2 Literature Review
In an organization, both profit-oriented and non-profit, usually always expect quality
in many ways. So we need a strategy to achieve the desired quality so that they are able
to compete with other similar organizations.
Understanding strategy in the Big Indonesian Dictionary is war tactics, war tactics,
a good place according to war tactics, careful planning of activities to achieve goals.
Strategy is the process of determining a plan, method and effort made by the top
leadership focused on long-term goals so that organizational goals can be achieved.
Strategy can be interpreted as the main tips, ways and tactics that are systematically
designed in carrying out management functions, which are directed at the strategic
objectives of the organization.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the strategy is an effort or
tips from a plan carried out by the leadership that is designed systematically in carrying
out management functions in order to achieve the desired organizational goals.
Recruitment of workers is a process of finding workers and encouraging and giving
hope to them to apply for jobs at companies.
Recruitment or Acceptance of educational staff is an activity to meet the needs of
education staff in educational institutions, both in number and quality. For these
activities withdrawal activities are required. According to T. Hani Handoko stated that
"Withdrawal (recruitment) is the process of finding and binding prospective employees
(applicants) who are able to apply as employees".
According to Stoner, quoted by Sadili Samsudin stated, "The recruitment is the
development of a pool of job candidates in accordance with a human resource plan",
Recruitment is the process of gathering prospective holders of positions in accordance
with the human resource plan to occupy a position or occupation certain.
According to Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara recruitment is a process or action taken
by the company to get additional employees through stages that include identification
and sources of employee withdrawal, determine employee needs needed by the
company, the selection process, placement and orientation of employees.
Based on the above theory, it can be concluded that recruitment is a series of
directed activities in order to obtain the expected human resources. In principle, the so-
called employee recruitment is the process of finding, finding and attracting applicants
to become employees at and by certain organizations. Furthermore, recruitment is also
defined as a series of activities to find and attract job applicants with the motivation,
Sedermayanti, Manajemen Strategi, (Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama, 2014), Pg.2.
H. Hadari Nawawi, Manajemen Strategik Organisasi Non Profit Bidang Pemerintahan,
(Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 2012), Pg.147.
Ismail Solihin, Manajemen Strategik, (Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2012), Pg. 25.
B. Siswanto Sastrohadiwiryo, Manajemen Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Pendekatan Administrasi
dan Operasional, (Jakarta : Bumi Aksara, 2005), Pg. 138
T. Hani Handoko, Manajemen Personalia dan Sumber Daya Manusia, (Yogyakarta : BPFE,
2001), Pg. 69
Sadili Samsudin, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, (Bandung : Pustaka Setia, 2006), Pg. 81
Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Perusahaan, (Bandung :
Remaja Rosdakarya, 2004), Pg. 33