assistance in dealing with existing problems. This assistance is carried out by
facilitators who have the ability and competency in accordance with the needs and
problems encountered.
Here the facilitator needs to provide a lot of information to students, so that students
have sufficient knowledge to be able to choose and determine actions that can solve
their problems.
As experts, facilitators with special skills obtained from the scope of their education
or from their experience can provide technical information needed by the community
when they carry out their activities. The information provided by the Companion is not
dictating the community but in the form of the delivery of facts. Let the community
decide what action to take. For this reason, the facilitator needs to provide a lot of facts
or examples so that the public can more easily take the right attitude or decision.
Companion in the scope of community empowerment needs to realize, that its main
role is Learning to the community.
In the diagram beside the portion of the companion role can be seen. In the initial
stage, the introduction of the companion community has a greater role than the
community. This role should continue to diminish in the later stagesuntil finally it was
at the time of Community Preservation that he did it himself. If this is realized then you
as a community companion can be said to be successful in their work.
In this Entrepreneurship Skills Education Alumni Assistance Program, there are 2
methods or patterns of assistance provided, namely:
a. Direct assistance, i.e., the facilitator goes directly to the participant, face to face
to solve the problems faced in the field. Direct assistance can be done in the
form of learning, technical guidance, meetings, practice and others. The
companion in conducting assistance can act as a resource and can act as a
mediator by bringing the participants together with those who provide solutions
to problems.
b. Indirect assistance can be done by the mentor to solve the participant's problem
by means of correspondence, long distance communication, to provide guidance
and assignment guidance [2].
The aim of this entrepreneurship skills education alumni assistance program is to
provide assistance to participants both individually and in groups, who face or
experience obstacles in carrying out their business activities and to develop their
3 Methodology
To answer the problems by thoroughly and in depth, researchers used a qualitative
descriptive method approach
. In accordance with these problems, the data collection
techniques are carried out by researchers through interviews, observation and
documentation. In this technique, the researchers did not actively participate in the
activities of the organization or educational unit after the data were collected and
analyzed in depth.
Descriptive qualitative research is intended to describe and describe the phenomena
that exist, both natural and human engineering, which is more concerned about the