Analysis of the Role of Leadership to Employee
Performance at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation
in Aceh Besar District
Irham Fahmi, Ahmad Nizam, Farid, Yulia Fitri, Nurhalis, Nurlina, and Raida Fuadi
Faculty of Economics and Business, Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia
Abstract. The role of leadership is able to have a far-reaching impact on efforts
to achieve employee performance as expected. This study seeks to analyze how
the impact of leadership in influencing the formation of expected performance on
employees within the Aceh Besar District Office of Agriculture and Plantation.
This study uses population techniques, as many as 115 respondents. As for
measuring the variables in this study used a Likert scale with five stretches.
Hypothesis testing techniques on independent variables is done by using the t
statistic test and the F statistic test. Then to test the regression results for the
hypothesis partially the t test is used. Meanwhile, to see whether the independent
variable has an influence on the dependent variable as a whole the F test is used.
Based on the results of the study showed that the leadership applied had a
significant impact on employee performance within the Aceh Besar District
Office of Agriculture and Plantation. The impact of leadership can be seen both
simultaneously and also partially.
Keyword: Leadership ꞏ Performance ꞏ Employers
1 Background
The success or failure of an organization in achieving its goals depends on the success
of the individual organizations themselves in carrying out their duties. In every use of
existing resources, human resources is one of the elements that determines the
achievement of organizational goals efficiently. employees will devote all their energy
and mind to improve performance if they are satisfied at work, so job satisfaction is
something that is highly coveted by every employee.
The performance of employees in providing services to the community is still relati-
vely low, so the contribution made by employees to the organization is not optimal. then
it still does not match the compensation received by employees with the burden of duties
and responsibilities, meaning that every employee with the same class and with different
workloads receive the same compensation, especially work performance allowances.
Such a reward system creates gaps between employees in carrying out their duties.
Thus, the leader can be interpreted as a person's ability to influence others to act
according to his will, at least will be able to influence enthusiasm and ultimately affect
the organizational performance of Rivai Vehitzal (2004: 117).
The low performance of the first employee is caused by leadership behavior that is
not fully in favor of subordinates or work environment factors that are still not
Fahmi, I., Nizam, A., Farid, ., Fitri, Y., Nurhalis, ., Nurlina, . and Fuadi, R.
Analysis of the Role of Leadership to Employee Performance at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District.
DOI: 10.5220/0010436000002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 463-473
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
comfortable, so that the performance of employees at the Office of Agriculture and
Plantation in Aceh Besar Regency is still not in line with expectations, work
productivity tends to be stagnant, and morale employees who are still relatively poor,
so that organizational goals are not achieved, many employees are still not careful in
carrying out the work, and are less able to overcome boredom in carrying out work.
1.1 Formulation of the Problem
The formulation of the problem here is,
1. Is there any influence of leadership, and performance either partially or
simultaneously on the performance of the employees of the Office of Agriculture
and Plantation in Aceh Besar District.
2. How big is the influence of leadership and performance on the performance of the
Office of the Agriculture and Plantation Office of Aceh Besar District through the
performance of the employees of the Office of the Agriculture and Plantation Office
of Aceh Besar District.
1.2 Research Purposes
This research aims to :
1. To determine the effect of leadership, and performance both partially and
simultaneously on the performance of the employees of the Office of Agriculture
and Plantation in Aceh Besar District.
2. To find out the magnitude of the influence of leadership and performance on the
performance of the Office of the Agriculture and Plantation Office of Aceh Besar
District through the performance of the employees of the Office of the Agriculture
and Plantation Office of Aceh Besar District.
1.3 Benefits of Research
The benefits of this research are,
1. To become input and consideration in the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in
Aceh Besar District in connection with improving employee performance.
2. To be a contribution of ideas for the Aceh Besar District Office of Agriculture and
Plantations. In the placement of employees to help tasks for service to the community.
2 Literature Study
2.1 Organizational Performance
Understanding organizational performance in the opinion of Amber, (2003: 74) is a
combination of ability, effort and opportunity that can be assessed from the results of
his work. This indicates that organizational performance is a combination of the ability
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
of employees to achieve common goals, namely organizational goals.
Achievement results can be assessed according to the actors, namely the results
achieved by individuals (individual performance), by groups (group performance), by
institutions (organizational performance), and by a program or policy (program
performance and policies), as explained (Keban, 2004; 19l -193) below:
a. Individual performance, describes the extent to which a person has carried out
his duties so that it can provide the results set by the group or institution.
b. Group performance, illustrates to what extent a group has carried out its main
activities so as to achieve results as determined by the institution.
c. The performance of the institution (organization), with regard to how far an
institution has carried out all the main activities so as to achieve the mission or
vision of the institution that has been set.
d. Program / policy performance, with regard to the extent to which activities in
the Program or policy have been implemented so as to achieve the objectives of
the program or policy.
2.2 Factors That Affect Organizational Performance
There are many theories that explain the organization's performance. Mahmudi
(2005:35) states the factors that influence organizational performance are as follows:
1) Personal / individual factors, including: knowledge, skills, abilities, self-
confidence, motivation and commitment possessed by each individual.
2) Leadership factors, including: quality in providing encouragement, enthusiasm,
direction and support provided by managers and team leaders.
3) Team factors, including: the quality of support and enthusiasm provided by collea-
gues in a team, trust in fellow team members, team cohesiveness and closeness.
4) System factors, including: work systems, work facilities or infrastructure
provided by the organization, organizational processes and performance culture
in the organization.
5) Contextual (situational) factors, including pressures and changes in the external
and internal environment.
Based on the opinion above, it can be explained that organizational performance is
influenced by several factors, namely individual factors, leadership factors, team
factors, system factors and contextual factors.
2.3 Organizational Performance Indicators
Based on some expert opinions that have been stated above, according to Ambar (2003:
77), that the indicators of organizational performance include: input provided by
employees, the process of implementing activities, outputs produced by employee, the
results (outcomes) of work completed by employees, benefits (benefits) that can be
taken by employees and the impact (impact) for the community.
2.4 Employee Performance
Understanding of performance according to Dale Timpe (2002: 31), performance is the
Analysis of the Role of Leadership to Employee Performance at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District
level of achievement of a person or employee in an organization or company that can
increase productivity. According to Meiner (2005: 43) is a success that can be achieved
by individuals in doing their work, where the measure of success achieved by
individuals can not be equated with other individuals. The success achieved by an
individual is based on the applicable size and is adjusted to the type of work.
Then Subowo (2005: 130), argues that performance is closely related to goals or as
a result of individual work behavior, the expected results can be demands from the
individual itself. According to Dale Timpe (1992: 33), there are two factors that affect
employee performance, namely:
a. Internal factors, namely factors related to one's traits, include attitudes,
personality traits, physical traits, desires or motivation, age, gender, education,
work experience, cultural background and other personal variables.
b. External factors are the factors that influence the performance of employees who
come from the environment, including organizational policy, leadership, the
actions of coworkers in training and supervision, the wage system and the social
2.5 Employee Performance Indicators
To measure whether the employee's performance has met the established standards,
indicators of performance itself are needed, and according to Robbins (2007) mentions 5
(five) criteria that can be used to measure employee performance individually, namely:
a. Work completed on time.
b. Diligent in carrying out the work.
c. Performance is measured by work discipline.
d. Award for work performance.
e. The quality of work produced by employees.
2.6 Leadership
Robbins (2006: 39) argues that leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the
achievement of goals. While opinions expressed by Vera and Mahyuddin (2005) that
leadership is a process of influencing in determining organizational goals, behavioral
motivation to achieve goals affect to improve the group and its culture.
Saydan (2006: 18) argues that the success of an organization's development
business activities is largely determined by the quality of its leadership or managers and
the commitment of the top leadership of the organization to the required energy
investment and the personal efforts of the leadership.
2.7 The Role of Leadership
Sutanto (2004: 64) states that there are nine leadership roles in an organization, namely
leaders as planners, leaders as policy makers, leaders as experts, leaders as executors,
leaders as controllers, leaders as gift or punishment givers, leaders as role models and
symbols or symbol, the leader as a place to blame all the mistakes, and the leader as a
substitute for the role of other members.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
2.8 Leadership Indicator
The indicators of leadership according to Vera and Mahyuddin (2005) are clarity in
reading situations, giving awards, leadership creativity, creating discipline, and the
ability to provide guidance.
2.9 Influence of Leadership on Employee Performance
Siagian (2002: 62) argues that leadership is the ability of a person to influence others
(his subordinates) in such a way that other people are willing to do the will of the leader
even though personally it might not be pleasing to him. While the results of research
conducted by Sri Murgiyati, (2005), showed that leadership has a significant effect on
improving employee performance in an organization. Then the influence of leadership
on performance is also supported by the opinion of Rivai (2004), that leadership can
motivate others to achieve organizational goals.
2.10 Relationship of Work Environment to Performance
According to Nitisemito (2008) the work environment is something that exists around
workers and can affect themselves in carrying out the tasks they are assigned. An
organization or company must be able to pay attention to the conditions that exist in the
company both inside and outside the workplace, so that employees can work smoothly
and feel safe. Based on the above opinion it can be explained that a comfortable work
environment can have an impact on employee satisfaction.
Then also supported by the results of research conducted by Lewa and Subowo,
(2005) where the work environment can have an impact on improving employee
performance in an organization.
2.11 The Influence of Employee Performance on Organizational
Employee performance is basically the work of employees during certain period. This
is a mutually agreed target. In evaluating performance consider various conditions and
developments that affect the performance.
Timpe (2002) in Wijayanti (2008) suggests three performance roles, namely: 1)
Skills that include the abilities and abilities of individuals, 2) The level of effort required
to complete work related to employee assignments, and 3) External and internal
conditions support employee productivity. This shows that performance depends on
these three factors, if one is sufficient or does not support one another then the
performance will be disrupted.
The effect of employee performance on improving organizational performance is
also supported by the theory developed by Wibowo, (2009), that organizational
performance is the implementation of plans that have been prepared by employees in
achieving individual performance goals.
The picture frame of mind in this study can be explained as follows:
Analysis of the Role of Leadership to Employee Performance at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District
Fig. 1. Thinking Framework.
2.12 Hypothesis
Ha1 = The leadership role, both partially and simultaneously, influences the
performance of the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District.
Ha2 = The role of leadership and work environment indirectly influences the
performance of the Secretariat through the performance of the Secretariat of
Pidie Jaya Regency Regional Employees.
3 Research Methods
3.1 Location and Research Object
The location of this research was carried out at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation
in Aceh Besar District. The objects of this research are leadership and work
environment, employee performance and organizational performance of the Office of
Agriculture and Plantation of Aceh Besar Regency.
3.2 Research Population and Census
The population is the whole of the research subjects. Census is a way of collecting data
in which all elements of the population are investigated one by one (J. Supranto: 2000).
While the population in this study were all employees of the Office of Agriculture and
Plantation of Aceh Besar Regency, which amounted to 126 people, and this study was
a population study, meaning that the respondents were the entire population, namely
126 employees of the Office of Agriculture and Plantation of Aceh Besar District.
Researchers included the entire population to be respondents in this study.
3.3 Data Collection Technique
To obtain complete and thorough data in this study, the authors use data collection
techniques by:
Performance of the
Agriculture and
Plantation Office
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
1. Primary Data, namely by distributing questionnaires consisting of 2 categories,
namely the first category of questions about the characteristics of respondents and
the second category divided into 4 categories according to the variables studied, this
second group questionnaire is presented in the form of a Likert scale.
2. Secondary data: i.e. data obtained from third parties or documentation and literature.
This data for support primier
3.4 Scale of Measurement
To measure the variables in this study a Likert scale with five ranges was used. Score
1 (one) to 5 (five), that is, from respondents' answers from strongly disagree to strongly
agree or from very dissatisfied to very satisfied. Respondents will choose a score with
questions on each variable in accordance with what they experienced.
The scales used were each scored as follows:
Table 1. Measurement Scale.
o. Answers Scorer
1 Stron
ree 1
2 Disa
ree 2
3 A
ree Less 3
4 A
ree 4
5 Stron
ree 5
3.5 Variable Operations
In this research, there are three measured variables, namely leadership (X1), and
performance (X2) as independent variables and employee performance (Y) as
Intervening Variables, then organizational performance (Z) as dependent variables,
respectively. variables can be described as follows:
3.6 Data Analysis Method
Data analysis tools used to test research hypotheses are path analysis. Standard
assumptions that must be fulfilled before constructing the path analysis model include:
(1) recursive form; (2) one-way relationship; (3) linear, additive and causal; (4) normal
distribution; (5) there is no multicollinity; and (6) all variables are measurable, at least
on an interval scale. In this study path analysis is carried out using SPSS program
3.7 Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis testing on independent variables is done by using the t statistic test and the
F statistic test. Then to test the regression results for the hypothesis partially the t test
is used. Meanwhile, to see whether the independent variable has an influence on the
dependent variable as a whole the F test is used.
Analysis of the Role of Leadership to Employee Performance at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District
3.8 Reliability and Validity Test
3.8.1 Reliability Test
Reliability is used to determine whether the data collection tool has shown the level of
accuracy, accuracy, or consistency of the tool in expressing certain symptoms of a
group of individuals, even though it is done at different times. According to Malhotra
(2006) the acceptable cronbach alpha coefficient is above 0.60.
3.8.2 Validity Test
Validity shows reliability that describes the level of the instrument concerned is able to
measure what will be measured (Arikunto, 2005: 119). Determination of validity is
based on the comparison of correlation values obtained between item scores and total
item scores, with critical values of product moment correlations (r table). If the
calculated correlation value (r arithmetic) is greater when compared with the value of r
table at a 95 percent confidence level it can be interpreted that the items of the statement
are valid.
4 Research Results and Discussion
4.1 Effect of Leadership on Employee Performance of the Aceh Besar
District Agriculture and Plantation Office
The following discussion will discuss the hypothesis of the influence of leadership and
work environment on the performance of employees of the Office of Agriculture and
Plantation in Aceh Besar District, both simultaneously and partially, as explained
Table 2. The Role of Leadership and Performance on Employee Performance.
B Beta
Leadership (X
) 0,174 0,529 10,204 0,000
Performancea (X
) 0,141 0,363 7,005 0,000
= 0,723
= 0,523
= 106,409
= 0,000
= 3,042
Source: Primary Data, 2019 (processed)
Indicating that the leadership variable in this study obtained a beta coefficient value
of 0.529 means that each increase in leadership is 1 unit, it will increase employee
performance by 0.529 on a Likert scale unit. Furthermore, the work environment
variable in this study obtained a coefficient value of 0.363 which means that each
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
increase in the work environment by 1 unit, it will increase the increase in employee
performance by 0.363 on the Likert scale unit.
This means that the leadership and work environment variables jointly influence the
performance of the Aceh Besar District Office of Agriculture and Plantation. The
magnitude of the effect simultaneously of these two variables can be seen from the
value of the coefficient of determination.
The coefficient of determination of the influence of these two variables on employee
performance is 0.523, meaning that 52.3% of changes based on employee performance
can be explained by changes in leadership and work environment variables, while the
remaining 47.7% is explained by other factors outside the leadership and environmental
variables work.
It can be concluded that leadership positively has a significant effect on employee
performance at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District. This is
indicated by the significant value of 0,000 <0.05 (0% <5%). The same conditions are
shown by the work environment variable, this result is shown by the significant value
of 0,000 <0.05 (0% <5%).
4.2 The Role of Leadership and Performance to the Organizational
Performance of the Aceh Besar District Office of Agriculture and
The results of the second hypothesis testing are: leadership and work environment both
simultaneously and partially on the performance of the organization at the Office of
Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District.
The second hypothesis in this study is leadership (X1) and performance (X2) affect
the performance of the organization (Y) at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in
Aceh Besar District, as explained in the following table:
Table 3. The Effect of Employee Leadership and Performance on Organizational Performance.
B Beta
Leadership (X
) 0,176 0,507 9,193 0,000
Performance (X
) 0,133 0,325 5,890 0,000
= 0,678
= 0,459
= 82,334
= 3,042
= 0,000
Source: Primary Data, 2019 (processed)
That the leadership and performance variables together affect the performance of
the organization at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District. The
magnitude of the effect simultaneously of these two variables can be seen from the
value of the coefficient of determination. The coefficient of determination (R2) the
influence of these two variables on organizational performance is 0.459, meaning that
45.9% of changes based on organizational performance can be explained by changes in
Analysis of the Role of Leadership to Employee Performance at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District
leadership and work environment variables, while the rest of 0.541 means that 54.1%
is explained by factors others outside the leadership and work environment variables.
5 Conclusions and Suggestions
5.1 Conclusion
1. Leadership and the work environment both simultaneously and partially affect the
performance of the employees of the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh
Besar District.
2. Leadership and the work environment both simultaneously and partially affect the
organizational performance of the Office of Agriculture and Plantation of Aceh
Besar Regency.
3. Employee performance shows that there is an influence on improving the
performance of the Aceh Besar Regency District Office of Agriculture and
4. The results of the study also showed that there was an indirect influence of
leadership and work environment on the performance of the organization through
the performance of employees of the Aceh Besar District Office of Agriculture and
5.2 Suggestions
1. To improve the organizational performance of the Office of Agriculture and
Plantation in Aceh Besar District, one of the factors that need to be considered by
the leadership such as lighting systems neatly arranged so as to cause morale, then
keep the environment clean and clean and keep the office room away from vehicle
noise general that can disrupt the concentration of work of employees.
2. So that work results are always measured from the level of work discipline every
day, meaning that employees are always disciplined in carrying out their duties,
employees get awards for work performance given by the leadership and the quality
of the work produced always meets the leadership's expectations.
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Analysis of the Role of Leadership to Employee Performance at the Office of Agriculture and Plantation in Aceh Besar District