Effects of Education on Economic Growth
Ridwan, and Bahler Siregar
Graduate Faculty, Medan State University, Indonesia
Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of education and economic
growth in North Sumatra from 2004 to 2018 and to identify the effect of
education on economic growth in North Sumatra. The research method used by
researchers is descriptive quantitative. The results of this study indicate that
economic growth in North Sumatra during the study period experienced growth
despite its fluctuating growth, where the highest growth occurred in 2018.
Various theories have shown the importance of education in driving economic
growth. This paper proves that empirically proxied education with literacy rates
significantly influences economic growth proxied by gross regional domestic
Keywords: Economic growth · Literacy rate · Gross regional domestic product
1 Introduction
Life expectancy at birth in North Sumatra reached 68.61. This figure shows the average
baby born in 2018 can survive until the age of 68.61 years. In terms of education, the
average population of 25 years and over in North Sumatra has been educated up to 9.34
years or equivalent to having graduated from junior high school. While children aged
7 years who enter the world of education are expected to be able to attend school up to
13.14 years or reach Diploma I. In economic aspects, the average expenditure reaches
10.39 million rupiah/capita/year. Public purchasing power reflects the ability of society
to spend their money in the form of goods and services [1].
Education contributing significantly to economic development has become
axiomatic truth and its existence is recognized. Education is not always regarded as
consumption or financing because education is an investment in human resource
development, where in the long run its contribution can be felt [2].
Humans are a form of capital or capital like other forms of capital, such as
machinery, technology, land, money, and material. Humans as human capital are
reflected in the form of knowledge, ideas (ideas), creativity, skills, and work
productivity. Unlike other forms of capital that are only treated as tools, human capital
can invest itself through various forms of investment, for example formal / informal
education, work experience, health, or nutrition, and even migration.
Education has an important role in the life of the nation and state in an effort to
create quality human resources. Education is a basic need factor for every human being
so that efforts to educate the nation's life, because through education efforts to improve
people's welfare can be realized. Education affects the full economic growth of a
country (region). This is not only because education will affect productivity, but also
Ridwan, . and Siregar, B.
Effects of Education on Economic Growth.
DOI: 10.5220/0010434900002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 396-403
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
affect people's fertility. Education can make human resources more quickly understand
and ready to face changes and developments in a country.
Improving the quality of human resources which is done through improving the
quality of education, health status and improving nutrition, is expected to foster
initiatives or initiatives to create new jobs. Thus national and regional productivity can
be increased. Development must be based on internal will and ability in the community
concerned, which is a process of creating jobs, increasing productivity, contributing
and participating, as well as being active and creative in the local community in
In general it can be stated that the main factor that supports the development process
is the level of community education. In the process, it is based on the consideration that
the most efficient way to carry out a country's national development lies in increasing
the capacity of its people - education included.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Education
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and
learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have spiritual
spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and the skills
needed by themselves and the community [3].
Education is a form of investment in human resources that must be prioritized in
line with physical capital investment because education is a long-term investment.
Education has an important role in the life of the nation and state in an effort to create
quality human resources.
The Indonesian education system consists of several levels of education. The
education level is a long-term process that uses systematic and organized procedures,
in which managerial workforce learns conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general
purposes. The basic measure of education level is the ability of residents 15 years and
over to read Latin letters or other letters (literacy). Literacy is a minimum intellectual
ability because most of the information and knowledge is obtained through reading.
2.2 Economic Growth
Economic growth is an effort to increase production capacity to achieve additional
output, which is measured using Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross Regional
Domestic Product (GRDP) in an area [4].
Economic growth is a process, not an economic picture at a time. According to
Sadono Sukirno (2006) economic growth is defined as a quantitative measure that
describes the development of an economy in a certain year when compared to the
previous year. These developments are always expressed as a percentage change in
national income in a given year compared to the previous year. Here we see the dynamic
aspects of an economy, namely how an economy develops or changes over time.
Effects of Education on Economic Growth
There are several factors that affect economic growth in general, including: (1)
natural resources; (2) number and quality of population education; (3) science and
technology; (4) social system; and (5) market. [5] Then there are several theories that
explain the relationship between various factors of production with economic growth.
The views of the theory include [6].
2.3 Schumpeter's Theory
Schumpeter's theory in Sadono Sukirno [7], emphasizes the importance of the role of
entrepreneurs in creating economic growth. In this theory it is shown that entrepreneurs
are a group of people who organize and combine other factors of production to create
goods that are needed by the community. They are a group of people who create
innovation or renewal in the economy. Updates that can be created by entrepreneurs
can be divided into several forms, namely: a) introducing a new item; b) the use of new
methods of producing goods; c) expanding the goods market to new areas; d)
developing new sources of raw materials; or e) reorganize within a company or
2.4 Solow-Swan Theory
According to Lincolin Arsyad [8], in order to increase economic growth factors needed
to influence regional economic growth include labor. Labor growth is considered as
one of the positive factors that spur economic growth, so an increase in labor will
encourage increased productivity and will spur economic growth. The education sector
plays a major role in shaping the ability of a developing country to absorb modern
technology and develop production capacity for sustainable growth and development.
2.5 Endogenous Growth Theory
This theory presents a broader theoretical framework in analyzing the factors that
influence the growth process from within (endogenous) the economic system itself.
Technological progress is considered to be endogenous, where economic growth is the
result of decisions of economic actors in investing in science and technology. The
development of technology and science will develop innovation so as to increase
productivity and lead to increased economic growth. So in this case the quality of
human resources is a factor that influences economic growth [9].
According to Paul Michael Romer in Lincolin Arsyad [8] considers science as a
form of capital. Science is the most important input in the production process. Only
thanks to science can people create new methods of production in order to obtain certain
economic benefits. From Paul Michael's opinion it can be concluded that to achieve
progress in development, not only driven by external factors, internal factors also affect
economic growth. The internal factor is science, where science is the main role in the
production wheel. Science as capital to create an innovation that can maintain the
existence of a production and increase profits.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
2.6 Human Capital
Human resources are one of the factors of production in addition to natural resources,
capital, entrepreneurs to produce output. Where the higher the quality of human
resources, the more efficiency and productivity of a country also increases. Investment
in the field of human resources is the sacrifice of a number of funds (something that
can be measured by the value of money) spent and the opportunity to earn income
during the investment process. Income obtained in the future is a higher level of income
to be able to achieve a higher level of consumption as well, such investment is called
human capital. Its application can be done in terms of education, where education is
one of the important factors in the development of human resources (HR). Education
not only increases knowledge, but also improves work skills, thereby increasing work
productivity. Education is seen as an investment whose rewards can be obtained several
years later in the form of increased work output [10].
Educational development with humans as its core focus has directly contributed to
the economic growth of a country, through increasing the skills and production
capabilities of the workforce [11].
According to human capital theory, education influences economic growth through
increasing the skills and productivity of the workforce. Rapid economic growth in
Asian countries and progressive changes in production towards high-tech industries and
services have led to increased demands from the business world for the need for skilled
and educated (qualified) human resources. Human Resources as a workforce is very
necessary skills in carrying out tasks, improve organizational quality and support
economic growth [12].
Education improves the quality of human life and wider social benefits for both
individuals and society. Education increases the productivity and creativity of the
workforce as well as increasing entrepreneurship and technological progress. In fact,
education plays an important role in saving social and economic progress and
increasing income distribution.
Education plays a major role in shaping the ability of a developing country to create
new knowledge, absorb modern technology, give birth to experts and develop the
capacity to create sustainable growth and development. Theories relating to education
and economic growth are the Theory of Human Capital. In this theory it states that
education has a positive influence on economic growth. If someone with a higher level
of education, and the length of time in education will have a better job and wage
compared to lower education. If the wages of workers reflect productivity, the more the
population has higher education, the higher the productivity and national economy will
grow well.
2.7 Previous Research
Research conducted by D. Budiarti, [6] with the title "Effect of Education Level on
Economic Growth in Mojokerto in 2000-2011" published in the journal Economic
Education. The results of this study said that the development of the number of
graduates of high school and tertiary level education during the period of research
experienced a significant growth, where the number of graduates was dominated by
high school level education compared to tertiary education.
Effects of Education on Economic Growth
For economic growth in Mojokerto Regency during the period of research in 2000
to 2011 experienced growth despite fluctuating growth, where the highest growth
occurred in 2011 of 7.14% this is due to the increasing number of industries in
Mojokerto Regency.
Research conducted by Nugroho, S. B. M., [13] with the title "Effects of Education
on Economic Growth" published in the journal Media Economics and Management.
The results of this study said that education measured by literacy rates had a positive
and significant effect on economic growth measured by Gross Domestic Product.
3 Methodology
3.1 Data Sources
In this study, the type of research used by the writer is descriptive quantitative research,
which is to determine the effect of two variables, namely the educational variable with
the variable of economic growth. The research design is used to show how much
influence education (X) has on economic growth (Y). The data used are secondary data
from the North Sumatra Central Statistics Agency from 2004 to 2018. Education is
proxied with literacy rates, while economic growth is proxied with Gross Regional
Domestic Product.
3.2 Analysis Tool
In this study the regression model generated by the estimator is not biased, if it meets
the classical assumptions that are free from autocorrelation and normality. To test the
normality of the data used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov non-parametric statistical test, ie
the residual regression data is normally distributed if the significant value > 0.05. The
Durbin Watson test is used for the autocorrelation test, if  < < 4–  then the
decision is no autocorrelation. The analytical tool used is simple linear regression, with
the following model:
GRDP = β
+ β
LR + ε (1)
GRDP = Gross Regional Domestic Product
LR = Literacy Rate
, β1 = Regression Coefficient
ε = Error Term
4 Results and Discussion
Education data are proxy with Literacy Rate, and economic growth is proxyed with
Gross Regional Domestic Product as in the Table below.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Table 1. Literacy Rates and Gross Regional Domestic Product of North Sumatra 2004-2018.
No. Year
(in billion)
1 2004 96,64 117.241,671
2 2005 97,00 138.556,297
3 2006 97,03 159.187,945
4 2007 97,03 180.375,388
5 2008 97,08 212.145,470
6 2009 97,15 234.473,454
7 2010 97,32 272.893,353
8 2011 97,46 312.008,082
9 2012 97,51 348.779,087
10 2013 97,84 401.383,442
11 2014 98,57 521.954,952
12 2015 98,68 571.722,009
13 2016 98,88 626.062,907
14 2017 98,89 684.275,444
15 2018 99,07 741.192,694
Source: North Sumatra Central Statistics Agency
The results of the classical assumption test analysis and the coefficient of
determination (R
) using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
program, can be seen in the following table.
Table 2. One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.
Unstandardized Residual
N 15
Normal Parameters
Mean ,0000000
Std. Deviation 30222,65551767
Most Extreme
Absolute ,217
Positive ,128
Negative -,217
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,842
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,478
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
From the results of the normality test in Table 2 it is known that the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov probability (Asymp. Sig.) value is 0.478 > 0.05 so it is stated that the residual
regression data is normally distributed.
Table 3. Model Summary
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
1 ,990
,979 ,978 31363,532 1,475
a. Predictors: (Constant), LR
b. Dependent Variable: GRDP
Effects of Education on Economic Growth
The autocorrelation test results in Table 3 show that the Durbin-Watson value (d) =
1.475 is greater than the upper limit (dU) 1.3605 and less than 4 - du = 2.6395 so it can
be concluded that there is no autocorrelation.
Table 3 shows that the coefficient of determination is 0.979, which means that
97.9% of the ups and downs of Indonesia's Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP)
can be explained by Literacy Rates. While 2.1% by other factors such as other variables
and error factors. This shows a pretty good model.
While based on processing with the program (SPSS), the regression coefficient can
be seen in the table below.
Table 4. Coefficients
Unstandardized Coefficients
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -23948509,269 977773,953 -24,493 ,000
LR 248780,746 10003,142 ,990 24,870 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: GRDP
Table 4 shows that literacy rates significantly influence North Sumatra's GRDP at
a significance level of 5%. This can be seen at the significant level of 0,000 which is
smaller than 0.05. While the standardized regression coefficient shows a figure of 0.990
which means that every 1 point increase in Literacy Rate will increase North Sumatra's
Gross Regional Domestic Product by 0.990 billion rupiah.
5 Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion it can be concluded that the
development of the number of literacy rates in North Sumatra over the age of 15 years
during the study period (2004-2018) has increased by an average of 0.17%. While
economic growth during the research period (2004-2018) experienced an increase with
an average of 44,567.93 (in billion rupiahs) where the highest growth occurred in 2018
of 5.12%.
Meanwhile, to find out whether or not there was an influence of education on
economic growth in North Sumatra, after analyzing the data with the help of the SPSS
21.0 for windows program, it was shown that proxied education with literacy rates had
a positive and significant effect on economic growth proxied by gross regional domestic
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Effects of Education on Economic Growth