fulfillment of needs and desires. The importance of
education in meeting the needs of life to always be
owned by consumers, especially a Muslim. Because
the basic principle of fulfilling the consumer needs
of a Muslim has been introduced through the term
Islamic Man.
In general, human needs are classified into three
things: necessity, pleasure, and luxury goods.
Regarding the order of priorities, Islamic orders
regarding consumption should be the guiding
principles. The key to understanding consumer
behaviour in Islam is not located by merely knowing
the forbidden things, but also by realizing the
dynamic concept of moderate attitudes in the
consumption led by behaviors that prioritize the
interests of people A Muslim consumer.(Mannan,
2.3 Muslim Consumer Perception
Consumer behaviour is a behaviour of consumers
themselves, where they can illustrate the search to
buy, use, evaluate, and improve their products and
services. The focus of consumer behaviour is how
individuals make decisions to use the resources they
have available to consume an item. Consumers mean
people who do consumption activities in the form of
goods and services.
The residence of a consumerone enough to affect
the behavior of his consumption in fulfilling the
daily needs of his life. In general there is a
difference between expenditure to meet the
consumption needs of food and non food between
the city and village.
Discussion of the concept of necessity in Islam
can not be separated from the study of consumer
behaviour within Sharia Maqashid framework. The
purpose of Shari'ah should be able to determine the
objectives of consumer behaviour in
Islam.(Muhammad, 2004)
In principle, an Islamic man has a way to get
quality and quantity in economics, this is what
makes a difference in the behavior of previous
consumer that is more inclined to satisfaction alone.
(a) Halal and Good (Tayyib), A Muslim takes the
technical attention of organizing the consumption of
Islamic values. Therefore, a Muslim is forbidden to
use his or her lust for consumption. Consumption
behaviour of a Muslim is based on the realization
that he in fulfilling his needs can not be done
alone.(Sudasono, 2002) The modification of every
thing that will be consumed, because not enough if
relying solely on the principle of rationality posed
by the Covenant economy, the rights referred
to:(Amalia, 2014). (b) Israf and Tabdzir, As for the
view of the importance of wealth, Islam gives many
emphasis on the arrangement and use of the wealth.
People are encouraged to keep their possessions
carefully and to spend them fairly and wisely in
order that their desires are fulfilled (satisfied). For
the extravagance of controlled wealth, Islam forbids
the people to give or impart their possessions to
those who have not been perfectly resourceful and
immature.(Rahman, 1995)
The consumption of extravagance, which is a
characteristic of the people who do not know God,
in Islam is called israf (waste) or tabzir (squandering
treasures without use). What distinguishes here is
that Tabzir is the use of wealth in the wrong way,
which is forbidden deeds such as bribery, things that
violate the law or in a way without rules. While the
meaning of Israf is a extravagance waste in clothing,
food, Eloktronik, Ride, and others. Islamic teachings
advocated the pattern of consumption and property
of reasonable and balanced, namely patterns that lie
between the filial and waste.(Aziz, 2008)
2.4 Previous Studies
The research conducted by Muhammad Miftahul
Hidayat with the title of consumption theory
oriented theological-ethical, showing aspektis and
fundamental values of Islam in consumption. The
ethics herein include the Unity (Tawhid), the
balance (al ' Adlu), the free Will (Ikhtiyar), and the
responsibility (fardh).(Hidayat, 2000)
While the more applicative study was done by
Wajin with the title of the influence of knowledge of
waste on consumption expenditure (a descriptive-
analysis study in Serang subdistrict). This research
specifically peeling the influence of redundant
knowledge on the community consumption pattern.
By using the survey research method of simple
cluster sampling as well as static analysis of squares
and coefficients, has shown that there is a significant
difference between respondents who have
knowledge of redundant Have any knowledge at all,
other than that the researcher also confirms a strong
relationship between the knowledge and the
behavior of the public consumption.(Wazin, 2001)
While the results of the study of Faizi in his
thesis titled "Islamic Consumption (study on the
thought of Imam Al-Gazali in Ihya ' Ulumu Al Din),
focus on the discussion based on the thought of Al-
Gazali, which is the purpose of this research is To
describe the Islamic consumption offered by Imam
Al-Gazali in Ihya ' Ulumu Al Din's book. In this
research the author focuses more on the description