The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Turnover
Intention Mediated by Organizational Commitments
in PT. Bio Nusantara Technology Bengkulu
Praningrum and Lulu Legina
Departemen of Management, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
Abstract. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of authentic
leadership on employee turnover intention mediated by organizational
commitment of employees on PT Bio Nusantara Technology Bengkulu. The
mediated regression analysis was used to investigate the research model based on
a survey of 108 employees from the Palm Oil Factory PT Bio Nusantara
Technology Bengkulu. The results supported the effects of authentic leadership,
i.e. self awarenness, relational transparency, balanced processing, internalized
moral perspective on employees’ turnover intention mediating by organizational
commitment. Findings also indicated that employees’ organizational
commitment have partially mediates on employees’ intention turnover. Since the
survey used cross-sectional data and samples here were limited only one
companies, the results of this study may prove not to be generalizable and should
be confirmed using larger samples and/or longitudinal studies.
Keywords: Authentic Leadership ꞏ Organizational Commitment ꞏ Turnover
1 Introduction
Human resources have an important role in determining the success of a company.
There are three important reasons namely, human resource management can be a
significant source of competitive advantage, human resource management becomes an
important part of organizational strategy and how organizations treat people is
apparently also greatly affect organizational performance [1] in line with opinions [2]
that the most important element in management is the workforce in a company, because
through human resources so that other resources in the company can be implemented.
The existence of employees needs to be managed properly in order to make a positive
contribution to the progress of the organization. Conversely, if the employee is not
managed properly, then the employee will lack enthusiasm in working and at the end
there will be a desire to resign or leave the company. The desire of employees to
turnover is an initial signal that allows employee turnover in a company.
Turnover intention [3] is the intention to leave the organization as a behavior that
shows dissatisfaction with the job, the idea of leaving, the intention to find another job,
and the possibility of finding another job. Turnover intentions and intention to stop are
used interchangeably in the literature [4]. When employees do seriously consider
quitting their jobs, they are considered to have the intention to leave the organization
Praningrum, . and Legina, L.
The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Tur nover Intention Mediated by Organizational Commitments in PT. Bio Nusantara Technology Bengkulu.
DOI: 10.5220/0010520600002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 553-562
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
[5]. The term intention describes the desire or intentional employee to leave the
organization [6].
In his book [2] states that turnover intention, is a desire of workers to quit the
company because of moving to another company, creating challenges for the
development of human resources. High turnover intentions can result in high turnover
rates, as a result the organization can lose its best employees, decrease organizational
performance, recruitment costs and training new employees that add to the
organization's costs [7 ]. Employees with high turnover intentions tend to be less
productive and less efficient [4].
Researchers in the field of human resource development have explored turnover and
turnover intentions in relation to job satisfaction, organizational commitment,
personality, talent, intelligence, government policy, and unemployment rates [8]. Turn
over is relate to personnel costs associated with the selection, recruitment, training and
development of new employees to replace employees who voluntarily leave the
organization [9], [10]. Turnover is directly related to higher employee recruitment and
training costs, lower employee morale levels, job satisfaction, and customer perceptions
about lower service quality [11].
There are several factors related to turnover intentions, some of which are employee
job satisfaction and organizational commitment [12]. Ineffective leadership [13], [14],
while authentic leadership is a form of positive leadership needed to develop trust and
a positive work environment, which is used as an encouragement for employees to
remain in the company [15], [16]. Trust among employees becomes an important
variable related to the intention of employees to remain in the company [17].
Authentic leadership is one way to create trust and confidence in employees [18]
and to support positive self-development in employees [19], authentic leadership will
be negatively related to the level of turnover intention in employees [20]. Authentic
leadership is a positive thinking person with an honest self-concept and is known for
promoting openness. They are not afraid to show their emotions, their vulnerability and
to always be in contact with their employees [21]. Authentic leadership is a process that
comes from positive psychological capacities and a growing organizational context,
which results in greater self-awareness and positive behavior that is self-regulated by
leaders and colleagues, encouraging positive self-development [19].
In addition to authentic leadership, another factor considered important in
influencing turnover intention is organizational commitment. Organizational
commitment is defined as a condition in which an employee sided with a particular
organization and its objectives, and intends to maintain membership in the organization
[22]. Committed people tend is not to stop and accept other work. A committed
employee will perceive the value and importance of integration of individual and
organizational goals. Employees will think about their goals and organizational goals
as personal things [23]. The results of statistical analysis show a significant negative
relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention and a
significant positive relationship between organizational commitment and job
satisfaction [24]. Organizational commitment will result in high performance, low
turnover, and low absenteeism [25].
Some studies have only looked at the direct effect of authentic leadership and
organizational commitment on intention turnover, there is one study that uses
organizational commitment as a mediating variable, but only uses affective
commitment. This study wants to know the effect of authentic leadership on turnover
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
intentions through organizational commitment (affective, continuance and normative
commitment) as a mediator who is expected to strengthen authentic leadership to reduce
turnover intentions especially in the plantation industry.
2 Literature Review and Hypotheses Development
2.1 Authentic Leadership
Leadership is an important thing in the managerial process, because with leadership all
management processes can run well and with the leadership of the employees will also
have enthusiasm in carrying out their duties. Leadership [23] is the ability to influence
a group towards achieving a vision or goal that has been set, and [26] leadership has
the meaning of ability or a process of influencing people to achieve certain goals.
Authentic leadership is a promising way to think about ethics and beliefs in
leadership and emphasizes the moral aspects of a leader. Authentic leaders know who
they are, know what they believe and value, act on those values, and believe openly and
frankly. Followers consider them ethical people. The main quality produced by
authentic leadership is trust. Authentic leaders share information, encourage open
communication, and cling to their ideals. The result is that people come to have
confidence in them [23].
The self-concept and self-identity of the authentic leader is strong, clear, stable, and
consistent. This leader has a self-understanding of values, beliefs, emotions, self-
identity, and abilities. In other words they know who they are and what they believe.
They also have a high level of self-acceptance, which is similar to the maturity of their
emotions. Authentic leadership has positive core values, such as honesty, altruism,
kindness, justice, accountability and optimism. The core values of authentic leaders
motivate them to do what is right and fair for followers and create a special type of
relationship with them that includes high mutual trust, transparency (open and honest
communication), guidance on shared goals and an emphasis on the welfare and
development of followers [26].
Define authentic leadership [27] as genuine people who are true to themselves and
what they believe. Authentic leaders don't let others' expectations guide them, however,
they are ready to be themselves and use their own ways. As they develop themselves to
become authentic leaders they care more about serving others than to grow personally.
Authentic leaders develop sincere relationships with others and create trust. Because
people trust them, they are able to motivate people to improve high performance by
empowering them to lead. Authentic leaders look for opportunities to spread their
knowledge and wisdom to many people and organizations, even as they continue their
own active learning process. Authentic leaders are able to place the mission and goals
of the organization above their own interests [27].
There are four dimensions of authentic leadership, namely 1) Self-awareness refers
to the leader's awareness of their weaknesses, strengths and goals as well as others see
their leadership. 2) Relational transparency involves personal expressions such as
sharing information openly, expressing actual thoughts and feelings. 3) Balanced
processing refers to the process of analyzing all the relevant information objectively
before making a decision. 4) Internalized moral perspective refers to the behavior of
The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Turnover Intention Mediated by Organizational Commitments in PT. Bio Nusantara Technology
leaders who hold fast to moral standards and internal values rather than external
pressures such as those from colleagues, organizations or social pressure [28].
2.2 Turnover Intention
The definition of turnover intention [3] is the intention to leave the organization as a
behavior that shows dissatisfaction with the job, the idea of leaving, the intention to
find another job, and the possibility of finding another job. Turnover intentions have
been described as employee willingness or efforts to leave the current workplace
voluntarily [29]. Turnover intention, being a useful proxy for actual turnover, is the best
predictor of actual turnover [30]. Employee turnover has been associated with many
negative outcomes for the organization and employees [9].
Turnover, is the desire of workers to quit the company and move to another
company, creating challenges for human resource development [2]. Turnover intention
[31] is an intention on an employee to leave his job on a voluntary basis. According to
[32] turnover intention is a level or intensity of employee's desire to leave the company,
many things are the reasons that cause turnover intention, one of which is the desire to
get another better job. Turnover intention [33] is a prediction that can describe an
employee's intention to stay or leave the company. That information can be used by the
company in predicting employee intentions to remain in a company or not, and with
that information the company can better determine the next plan in setting personnel
Some experts have developed aspects that can be used to measure turnover
intention. One of them [34] suggests several aspects that are indicate of turnover
intention, namely: level of commitment, job satisfaction, management support, career
development and work improvement. Researchers [3] mentioned three things that can
be used as indicators of measurement of turnover intention consisting of: 1) thinking of
quitting reflects individuals to think out of work or remain in the organization or work
environment. Starting with employee dissatisfaction, then the employee thinks of
leaving the organization or place of work. 2) Intention to seacrh for alternative, defines
an individual who wishes to find work for another organization. If an employee has
started thinking about quitting his job, the employee will try to find a job outside the
company that feels better. 3) intention to quit, reflecting individuals who intend to
leave. Employees intend to leave if they have found a better job and will end with the
employee's decision whether to decide to leave the company or not.
2.3 Organizational Commitment
Employee commitment [35] is an attitude of closeness between an employee or an
individual towards an organization that is manifested by loyalty, and the desire to
remain in the organization due to its involvement in the organization. Organizational
commitment [25] shows the level at which a worker identifies an organization, its goals
and hopes to remain a member. Organizational commitment [24] is a condition in which
an employee sides with a particular organization and its objectives, and intends to
maintain membership in that organization. Employee commitment [27] is defined as an
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
attitude that shows employee loyalty and is an ongoing process of how a member of the
organization expresses their attention to the success and goodness of the organization.
Three dimensions of organizational commitment [35] are, 1) affective commitment is
an emotional feeling for the organization and a belief in its values. 2) continuance
commitment are prioritizes economic values to survive in an organization when
compared to leaving the organization. An employee may commit to an employer
because of high pay and feel that resigning from the company will destroy his family.
3) normative commitment is an obligation to survive in the organization for moral or
ethical reasons.
2.4 Authentic Leadership and Turnover Intention
Several studies have been conducted [22] that authentic leadership has a negative
influence on turnover intention. Authentic leadership has a negative influence on
turnover intention [36]. Research [37] shows that authentic leadership has a negative
effect on turnover intention. In his research [38] also found that authentic leadership
had a negative influence on turnover intention. Thus, alternative hypotheses are
formulated as follows:
Ha1: Authentic leadership has a negative effect on turnover intention.
2.5 Authentic Leadership and Organizational Commitment
Authentic leadership is expected to be a driving force for employees in organizational
commitment for two reasons, firstly through a manager's self-awareness can show an
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in gaining self-insight through exposure
to others and becoming aware of one's impact on others. Secondly, transparency is an
important aspect of authentic leadership by emphasizing the importance of attending to
common interests, sometimes in a conflict directly related to individual interests [39].
Research on the influence of authentic leadership and organizational commitment [16]
that there is a direct effect of authentic leadership on employee attitudes at work,
including organizational commitment, job satisfaction, work meaning and work
engagement. Then, the alternative hypothesis is formulated as follows:
Ha2: Authentic leadership has a positive effect on organizational commitment.
2.6 Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention
Researchers in the field of human resources have defined the relationship of turnover
intention with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, personality, intelligence,
government policy, and unemployment rates [9]. The results of statistical analysis was
support a significant negative relationship between organizational commitment and
turnover intention and a significant positive relationship between organizational
commitment and job satisfaction [26]. Organizational commitment is one of the most
important issues in an organization because it has a positive impact on employee
dedication and employee loyalty [40] and has a negative impact on turnover intention
The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Turnover Intention Mediated by Organizational Commitments in PT. Bio Nusantara Technology
[22]. Organizational commitment has the potential to reduce turnover rates [41]. Then,
the alternative hypothesis is formulated as follows:
Ha3: Organizational commitment has a negative effect on turnoverintention
2.7 The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Turnover Intention
Mediated by Organizational Commitment
Authentic leadership has a positive influence on organizational commitment and
authentic leadership has a negative influence on turnover intention mediated by
organizational commitment [37]. Research [38] found that the indirect negative effect
of authentic leadership on turnover intention was mediated by affective commitment.
These result is indicate that managers can reduce the level of turnover intention in
employees through improving the quality of leadership. A good leader will certainly
increase the commitment of his employees so as to reduce the level of employee
turnover. Then, the alternative hypothesis is summarized as follows:
Ha4: Organizational commitment mediates authentic leadership in influencing
employee turnover intention.
3 Research Method
In this study the population was all employees of PT Bio Nusantara Teknologi, totaling
183 people. The sampling method uses purposive sampling, with the criteria for
permanent employees who have more than two years of work, the number of selected
samples is 108 employees. The data used are primary data obtained directly through the
results of filling in the questionnaire by respondents who have been used as research
samples. The measurement scale used is a Likert scale using five scales ranging from
strongly disagree to strongly agree. The questionnaire distributed using the drop-off
and pick-up method was the giving of the questionnaire directly to one of the
respondents who was the head of all research respondents. The respondent's head will
be help distribute the questionnaire to other respondents and the researcher waits for
the results of the questionnaire to be returned with a time agreement agreed upon by
the researcher with the respondent's head. All questionnaires received were answered
well. Used testing of the validity and reliability, all instruments were valid and reliable
so that it was feasible to be used as a research instrument. From the questionnaire,
respondents are obtained demographic information with a gender ratio of 96% men and
4% women. Age <25 years (21.3%), 26-35 years (35.2%), 36-45 years (28.7%),> 45
years (14.8%) with junior high school education (34 , 3%), high school (52.8%),
diploma (32.7%), and undergraduate (10.2%). To test the hypothesis in its research used
mediated regression approach.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
4 Discussion
4.1 The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Turnover Intention at PT
Bio Nusantara Teknologi
Hypothesis a1 is accepted, where authentic leadership has a significant negative effect
on turnover intention. This shows that authentic leadership is an important factor in
keeping employees in the company and not wanting to leave the company. The
balanced processing dimension obtained the responses of respondents with the highest
scores. With the highest indicator where the leader are always collects and analyzes all
relevant information objectively before making a decision. This behavior makes
employees feel treated fairly, cared for, listened to complaints and opinions so as to
eliminate the desire to leave the company. The results of this study support the theory
[42 ], [43] employee's intention to remain in work is directly influenced by their
relationship with their leader.
4.2 The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Organizational Commitment
at PT Bio Nusantara Teknologi
The Ha2 hypothesis is supported. The results show that authentic leadership has a
significant positive effect on organizational commitment. Respondents' responses to the
dimensions of authentic leadership internalized moral perspective are high, where
leaders are consistent with their actions. The regression results support the theory of
[15] there is direct effect of authentic leadership on organizational commitment of
employees, where the attitude of leaders is transparent in relationships, balanced
information processing, consistency between principles, words and actions shown by
leaders on their employees can make a positive contribution by increasing
organizational commitment to employees. For employees of this company the
dimension of commitment that gets the highest score is the dimension of continuance
commitment with an indication that employees have little choice in considering leaving
the organization and the serious consequences of leaving the organization. The
existence of leader support for employees who have important positions, making
employee commitment to the organization is higher.
4.3 Effect of Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention at PT
Bio Nusantara Teknologi
The Ha3 hypothesis is supported. Organizational commitment has a significant
negative effect on the employee intention of PT Bio Nusantara Teknologi Bengkulu.
The results of the regression analysis in this is study support the research results of [20]
which states that organizational commitment has a negative effect on tunover intention.
High of continuance commitment response scores, where employees feel a lot of bad
things will be happen if leaving the organization and must survive in the organization
to meet their needs and desires, resulting in low employee turnover intentions.
The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Turnover Intention Mediated by Organizational Commitments in PT. Bio Nusantara Technology
4.4 The Effect of Authentic Leadership on Turnover Intention Mediated
by Organizational Commitment at PT Bio Nusantara Teknologi
The Ha4 hypothesis is supported, where organizational commitment is expressed as a
partial mediating variable, because after entering the organizational commitment
variable, the influence of authentic leadership on turnover intention towards employees
decreases even though it does not become zero 0). The results of the study are
different from the research of [37] which suggests that authentic leadership has a
significant negative effect on the tuning intention which is fully mediated by
organizational commitment (affective commitment). In this study continuance
commitment are partially moderates authentic leadership towards turnover intentions.
This happens because of continuance commitment that emphasize economic
considerations that cause employees are not want to leave the company because
employees feel a lot of bad things will happen if they leave the organization and must
stay in the organization to meet their needs and desires, resulting in moderation of
commitments to the low intention of employee turnover is partial.
5 Conclusion
1 The results of authentic leadership research is positively affect organizational
commitment and negatively affect intention turn over. Leaders are need to increase
awareness of their weaknesses, strengths, goals as well as other people or employees
see their leadership.
2 The results of the organizational commitment research on turnover intention have a
negative and significant effect. In the results of this study the dimension of
continuance commitment has the highest score, so it is expected that the manger can
encourage employees of PT Bio Nusantara be able to increase emotional feelings
for organization and confidence in its values in order to increase employee
organizational commitment.
3 For further researchers, it is hoped to add other variables. This is because there are
still variables that have not been found in this study that still have links with
authentic leadership and organizational commitment to turnover intention.
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MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting