2.6 Human Capital
Human resources are one of the factors of production in addition to natural resources,
capital, entrepreneurs to produce output. Where the higher the quality of human
resources, the more efficiency and productivity of a country also increases. Investment
in the field of human resources is the sacrifice of a number of funds (something that
can be measured by the value of money) spent and the opportunity to earn income
during the investment process. Income obtained in the future is a higher level of income
to be able to achieve a higher level of consumption as well, such investment is called
human capital. Its application can be done in terms of education, where education is
one of the important factors in the development of human resources (HR). Education
not only increases knowledge, but also improves work skills, thereby increasing work
productivity. Education is seen as an investment whose rewards can be obtained several
years later in the form of increased work output [10].
Educational development with humans as its core focus has directly contributed to
the economic growth of a country, through increasing the skills and production
capabilities of the workforce [11].
According to human capital theory, education influences economic growth through
increasing the skills and productivity of the workforce. Rapid economic growth in
Asian countries and progressive changes in production towards high-tech industries and
services have led to increased demands from the business world for the need for skilled
and educated (qualified) human resources. Human Resources as a workforce is very
necessary skills in carrying out tasks, improve organizational quality and support
economic growth [12].
Education improves the quality of human life and wider social benefits for both
individuals and society. Education increases the productivity and creativity of the
workforce as well as increasing entrepreneurship and technological progress. In fact,
education plays an important role in saving social and economic progress and
increasing income distribution.
Education plays a major role in shaping the ability of a developing country to create
new knowledge, absorb modern technology, give birth to experts and develop the
capacity to create sustainable growth and development. Theories relating to education
and economic growth are the Theory of Human Capital. In this theory it states that
education has a positive influence on economic growth. If someone with a higher level
of education, and the length of time in education will have a better job and wage
compared to lower education. If the wages of workers reflect productivity, the more the
population has higher education, the higher the productivity and national economy will
grow well.
2.7 Previous Research
Research conducted by D. Budiarti, [6] with the title "Effect of Education Level on
Economic Growth in Mojokerto in 2000-2011" published in the journal Economic
Education. The results of this study said that the development of the number of
graduates of high school and tertiary level education during the period of research
experienced a significant growth, where the number of graduates was dominated by
high school level education compared to tertiary education.