The role of Pesantren’s BMT in sustainable
development is believed to be more relevant in the
future because Pesantren’s BMT concept is to rely on
the entranced power of social networking.
Development of BMT is also felt very potential if
using this pesantren network. Based on education
statistics in 2012/2013, the Ministry of Religion of the
Republic of Indonesia, the number of students in the
pesantren around 3,65 million. While the number of
pesantren themselves in 2013 totaled approximately
27,290. This amount is very large if it could be used
to BMT development. The approach that must be
done is to get approval from the kiai in each
pesantren. When the kiai agrees, the santri can
certainly be agreed. This is due to the pesantren
culture which is very obedient to the words of the kiai.
Economic actors in pesantren can be taken from the
officials, while the manager is the leader of the
pesantren, the kiai, the ustadz, and even his students
can become managers.
Every research is supported with valid and accurate
field research data would ended-up useful to its
readers. To Pesantren’s BMT enthusiasts, this result
would grow more confidence in them that Pesantren’s
BMT as socio-economy institution based on family
principle is already running on the right track. To
non-Pesantren’s BMT enthusiasts, especially banking
sector, this result could be their refence library in
assessing credible and business-worth partner BMT.
In terms of intermediation, technical efficiency,
pure technical and scale are only reflected in the 10
BMT pesantren or 43% of the total BMT pesantren.
While 39% of pesantren BMTs only experience pure
technical efficiency, the remaining 17% is an
inefficient BMT pesantren. This means that as much
as 17% of pesantren BMTs have not performed their
functions as intermediaries or intermediation
optimally. Based on the development potential to
achieve more efficient conditions, operational income
and ZISWAF BMT Pesantren fund disbursement can
still be increased.
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