informing, persuading, or reminding. Informative advertising is used when introducing
new product categories, the purpose of which is to build new demand. Reminder
advertising helps maintain customer relationships and keeps consumers thinking about
products. The purpose of advertising is to move consumers through the stage of buyer
readiness, there are six stages in which consumers will be driven.
To reach the target audience according to Sambriana (2005), advertisers will use
various types of media, both print and electronic media. The most commonly used
advertising media are television, cinema, radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor
advertisements and other options such as the internet, various commercial screens
installed on the highway and so on.
2.3 Definition of Sales Promotion
Sales promotion is a short-term incentive to encourage the purchase or sale of a product
or service. Advertising offers a reason to buy a product or service, while a sales
promotion offers a reason to buy the product or service now. (Kotler and Armstrong,
2008). According to Lupiyoadi (2006), sales promotions are all activities intended to
increase the flow of goods or services from producers to final sales. Sales promotion
can help achieve a number of targets, including encouraging new product trials, can
increase supplementary purchases, can help build customer loyalty by determining
brand buying patterns on a regular basis and can motivate distributors and salespeople.
The main sales promotion tools according to Kotler and Armstrong (2008) include
product samples (a number of products to try), coupons (certificates that provide
savings to buyers when they buy certain products), cash returns (price reduction occurs
after purchase), special prices (called also a reduction in prices, offering official product
price savings to consumers), premiums (goods offered for free or at low prices as an
incentive to buy products, ranging from toys that are inserted into children's products),
special goods advertisements (also called products promotion, in the form of useful
accessories printed with the advertiser's name, symbol or message given as gifts to
consumers including pens, cups, calendars and so on), support awards (cash awards or
other awards given to regular users of products or services specific company),
promotion of point of purchase and sweepstakes and games (opportunity win something
like cash, travel, or goods, through luck or a business).
2.4 Definition of Buying Decision
According to Stanton (2005), purchasing decisions are a series of decisions taken by
consumers to buy to see brands, prices, colors and so on. Meanwhile, according to
Kotter (2005), providing a definition of a purchase decision is a decision taken
regarding the certainty of whether to buy or not.
The purchase decision is the consumer's decision to buy a product after previously
thinking about the appropriateness of buying the product by considering the
information he knows about the reality of the product after he witnessed it. The results
of that thinking are influenced by the strength of the consumer's will to buy as an
alternative to the purchase decision term proposed by Setiadi (2010).