immediately obvious:
children are more enthusiastic and livelier as learners.
They want to please the teacher rather than peer-
groups. They will have a go at an activity even when
they don’t quite understand why or how. However,
they also lose interest more quickly and are less able
to keep themselves motivated on tasks they find
difficult. Children do not find it as easy to use
language to talk about language; in other words, they
do not have the same access as older learners to meta-
language that teachers can use to explain about
grammar or discourse. Children often seem
embarrassed than adults at talking in a new language,
and their lack inhibition seems to help them get a
more native-like accent.
According to (Paradis, 2004) who said that there
are several advantages of an early start, first, young
learners acquire languages with greater ease,
especially the sound system, and develop implicit
competence since they can rely on natural acquisition
Figure 1. Audrey’s Written Story
Figure 2. Dave’s Written Story
The data for this research was taken from the learners’
story paper and there were about 5 pieces of the
learners’ story paper used as the sample.
Descriptive method was used to do the research.
There are three types of descriptive method, they are
an observational method, case study method, and
The Analysis of Teaching Writing to English Young Learners (EYL) through a Movie: An ICT Perspective
survey method. The observational method as a part of
a descriptive method was used to take the data.
Descriptive method was used as (Best, 1974)
explained that descriptive method is the method
which tries to give the explanation about the
symptoms relating to the recent situation. It consists
on the effort of giving the note, the analysis and the
interpretation of the recent symptoms which have the
characteristics as follows: try to give the fact, straight
to the problem and the recent variables aren’t
manipulated by the researcher.
Identifying, classifying, analyzing and
correcting were done as the procedures of the
research. They were done in order to know about the
advantageous and disadvantageous of using a movie
for teaching writing for EYL.
After doing some research to the EYL, some findings
related to the research are found. Most EYL watched
the movie that they liked. Most of them could retell
the story well.
Here are the EYLs’ Ferdinand Movie written stories.
Figure 3. Kevron’s Written Story
Figure 4. Lois’ Written Story
Based on Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure
4 and Figure 5, they showed that the learners could
retell the story well even there were still some
mistakes on their grammar such inconsistency of
using the tenses. It means that a movie can also help
the learners, especially EYL to improve their writing
Figure 5. Prissil’s Written Story
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
From the theories, findings and discussions above, it
can be concluded that movies are powerful
instructional tools which can help the learners,
especially the EYL to improve their English skills,
especially writing skill. By using a movie in
improving English skills, there are some factors that
can be acquired, such as vocabularies, grammar,
listening, speaking, reading and writing.
There are also some advantages and
disadvantages in using movie to teach English to the
learners. (Kusumaningrum, 2015:17-18) mentioned
some those factors, they are:
Using English movies can be an attractive strategy to
teach English as a Foreign Language to learners. It
can be used to teach listening, speaking and writing
skill. Besides, it provides fun learning environment to
teach grammar and vocabulary to students. In the
application, there are some other benefits to gain.
They are:
1. English movies present more natural language,
since the speakers in the movie are native
speakers. Because of that, students can learn how
to pronounce the words appropriately.
2. English movies provide students a lot of contexts
which can help them to learn how to use such
expressions appropriately and contextually.
3. Students love watching movies. Fun learning
environment gives them motivation to learn
English as a Foreign Language.
4. Students can also learn English culture. While
watching English movies, students can see
cultural aspects included in the plot to illustrate
social customs such as table manners to weddings
and funerals, holidays, and celebrations. Thus,
students’ understanding in cross cultural
communication is also improved.
Besides giving some benefits, the implementation of
English movies in teaching EFL to students also gives
some disadvantages. They include:
1. While the movie is playing, students try to
understand word by word instead of the main
point of the movie. This may frustrate the
students. Therefore, before playing the movie,
teacher should explain clearly what the students
have to do. Thus, students can enjoy watching the
movie and learning English at the same time.
2. If the movie takes too much time to play, it is
possible that students will get bored. To anticipate
that, teacher should consider the length of the
movie to watch or break the movie into several
3. English movies can be American or British movies
to give students different varieties of English.
Different varieties entail different pronunciation
and vocabulary. These differences may make
students confused. Therefore, before or after
watching the movie, teacher can explain or lead a
class discussion about the English variety used in
the movie.
4. The limited facilities in school can also pose an
obstacle in teaching EFL using movies. If school
has an English laboratory, then teacher can play
the movie in the lab. However, if the school does
not have an LCD or big screen TV, it is almost
impossible to play the movie in the class. In
addition, the activity might disturb the teaching
and learning process of other classes.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation