Finance conducted by some prominent professor
of Islamic Law and Financing.
Based on the findings, results of this study, the
researcher is wish to enumerate implication and
conclusion and recommendations as follows:
1) Despite of different feedbacks among the
respondents, this study concludes that among the
people of Lanao del Sur is less knowledgeable
of Islamic financing. Consequently the
competent authority of the Bangsamoro people
shall have an intervention programs to coup up
to the result of this study. The researcher noted
in this study that the economy of Province of
Lanao de Sur is suffering from some structural
problem due the conflict of ideas and
information regarding what are the proper
financial system to be engage with. The main
problem of this conflict is the lack of
information and ideas about Islamic Finance.
Therefore, an intervention program is need by
the Perople of Lanao del Sur.
2) The study concludes that the perceptions and
awareness of the respondents need
reinforcement thru an intervention program such
as seminar, training, short course, exchange
program and conference from the expert
individuals and nations.
3) The major recommendation to the Bangsamoro,
Islam requires rulers and various regulators in
the system to protect the common people from
non-Shari’ah compliance, scam, harm and
hardship caused by dishonest factors in society
through strong and effective laws, and they
should be respected in the sense of fulfillment of
all socio-economic rights. The parliamentary of
Bangsamoro must also control institutional and
other misconducts.
4) The establishment of Islamic financing industry
in Bangsamoro must take advantage of
opportunities, namely by providing innovative
products based on Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) to provide a
variety of options and expand the reach of the
public. However, until now Islamic financing
products innovation is still very limited. In
addition, another thing that is important to
support the development of Islamic Financing in
Bangsamoro is to take advantage of economic
growth opportunities, and increase the
availability of funds. By utilizing these
opportunities, the establishment of Islamic
financing industry in Bangsamoro can grow and
5) It is further recommended for the need of
Judicial System in the BARMM and in the High
Court and District Court. Additional
recommendation is for the Supreme Court to
have representatives who are truly
knowledgeable in the Qur’an and Sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), and in English or
Secular law, those who are both cognizant in the
areas of learning and teaching in both fields.
Finally, an emphasis on the establishment of
Islamic Windows, Islamic Banking, Islamic
Insurance, Islamic Cooperatives, Islamic Pawnshop
and others in the recommendation of the
incorporation of Islamic Finance in expanded Code.
The researcher would like to express their heartfelt
appreciations to all those who in one way or another
help him, especially the respondents for their
cooperation that made the conduct of this study
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