to run effectively. In other words, the survival of a company is determined by the
performance of its employees.
Efforts to improve employee performance, including paying attention to work
stress. Stress is a condition where a person experiences tension because of the
conditions that affect him, these conditions can be obtained from within a person or the
environment outside a person. Stress can have a negative impact on psychological and
biological conditions for employees.
According to Siagian (2009) stress is a condition of tension that affects one's
emotions, thoughts, and physical condition. Stress that cannot be handled properly
usually results in the inability of a person to interact with his environment, both the
work environment and outside of work.
Besides stress, another factor that influences employee performance is workload. A
person's workload has been determined in the form of company work standards
according to the type of work. Employee workloads can occur under three conditions.
First, the workload is according to standards. Second, the workload is too high (over
capacity). Third, the workload is too low (under capacity). Workloads that are too heavy
or light will have an impact on work efficiency. A workload that is too light means
there is excess labor. In this case the North Aceh Regency Inspectorate experienced
problems because of the lack of the required number of employees who were in
administration and auditors and one of the employee's fields could not simultaneously
hold one of these positions.
Job satisfaction is a condition where employees feel satisfied with their work.
Someone tends to work with enthusiasm if satisfaction can be obtained from his job
because job satisfaction is key in supporting company goals. Hasibuan (2010).
Sulistyani and Rosidah (2009) state that employee satisfaction subjectively comes from
conclusions based on a comparison between what employees receive compared to what
is expected and desired.
Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2009), performance (work performance) is the work
of quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out their duties in
accordance with the responsibilities given to him. performance is the quantity or quality
of something produced or services provided by someone who does the work
(Luthans, 2008). In a performance we need to manage performance, because the
activity is to ensure that organizational goals have been consistently achieved in an
effective and efficient manner. Performance management focuses on the performance
of an organization, department, employees and even the process of producing products
or services, and also in other areas. For Civil Servants (PNS), performance appraisal
has been regulated in PP 10 of 1979 through the Job Implementation Assessment List
(DP3). DP3 assessment components include loyalty, work performance, responsibility,
obedience, honesty, cooperation, prakasa, leadership.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Work Strees
Work stress according to Handoko (2011) is a condition of tension that affects one's
emotions, thought processes and conditions. Strees that are too large can threaten a
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting