The Typology of Human Development and Factors That
Influence It in West Sumatera
Erni Febrina Harahap, Ayudia Pratiwi, and Kasman Karimi
Development Economic, Economic Faculty and Business,
Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Indonesia
Abstract. Human development is one of important indicators for the progress of
a country if it has the quality. The concept of human development includes 4
important components, namely equality in gaining access to economic and
political resources, productivity which is an effort to increase economic activity,
empowerment which is an effort to build the quality of society by increasing the
potential and ability of them, and sustainable which means that in managing
human development capital, it must be able to be utilized in subsequent periods.
Human development is a process of improving human ability to develop choices
and opportunities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the typology of human
development in West Sumatra, and the effect of poverty levels, economic growth,
government spending on education and health sectors to the human development
index. The analytical method used in this research is using Klassen typology and
panel data regression analysis, covering 19 districts and cities in West Sumatra
for 7 years of observation, (2010-2016) so that the total number is 133. The data
used in this study are secondary data sourced from the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS), the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance (DJPK), literature, and articles
related to this study.
Keywords: Human development index ꞏ Klassen typology ꞏ Economic growth ꞏ
Poverty ꞏ Government expenditure
1 Introduction
Development is a multidimensional process that includes changes in social structure,
attitudes of society, national institutions, pursuing accelerated economic growth,
addressing income inequality, and alleviating poverty (Todaro and Smith, 2006; Erni
Febrina, 2018). As a process, development is of course carried out by looking at existing
needs while responding to changes that occur in society and the demands of time shift
due to the development of civilization, social systems, and more advanced technology.
The development paradigm that is currently developing is economic growth as
measured by human development as seen by the level of quality of human life as
measured through the quality of the level of education, health and purchasing power.
Poverty can be a serious effect on human development because the problem of
poverty is a complex problem that actually starts from the inability of people's
purchasing power to meet their basic needs and other needs such as education and
health. Another factor affecting the human development index is economic growth.
Harahap, E., Pratiwi, A. and Karimi, K.
The Typology of Human Development and Factors That Influence It in West Sumatera.
DOI: 10.5220/0010524000002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 619-629
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Economic growth shows the extent to which economic activity can generate additional
income in a given period. The economy is considered to experience growth when all
real service rewards for the use of factors of production in a certain year are greater
than the previous year. Government expenditure in the education and health sector is
very important in improving the quality of human resources. The better health services
and increasing government attention to the quality and quantity of education
opportunities for citizens will improve the quality of human resources. And this will
increase the value added of the production of goods and services which will also
increase economic growth in a region.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Human Development
Human development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. The concept or
definition of human development basically covers a very broad dimension of
development. In the concept of human development, development should be analyzed
and understood from its human standpoint, not just from its economic growth. Human
development includes the development of population as the center of attention where
not only the development of the population in the economic field, but as a whole
includes the ability to optimize productivity, equity, sustainability and empowerment.
2.2 Poverty
Poverty is the inability to meet minimum living standards. The problem of low standard
of living is related to the amount of income, inadequate housing, poor health and health
services, low level of education of the community so that it results in low human
resources and increased unemployment (Kuncoro, 2000). The cause of poverty in
economic terms is a result of the low quality of human resources, which is caused by
low education, and results in low productivity so that wages are also low. This also
results in hunger, malnutrition, discrimination, low participation in the decision making
process and ultimately the quality of human resources will also be low.
2.3 Economic Growth
Economic Growth is one indicator used to measure a country's economic performance.
In actual economic activity, economic growth means physical economic development.
Some physical economic developments that occur in a country are the increased
production of goods and services, and the development of infrastructure. All of this is
usually measured from the development of real national income achieved by a country
in a certain period. With the increase in economic growth, it will increase the income
per capita of the community so that the HDI in one region actually also increases.
Where the higher the national or regional income, the greater the hope for opening new
production capacities which of course will absorb new labor. High income is reflected
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
in high per capita income and positive and meaningful growth. Then the relatively
better economic growth, the greater the hope not to be unemployed so that it will
encourage the distribution of per capita income so as to encourage an increase in the
human development index (Ranis and Steward (2000); Oluwatobi and Olurinola
(2011); Erni Febrina, (2017)).
2.4 Government Expenditures in the Education and Health Sector
Investment in terms of education is absolutely necessary, the government must be able
to build a means and a good education system. The budget allocation for government
expenditure on education is a tangible manifestation of investment to increase
community productivity. Development spending on the development sector can be
allocated to provide educational infrastructure and provide educational services to the
entire population of Indonesia equally. The education budget of 20 percent of the state
budget is a form of government realization to improve education (Anisa, et all, 2018).
Government spending on the education sector will affect developments in the education
sector by increasing the number of students who are able to complete their education to
a higher level. The higher the average level of knowledge and skills possessed by the
community, the easier it is for every individual of working age to understand, apply and
get results from technological advancements and ultimately improve the nation's
economic and living standards. A nation must increase investment in education and
health to achieve development (Tun Lin Moe, 2008).
Government expenditure on the health sector is an effort to fulfill one of the basic
rights of the people, namely the right to obtain health services in accordance with the
1945 Constitution Article 28 H paragraph (1) and UU No. 23 concerning Health
(Kuncoro, 2013). Human quality can also be seen from the side of health where health
is one of the factors that influence human resources, in other words health aspects also
influence human quality. Lack of calories, nutrition, or low health status for the
population will result in low human quality with mental retardation. Government
expenditure in the health sector seeks to fulfill one of the basic rights in obtaining health
services in the form of health facilities and services which are also a prerequisite for
increasing community productivity.
3 Methodology
3.1 Klassen Typology
Each region has different economic progress and growth. There are regions that are able
to spur economic activities so that they can grow rapidly and there are also regions
where the economic cycle has stagnated at one point or even grown negatively. To be
able to compare the level of progress of an area with other regions in the same scope of
reference, it can be used Klassen Typology as an analysis tool.
The Typology of Human Development and Factors That Influence It in West Sumatera
yi > y yi < y
ri > r
uadrant 1
Fast-Forward and
Fast-Growing Areas
uadrant 2
The Fast Developing Areas
ri < r
uadrant 3
Depressed Areas
uadrant 4
relatively disadvantaged area
where: ri = Economic growth rate of region i
yi= IPM region i
r = Economic growth rate of reference region
y = IPM reference region
Fig. 1. Regional Classification According to Klassen Typological Analysis.
3.2 Unit Root Test
The basic idea of the unit root test in the panel data is the development of the unit root
test in times series, which can be explained in the model:
 𝜌
 𝑋
 𝜀
i = 1, 2, ...., n (number of individu)
t = 1, 2, ...., t (number of time)
The ADF root unit test formula is:
 ∝ 𝑌
1 𝛴𝛽𝐹
1𝑡𝑓 𝑌
 𝑋
Assumed that α = ρ - 1 with lag pi and varies between cross sections.
3.3 Cointegration Test
Cointegration is a long-term relationship between variables which although not
individually stationary, but the linear combination between these variables becomes
 ∝
 𝛿
 𝛽
 𝛽
 … 𝛽
 𝜀
 𝜌
 𝜌
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
3.4 Panel Multiple Regression
Model: 𝐼𝑃𝑀
= 𝛽
+ 𝛽
+ 𝛽
+ 𝛽
 𝜀
where: IPM = Human Development Index
TKM = Poverty Rate
PE = Economic Growth
PPP = Government Expenditure on Education Sector
PPK = Government Expenditure on Health Sector
i = regency / city i
t = year of observation (2010-2016)
= Constants
, 𝛽
, 𝛽
, 𝛽
= Coefficients of independent variables
= Error term
4 Result and Discussion
4.1 Klassen Typology
Klassen's typology classifies regions based on two characteristics possessed by the area,
namely the human development index and the rate of economic growth (Tun Lin Moe,
2008). The results of the Klassen typology calculation can be seen in Table 2 below.
yi > y yi < y
ri > r
Quadrant 1
Fast-Forward and
(Padang, Solok
City, Payakumbuh,
Padang Panjang,
and Bukittinggi)
uadrant 2
The Fast Developing Areas
(Limapuluh Kota,
Dharmasraya, Pasaman Barat)
ri < r
Quadrant 3
Depressed Areas
(Sawahlunto, Pariaman)
uadrant 4
Relatively Disadvantaged
(Mentawai islands, Pesisir
Selatan, Solok Regency,
Sijunjung, Tanah Datar,
Padang Pariaman, Agam,
Pasaman, Solok Selatan)
Fig. 2. Regional Classification According to Klassen's Typological Analysis.
The Typology of Human Development and Factors That Influence It in West Sumatera
4.2 Unit Root Test
In the unit root test at level (Table 1) there are still not stationary, the unit root test is
done with the first difference in table 2.
Table 1. Unit Root Test Results at Level.
Variable Probability Description
LIPM 0.0604 Not Stasionary
LTKM 0.0000 Stasionary
LPE 0.0000 Stasionary
LPPP 0.0000 Stasionary
LPPK 0.5289 Not Stasionary
Table 2. Unit Root Test Results at First Difference.
Variable Probability Description
LIPM 0.0000 Stasionary
LPPK 0.0000 Stasionary
4.3 Cointegration Test
The next test is Kao Residual Cointegration Test to conclude whether or not there is
Table 3. Kao Cointegration Test Results.
Based on the results of Kao Test (Baltagi, 2005) shows the equation model has a
probability of 0.0006 which is smaller than the value of α 0.05. Therefore, based on
these values it can be concluded that all the variables tested in this study are
cointegrated or have a long-term equilibrium relationship.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Table 4. Estimation Results of Panel Multiple Regression Equation.
4.4 Chow Test
To compare or choose which model is best between Common Effect and Fixed Effect
then Chow test is done.
Table 5. Chow Test Result.
Based on the above estimate result note the probability value (Prob.) For cross-section
Chi-square. If the value > 0.05 (specified at the beginning as the level of significance
or alpha) then the selected model is Common Effect, but if < 0.05 then the selected
model Fixed Effect. In the above estimation results show that the value of Prob. Cross-
section Chi-square of 0.0000 whose value < 0.05 so it can be concluded that the Fixed
Effect model is more appropriate than the Common Effect model.
The Typology of Human Development and Factors That Influence It in West Sumatera
4.5 Hausman Test
Haustman Test aims to compare or choose which model is the best between Fixed
Effect and Random Effect. Then Hausman test with the following estimation results:
Table 6. Hausman Test Result.
Based on the above estimation we can see the probability value (Prob.) Cross-section
random if the value > 0.05 then the selected model is Random Effect, but if < 0.05 then
the selected is Fixed Effect Model.
5 Classic Assumption Test
5.1 Normality Test
Normality test to test whether in the regression model, the data used has a normal
distribution or not. The good data are those with normal or near-normal distributions.
Where if the probability is greater than the specified alpha then the residual is normally
distributed. If the probability is small from the specified alpha then the residual is not
normally distributed, Baltagi (2005). Normality Test Results. Based on Jarque-Bera
statistic test, the statistic value is 6,186374 with probability that is 0,045357 < alpha
0,05 hence can be concluded that the residual is normally distributed.
Fig. 3. Normality Test.
5.2 Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity test is the situation of correlation of independent variables among
each other. Multicollinearity test aims to test whether in the regression model found a
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
correlation between independent variables. A good regression model should not be
correlated between independent variables.
Based on the estimation with multicollinearity test can be seen that the correlation
coefficient value is smaller than 0.80 while the rule of thumbs rough rule if the
correlation coefficient < 0.80 is assumed there is no multicollinearity. So in this study
can be concluded that all independent variables used in this study there is no problem
multicollinearity in the model.
Table 7. Multicollinearity Test Results.
5.3 Heteroscedasticity Test
In this study heteroscedasticity test using Glejser method with the result is as follows
(table 8), Based on the estimation with heteroscedasticity test by looking at the t test
the coefficient of LTKM, LPE, LPPP, LPPK individually did not significantly affect
the dependent variable RESABS, with probability value > alpha = 0.05. Based on these
results, it can be concluded that in the model used there is no problem of
Table 8. Heteroscedasticity Test Results.
The Typology of Human Development and Factors That Influence It in West Sumatera
6 Conclusion
1. Typology Klassen classifies Regencies and Cities in West Sumatera there are four
characteristics, namely, First, Fast-Forward and Fast-Growing Areas (Quadrant I):
Padang, Solok City, Padang Panjang, Bukittinggi, and Payakumbuh. Second, the
Fast Developing Areas (Quadrant II): Limapuluh Kota, Dharmasraya, and Pasaman
Barat. Third, Depressed Areas (Quadrant III): Sawahlunto and Pariaman. And
Fourth, Relatively Disadvantaged Areas (Quadrant IV) include the Mentawai
Islands, Pesisir Selatan, Solok, Sijunjung, Tanah Datar, Padang Pariaman, Agam,
Pasaman and Solok Selatan.
2. Based on the result of regression equation of panel data of independent variable of
poverty level have negative and significant influence to index of human
development. If the level of poverty declines, will increase the human development
index. This is in accordance with Bauer's theory in Ifionu & Nteegah (2013).
Likewise, government health expenditure variables that have a positive and
significant impact on the human development index. If public health spending
increases, will be reflected in an increase in the human development index. This is
in accordance with the theory of Strauss and Thomas in Todaro (2003). While the
variable of economic growth have negative and significant effect to human
development index. The results of this analysis do not fit with Harrod-Domar's
theory in Todaro (2015). This is because the increase in the index of human
development is not solely on economic growth. In order for economic growth in
line with human development, economic growth must be accompanied by equitable
development. With equity of development there is a guarantee that all residents can
enjoy the results of development.
Government expenditures on education sector have a negative and significant
impact on the human development index. If government spending in the education
sector increases then the human development index will decline. The results of this
analysis do not match the theory put forward by Ejiogu, (2011). This is caused by
the poor education system and the ineffectiveness of the government budget
allocation in the education sector, especially related to the high number of
corruption. Where there is a tendency for corruption to occur on the side of school
facilities and infrastructure. (ICW, 2015).
3. From F-Statistic test result of regression Probability F-Statistic 0,000000 and this
result compared with alpha 5% (0.05) so it can be concluded as a whole independent
variable have significant effect to index of human development.
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The Typology of Human Development and Factors That Influence It in West Sumatera