Decision criteria if the numbers sig. > 0.05, then H
is accepted if the number sig. <0.05,
then H
is rejected.
2 Literature Review
The advantages of obtaining competency certification according to [1], for companies:
1. Facilitate recruitment and selection personnel; 2. Facilitate placement and
assignment; 3. Facilitate remunesation settings; and compensation; 4. Easy
arrangement career development and education and training; 5. Increase company
productivity; 6. Improve safety in place work; for labor : 1. Increase mobility and
competitiveness; 2. Increase recognition of competence possessed; 3. Improve career
prospects; 4. Improve personal safety labor; 5. Increase self-confidence and pride in
the profession; for the government and the community : 1. Increase effectiveness and
efficiency job market; 2. Increase work competitiveness in the market global work; 3.
Improve quality and company productivity; 4. Increase protection and labor welfare; 5.
Increase effectiveness and efficiency training 6. Encouraging economic growth national
and regional and 7. Reducing the unemployment rate.
Workers are assets for the nation and state, especially for those who are able to
demonstrate their abilities through certification of their competence. The theory used
in this research is Human Capital Theory which is a theory that believes the importance
of HR for the success of an organization [2]. In the theory of Human Capital
management, humans become assets or capital. Human Capital Management is an
effort to manage and develop human ability to achieve higher levels of performance.
The emergence of the view that knowledge as a company resource is very strategic,
based on the fact that knowledge can be used to develop company competitiveness that
is valuable and difficult to imitate by competitors and not replaced by other resources.
With the knowledge possessed by an organization or the knowledge through humans
within it, human beings are made as visible capital (Human Capital). In its
development, humans are not only used as one of the resources but also as a driver of
resources. Thus, resources that are competent and appropriate to the job or position
given to them so as to produce optimal performance, need to be prepared.
Some research on competencies has been carried out, according to [3] the
knowledge management process mediates the relationship between IT competence and
market performance. Furthermore, a study conducted by [4] shows the positive
influence of the role of human resource competencies on employee job satisfaction in
the telecommunications sector of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Findings [5]
reveal that there is a positive relationship between competence and individual
performance. The results of the study [6] shows that the implementation of
competency-based human resource management, knowledge management,
organizational culture and organizational performance has been well achieved.
Furthermore [7] states that the use of competency frameworks as a basis for workplace
learning initiatives has been applied in organizations in general.
Research results [8] shows that by investing in the development of their career
competencies, employees contribute to organizational culture, abilities, and
connections. Furthermore, research conducted [9] aims to determine the effect of
training, competence and motivation on employee performance at the Social Security
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting