The Influence of Work Stress, Work Load, and Job
Satisfaction towards Work Performance of Civil Servants
in Inspectorate North Aceh District
Likdanawati, Marbawi, Hamdiah,Yurina, and Yuza Juanda
Department of Management Science, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia,
Abstract. This study aims to study and analyze work stress, workload, and job
satisfaction on the performance of civil servants in the North Aceh Regency
Inspectorate. The sample of this study was 55 respondents. Data in this study
were collected by questionnaire research to 55 respondents using the Census
Sampling method. The analytical model used is multiple linear regression
analysis. The results of partial research show that work stress, work load, and job
satisfaction are significant on employee performance. Simultaneously, work
stress, workload, and job satisfaction increase civil servants in the North Aceh
Regency Inspectorate. To improve performance, North Aceh District
Inspectorate staff not only ask for increased job satisfaction, but also need to
consider workloads and also reduce employee frustration as indicators of work
stress and hopefully there is no pressure from superiors on subordinates at work
Keywords: Job stress ꞏ Workload ꞏ Satisfaction ꞏ Performance
1 Introduction
The progress of an organization will not be separated from the existence and influence
of human resources (HR) in it. HR becomes the main motor of the organization in
carrying out all its activities in an effort to achieve goals. Humans are the main assets
in the organization, so human resources (HR) must be managed and utilized in a
balanced and humane way. Whatever its shape and purpose, the organization is made
based on various visions for human interests and in its implementation the mission is
managed by humans. So humans are a strategic factor in all organizational activities.
Attention to Human Resources is very important in order to obtain employee
performance as expected in order to achieve the organization's vision and mission and
goals. One of the factors that influence the level of success of an organization is
employee performance. Employee performance according to Mangkunegara in Carudin
(2011) is the result of quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee in carrying
out their duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. Every company
always expects employees to have achievements, because by having employees who
excel will provide optimal contributions to the company. In addition, by having
employees who excel in the company can improve the performance of the company. If
individuals in a company that is effective human resources, the company also continues
Likdanawati, ., Marbawi, ., Hamdiah, ., Yurina, . and Juanda, Y.
The Influence of Work Stress, Work Load, and Job Satisfaction towards Work Performance of Civil Servants in Inspectorate North Aceh District.
DOI: 10.5220/0010437300002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 483-492
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to run effectively. In other words, the survival of a company is determined by the
performance of its employees.
Efforts to improve employee performance, including paying attention to work
stress. Stress is a condition where a person experiences tension because of the
conditions that affect him, these conditions can be obtained from within a person or the
environment outside a person. Stress can have a negative impact on psychological and
biological conditions for employees.
According to Siagian (2009) stress is a condition of tension that affects one's
emotions, thoughts, and physical condition. Stress that cannot be handled properly
usually results in the inability of a person to interact with his environment, both the
work environment and outside of work.
Besides stress, another factor that influences employee performance is workload. A
person's workload has been determined in the form of company work standards
according to the type of work. Employee workloads can occur under three conditions.
First, the workload is according to standards. Second, the workload is too high (over
capacity). Third, the workload is too low (under capacity). Workloads that are too heavy
or light will have an impact on work efficiency. A workload that is too light means
there is excess labor. In this case the North Aceh Regency Inspectorate experienced
problems because of the lack of the required number of employees who were in
administration and auditors and one of the employee's fields could not simultaneously
hold one of these positions.
Job satisfaction is a condition where employees feel satisfied with their work.
Someone tends to work with enthusiasm if satisfaction can be obtained from his job
because job satisfaction is key in supporting company goals. Hasibuan (2010).
Sulistyani and Rosidah (2009) state that employee satisfaction subjectively comes from
conclusions based on a comparison between what employees receive compared to what
is expected and desired.
Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2009), performance (work performance) is the work
of quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out their duties in
accordance with the responsibilities given to him. performance is the quantity or quality
of something produced or services provided by someone who does the work
(Luthans, 2008). In a performance we need to manage performance, because the
activity is to ensure that organizational goals have been consistently achieved in an
effective and efficient manner. Performance management focuses on the performance
of an organization, department, employees and even the process of producing products
or services, and also in other areas. For Civil Servants (PNS), performance appraisal
has been regulated in PP 10 of 1979 through the Job Implementation Assessment List
(DP3). DP3 assessment components include loyalty, work performance, responsibility,
obedience, honesty, cooperation, prakasa, leadership.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Work Strees
Work stress according to Handoko (2011) is a condition of tension that affects one's
emotions, thought processes and conditions. Strees that are too large can threaten a
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
person's ability to deal with the environment. As a result, employees develop various
kinds of stress symptoms that can interfere with their work performance. These
symptoms concern both physical health and mental health. People who experience
stress can become nerveous and feel chronic anxiety. They often become irritable and
aggressive, unable to relax, or display uncooperative attitudes. They usually often
escape by drinking alcohol or smoking excessively. In addition, they can even be
affected by various physical ailments, such as digestive problems or high blood
pressure, and difficulty sleeping. Although these conditions can also occur due to other
causes, in general they are symptoms of stress. Job stress is part of stress in daily life.
The effect of work stress is not always negative or in other words work stress can
also have a beneficial impact on the company. At a certain level of stress stress is
expected to spur employees to get the job done as well as possible. Workers or nurses
who are in conditions of work stress will show changes in behavior. These changes
occur as a form of effort to overcome the work stress experienced.
2.2 Workloads
According to Menpan (1997), workload is a group or a number of activities that must
be completed by an organizational unit or position holder within a certain period.
Meanwhile, according to Permendagri No. 12/2008, workload is the amount of work
that must be assumed by an office or organizational unit and is the product of work
volume and time norms.
Kahneman in Warr (2009) explains that workload is a competition from a limited
mental resource. One of the causes of decreased performance of workloads is the
necessity to take on two or more tasks that must be done simultaneously. The more
requests to carry out these tasks, the less performance in the work. Employees are often
faced with having to complete two or more tasks that must be done simultaneously.
These tasks certainly require time, energy and other resources for their completion. The
burden of providing resources that are often limited will certainly cause employee
performance to decline. Problems that can arise include weakened employee endurance
and feeling depressed. Feeling depressed makes someone irrational, anxious, tense,
unable to focus on work and fails to enjoy feeling happy or satisfied with the work
done. This will prevent a person from manifesting his positive qualities, such as loving
work. Someone who believes and feels that the task given is a challenge that must be
solved even though the task is too excessive so that someone can still feel happy about
their work. Conversely, if the excessive task is believed and felt as a burden, they will
gradually experience fatigue both physically and mentally so that it can reduce
2.3 Job Satisfaction
According to Robbins (2009) states that job satisfaction (job statisfaction) is a positive
feeling about a person's job which is the result of evaluating its characteristics.
According to Luthans (2008) says that job satisfaction is a positive or pleasant
emotional statement that results from assessment of a job or work experience.
The Influence of Work Stress, Work Load, and Job Satisfaction towards Work Performance of Civil Servants in Inspectorate North Aceh
Meanwhile, according to As'ad (2008) states that job satisfaction is one's feelings
towards work. The result of human interaction with the work environment. In fact
employee job satisfaction is a statement that is difficult to define even in simple terms,
because job satisfaction itself is a very subjective condition and is very dependent on
the individual concerned in the work environment.
2.4 The Performance
In achieving a goal that has been set by an institution both a government agency or a
corporate institution or foundation must go through means in the form of an
organization that is driven by a group of people who play an active role as actors. On
the other hand the actors of an organization or institution are people who have
differences in attitudes, behavior, motivation, education, abilities and experience
between one individual and another individual. With these differences, each individual
who carries out activities in an organization has a different performance.
Understanding performance according to Mangkunegara in Carudin (2011) is the
work of quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out their duties in
accordance with the responsibilities given to him.
Meanwhile, according to Gilbert in Soekidjo (2009) defines that performance is
what is done by someone in accordance with their duties and functions. Performance
also means the results achieved by someone, both quantity and quality in an
organization in accordance with the responsibilities given to it. Performance also means
the results achieved by someone, both quantity and quality in an organization in
accordance with the responsibilities given to it.
Bernandin and Russell in Melinda (2008) performance is the record of outcomes
produced specified job functions or activities during a specified time period (incom
records generated from certain job functions or activities during a certain period). A
person's performance is said to be good if the individual's work can exceed the
predetermined roles or targets. From the several definitions of performance above, it
can be concluded that performance is a result that has been done in order to achieve
organizational goals that are carried out legally, not violating the law and in accordance
with the morals and responsibilities imposed on it.
2.5 Conceptual Framework
Conceptual framework uses the influence of independent variables and dependent
variables. The following is a framework for thinking the effect of workload, work
stress, and job satisfaction on employee performance in the F test and t test. Anggit
Astianto (2014) conducted a study with the title Effect of Work Stress and Workload
on the Performance of PDAM Surabaya Employees. From the results of these studies
indicate the results that work stress and workload can affect performance
Job satisfaction is a condition of the work environment that is suggested in a positive
or negative form so that an employee's satisfaction or not arises over his work that can
affect whether or not employee performance Sulistyo Budi Utomo (2010) conducts
research under the title Effect of Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Employee
Performance CV thanks to the work of Karya Nusantara Nusantara. From the results of
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Fig. 1. Conceptual Framework.
the study showed that job satisfaction has an influence on performance. According to
them productivity can be increased through increased job satisfaction, because job
satisfaction gives workers the enthusiasm to increase productivity.
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Subjects and Locations
The location of this study is limited only to the scope of the North Aceh Regency
Government Agency, namely the North Aceh Inspectorate with the subject of research
being 55 employees. The location of this research is located on Jl. Merdeka Barat
3.2 Population and Sample
Population according to Sugiyono (2011) population is a generalization area consisting
of objects / subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are applied by
researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. Population can also be
interpreted as a whole observation or object of our concern by describing something
that is ideal or theoretical. Thus the population in this study is the staff of the
Inspectorate of northern Aceh, amounting to 55 employees.
According to Sugiyino (2011) the sample is part of the number and characteristics
possessed by the population. According to Ridwan and Kuncoro the sample is a region
of generalization consisting of objects or subjects which become certain quantities and
characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions.
For sampling in this study all members of the population were used as respondents
called saturated sampling. According to Sugiyono (2011) Saturated sampling is a
sampling technique when all members of the population are sampled. So the number of
respondents to be used is 55 employees.
3.3 Method of Analysis
The analytical method used is classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis,
equipped with partial hypothesis testing with t test, and simultaneously with F test.
The Influence of Work Stress, Work Load, and Job Satisfaction towards Work Performance of Civil Servants in Inspectorate North Aceh
3.4 Multiple Linear Regression
To determine the effect of work stress, work load and job satisfaction on the
performance of Inspectorate staff in North Aceh Regency in this study, multiple linear
regression analysis was used. The formula of multiple linear regression (multiple linear
regressions) in general is as follows:
Y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + ei
Y = Employee performance
b0 = Constant
b1 = Coefficient of work stress regression
b2 = coefficient of regression of working load
b3 = Regression coefficient of job satisfaction
X1 = Work stress
X2 = Workload
X3 = Job satisfaction
ei = Error term
4 Results And Discussion
4.1 Research Results
4.1.1 Multiple Linear Regression Results
Performance is influenced by variables of work stress, workload and performance. This
is evidenced by the use of regression analysis which is used to test the effect of these three
variables on performance. Based on the estimation results of the variables studied through
computer assistance with the SPSS program, it is obtained as in table 4.13 below:
Table 1. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant)
Work Stress (X1)
Workload (X2)
Job Satisfaction
1.489 .31 4.681 .000
-.212 .07 - -2.693 .010
.63 .07 .9 7.944 .000
2.961 .005
Dependent Variable: Employee Performance (Y)
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Based on table 1 obtained the multiple linear regression equation as follows:
Y = 1,489 - 0,212 + 0,630 + 0,212
1. Constant of 4.681 this means that if the variable assessment of work stress (X1)
workload (X2) and job satisfaction is constant, then the magnitude of the level of
performance is equal to 4.681.
2. Work stress regression coefficient (X1) of -2,693 states that any increase in work
stress variable (X1) of the Likert scale unit will cause performance to increase by -
3. Workload regression coefficient (X2) of 7.944 states, that any increase in the
workload variable (X2) of the Likert scale unit will cause performance to increase
by 7,944.
4. The job satisfaction regression coefficient (X3) of 2.961 states that any increase in
job satisfaction variable (X3) of the Likert scale will cause performance to increase
by 2.961
4.1.2 Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing (Test F)
To determine the overall level of significance at a 95% confidence level, hypothesis
testing with the F test is done by comparing F arithmetic with F tables, if F arithmetic>
from F tables, then Ho is rejected and Hi is accepted. From the data processing results
obtained F count of 48.432, while the F table at a 95% confidence level obtained value
of 2.79, then Hi is accepted, which means that the variables of work stress (X1),
workload (X2), and job satisfaction (X3) together significantly influence the
Performance variable (Y)
Table 2. Simultaneous Testing.
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
48.423 .000a
4.1.3 Partial Hypothesis Testing (T Test)
To find out from each variable partially the effect of work stress, work load and job
satisfaction on the North Aceh Regency Inspectorate can be seen from the t counts listed
in the results of data processing with the SPSS program, which can be explained in
table 3 below.
Table 3. Partial Testing.
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 ( Constant)
Work Stress (X1)
Workload (X2)
Job Satisfaction (X3)
1.489 .318 4.681 .000
-.212 .079 -.290 -
2 693
.630 .079 .918 7.944 .000
.212 .072 .235 2.961 .005
Dependent of Performance Variable (Y)
The Influence of Work Stress, Work Load, and Job Satisfaction towards Work Performance of Civil Servants in Inspectorate North Aceh
1. Work stress variable (X1) has a negative effect on employee performance at a 95%
confidence level, where t arithmetic = -2,693 and t table = 2,007 which means t
arithmetic> t table, then the work stress variable significantly influences the
performance of civil servants North Aceh District Inspectorate, with a value of β =
-0.212 and a significance value of 0.01 <0.05.
2. Workload variable (X2) significantly affects the performance at the 95% confidence
level, where t arithmetic = 7.944 and t table = 2.007 which means t arithmetic
> t table, then the work stress variable has a significant effect on the performance
of civil servants of the North Aceh Regency Inspectorate, with a value of β = 0.630
and a significance value of 0.01 <0.05.
3. Job satisfaction variable (X3) significantly influences employee performance at
95% confidence level, where t arithmetic = 2,961 and t table = 2,007 which means
t arithmetic> t table, then the work stress variable significantly influences the
performance of Inspectorate civil servants North Aceh Regency, with a value of β
= 0.212 and a significance value of 0.01 <0.05.
From the t test results it is known that the most dominant independent variable
influencing employee performance (Y) Inspectorate of North Aceh Regency is the
workload variable (X2), with a value of β = 0.630.
4.2 Discussion
4.2.1 Effect of Job Stress on Employee Performance
The test results of the variable work stress (X1) on Employee Performance (Y) obtained
the value of t arithmetic with a value of -2,693 2,007 is greater than the value of t
table at 95% confidence level (α = 5%) of significant 0,000 ≥ 0.05 with df = nk-1 = 55-
3-1 = 51 obtained t table value of 2.007, then work stress has a negative and significant
effect on the performance of civil servants of the North Aceh Regency Inspectorate.
Thus, hypothesis 1 is accepted. These results are in accordance with previous studies
that have been studied by Anggit Astianto (2014), the results of his research prove that
work stress has a significant effect on employee performance
4.2.2 Effect of Workloads on Employee Performance
The test results of the workload variable (X2) on Employee Performance (Y) obtained
the value of t arithmetic with a value of 7.944 ≥ 2.007 is greater than the value of t table
at a 95% confidence level (α = 5%) of significant 0,000 ≥ 0.05 with df = nk-1 = 55-3-1
= 51 obtained the value of t table of 2.007, then the workload has a positive and
significant effect on the performance of civil servants Inspectorate of North Aceh
Regency. Thus, hypothesis 2 is accepted. These results are in accordance with previous
studies that have been studied by Bunasor Sanim and Bonar M. Sinaga (2015), the
results of his research prove that workload has a significant effect on employee
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
4.2.3 Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance
The test results on the variable Job satisfaction (X3) on Employee Performance (Y)
obtained t value with a value of 2.961 2.007 is greater than the value of t table at a
95% confidence level = 5%) of significant 0,000 signifikan 0.05 with df = nk-1 =
55-3-1 = 51 obtained the value of t table of 2.007, then job satisfaction has a positive
and significant effect on the performance of civil servants Inspectorate of North Aceh
Regency. Thus, hypothesis 3 is accepted. These results are in accordance with previous
studies that have been studied by Sentot Iskandar and Redi Granada Sembada (2012),
the results of his research prove that job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee
5 Conclusions
Based on the results of research on work stress, workload, and job satisfaction that
affect performance that has been discussed with statistical calculations in testing the
hypothesis that has been done with multiple linear regression analysis and discussion
of data analysis conducted, the authors draw conclusions as follows:
1. Ha's alternative hypothesis is accepted. This means that work stress variables have
a significant effect partially on the performance of civil servants of the North Aceh
Regency Inspectorate.
2. The alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted. This means that the workload variable
has a partially significant effect on the performance of the civil servants of the North
Aceh Regency Inspectorate,
3. The alternative hypothesis Ha is accepted. This means that job satisfaction variables
have a partially significant effect on the performance of civil servants of the North
Aceh Regency Inspectorate.
6 Suggestion
1. To improve performance, the staff of North Aceh Regency Inspectorate should not
only focus on increasing job satisfaction, but also need to pay attention to workloads
and also reduce employee frustration as indicators of work stress and hopefully
there is no pressure from superiors on subordinates at work
2. Government or superiors in agencies need to increase employee job satisfaction at
the district level at least by giving and not delaying appreciation as appreciation and
to increase enthusiasm for work
3. Impact or risk that will be faced by agencies if the lack of employee performance
because it can affect the performance of agencies in general so that it is considered
that the Head of an agency does not have a good performance as well
The Influence of Work Stress, Work Load, and Job Satisfaction towards Work Performance of Civil Servants in Inspectorate North Aceh
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MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting