The Instrumentation of Shadaqah Funds as a Means of Mosque based
Community Empowerment
Widiyanto Bin Mislan Cokrohadisumarto and Yuli Indah Sari
Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA), Indonesia
Keywords: Shadaqah Fund, Community Empowerment, Mosque.
Abstract: The poverty rate in Indonesia is still quite high despite a downward trend. Various solutions have been
made, including the presence of Islamic microfinance institutions to provide financing. However, this still
leaves the problem, that the lower layers of society (the poorest of the poor) are also still excluded where
there are still many members of the community who have not been able to obtain riba-free financial
services. This article proposes the idea of empowering the poorest of the poor model using mosque-based
shadaqah funds. The integration of da'wah through mosques and economic empowerment will increase the
resilience of the community especially the poorest of the poor against the onslaught of apostasy efforts.
Improving the quality of faith will increase the fighting spirit to improve economic and religious life. The
involvement of religious leaders and the community around the mosque and rich people towards the fate of
the poor is expected to help them to organize their lives at a better level. This empowerment model is based
on the local community around the mosque so that the mosque is not only a center of worship but will also
function as a center for community economic empowerment.
Poverty is still a serious problem for several
countries including Indonesia. BPS (2019) states that
the number of poor people in Indonesia as of March
2019 still reaches 9.41%. Although this figure has
decreased by 0.25% relative to September 2018
(BPS, 2019). Various policies have been carried out
by the government to overcome these problems,
such as the Family Hope Program (PKH),
educational assistance through the Smart Indonesia
Program (PIP), food assistance, and contribution
assistance for the National Health Insurance
Program (JKN) (Ministry of Finance, 2019). Other
institutions also participated in giving their best
contributions, such as Islamic Micro-Finance
Institutions (IMFI) which channeled funding and
amil zakat institutions that channeled alms to the
poor. However, the amount of zakat funds is still not
as expected and the program management has not
been realized optimally. The problem of poverty
leaves many problems, including reaching the
poorest of the poor and providing usury-free
financial services. Related to the many limitations,
the smart solution is to present the voluntary
financial sector (Shadaqah) as an instrument for
which implementation is relatively easier. However,
to implement it requires good planning.
As the most populous Muslim country, Indonesia
has more than 700 thousand mosques spread
throughout the country (Ministry of Religious
Affairs, 2019). The number of mosques and great
potential in gathering people can be optimized for
economic development (Riwajanti, N. I & Fadloli,
2019). This potential can be utilized through the
management of shadaqah funds for productive
community empowerment. Regarding shadaqah,
Rais (1998) states that one of the problems faced by
Muslims to build a better future is a weakness in
funding. He mentioned that infaq (Shadaqah) was
the solution to the problem. Furthermore, Islam
encourages Muslims to spend part of their wealth in
the path of Allah through Shadaqah (QS: 2; 254 and
Q.S: 2; 261). Supporting this, Albadri, Aziz, &
Amaliah (2019) has proven that well-managed
shadaqah management encourages community
economic empowerment more effectively. This
means that the integration of the potential of the
mosque and shadaqah funds is new hope for
overcoming the problem of poverty and improving
the people's economy. Given that the mosque has a
function, one of which is to distribute shadaqah
(Movahed, 2014). The integration also promotes
Cokrohadisumarto, W. and Sari, Y.
The Instrumentation of Shadaqah Funds as a Means of Mosque based Community Empowerment.
DOI: 10.5220/0010119800002898
In Proceedings of the 7th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (7th AICIF 2019) - Revival of Islamic Social Finance to Strengthen Economic Development Towards
a Global Industrial Revolution, pages 178-185
ISBN: 978-989-758-473-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
usury-free empowerment solutions and presents a
balanced well being both in the life of the world and
the hereafter.
Another fundamental challenge faced is about
the understanding of society which considers that the
teachings of Islam are only limited to the problem of
worship. Whereas Islam also teaches something
broader namely, about muamalah / economic
relations between Muslims and takaful / mutual
assistance activities (Riwajanti, N. I & Fadloli,
2019). Thus, they suggested holding da'wah
focusing on the basis of Islamic economics in order
to increase public awareness regarding the
willingness to channel shadaqah funds. Furthermore,
in relation to da'wah, Torabi & Noori (2019) state
that religious leaders hold a greater responsibility,
that is, the responsibility to educate and influence
the people regarding the awareness of sharing or
making shadaqah. That is, to support the role of the
mosque as a means of managing shadaqah funds, the
presence of religious leaders is urgently needed.
Aside from religious leaders, another important
factor is the role of the university. Paletta, et al.
(2019) states that partnerships with universities
facilitate responsible entrepreneurship and
organizational capacity to face new challenges, such
as globalization, informed society and changes in
production and consumption patterns. According to
Riwajanti, N. I & Fadloli (2019), mosque-based
empowerment is largely driven by non-
governmental institutions and institutions of higher
education or universities. Furthermore, Wakkee, van
der Sijde, Vaupell, & Ghuman (2019) state that
entrepreneurship-based universities have a very
important role as agents of change for sustainable
regional development (local community).
Universities as agents of change and development
agents accelerate economic growth (Supriyadi,
2012). But unfortunately, the existence of the
university is currently only seen as a provider of
science, technology and human resources
(community service is still very weak). Whereas
Supriyadi (2012) states that harmonization,
empowerment and partnership networks among
actors (government, regional government, business,
community, and universities) are important
principles and steps in developing the local
Therefore, the solution to overcome poverty and
community empowerment is to integrate mosques,
shadaqah funds, religious leaders, and universities.
In this case, shadaqah fund instrumentation becomes
very important to get more attention from various
parties, including support from the community itself.
This article aims to develop a model of
community empowerment by integrating the
functions of mosques and shadaqah funds supported
by the presence of religious leaders and universities.
Harmonization of the model is expected to give birth
to true community welfare (Falah).
Background Theory
1. Community Empowerment
According to Hossain, Asadullah, & Kambhampati
(2019) (citing the views of Ibrahim & Alkire
(2007)), empowerment is control over a series of
personal decisions, household decision making and
the ability to change one's life at both the individual
and community level. More specifically according to
Lailatussufiani, M, & Multifiah (2016),
Empowerment is defined as the distribution of
Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah (ZIS) funds
accompanied by the aim of changing the economic
conditions of mustahiq (poor and needy).
Empowerment refers to the power to influence
changes in one's life and affect changes in society
(Trommlerová, Klasen, & Leßmann, 2015). Ismail
A. (2012) explaining the essence of community
empowerment is to help clients (the poor) so that
they gain power in making decisions and determine
actions to be taken to improve their lives. In this
regard, including reducing the effects of personal
barriers to using the power they have, among others
through the transfer of power from their
environment. According to Sumodiningrat (1997)
Empowerment is an effort to build the power of the
poor by providing motivation and raising awareness
about their potential, and striving to develop it.
Empowerment has the meaning of producing
resources, opportunities, knowledge, and skills to
increase the capacity of the community to determine
their future (Saleh, 2017). From this discussion, it
can be summarized that community empowerment
refers more to the control of personal decisions and
abilities in an effort to provide motivation, realize
the potential of the community, and develop it to
improve the quality of their lives (faith, knowledge,
and charity). Thus, the welfare of the community is
not only improving the economy of the community
but also improving the quality of faith and worship
of God.
In the study of Lailatussufiani, M, & Multifiah
(2016), community empowerment is measured from
The Instrumentation of Shadaqah Funds as a Means of Mosque based Community Empowerment
empowerment in the fields of education, economics,
and health. Empowerment in the field of education
serves to improve the quality of people's lives in the
future. Economic empowerment is done by
contributing capital for the business to the
community. And health empowerment is done by
providing free health services for the poor. Whereas,
Trommlerová, Klasen, & Leßmann (2015) in his
study measured community empowerment adjusted
to the aspects of socio-demographic (older, men,
large households, married, and household), socio-
economic (educated, literate, economically active,
wealthy), and self-reported capability (healthy).
Whereas in Hossain, Asadullah, & Kambhampati
(2019) whose research focus is on individual
empowerment makes five measurement indices,
namely production decision making, access to
productive resources, income, community
leadership, and time allocation. Albadri, Aziz, &
Amaliah (2019), who in his research examined the
distribution of ZIS for community economic
empowerment states that:
a. Empower some groups that are entitled to zakat
assets, for example, the poor, namely by giving
them zakat assets so that they can meet their
needs. In addition, by providing capital to those
who have expertise but face obstacles in the
form of limited capital.
b. Empowering the needy, namely by providing a
number of assets to fulfill life and empowering
those without expertise.
c. Empowerment of several groups entitled to
zakat assets, which have new income with their
incapacity. They are zakat employees and
Muslim converts.
d. Empowerment of several groups entitled to
zakat property to realize the meaning and
purpose of actual zakat other than those
mentioned above
Furthermore, Saleh (2017) found a series of
empowerment processes in Muslim communities can
be assessed through three main levels, namely:
a. The scope of the individual has a direction to
increase spiritual intelligence, intellectual and
improve individual quality.
b. Family scope, forming a harmonious family
through the formation of harmony between
members and the desire to excel in gaining the
grace of God Almighty.
c. Community, the actualization of science and
charity. Science as a process of awareness
towards strengthening faith becomes a charity
to guide social life.
2. Instrument of Shadaqah
Shadaqah (voluntary charity) is a virtue in Islam (QS;
3: 92). In fact, it is considered as proof of one's faith.
The word shadaqah (Alms) comes from the Arabic
"shadaqah." In language means "true or honest."
Meanwhile, according to the term, Shadaqah means
voluntary gifts, both in the form of money, goods,
services, kindness, and others (Mulazid & Mufliha,
2019). This is given to people who have the right to
receive it with an unspecified amount, given anytime
and anywhere for the sake and hope of Allah SWT.
Mulazid & Mufliha (2019) mentioned that
"Shadaqah" has two meanings. First, the sunnah
"Shadaqah", and second is the compulsory "Shadaqah
(zakat)". Shadaqah (Alms) is giving movable or
immovable property, which will soon be used up
whether or not used, to other people or legal entities,
such as foundations or the like, without compensation
and conditions, but only to please God and expect his
possessions to be rewarded on the Day of Judgment
(Lailatussufiani, M, & Multifiah, 2016).
The Qur'an has provided the parable of shadaqah:
the parable of the person who spends his wealth in the
way of Allah like a seed growing seven stalks, in each
stalk, there are one hundred seeds (QS; 2: 261). In
connection with this verse, Hamka (1996) in Tafsir
Al-Azhar outlines that spending wealth in the way of
Allah will bring thousands of benefits (for many
people) and Allah will multiply (reward) to whom He
wants. Shadaqah in Islam is highly recommended as a
form of social life and to create a unity in life,
especially in the economic field of Muslims. Every
shadaqah issued in return will surely return to
yourself. No matter how small the wealth offered in
the path of God with sincerity, surely God will
multiply, and sometimes from an unexpected
Rasulullah SAW said: "For every Muslim, it is
recommended to be shadaqah", the Companions
asked, "O Prophet, how do those who do not get
something to share or shadaqah (with him)?". "They
asked again," did he not get anything? "Rasulullah
SAW answered again," Let him do good and refrain
from evil because that is his shadaqah. "(HR. Ahmad
bin Hanbal). This means that shadaqah is something
that is highly recommended.
3. The Important Role of Shadaqah
Instrumentation for Community
Islamic teachings about infaq (shadaqah) are very
high in value. In addition to eroding the bad qualities
such as stingy and selfishness, infaq also raises a
7th AICIF 2019 - ASEAN Universities Conference on Islamic Finance
deep social awareness, that humans always need
each other, and someone will not be able to live
alone. Therefore there must be mutual cooperation
and mutual giving so that the gap between the rich
and the poor can be eliminated, brotherhood can be
fostered with a more intimate relationship. Spending
wealth in the way of Allah, both those that are
obligatory such as zakat and those that are Sunnah
such as alms used for the welfare of the people, to
eradicate poverty and ignorance, for the
broadcasting of Islam and for the development of
science are highly demanded by religion, and are
strongly encouraged by the Shara’.
Chaudhry (2012) explains that voluntary
shadaqah which is done to achieve the pleasure of
Allah will be rewarded in the world and in the
hereafter, this shadaqah also helps channel wealth
from the rich to the poor and needy. The goal to be
achieved with voluntary alms is justice (distributive
and social). Proper management of shadaqah funds
will help empower the community's economy better
(Albadri, Aziz, & Amaliah, 2019). The distribution
of shadaqah funds can be used for productive
programs such as in the fields of education, health,
and economics.
4. The Role of the Mosque
The word masjid or mosque has evolved from the
word sajada (prostration) which refers to filial piety,
faithful and with heads bowed with respect and
respect. The mosque is not only a place of worship
but also a place to gain knowledge (Mohamed, Ab
Aziz, Masrek, & Daud, 2014). Malik (2013)
concluded that the mosque as one of the religious
institutions not only has a theological dimension that
regulates the relationship of Muslims with God but
also as a basis for the development of da'wah and
education that shapes Islamic culture. Mohamed, Ab
Aziz, Masrek, & Daud (2014) mentions that a
mosque is also a place for meetings of members of
the Islamic community, as well as a place to hold
various religious ceremonies and rituals, such as a
marriage contract (wedding ceremony). To be able
to fully implement the role and function of the
mosque at this time, it must also be known how the
mosque functioned during the time of the Prophet
Muhammad. According to Karamoy (2019) quoting
from Ismail & Castrawijaya (2010) among the roles
and functions of the mosque at that time was a place
of worship, as a meeting place, as a place of
consultation, as a place for social activities, as a
place of care for the sick and as places of pilgrimage
and Islamic da'wah The problems that occur in
Muslim communities, namely poverty and
inequality, force the mosque to give a role that is
more than just a place of worship such as a center
for community empowerment.
Karamoy (2019) explains that mosques can be
classified as Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs),
dealing with public funds received from the
government, corporate and public donations, control
over financial activities in handling funds received
and released by organizations, has become an
attractive area for being investigated. Donated funds
(shadaqah) received should be able to be managed
for various beneficial activities. Mosques must be
designed to meet the modern needs of Muslims to
popularize their use and provide effective lateral
support is important in the process. Mosque imams
must be trained in ineffective management methods
and modern communication technology. In the
process of development, the mosque must be made
to attract the interests and needs of the modern
Muslim lifestyle.
5. The Role of Religious Leaders
Ulama in Arabic is the form of jama' from the word
"alim" (knowledgeable person); whoever has the
knowledge and whatever field of science, is called
"alim". Ulama means people who are knowledgeable
or scientists (Nasution, 2016). In the hadith of the
Prophet narrated Tirmidhi in his Sunan no. 2681 or
Musnad Imam Ahmad Juz 5 p. 169, the Prophet
Muhammad mentioned that ulama became heirs who
inherited the prophets. Religious leaders become
role models and references for solving all problems
both religion and community life, even Muslim
communities often refer to ijma '(the agreement of
the scholars in establishing law in religion based on
the Qur'an and Hadith in a case that occurs).
In a shift in the new era, religious leaders are
challenged to participate in adapting to provide the
best solution method for existing problems,
justification, and respond to at least some questions
that will be different about the information
revolution, the internet era, and globalization
(Torabi & Noori, 2019). Supported by Nasution
(2016) which states that the rapid development of
the Islamic economy cannot be followed by some of
our scholars, causing their response to the Sharia
economy to be less positive. The biggest challenge
to help the problem of community empowerment is
to broaden people's thinking about economic
relations between Muslims (muamalah) and mutual
assistance activities (ta'awun) not just in worship
(Lailatussufiani, M, & Multifiah, 2016). In this case,
The Instrumentation of Shadaqah Funds as a Means of Mosque based Community Empowerment
religious leaders have the power to raise awareness
and influence the attitudes, behavior, and practices of
their followers. They can form social values in line
with religious-based teachings. However, scholars
and religious institutions need to strengthen their
knowledge and insight in the fiqh of muamalah and
Islamic economics so that this important role can be
carried out effectively. The most important thing in
this problem is commitment; it is necessary to build a
strong commitment among religious scholars and
institutions to develop the Islamic economy and the
welfare of the people and nation (Nasution, 2016).
6. The Role of the University
Higher education institutions aspire to focus on
academic research with little practical orientation
(Hatakenaka, 2007). Even though the size of the
Ummah/student-owned actually has a very big role
to help improve the economy. Hatakenaka (2007)
states that universities can play an indirect but
important economic role in the local social, cultural
and intellectual fields. Supported by Sevinc (2014)
which states that universities create technological
innovation, employment, university-industry
collaboration, and various socio-cultural activities,
and also encourage the development of local and
regional economies. Ozturk (2008) states that
education increases people's productivity and
creativity and promotes entrepreneurship and
technological progress. In addition, it plays a very
important role in securing economic and social
progress and increasing income distribution.
Lailatussufiani, M, & Multifiah (2016) found
that most people in urban areas who were educated
with an open view were willing to accept the usury-
free empowerment program. Whereas for people in
rural areas still lacking this knowledge and are more
receptive to conventional programs. From this
opinion, as an academic community, universities
also play an important role to assist mosque-based
empowerment programs by utilizing shadaqah
funds. Especially because universities as agents of
change and development agents accelerate economic
growth (Supriyadi, 2012) so that entrepreneurial-
based universities have a very important role as
agents of change for sustainable regional
development (local community) (Wakkee, van der
Sijde, Vaupell, & Ghuman, 2019).
Previous Study
There are several studies on the community
empowering as follows:
Lailatussufiani, M, & Multifiah (2016) examined
the use of zakat, infaq, and shadaqah funds for
community empowerment studied at the National
Alms Agency (BAZNAS West Nusa Tenggara
Province, Indonesia). They found that the zakat,
infaq, and shadaqah funds managed by BAZNAS
were able to optimally roled community
empowerment in terms of education, health, and the
Riwajanti, N. I & Fadloli (2019) examined the
mosque-based Islamic cooperative for the economic
development of the community. Researchers
revealed the initial step to implement the concept is
to change the mindset of the community through
mosque lectures and other communication channels
because the concept of Islamic economics is still
unknown. There are four pillars that are used
(commitment and integrity, consistency and focus,
good capability, capacity and professional
management, and accountability and transparency)
to foster trust in the mosque which can then
empower the economic potential of the mosque
through the establishment of Islamic cooperatives.
Furthermore, Albadri, Aziz, & Amaliah (2019)
examining the influence of zakat, infaq, and
shadaqah management for community
empowerment (BAZNAS Cirebon, Indonesia). This
study found that each of the management of zakat,
infaq, and shadaqah were positively able to
empower the community. This means that if the
management of zakat, infaq and shadaqah funds is
carried out effectively, it will increase community
empowerment to a more productive basis.
The data used in this article are secondary data that
is sourced from literature, books, research journals
and data from the company. The secondary data in
this study were obtained from various other sources
that present information about all matters relating to
the community empowerment model through the
integration of mosque-based shadaqah funds.
Model Development
Trommlerová, Klasen, & Leßmann (2015) stated
that intrinsically institutions and empowerment can
be instrumentally effective in promoting human
development and reducing poverty. Supported by
Zaenal, Astuti, & Sadariyah (2018) which states that
7th AICIF 2019 - ASEAN Universities Conference on Islamic Finance
empowering urban communities can reduce the
existing poverty index through the use of ZIS funds.
Furthermore, Albadri, Aziz, & Amaliah (2019)
found that through good shadaqah fund
management, community economic empowerment
would be more effective.
Bahari & Sihabbuddin (2016, March) in an
explorative study of the role of Malaysian mosques in
community development prove that Malaysian
mosques play a very significant position. The
mosques practice a dual role, namely upholding one's
relationship with Allah (Íabl min al-Allāh) and
executing human worldly affairs (Íabl min al-nas).
Furthermore, Movahed (2014) explained that mosque
theory practiced would significantly improve the
Muslim community. Mosque theory can provide a
conceptual framework for the process of community
development in various fields of activity. It will also
provide a framework for understanding the relation-
ship between religious and social development.
Community development can occur by carrying out
and utilizing the vitality of the community through the
strengthening of morality, brotherhood, devotion, and
knowledge. There are five things to be gained from
community development through mosques: forming
fraternal relationships in the community, learning new
things, creating knowledge, abandoning sin (because
of faith), and hoping for divine love. This means, to
strengthen the economic dimension of the mosque it
can be used as an empowerment center for the
effective management of ZIS funds (Saleh, 2017).
Furthermore, Mustafa, et al. (2017) found out
about the role and effectiveness of Muslim religious
leaders and mosques in promoting health
empowerment in Western societies. Not only in the
field of health empowerment, but religious leaders
also play a very important role in promoting wider
knowledge about religion and finding solutions for
solving problems in the new era of humans such as
empowering environmental aspects (Torabi & Noori,
2019). In addition to religious leaders, the university
also helps create technological innovation,
employment, university-industry collaboration, and
various socio-cultural activities, and also fosters local
and regional economic development (Sevinc, 2014).
This means that religious leaders and universities
have a very significant function in order to assist
community empowerment through the integration of
mosque-based shadaqah funds.
This article uses a qualitative approach by
examining the latest literature to build a model of
community empowerment. The literature review
needed is related to community empowerment
issues, shadaqah fund instrumentation, the role of
mosques, religious leaders, and universities. From
the results of this study, a model of community
empowerment was formed.
The community empowerment program is carried out
through the integration of the mosque as a center for
managing shadaqah funds from the community. This
integration is supported by the role of religious
leaders and universities. Where these two aspects
function as aspects that help mosques gather people
and promote the use of shadaqah funds for
community empowerment. In addition, the university
as an agent of development and change into aspects
that support the usury-free program through
integration above. Then the harmonization of all
aspects contributes to an intelligent community
empowerment program to create sustainable
community welfare. Among them welfare to improve
their worldly economy. And welfare to further
enhance the faith and worship and through sharing
activities with fellow believers. So that welfare arises
is true welfare (Falah). Based on the results of the
discussion in the previous section which refers to the
study of literature, it can be formulated a conceptual
framework for community empowerment as follows:
Sources: Trommlerová, Klasen, & Leßmann (2015),
Zaenal, Astuti, & Sadariyah (2018), Albadri, Aziz, &
Amaliah (2019), Bahari & Sihabbuddin (2016, March),
Movahed (2014), Saleh (2017), Mustafa, et al. (2017),
Torabi & Noori (2019), Sevinc (2014)
Figure 1: Community Empowerment Model Through
Instrumentation of Shadaqah Funds.
The Instrumentation of Shadaqah Funds as a Means of Mosque based Community Empowerment
The developed model of this study, it is in the
context of community empowerment have been
supported by various recent literature studies. It
needs to be understood that the most important thing
in optimizing the potential of mosque and shadaqah
funds for community empowerment is to build
public awareness and knowledge of the benefits of
these funds. The concept of Islamic economics is
still something that is rarely known by some society.
Community still think that the mosque is only a
place of worship or religious (shadaqah) activities
carried out only when there is a disaster. Productive
activities (empowerment) carried out through zakat,
infaq, shadaqah and waqf funds are still very strange
among the community because they consider that
these funds are only intended for sympathetic care
(consumptive) funds. So providing understanding to
the community in relation to this is an absolute
necessity to change their mindset.
The economic potential of the mosque can be
run optimally if the mosque's internal management is
well managed, especially in managing zakat, infaq,
shadaqah and waqf funds. In this regard, human
resources who operate mosque activities are required
to have broader capabilities and knowledge about
jurisprudence (fiqh) of Islam. That is because the
management of the mosque's potential must be
carried out in accordance with the provisions of
Islamic sharia, so that in the future there will be no
errors. As a means of strengthening awareness and
intelligence among modern society, religious leaders
and universities are required to continue to have the
best methods and justifications for solving problems
in an ever-changing era. From this discussion, it can
be concluded that the human aspects (intellectual,
faith, and action) both the community and program
managers as well as other parties (religious leaders
and universities) have an important role in the
success of community empowerment programs. The
collaboration is expected to create overall
community welfare (falah). Prosperity is reflected in
the improvement of economic and intellectual
intelligence (dunia) as well as strengthening the faith
and worship of the people to Allah SWT (ukhrawi).
Community empowerment programs are very
important to be practiced to overcome the inequality
of wealth that occurs and to be new breakthroughs
that can be utilized in the future. Through the
discussion above, some important things that can be
concluded and help the program that is planned
include; First, the importance of raising awareness
and the willingness of the community to share with
others is an important point. Awareness that
shadaqah is a form of faith in Allah Almighty needs
to be emphasized and promoted more massively.
Second, shadaqah funds collected and managed for
productive activities will help empower and improve
the community's economy. Third, as a center of
progress, the mosque is not only seen as a place of
worship for humans. The current mosque must be a
sector that continues to be renewed and answer the
problems being faced by the Ummah (poverty),
namely through proper management of shadaqah
funds which is full of commitment, responsibility,
and transparency. In addition, the development of
networking among other parties must also be
maintained properly, to maintain the optimal
function of empowering mosques to the community.
Fourth, religious leaders must participate in
massively disseminating knowledge and insights
about the importance of shadaqah to the wider
community. Refreshing and educating the public's
knowledge becomes a big responsibility and must be
carried out by religious leaders. Because with the
potential to gather people, religious leaders play a
very important role in the economy and welfare.
Religious leaders are also role models to lead people
in a better direction and in accordance with Islamic
teachings. Fifth, community empowerment also
requires support from the university. The university
is an agent of change and development towards a
better society. Support from the university can be
done by helping the mosque collect shadaqah funds
regularly. As is known, universities are intellectuals
who have an open view, especially to encourage the
empowerment of usury-free communities. So, it is
important for tertiary institutions, to participate in
socializing this program to the public.
That is the power of Sadaqah instrumentation for
community empowerment and certainly cannot be
separated from the role of mosques, religious
leaders, and universities. So, the model built must be
discussed further to be implemented.
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The Instrumentation of Shadaqah Funds as a Means of Mosque based Community Empowerment