nothing but an effort to provide services to educational stakeholders, especially to
teachers, both individually and in groups in an effort to improve the quality of the
process and learning outcomes. Teachers can simply be interpreted as people who
provide knowledge to students [11]. Because of that task, teachers can increase their
authority and the existence of teachers is very much needed by the community, they no
longer doubt the urgency of teachers for their students.
There are 19 roles of teachers, namely as educators, instructors, mentors, trainers,
advisors, reformers, models and role models, personal, researchers, promoters of
creativity, generating views, routine workers, campers, story carriers, actors,
emancipators, evaluators, preservatives and culminators [12]. Performance is the
implementation of the plan that has been prepared. Implementation of performance is
carried out by human resources who have the ability, competence, motivation and
interests. How organizations value and treat their human resources will influence their
attitudes and behavior in carrying out performance [13].
Performance is the ability of teachers in a variety of teaching skills, guiding,
assessing, using the media, associating or communicating with students, preparing
teaching plans, skills in carrying out classroom administration. [14] Systematically are
directed steps to achieve the goals that have been formulated by a teacher.
The above factors also determine the teacher's activity in analyzing the needs and
priority scale carried out by a teacher to students. The ability of analysis will realize
mutual understanding, respect and ultimately together to try to achieve the results that
have been formulated. Positive and meaningful teacher performance will be able to
color the behavior of their students. This behavior is work creativity that is actualized
by the teacher and has an impact on performance. The higher the creativity the higher
the teacher's performance. [10] Thus the performance carried out by the teacher helps
to plan and implement activities programs more precisely and better. Required teacher
competencies, namely: pedagogical competence, personal competence, social
competence, and performance [15].
3 Methodology
The research approach used in this study is qualitative research, which is a research
procedure that produces descriptive data, in the form of written or oral data and people
and behaviors that can be observed as research objects. Qualitative research is the
collection of data in a natural setting, using natural methods, and carried out by people
or researchers who are naturally interested. [16] [17] Qualitative research has six
characteristics, namely: (1) care about context and situation (concern of context); (2)
natural setting; (3) human as the main instrument (human instrument); (4) data is
descriptive (descriptive data); (5) research designs emerge in conjunction with
observations (emergent designs); and (6) inductive analysis of data. In qualitative
research humans are the main data source and the results of research in the form of
words or statements that are in accordance with the actual.
The type of research the researcher is researching is using a case study research
type, which is an empirical inquiry that investigates phenomena in real life contexts,
when the boundaries between phenomena and contexts are not clearly visible and where
multiple sources are utilized. [17] Case studies are: "In case study the investigator