Table 1: Average nutritional composition and total LAB cheese of the sample.
Treatment Yield(%) pH Water(%) Fat(%) Protein(%) Total LAB (cfu/g)
KB1 12,87 a 5,35 d 55,45 a 26,67 b 25,27 a 5,7x10
± 0,27
KB2 12,26 a 4,31 c 54,62 a 26,57 b 24,65 a 3,9x10
± 0,89
KB3 13,12 a 4,03 b 52,72 a 22,06 ab 23,6 a 5,2x10
± 0,82
KB4 14,44 a 3,81 a 54,19 a 23,68 ab 24,32 a 1,07x10
± 0,59
KB5 16,9 b 3,78 a 62,27 b 19,7 a 26,27 a 2,8x10
± 0,62
Description: KB1 = 0%, KB2 = 2%, KB3 = 4%, KB4 = 6%, KB5 = 8%. The same letter behind the average value in
the same column shows a non-significant effect (P> 0.05)
3.1.1 Recovery
The results of the analysis showed that the
concentration of Lactobacillus paracasei spp.
paracasei 1 SKG44 had a significant effect (P
<0.01) on the yield of cheese produced. Table 1
shows the highest yield average of cheese obtained
in KB5 treatment with a concentration of 8%. The
cheese yield has a tendency to increase with
increasing isolate concentration, although
statistically the KB1 to KB 4 treatment has no
significant effect (P> 0.05). This shows that even
though tannins in extracts and Lactobacillus
paracasei spp. paracasei 1 SKG44 has a different
mechanism of milk clotting, but the use of both can
increase the yield of cheese at a concentration of
25% extract and 4-8% Lactobacillus paracasei spp.
paracasei 1 SKG44. Addition of lactic acid bacteria
such as Lactobacillus paracasei spp. paracasei 1
SKG44 causes a decrease in pH, increases the
degree of syneresis, and the release of calcium
phosphate colloid from casein (Law and Tamime,
2010). Polished babakan extract contains tannin
compounds that can agglomerate milk protein to
produce cheese (Suardika, 2015). According to
Makkar et al (2007) in Firdausi et al (2013) tannin
compounds contained in plants naturally have the
ability to interact with proteins and form complex
3.1.2 pH
Based on Table 1, the pH of cheese tends to
decrease, along with the increasing concentration of
LAB used. The decrease in pH was statistically high
significant in each treatment (P <0.01), only in the
KB4 and KB5 treatments the difference was not
significant (P> 0.05). This shows that the higher the
concentration of bacteria, the lower the pH produced
due to the increasing activity of LAB in the process
of lactose fermentation to lactic acid. According to
Walstra et al (2006), the percentage of inoculums
which are higher will increase acid production and a
decrease in pH value can increase the degree of
syneresis. Lactic acid is responsible for acid flavors
in raw cheese and plays an important role in the
formation and texture of curd, synthesis of
proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes involved in
ripening cheese, and suppressing pathogenic
microbes and spoilage microorganisms (Jamilatun,
3.1.3 Water Content
The results of the analysis showed that the
concentration of Lactobacillus paracasei spp.
paracasei 1 SKG44 had a significant effect (P
<0.05) on the average water content of cheese
produced. The results showed that the increase in
water content in each treatment tended to change. In
the KB1, KB2, KB3 treatment the water content
tends to decrease. In the KB4 and KB5 treatment an
increase in water content. Statistically, KB1 to KB4
does not have a real effect. The KB5 treatment has
the highest effect and the highest water content,
which is 62.27%. Cheese made by using acid as a
clot, such as lactic acid as a result of lactic acid
bacteria fermentation, is classified into acid-
coagulated cheese. Lactic acid bacteria such as
Lactobacillus paracasei spp. paracasei 1 SKG44
ferments lactose into lactic acid, acidifies milk and
collects casein micelles into a net matrix, and
converts Micellar Calcium Phosphate (MCP) to a
soluble form (Kinstedt, 2014). The more
concentration of Lactobacillus paracasei spp. added
paracasei 1 SKG44, water content tends to increase.
This is consistent with the statement of Lucey
(2004) in Kinstedt (2014) that casein matrices which
lose MCP tend to be more difficult to release whey,
therefore, acid-coagulatedcheese has a higher water
3.1.4 Fat Level
The analysis showed that the concentration of
Lactobacillus paracasei spp. paracasei 1 SKG44
significantly affected (P <0.05) on the average fat
content of the cheese produced. The average fat