Learning Management for Graduates Entrepreneurship
Skills Education with Blended Learning
Manaek Agus Simbolon
Postgraduate Students Department of Education Management, Medan State University, Medan,
Abstract. The program implemented by the Directorate of coaching and training
courses is Entrepreneurship Skills Education.after graduate from this programe
on average, already have skills that can be used as the ability to start a business,
after completing the program, some of them do not open a business and some are
able to open a business, the business will face many problems and here there is
no supporting activities carried out to help so that can develop entrepreneurial
activities. The problem in this research is how the management of learning for
students who have graduated with blended learning so that graduates can still
learn and while entrepreneurship.To answer the problems mentioned above,
researchers used a qualitative method approach to the type of descriptive
qualitative research. The results of the study it was concluded that by using
education management entrepreneurial skills through blended learning are
expected to grow and be independent.
Keywords: Learning management · Entrepreneurial skills education · Blended
1 Introduction
One of the programs implemented by the directorate of training and training courses
to help overcome the problem of unemployment is Entrepreneurship Skills Education
(PKW), the purpose of implementing this program is to provide knowledge and
opportunities for community members to become entrepreneurs.
In 2017 in North Sumatra Province there were 40 institutions that organized the
Entrepreneurship Skills Education program with 865 students (Government Agencies
Accountability Performance Report 2017 Ditbinsuslat), in 2018 there were 71
institutions that submitted applications through BP-PAUD dan Dikmas North Sumatra's
with the number of participants ± 1420 people. In order for the program to be more
successful it needs to be reviewed and developed a learning program for
Entrepreneurship Skills Education program participants who have completed activities
(graduated). The form of learning can be in the form of developing business ideas or
learning communication skills to obtain sources of funding, maybe also other forms so
that the product or productivity can be increased even more.
Graduted Entrepreneurship Skills Education on average already have skills that can
be used as the ability to start a business, after completing the Entrepreneurship Skills
Education program, there are graduted who do not open a business and some are able
Simbolon, M.
Learning Management for Graduates Entrepreneurship Skills Education with Blended Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0010437500002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 509-514
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to open a business, but in the middle of the business journey will face many problems
and there are no activities here maximum support is carried out by organizers to help
so that alumni can develop their entrepreneurial activities. Many obstacles faced by
graduted are caused by many factors.
With the large number of graduatesd from the Entrepreneurship Skills Education
program who have participated in this program, we need a learning model that can be
accessed by each graduated according to their respective problems so that individuals
who experience problems are no longer collected in one group but can be given or
receive learning in their respective everyone. For this reason it is necessary to design
an Entrepreneurship Skills Education Self-Reliance Program through Blended
This learning model is expected to help graduted of Entrepreneurship Skills
Education be able to be independent in running their businesses, be more successful in
overcoming business problems and carrying out their entrepreneurial activities to be
more successful.
2 Literature Review
Entrepreneurship Skills Education is an educational service to the community through
courses and training to provide knowledge, skills and foster mental attitudes of
entrepreneurs in managing their potential and the environment that can be used as
provisions for entrepreneurship [1].
“Pemandirian” is a process carried out in order to create the independence of a
person or group. Independence comes from the word "independence" which is
interpreted as a condition where a person is not dependent on others.
Understanding Independence is an attitude that allows someone to act freely, do
things on their own and for their own needs without help from others, or think and act
original / creative, and full of initiative, able to influence the environment, have
confidence and gain satisfaction from his business [2].
Self-understanding means being able to act according to circumstances without
asking or depending on others. Independent is where a person wants and is able to
realize his own desires / desires that are seen in real actions / actions in order to produce
something (goods / services) for the fulfillment of his life needs and each other [3].
Independence psychologically and mentally, namely the condition of someone who in
his life is able to decide and do something without help from others. This ability is only
possible if someone has the ability to think carefully about something he did or decided
on, both in terms of benefits or advantages, as well as negative aspects and losses that
will be experienced, every activity undertaken by someone to succeed according to his
wishes then strong independence is required [4].
From the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded that independence is an
attitude that allows someone to act freely, do something on their own and the ability to
self-regulate, in accordance with their rights and obligations so that they can solve their
own problems without asking for help or depending from others and can solve their
own problems without asking for help or depend on others and can be responsible for
all decisions that have been taken through various previous considerations.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Independence will bring someone towards progress, also encourage him to excel
and be creative, and make him someone who is productive and efficient so that he can
produce a creative product. Someone who is independent in every action is done of
their own free will and does not depend on others. Everything is faced with high spirits
and patience. An independent person also has a sense of trust in his own abilities and
obtains satisfaction and effort he does the term Blended Learning consists of two words
namely Blended and Learning. The word blend means mixture, a combination of two
things to improve quality so it gets better. While learning has a general meaning that is
learning, thereby cursing meaningful learning patterns that contain elements of mixing,
or merging between one pattern with another pattern. Mixed learning patterns are the
two main elements namely learning in the classroom with online learning. In online
learning there is learning to use internet networks in which there is web-based learning.
Blended Learning is a combination of multimedia technology, CD-ROM, video
streaming, virtual classrooms, e-mail, voicemail and others with traditional forms of
classroom training and training for whatever they need. The point is the merging or
mixing of two learning approaches that are used so that new learning patterns are
created and will not cause boredom in students' participation. [5]. Blended learning is
a combination of various different learning media to create a learning program that is
optimal and useful for students. Blended Learning here is a combination of traditional
learning methods and is supported by other electronic facilities. Blended learning is the
main focus of students. Students are required to be independent and responsible for
their learning. Blended learning atmosphere requires students to play an active role in
learning both inside and outside the classroom. Blended Learning is not made to
completely replace conventional learning models in the classroom, but to strengthen
the learning model through the development of educational technology [6].
Program / model of independent life skills education graduates through Blended
Learning is a learning program implemented by combining face-to-face models, hands-
on practice (internships) with computer-based learning both online and offline as well
as using learning media so that students (independent graduates of life skills education
) can independently to solve obstacles / problems encountered in conducting
entrepreneurial activities, and can independently to do and develop their business. The
material is delivered to students so that they have independence in doing business and
facing the problems they face.
3 Methodology
To answer the problems mentioned above thoroughly and in depth, researchers used a
qualitative method approach to the type of descriptive qualitative research. In
accordance with these problems, the data collection techniques are carried out by
researchers through interviews, observation and documentation. In this technique, the
researchers did not actively participate in the activities of the organization or
educational unit after the data were collected and analyzed in depth.
Descriptive qualitative research is intended to describe and describe the phenomena
that exist, both natural and human engineering, which pay more attention to the
characteristics, quality, interrelationships between activities [7]. In addition, descriptive
research does not provide treatment, manipulation or alteration of the variable variable
Learning Management for Graduates Entrepreneurship Skills Education with Blended Learning
under study, but rather describes a condition as it is. The only treatment given is the
research itself, which is done through observation, interviews, and documentation.
Descriptive method is a method used to describe or analyze a research result but is not
used to make broader conclusions [8].
4 Result and Discussion
The flow of PKW independent program development through Blended learning is:
Fig. 1. Development flow.
From this development flow, the following subjects are made:
Table 1. Subjects Blended Learning.
No Subjects Study time Learning Methodes
1 Resources and access to
10 face to face encounter
2 Marketing 20 In the network (learning using a
computer/application/web site)
3 Business Development 20 In the network (learning using a
computer/application/web site)
4 Partnership 10
face to face encountermagang
5 Process of business
30 internship
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
The purpose of learning is for participants to acquire the following competencies:
Table 2. Competency Standards.
Student understand
the source and
access to capital
Student know
about resources
and access to
a. Student can know the source of
the capital
b. Student can access capital
students understand
about marketing
students know
about marketing
a. Students can find out the methods
of business marketing
b. Students can perform a single
marketing method
Students understand
about business
Students can
conduct business
a. Students know how to develop a
b. Students know how to develop the
Students understand
about partnerships
Students can find
out the
a. Students know how to
b. Students can communicate to
Students can
understand about
the process of
business activities
Students can see
the process of
Students know the process of
business activity
The learning process has been able to learn well, each participant already has a
business marketing through social media such as, Facebook, Instagram and whatsapps,
learning by using the application at "belajar.wweb.site", each participant registers in
the application using the user name and password provided by the development team,
in the application available learning media in the form of learning videos, teaching
materials in the form of PowerPoint (PTT) / PDF, and live streaming videos. From the
implementation of the activity, the learning process has been able to help students to
develop marketing methods, products and try to find solutions for each problem faced
in its own way, both through searching the internet and communicating with existing
speakers independently. For material resources and access to capital, participants get
information about the KUR program, but have not made a follow-up to access it, but
they try to register their business through an existing program at PT.Telkom's Creative
home which has a CSR program for UKM, the activity is in the process of being
processed. identification by the party giving or PT Telkom.
Learning Management for Graduates Entrepreneurship Skills Education with Blended Learning
5 Conclusion
Independent of graduates Entrepreneurship Skill Education Model is a program that is
designed so that participants who have participated in Entrepreneurship Skills
Education activities in carrying out their business activities can independently carry out
their business so that they can run better and more independently in facing and finding
alternative solutions to existing problems.
Graduates Entrepreneurship Skill Education Independence Program through
Blended Learning has been implemented and has been able to foster independence for
participants to become entrepreneurs. The business developed has a relationship with
the bridal gown's long-term bridal makeup skills and several participants have started
to start accessing funds from partners, and marketing has been carried out with
customers' orders
The existence of this model is expected to be able to increase the ability of
participants to run their businesses so that they can improve their welfare.
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MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting