Evidence-based Psychological Assessment
Dragos Iliescu
Department of Psychology, University of Bucharest, Romania
Keyword: Psychological assessment, evidence-based management
Abstract: Testing and assessment is possibly the single most influential contribution of psychology to the repertoire of
scientific methods. But testing and assessment has evolved in meandering and not always straightforward
ways during the past 100 years, combining today a number of extremely modern approaches, but being also
tributary to historical artefacts that cannot be considered up to par with scientific requirements. In the same
way in which we promote today an evidential basis in those areas of psychology that are dedicated to
interventions (e.g., evidence-based psychotherapeutical interventions, evidence-based management), we
should promote an evidential basis in psychological testing and assessment. This lecture will concentrate on
the definition of evidence-based assessment, will discuss the different ways in which evidence-based
assessment may be approached in clinical, educational and work psychology, and will finally focus on a
number of utility analyses related to evidence-based psychological assessment, as opposed to more
traditional methods of assessment that do not always have an empirical basis. This article was presented as
Keynote Lecture for the International Conference of Psychotechnology (ICOP) being held in on 5-6
September 2018 at Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) - Alam Sutra Campus, South Tangerang, Indonesia.
Evidence-based psychological assessment (EBPA) is
psychological assessment guided by the use of both
current theory and current scientific research.
Theory and research are used in order to ground
decisions on the whole assessment process, from the
selection of the constructs that are used, the selection
of measures or mix of measures for those constructs,
the administration, scoring and interpretation of
those measures, to defensible decisions made based
on the gathered evidence.
EBPA was adopted initially by medicine and has
migrated towards psychology on this route, through
clinical psychology; it is however used today in all
fields of psychology. It is less arbitrary and
subjective than the traditional approach to
assessment, and has been reported to be highly
efficient by both empirical studies and systematic
reviews (Dawn, Légaré, Lewis, Barry, Bennett,
Eden, Holmes-Rovner, Llewellyn-Thomas and
Lyddiatt, 2017). EBPA is now a mature scientific
stream, that has generated impactful practices and an
important body of literature (Antony and Barlow,
2010; Antony, Orsillo and Roemer, 2001; Nezu,
Ronan, Meadows and McClure, 2000), that guides
psychological assessment in a number of fields.
EBPA is strongly empirical, i.e., it assumes that
the lack of empirical evidence for validity in a
specific context or for a specific use degrades a
method to the point that its usage it questionable.
However, EBPA does not exclusively rely on
empirical evidence, but acknowledges the fact that
the assessment process is a decision-making task
where professional judgment prevails. As an effect,
it combines the best available evidence with the
preferences of the client, and with professional
expertise (Bornstein, 2017).
As we see, strong evidence for validity is an
important requirement. This relates to the
psychometric characteristics of the measure or
measures used. It is improper to use in an EBPA
approach measures with a known weak reliability
and validity evidence. Similarly, while absence of
evidence is not evidence of absence, lack of strong
evidence of validity degrades the legitimacy of a
measure to the point where it should be avoided.
Equally important, evidence should be strong
and should be contextual to the usage it is given
(Hunsley and Mash, 2007). The criteria for strength
of evidence in EBPA are similar with those for
Iliescu, D.
Evidence-based Psychological Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0009999800002917
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences, Laws, Arts and Humanities (BINUS-JIC 2018), pages 50-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-515-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
clinical decision-making, with systematic reviews
and meta-analyses providing the strongest evidence,
randomized control trials and experimental studies
providing strong evidence, and with cohort studies,
single case designs, case studies and expert opinions
providing consecutively weaker evidence. Many
evidences for the qualities of a specific measure are
generalizable, but it is important to have evidence
specific to the context the measure is applied in (i.e.,
the characteristics of the administration context and
decision context, the specific population, language
etc., it is used), or a strong and legitimate argument
for the fact that, even lacking such direct evidence,
the general evidence should apply.
Evidence is not limited to the psychometric
characteristics of a measure. Oftentimes assessment
is conducted with several measures, either in a
multiple-hurdle process, or by combining measures
based on statistical or judgmental decisions.
Evidence should exist about the interaction of these
measures, the incremental validity of each, the
manner in which they could be combined in
decision-making, and evidence should be specific to
the exact manner (statistical or judgmental) in which
the results of the several used measures are actually
combined. We feel compelled to note here the wide
preference of psychologists in general, and clinicians
especially, for judgmental decisions (i.e., decisions
based on clinical judgment, personal experience and
‘flair’) (Garb, 2005). The evidence points very much
against such decisions (Ægisdóttir, White, Spengler,
Maugherman, Cook, Nichols, Lampropoulos,
Walker, Cohen and Rush, 2006; Davis, Mazmanian,
Fordis, Van Harrison, Thorpe and Perrier, 2006) and
research has shown rather clearly that psychologists,
like humans in general, are prone to bias have
limited awareness for this fact and are because of
this influenced in their decisions by personal beliefs,
heuristics and sometimes outright biases.
Also, evidence should be provided on the
recommended cut-off scores and the likely margin of
error in scores in general and in cut-off scores
especially. Such evidence could be related to error
brackets resulted from the reliability of the test or
assessment system (e.g., standard error of
measurement or standard error of prediction), but
could also be based on sensitivity-specificity
analyses outlining the false positives and false
negatives likely to appear in a decision based on that
test in that context.
However, in EBPA strong evidence for validity
on behalf of a specific measure, showing good
psychometric qualities and a strong relationship to a
target criterion, are not enough. The process
combines this “best available evidence” with client
preferences (Hunsley and Mash, 2007). This means
that the characteristics of the context in which the
assessment is conducted, such as client
characteristics, situational characteristics etc., are
equally important. This acknowledges the fact that
there is no such thing as “the best measure”, but that
the adequacy of a measure is an interplay between
psychometric characteristics and evidence and the
constraints of the situation. There are many reasons
why a measure is not applicable to a specific client:
language barriers, physical barriers, outright
rejection, lack of face validity. Quite aside from
reasons for applicability, the clients also have
preferences, and these should be taken into account.
As a result, EBPA does not necessarily encourage
usage of the psychometrically strongest measure, but
rather the usage of the most adequate measures.
Finally, professional judgment, or ‘clinical
expertise’ also play an important role in EBPA. The
EBPA process is ultimately a problem-solving
decision-making task, and like any problem-solving
and decision-making task it is profoundly iterative in
nature. The psychologist will formulate hypotheses,
and test these hypotheses by generating data,
interpreting data and integrating data from multiple
sources, oftentimes encountering data that are
incomplete, inconsistent or both. In such cases, the
capacity of psychologists to bring their experience to
bear, through professional reasoning, is critical for a
useful decision
We urge psychologists to acknowledge that it is
impossible to have useful professional reasoning,
and as a result it is impossible to encounter EBPA
without strong professional expertise. Such expertise
is certainly related both to the subject matter on
which assessment decisions need to be made (i.e.,
autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, or
job recruitment and selection), and to testing
Testing literacy is often low in test users, and this
impacts the quality of their decisions considerably,
even if they are experts in their field. A higher
testing literacy leads to more competent test users
and competent test users conduct EBPA. It is rather
difficult to describe a “competent test user”
arguably this is impossible in absence of a context in
which test usage would be applied. A test user may
be very competent in the context of job selection
assessment, and less competent in educational and
Evidence-based Psychological Assessment
clinical assessment. Competence certainly is
contextual, it requires a substantive knowledge of
the field and hands-on experience with assessment in
this field. At the same time, long-lasting hands-on
experience may be tainted by older practices that
were not informed by science, or that are not
informed by the latest state of science. In many
countries around the world, the community standard
for clinical assessment, even for high-stake
decisions, is based on projective techniques. The
psychometric and validity evidence for projective
techniques is such that they should be generally
avoided, or at the very least shunned for high-stake
assessments. Still, long practice and generations of
psychologists learning in mentorship relations about
assessment, have ingrained such practices to the
point that they are accepted without critical thinking.
As a result, long-lasting hands-on experience is not
necessarily an indicator of competence.
The International Test Commission (ITC) has
developed an important document entitled The ITC
Guidelines on Test Use (International Test
Commission, 2001). This document outlines a
number of general characteristics (i.e.,
characteristics that are not context-related) of a
competent test user. We advance that EBPA is
impossible in the absence of these test user
The document states that “a competent test user
will use tests appropriately, professionally, and in an
ethical manner, paying due regard to the needs and
rights of those involved in the testing process, the
reasons for testing, and the broader context in which
the testing takes place” (p. 6).These Guidelines have
been developed in such a way as to be applicable
internationally. They explicitly recognize that many
contextual factors may affect how these precepts are
applied in practice in a specific culture and/or
country, and urgent test users and regulators to
consider social, political and historical differences,
as well as specific laws and regulations when
applying these guidelines.
The ITC Guidelines have 2 parts. The first part
describes competent test users as those users who
take responsibility for ethical test use by acting in a
professional and ethical manner, ensuring they have
the competence to use tests, taking responsibility for
their use of tests, ensuring that test materials are kept
securely, and ensuring that test results are treated
confidentially. The second part describes competent
test users as those users who follow good practice in
the use of tests, by evaluating the potential utility of
testing in an assessment situation, choosing
technically sound tests appropriate for the situation,
giving due consideration to issues of fairness in
testing, making necessary preparations for the
testing session, administering the tests properly,
scoring and analyzing test results accurately,
interpreting results appropriately, communicating
the results clearly and accurately to relevant others,
and reviewing the appropriateness of the test and its
Ægisdóttir, S., White, M.J., Spengler, P.M., Maugherman,
A.S., Cook, R.S., Nichols, C.N., Lampropoulos, G.K.,
Walker, B.S., Cohen, G. and Rush, J.D. (2006) ‘The
meta-analysis of clinical judgment project: Fifty-six
years of accumulated research on clinical versus
statistical prediction’, The Counseling Psychologist,
vol.34, pp, 341-382.
Antony and Barlow (2010) Handbook of Assessment and
Treatment Planning for Psychological Disorders, 2
Edition. Guilford Press.
Antony, M.M., Orsillo, S.M. and Roemer, L. (2001)
Practitioner's guide to empirically based measures of
anxiety. New York: Plenum.
Bornstein, R.F. (2017) ‘Evidence-Based Psychological
Assessment’, Journal of Personality Assessment,
99(4), pp. 435-445. doi:
Davis, D.A, Mazmanian, P.E, Fordis, M., Van Harrison,
R., Thorpe, K.E. and Perrier, L. (2006) ‘Accuracy of
physician self-assessment compared with observed
measures of competence: A systematic review’,
Journal of the American Medical Association, vol.
296, pp. 1094-1102.
Dawn, S., Légaré, F., Lewis, K., Barry, M.J., Bennett,
C.L., Eden, K.B., Holmes-Rovner, M., Llewellyn-
Thomas, H. and Lyddiatt, A. (2017) ‘Decision aids for
people facing health treatment or screening decisions’,
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, vol.4.
doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001431.pub5
Garb, H. (2005) ‘Clinical judgment and decision making’,
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, vol. 1, pp. 67-
89.Nezu, A.M., Ronan, G.F., Meadows, E.A. and
McClure, K.S. (2000) Practitioner’s guide to
empirically based measures of depression. New York:
Kluwer Academic.
Hunsley, J. and Mash, E.J. (2007) ‘Evidence-based
assessment’, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology,
vol.3, pp. 29-51. doi:
International Test Commission (2001) ‘International
Guidelines for Test Use’, International Journal of
Testing, 1(2), pp. 93-114.
BINUS-JIC 2018 - BINUS Joint International Conference