The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical
Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
Fauziah Aidafitri, Fathia Zahara, and Indayani
Accounting Department Faculty of Economics and Business,
Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, Indonesia
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of fraud diamond,
gender and ethical ideology towards cheating behaviour among accounting
students in the Accounting department, Syiah Kuala University. The
questionnaire was selected as the data collection used in this study. By using
simple random sampling technique, there were 210 questionnaires from
accounting students have been analyzed by using multivariate technique analysis-
SEM. Through SEM, the results of this study showed that the dimension of fraud
diamond, which is called as pressure, opportunity, capability have positively
significant influence towards cheating behaviour, and dimension rationalization
have no influence on cheating behaviour. Gender was found to have a significant
influence on cheating behaviour and have different tendencies between the male
group and female group toward the specific category in fraud diamond and ethical
ideology. Then, ethical ideology, idealism and relativism were found to have a
significant influence on cheating behaviour..
Keywords: Cheating behavior · Fraud diamond · Gender and ethical ideology
1 Introduction
The last few decades, recent research conducted by Galil, Yarmolovsky, Gidron and
Geva (2019) suggests that cheating behavior is one of the very serious problems that
are very common in the academic world and in everyday life. Perpetrators who commit
fraud can come from various backgrounds and different backgrounds. In Indonesia, the
results of a survey conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE),
the most widespread cases of fraud in the workplace are corruption, amounting to 67%,
followed by abuse of state’s assets and companies by 31%, and fraudulent of financial
statements of 2%. This makes corruption become the most detrimental act of fraud in
Indonesia with the most fraud perpetrators having an educational background at the
undergraduate and master level. A survey conducted by ACFE Indonesia (2016) shows
that a high educational background does not guarantee a person not to commit fraud in
the workplace.
Reiss and Mitra (1998) state that the potential for cheating in the world of work in
the future, is also assessed by the actions of students, by measuring how tolerant they
are to cheating. Fraud is a major problem facing the world of education (Young, 2013).
The phenomenon of academic cheating among students is a common thing. Fraud can
Aidafitri, F., Zahara, F. and Indayani, .
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student.
DOI: 10.5220/0010524200002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 651-672
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
be interpreted as a fraudulent act that involves more than one form of fraud, by misusing
the work of others as one's own work (Davy et al., 2007). According to Webster's
dictionary, academic dishonesty or academic cheating is defined as participation that is
done intentionally to cheat on the work or work of others (Faucher and Caves, 2009).
There are various factors that influence students in their actions to commit fraud.
Accounting students who will later run the accounting profession are expected to
uphold moral and ethical values so as to create graduates who are professional and able
to work in a global environment and have high competitiveness. This can be realized
by accounting students by rejecting all forms of fraud that occur at the university level.
Fraud diamond theory is a fraud theory which was originally known as the fraud
triangle theory which was developed by one of the originators of research on fraud namely
Cressey in 1950 cited in (Wells, 2010: 13). Cressey (1950) in Wells (2010: 13) listed three
factors that cause fraud, including pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. This theory
was later developed and expanded by Wolfe and Hermanson (2004) by considering the
fourth element, capability. Fraud is able to occur if the people involved have the right
skills and abilities to cheat. People who have these abilities will then see opportunities
and take advantage that is not only done once (Wolfe and Hermanson, 2004).
Gender is another factor identified as influencing fraud (Januarti and Eriskawati,
2016). The results of research on the effect of gender variables on cheating behavior in
accounting students are still diverse. Ballantine et al., (2014) in their research stated
that gender positively affects the level of academic cheating of accounting students in
Ireland. Male students tend to be more intolerant of academic cheating while women
show more tolerant results of academic cheating. Other research conducted by Januarti
and Eriskawati (2016) regarding the effect of gender on cheating at Diponegoro
University shows that gender does not influence the academic cheating behavior of
accounting students.
Research by Forsyth (1980) developed an instrument called the Ethical Position
Questionnaire (EPQ) or an ethical ideology that is used as an approach to take ethical
decisions and be a determinant in ethical judgment. Ethical decisions can occur in
situations experienced by someone when facing cheating behavior. A person's ethical
ideology occurs because of two factors namely idealism and relativism (Forsyth, 1980).
Relativism refers to the extent to which a person will reject moral rules universally and
the actions that affect one's ethical judgment depend on the circumstances of each
individual involved (Ismail, 2014). The second factor, idealism, is described as the
concern of the individual for the welfare of others. Idealist individuals assume that the
consequences will be accepted according to the action taken. Thus, idealistic
individuals will not choose negative actions that will cause harm to others (Ismail,
2014). A high level of idealism shows a tendency to reject acts of fraud, while high
levels of relativism indicate a high level of fraud as well.
Research on academic cheating behavior especially in accounting students has also
been carried out by previous researchers. Ismail and Hana (2016) examined the trends
of cheating behavior between accounting students at universities in Malaysia with
gender and the rationalization of justification for cheating behavior as an independent
variable. The results showed that male students showed a greater tendency in
justification to cheat than female students. Students who cheat on their exams also have
a greater tendency to justify their cheating actions.
Research on the prevention of academic cheating behavior in the context of other
accounting students was conducted by Ballantine et al., (2014) by measuring gender
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
and ethical ideology on the level of intolerance of academic fraud at universities in
Ireland. The results of the study revealed that the variables that had a significant positive
effect on tolerance for cheating behavior were gender and idealism. The variable
relativism is known to be unrelated to the intolerance of fraudulent behavior, this proves
that accounting students in Ireland tend to be idealistic compared to relative (Ballantine
et al., 2014).
The accountant profession is one of the groups that has a high contribution to the
economic welfare of the community (Saat et al., 2012). Public accountants are
responsible for verifying a recorded transaction, validating it and reporting it according
to standards (Saat et al., 2012). Therefore, accountants have an obligation to protect the
public interest, and ensure that public and private finances are well managed. Public
expectations have increased for the accounting profession. The accounting profession
is expected to have high moral values and actions and integrity (Saat et al., 2012).
Accounting students who will later run the accounting profession are expected to
uphold moral and ethical values so as to create graduates who are professional and able
to work in a global environment and have high competitiveness. This can be realized
by accounting students by rejecting all forms of fraud that occur at the university level.
This study aims to see the consistency of study results regarding the influence of
fraud diamond and ethical ideology on cheating behavior. This study also examined
differences between male and female students with respect to their attitudes on each of
the dimensions of cheating behavior. The object of this research is the accounting study
program students at Syiah Kuala University. An academic dishonesty behavior should
not be tolerated because it will have negative consequences and will damage the image
of educational institutions, especially in universities. For this reason, a test is needed to
evaluate the possibility of actions to prevent fraudulent behavior from occurring.
2 Literature Review and Hypotheses
2.1 Cheating Behaviour
Cheating Behaviour is a behavior that uses illegal methods to achieve a profit. In the
world of education, cheating behavior that occurs is referred to as academic cheating
(Farnese, 2011). Fraud is defined as behavior that involves some form of deception,
whereby a person's work is misunderstood as his own work (Davy et al., 2007).
According to Webster's dictionary academic cheating is defined as participation that
is done intentionally to cheat someone else's work (Faucher and Caves, 2009). The
definition of academic cheating according to Lewellyn and Rodriguez (2015) is
academic cheating covering all forms of cheating (for example plagiarism,
unauthorized assistance on assignments or examinations) and has increased a lot in
universities. Hendricks (2004) adds the definition of cheating behavior as actions such
as the use of copying notes during an exam, using unfair methods to study what is given
before the test, and copying from other students during the exam with or without the
owner's permission. Academic cheating becomes a more worrying problem when
students have entered the workforce (Davy et al., 2007; Aslam, 2011; Reiss and Mitra,
1998; Graves, 2008). This is a challenge both for educators and university institutions
to follow up the problem of fraud in the university environment. These challenges
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
become important especially for accounting students who are highly anticipated to
provide future professions with moral values and high integrity (Saat et al., 2012).
The act of cheating in a university environment can be in the form of activities such
as lectures in class, activities during exams, assignments given during lectures, the
relationship between lecturers and students, and the relationship between students and
academic activities (Hendricks, 2004). Cheating in the university environment in
general has been explicitly stated in the education law, so the problem of cheating has
legal force and is also contained in university academic regulations. The university has
in principle established that the academic environment is upheld on the basis of the
values of honesty, loyalty, responsibility, tolerance, etc. However, these values are not
always applied by students who study at the university.
2.2 Fraud Diamond
The development of fraud theory originally referred to a theory called fraud triangle
theory by Cressey (1950) cited in Wells (2010: 13). This theory explains fraud as a white-
collar crime which has three important conditions namely pressure, opportunity, and
rationalization. This theory shows that fraud is caused by one or more of these conditions.
However, the severity of fraud depends on the level of strength or weakness of the
condition (Thanasak, 2013). The fraud triangle theory was extended by Wolfe and
Hermanson (2004) who argued that the fraud triangle could be increased to be able to
prevent and detect fraud by considering the fourth element of fraud, namely capability.
Dorminey et al., (2012) stated that in addition to pressure, opportunity, and
rationalization, the theory of diamond fraud also saw the characteristics of each
individual who played a strong role in its influence on fraud. The fraud triangle theory
is expanded to become a fraud diamond with the aim that with the element of capability,
the occurrence of fraud can be controlled so that the fraud does not occur.
Wolfe and Hermanson (2004) add a capability factor by examining the evidence
which shows that fraud will not occur if the perpetrator does not have the capability.
Opportunities will open the initial door in committing fraud, while pressure and
rationalization will attract the perpetrators of fraud closer to the door, so that the
perpetrators of fraud must have the capability to recognize opportunities to be able to
walk through the door to commit fraud and then such acts of fraud it is hidden (Wolfe
and Hermanson, 2004).
2.3 Gender
Gender refers to differences in status, roles, functions and responsibilities between men
and women which are the result of social and cultural formation that is instilled through
the process of socialization from one generation to another (Puspitawati, 2013). Gender
is included in one of the demographic variables related to academic fraud (Donse and
Groep, 2013).
Dewi (2006) in her research stated that the concept of gender differs from gender.
Gender refers to biological differences between men and women. Concepts that explain
gender are caused by culturally determined views or social differences about the general
characteristics of men and women. The concept of gender originates from human
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
thought which is then formed in a dynamic community environment due to various
factors such as differences in religion, ethnicity, race, and certain customs.
There are two theories used to explain the effect of gender on cheating behavior,
namely the theory of differentiation socialization and structural theory (Ballantine et
al., 2014). Gender socialization theory holds that both men and women will carry
different values that originate from their environment. In this theory women will be
more likely to be socialized to follow the rules so that the possibility of women in
committing academic cheating is found to be less. But on the other hand, the structural
theory of the difference in values between men and women over time will be equal
because both of them undergo the same education, so that ethical behavior will be the
same between the two (Ballantine et al., 2014). Structural theory will build the same
attitudes and behaviors in terms of addressing matters relating to ethical and moral
values in the same environment.
2.4 Ethical Ideology
Ethical ideology is defined as a person's approach to ethical decision making and is
considered a determinant of ethical behavior in making decisions (Forsyth, 1980).
Forsyth (1980) states that a person's ethical judgment when making a decision consists
of two scales, namely idealism and relativism. Relativism measures the extent to which
a person will reject moral rules and they assume moral actions depend on the situation
and each individual involved when they will make ethical judgments (Ismail, 2014).
The attitude of relativism will reject ethical values in directing ethical behavior in which
people who have a relative nature will reject the principles of universal moral rules.
The second factor is idealism which illustrates the individual's concern for the welfare
of others, which assumes that there are consequences in every action taken so that they
will not choose to commit a crime that will cause bad consequences for others (Ismail,
2014). An idealistic behavior will make individuals continue to demand moral
principles that do not violate ethics, because an idealist will assume every action will
have its own impact which will have a good effect if what they do does not violate
moral rules. Forsyth (1980) states that the concepts of idealism and relativism have two
opposing concepts and the scale used is separate. The category of scale can be
categorized into four types of ethical ideology, namely situationism (where the level of
relativism and idealism is high), subjectivism (where the level of relativism is high,
whereas the idealism is low), absolutism (where the level of idealism is low and
relativism is low), and expressionism (where the level of relativism is high, while the
idealism is low), absolutism (where the level of idealism is low and relativism is low),
and expressionism (where the level of idealism and low relativism).
2.5 Hypotheses Development
Fraud Diamond variable contains four underlying elements, namely pressure,
opportunity, rationalization and capability, have shown different results and effects in
relation to fraud behavior based on the results of previous studies. Research according
to Mc Cabe (2004) shown that pressure is the greatest influence to be involved in
various forms of academic cheating. This is also in line with what was done by
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
Murdiansyah et al., (2017); Finn and Frone (2010); and Hendricks (2004) who proved
that pressure influences cheating behavior. Factors that make the most pressure to cause
academic cheating according to Hendricks (2004) are value competition (35%),
insufficient study time (33%) and heavy workload (26%). The opportunity variable
shows the same results as the research conducted by Murdiansyah et al., (2017) and
Deliana et al., (2017) where the results of the study prove that the opportunity has a
positive effect on student academic cheating behavior. The variable rationalization also
found the same results with research by Murdiansyah et al., (2017) and Ismail and Hana
(2016) which shown that rationalization affects the student behavior of academic
cheating. Then, for the last variable namely capability in the study Murdiansyah et al.,
(2017) proved that the capability has a negative effect on student academic cheating.
H1a. The higher a pressure, the higher the cheating behavior occurs to students.
H1b. The higher an opportunity, the higher the cheating behavior occurs to
H1c. The higher a rationalization, the higher the cheating behavior occurs to
H1d. The higher a capability, the higher the cheating behavior occurs to students.
Gender shows varied research results on its relationship with academic cheating
behavior (Kobayashi and Fukushima, 2012). Cheating behavior is more common in
male students than in women (Hendricks, 2004). This, according to Hendricks (2004),
is due to the theory of gender role socialization, which says women are socialized to
comply with regulations, while men tend to be less attached to socialization theory,
although it does not deny that women do not commit fraud if they have the opportunity.
According to Kidwell and Kent (2008) who examined cheating behavior among
Australian students studying on campus and through distance learning found that
gender significantly affected cheating behavior. It is the same as research by Ballantine
et al., (2014) which states that gender is significantly related to ethical decisions and
male students are known to be more involved in cheating than women. Different
research results were obtained in Januarti and Eriskawati (2016) who found that there
was no relationship between gender and academic cheating. The relationship between
gender variables and academic cheating was found not so strong, but most studies tend
to conclude that men will be more vulnerable to cheating (Donse and Groep, 2013).
H2. There is a difference between the influence of male and female students in
relation to cheating behavior.
The results of ethical ideology research namely idealism conducted by Ballentine et
al., (2014) and Ismail (2014) stated that idealism is positively related and significantly
related to ethical judgment. This was also proved by Aziz and Cahyonowati (2015) who
stated that idealism positively influenced the ethical judgments of students. Another
idealism study was conducted by Januarti and Eriskawati (2016), who stated that
idealism, had a positive effect on student intolerance of cheating behavior. The research
has also shown that high levels of idealism in individuals will also make a person's
ability to conduct high ethical judgment. The attitude of idealism that exists in
accounting students can make a positive contribution to the improvement of ethics in
the classroom and continue in the workplace (Ballantine et al., 2014). The level of
idealism that is in a person will be clearer in recognizing if
there are moral issues related
to ethics (Januarti and Eriskawati, 2016).
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Research related to ethical ideology that measured relativism conducted by Aziz
and Cahyonowati (2015) shown that relativism has a negative effect on student ethical
judgment, so that someone who has a low level of relativism will have a high ability to
conduct ethical judgments. There is also a research conducted by Januarti and
Eriskawati (2016) which stated that relativism influences student cheating behavior,
which contradicted with a research done by Ballantine et al., (2014) who found that
cheating behavior was not significantly influenced by relativism.
H3a. The higher the attitude of Idealism, the lower the tolerance level of student
cheating behavior.
H3b. The higher the attitude of relativism, the higher the tolerance level of
students cheating behavior.
3 Research Method
3.1 Research Design
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis or the hypothesis testing. A
hypothesis test is used to test the effect of fraud diamond, gender, and ethical ideology
as independent variables on cheating behavior as the dependent variable.
3.2 Research Population and Samples
Population used in this research is active students of accounting bachelor degree batch
2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. The sampling technique used in this study was simple
random sampling, Sekaran and Bougie (2010:270) defined it as a sampling technique
that each element of the population has the same probability to be chosen as the
Table 1. Number of Population.
No Batch Male Female Total
1 2014 46 79 125
2 2015 35 65 100
3 2016 23 57 80
4 2017 39 53 92
Total 143 254 397
Source: Unsyiah Data Portal, 2018
According to Hair, et al. (2018), the general guidelines for minimum sample size in
SEM analysis is 10 times by the maximum number of arrows (paths) that affect a latent
variable (10 time rule of thumb) that is 6 lanes 10 times as many as 60 samples.
However, to provide statistical power, the sample size exceeds these conditions using
the Slovin formula. The total number of Accounting students used as a population is
397, and the error rate is 5%, the number of samples is calculated using the Slovin
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
n : Sample size
N : The number of populations
e : Rentang toleransi kekeliruan yang dapat diterima
𝟏 + 𝟑𝟗𝟕. 𝟓%
= 𝟏𝟗𝟗. 𝟐𝟒
Therefore, the minimum sample size used in this study is 200 students.
3.3 Data Sources and Collection Method
Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data. The primary data
used in this study was through a questionnaire. The questionnaire will be distributed
directly to respondents, which are undergraduate accounting students, from 2017, 2016,
2015 and 2014 classes. The questionnaire has been structured and containing closed
statements relating to the tested variables. Secondary data are descriptions made by
others and written by someone who is not involved in the research being carried out. A
dimension and indicator measurements in this study used is a Likert scale.
Questionnaires regarding cheating behaviour developed in according to the research
questionnaire of Hendricks (2004). The fraud diamond study of accounting student
cheating behaviour adapted a questionnaire developed by Noor et al., (2014), whereas
to assess ethical ideology, which is idealism and relativism, this study used the Ethics
Position Questionnaire developed by Forsyth (1980).
3.4 Variable and the Variable Operationalization Definition
3.4.1 Cheating Behaviour
Cheating behaviour is a dishonest act taken by someone in achieving a goal. Some
indicators used are copying other people's assignments, plagiarism of other people's
sources, doing assignments and tests according to ability, looking at notes/other sources
during the exam, working with friends, and refusing to give answers to others.
3.4.2 Fraud Diamond
Fraud diamond is a theory of fraud consisting of 4 dimensions, namely pressure,
opportunity, rationalization, and capability. Pressure variable indicators include
wanting high scores and ratings, avoiding failure, high competition, and dissatisfaction
with the results achieved. Indicators of opportunity using indicators include weak
supervision, inaccurate assessment, absence of strict penalties and rules, and
indifference of lecturer/supervisors. Variation of rationalization (rationalization) uses
indicators that are cheating is often done, the perpetrators commit fraud when in a state
of urgency, no party is harmed, and there is a difference between students. Capability
indicators use indicators that are the utilization of internal control weaknesses, high
self-confidence, and opportunities to influence others to cheat.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
3.4.3 Gender
Gender refers to the different statuses, roles, functions and responsibilities between men
and women which are the result of social and cultural formation that is embedded
through the process of socialization from one generation to another (Puspitawati, 2013).
3.4.4 Ethical Ideology
Idealism is the attitude that exists in individuals who will act according to what feels
right and the action is in accordance with the ethics that exist in society and will not
interfere with others. Idealism will address one's behaviour as an action that will not
violate ethical values. Indicator of idealism by using condition items developed by
Forsyth (1980). Relativism is a person's attitude in believing that ethical rules are
judged as not universal due to different cultures and have different rules. Therefore,
action is influenced by the point of view of a developing society and culture. A relative
individual will tend to reject moral principles and choose to follow what he considers
to be right. Indicators of relativism use condition items developed by Forsyth (1980).
3.5 Data Processing and Analysis Methods
The research data that has been obtained will then be tested and analyzed quantitatively
using a multivariate technique or called the Structural Equation Model (SEM). In SEM,
there are five stages in which each stage will be very influential with the next stage.
The stages in analyzing using SEM are:
1) Model Specification
In the process of modelling using SEM analysis techniques, the development of model
specifications is the first step to planning a design so that it can answer the research
objectives. The basis in building model specifications will become a framework for
thinking so that it will result in the development of an appropriate structural model
(Latan, 2013). In an analysis using SEM, the thing that concerns are the latent variable.
Latent variables are abstracts that cannot be directly measured (Unobserved variables),
making them require indicators or manifest variables to form latent constructs. These
visible indicators or variables are described as questions measured on a Likert scale.
The structural equation model (SEM) will also input the measurement error in
modelling (error term) associated with the factor in each measurement. The structural
model contained in this study is as follows.
2) Model Identification
Identification of the model in the structural equation model (SEM) is a crucial thing to
do to see whether a model that has been built in accordance with the empirical data
obtained has good value so that later the model can be estimated. If a model contained
in SEM analysis has a wrong value, then the model cannot be estimated for the next
stage of Latan (2013: 43).
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
Fig. 1. Research Model.
3) Model Estimation
After the model specification and identification stages, the next stage is the model
estimation. In the estimation model, the estimation method must be determined first.
This study uses the Maximum Likelihod estimation method developed by Lawley in
1940. In the Maximum Likelihod method will produce the best parameter estimation
(unbiased) if the data used has met the Multivariate Normality assumption. Maximum
Likelihod also requires if a model specification is valid and the data used uses a
continuous-interval scale.
4) Model Evaluation
Model evaluation is used to evaluate a model using Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The
CFA is also tasked with testing the validity and reliability of latent constructs. Validity
test aims to see the validity of the statements contained in the research and see the level
of ability of an instrument to answer questions in latent constructs. In order to measure
the validity of a construct, it can be seen from the value of the loading factor where the
standardized loading estimate must exceed 0.50 or ideally 0.70. The reliability test aims
to determine the accuracy of the level of the measuring instrument used, and
measurement is said to be reliable if the measurement results have shown consistent
results even though it has been done for the same subject.
After testing has been carried out using CFA analysis, the next stage of the structural
model evaluation is knowing the significance of the P-Value, R-Square values and
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
evaluating the Overall Fit Model or Goodness of Fit Model bypassing the fit model
a) Chi-Square
A model can be considered as a fit model if the Probability (P) > 0.05 or the Chi-
Square < Chi-Square table according to the degrees of freedom which has no
distinction between the previously observed covariance matrix input and the
predicted model (Latan 2013:50).
b) Goodness of Fit Indices (GFI)
GFI has a range of value 0-1. The higher the value, the better the specification
model. The suggested standards of GFI as the fit model is > 0.90 or > 0.95
c) Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA)
The value of RMSEA 0.05 shows an outstanding fit model. RMSEA of ≤ 0.06
0.08 shows an average well, and the RMSEA > 1.00 shows that the model
needed to be fixed (Latan,2013:54).
d) Expected Cross-Validation Index (ECVI)
A value of ECVI is used to evaluate the comparison between models. If the value
shown is smaller, then the model is better. In a single model, the ECVI value
which the model is close to the EVCI saturated value shows a good fit.
e) Normed Fix Index (NFI)
NFI range value is from 0-1; if the value gathered is higher, then the model is
better. NFI that shows > 0.90 is a very good fit, if between 0.80 < NFI< 0.90 is
a good fit.
f) Comparative Fit Index (CFI)
CFI range value is from 0-1, which if the value gathered is higher, then the result
is better. CFI value > 0.90 is a very good fit, while 0.80 < CFI < 0.90 is a good
g) Incremental Fit Index (IFI)
IFI range value is from 0-1, which if the value gathered is higher, then the result
is better. IFI value > 0.90 is a very good fit, while 0.80 < IFI < 0.90 is a good fit.
h) Relative Fit Index (RFI)
RFI range value is from 0-1, which if the value gathered is higher, then the result
is better. RFI value > 0.90 is a very good fit, while 0.80 < RFI < 0.90 is a good fit.
i) Adjust Goodness of Fit (AGFI)
Recommended value of AGFI is excellent if the result gathered is 0.90. If
AGFI shows 0.80 < AGFI < 0.90 is a good fit.
5) Model Modification
Model Modification conducted after model evaluation and tested the goodness of fit
estimation comprehensively, however in the process if the result shows that the model
is not a fit model, then modification or re-specification model is needed. A model that
is stated as a fit model recognized that it is accurate or correct.
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 SEM Assumption Test
4.1.1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis Full Mode
The CFA of all variable in the form of a full model can be seen in Figure 2. Based on
the research model, the gathered data then inputted and collected to be tested, in order
to see whether the assumption is fulfilled. The result of the data input process from each
tested variable is in Table 2.
Fig. 2. Result of CFA Test.
From the output of Table 2 know that the loading factor value for all indicators has
fulfilled the specified conditions, where the loading factor for each indicator is 0.50
so that the conclusion can be drawn that all constructing indicators tested are valid. This
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
is also the case with the construct reliability value of 0.70 which states that all
constructs meet the requirements and the instrument is declared reliable.
Table 2. Validity and Reliability Test Result.
Construct Dimension Indicator
Pressure X1T1 0,804 Vali
0,842 Reliable
X1T2 0,753 Vali
X1T3 0,648 Vali
X1T4 0,802 Vali
Opportunity X2P1 0,826 Vali
0,840 Reliable
X2P2 0,812 Vali
X2P3 0,722 Vali
X2P4 0,781 Vali
Rationalistic X3L1 0,792 Vali
0,861 Reliable
X3L2 0,788 Vali
X3L3 0,738 Vali
X3L4 0,681 Vali
X4K1 0,661 Vali
0,834 Reliable
X4K2 0,821 Vali
X4K3 0,893 Vali
Idealism X5I1 0,714 Vali
0,823 Reliable
X5I2 0,782 Vali
X5I3 0,693 Vali
X5I4 0,799 Vali
X5I5 0,707 Vali
Relativism X6R1 0,683 Vali
0,856 Reliable
X6R2 0,707 Vali
X6R3 0,760 Vali
X6R4 0,703 Vali
X6R5 0,708 Vali
Cheating in
Y1C1 0,656 Vali
0,833 Reliable
Y1C2 0,596 Valid
Cheating in
Y1C3 0,740 Vali
Y1C4 0,808 Valid
Cheating in
Y1C5 0,607 Vali
Y1C6 0,698 Vali
Sumber: Data processed, 2019
4.1.2 Analysis of Structural Equation Model (SEM)
After analyzing the whole model with CFA analysis, which tests the dimensions of each
of the indicators as forming latent variables, the next step is to analyze data processing
at the full SEM model stage which is carried out by carrying out the suitability test and
statistical test. The results of data processing for the full SEM model analysis are shown
in Figure 3.
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
Fig. 3. SEM Full Model.
From the test results using SEM analysis, the model obtained an estimate of the
Goodness of Fit research model where the results can be summarized in the table below.
Table 3. The Goodnes of Fit (GOF) Test.
GOF Cut-Off Absolute Fit
uare < X
825,247 Less Goo
RMSEA ≤0,08 <0,05 0,069 Good Fit
PNFI ≥0,90 0,60-0,90 0,695 Good Fit
NFI ≥0,90 0,80<NFI<0,90 0,783 Less Goo
CFI ≥0,90 0,80<CFI<0,90 0,877 Less Goo
IFI ≥0,90 0,80<IFI<0,90 0,878 Good Fit
RFI ≥0,90 0,80<RFI<0,90 0,756 Less Goo
GFI ≥0,90 0,80<GFI<0,90 0,806 Good Fit
TLI ≥0,90 0,80<TLI<0,90 0,861 Good fit
AGFI ≥0,90 0,80<AGFI<0,90 0,768 Less Goo
Sumber: Data processed, 2019
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Chi-square is very sensitive to sample size, therefore, to get a fit model, an analysis
can be seen from other goodness of fit measures. The value gathered from the analysis
shows that the chi-square value of 825,247 with an opportunity of 0,000 shows that the
model is less fit, but from the other goodness of fit measures, it shows that some get
good fit values, which are RMSEA, PNFI, IFI, TLI and GFI then from that, it can be
said that the model proposed in this study is acceptable.
4.2 Hypothesis Testing
After all the assumptions are met, then the hypothesis that has been prepared previously
is tested. Hypothesis testing is done based on the value of the critical ratio (CR) of the
relationship of a causality test results conducted by SEM.
Table 4. Hypothesis Test Result.
0,170 0,42 4,056 0,000 0,269 Significant
Pressure 0,233 0,41 5,921 0,000 0,379 Si
Rationality 0,026 0,046 0,556 0,578 0,043
0,231 0,039 5,919 0,000 0,226 Si
0,171 0,043 4,057 0,000 0,198 Significant
0,275 0,054 5,047 0,000 0,384 Si
Sumber: Data processed, 2019
Table 4 shows that all CR values obtained are above 1.96 and a probability of 0,000,
except for the rationalization dimension. Therefore, from the estimation results of the
structural model, it is stated that all hypotheses can be accepted, except for the
dimensions of rationality in the diamond fraud construct, which hypotheses are rejected
because the probability error value is > 0.05. The results of testing the hypothesis test
also found that in the diamond fraud construct which is the dimensions, pressure,
opportunities, and capabilities significantly influence cheating in a positive direction,
which increases the pressure, opportunity and capability in a person will also increase
the level of fraud in its environment. In the construct of ethical ideology, it is known
that the dimensions of idealism and relativism are equally influential on student
cheating behaviour in a positive direction, which if high levels of idealism and
relativism will also increase cheating behaviour. In contrast to the dimensions of
rationality, found that there is no significant effect between the level of rationalization
with the behaviour of fraud that occurs.
4.2.1 The Effect of Fraud Diamond on the Cheating Behaviour of Accounting
The result of SEM analysis illustrated that the dimension of pressure significantly
influences to the student’s cheating behaviour which is 37.9% with positive direction,
which means that the higher pressure of the students will make the cheating behaviour
more likely to have by them. This result is in line with the research by Murdiansyah et
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
al., (2017), Finn and Frone (2010), and Hendricks (2004) that prove that pressure
influence cheating behaviour.
On the dimension of opportunity, the estimation result shows the value of 26.9%
which means that the opportunity influences the cheating behaviour on students as
26.9% with positive direction. It illustrates that the greater opportunity that the students
have, the greater opportunity of cheating activity will be conducted by students. This
result also proved by the research conducted by Murdiansyah et al., (2017) and Deliana
et al., (2017).
The result also shows that there is no significant influence of rationality dimension
on the cheating behaviour, which means that the hypothesis is rejected. The collected
data could not prove the level of rationality has a relationship with the cheating
behaviour of students.
In addition, the result of the capability dimension shows that the capability level of
a person influences the cheating behaviour on students as 22.6%, with a positive
direction. It shows that the higher capability tends to lead the cheating behaviour a
person has. This result is contrary to the research of Murdiansyah et al. (2017) which
resulted that a capability will negatively influence cheating behaviour.
4.2.2 The Effect of Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behaviour of Accounting
The output of estimation value by using SEM analysis shows that ethical ideology
construct which consists of idealism and relativism influence cheating behaviour of
accounting students. The dimension of idealism affects 19.8% of the cheating
behaviour in a positive direction. Research on the dimension of idealism also conducted
by Ballentine et al., (2014) and Ismail and Hana (2014) which resulted that idealism
positively affects students’ behaviour. For the result of the dimension of relativism
shows that it influences cheating behaviour as 38.4%, which means that the higher
relativism level will lead to more cheating behaviour is done. This is in line with the
research of Aziz and Cahyonowati (2015) and Januarti and Eriskawati (2016) who
stated that relativism influences cheating behaviour.
4.3 SEM Analysis in Gender
The hypothesis testing of the relationship of gender on student cheating behaviour, a
test was conducted to be able to see how the tendencies of each gender group with the
help of SEM analysis method to see the differences between male and female groups
in relation to student cheating behaviour.
4.3.1 Relationship of Male Group to Cheating Behaviour
SEM analysis is used to help see how the group responds to statement indicators about
fraud and see how the estimated value of the results obtained and the effect of each
variable to be tested. The structural model of the SEM analysis of the gender group of
male students can be seen in Figure 4.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Fig. 4. Structural Model Test of Male Group.
The output results from the data that have been inputted in the Amos program; it
was found that the loading factor of each indicator ≥0.50 indicates that the indicator is
valid. Then the results of the output are then analyzed by looking at the relationship of
male gender groups with the construct being tested. Table 5 shows the relationship of
male gender groups to the constructs contained in the study.
Table 5. Analysis Result of Male Group Structural Equation.
Estimate S.E. C.R. P Standardized Estimate
Fraud <--- Opportunity ,266 ,063 4,242 *** 0,496
Fraud <--- Pressure ,262 ,069 3,811 *** 0,530
Fraud <--- Rationality ,016 ,062 ,256 ,798 0,025
Fraud <--- Capability -,195 ,083 -2,356 ,018 -0,250
Fraud <--- Idealism -,111 ,061 -1,834 ,067 -0,168
Fraud <--- Relativism ,097 ,053 1,842 ,066 0,156
Sumber: Data processed, 2019
Table 5 shows that for the male group, fraud diamond construct that is the pressure
dimension has an effect of 49.6% in relation to fraud behaviour, the opportunity
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
dimension has an effect of 53% with cheating behaviour, the rationality dimension has
no effect, and the capability dimension negative effect on cheating behaviour by 25%.
In the construct of ethical ideology, idealism has a negative effect of 16.8% in relation
to cheating behaviour, and the dimension of relativism affects cheating behaviour by
15.6% in a positive direction.
4.3.2 Relationship of Female Groups to Cheating Behaviour
SEM analysis is performed to see how the response of the female group to the indicators
of the construct being tested, and to get how the estimated value of the effect of each
variable to be tested. The structural model of the SEM analysis of the gender group of
the female can be seen in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Struktural Model Test of Female Group.
The output of the female group for each question indicator was found that the
loading factor of each indicator was 50.50, so it showed that the indicator was valid.
Then next, the results are analyzed by looking at the level of influence of each construct
being tested. Table 6 shows the relationship of female groups to the construct contained
in the study.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Table 6. Analysis Result of Female Structural Equation.
Estimate S.E. C.R. P Standardized Estimate
<--- O
,208 ,066 3,151 ,002 0,293
<--- Pressure ,249 ,062 3,988 *** 0,327
<--- Rationalit
,018 ,060 ,299 ,765 0,032
<--- Capabilit
,249 ,062 3,988 *** 0,223
<--- Idealis
,208 ,066 3,151 ,002 0,210
<--- Relativis
,288 ,091 3,172 ,002 0,384
Sumber: Data processed, 2019
The results obtained from the testing of the female group from the diamond fraud
construct are the opportunity dimension influences on cheating behaviour by 32.7%,
the pressure dimension influences the cheating behaviour with a percentage of 32.7%,
the rationality dimension is found to have no effect on the cheating behaviour from the
results estimate that has a value <0.05, the capability dimension is known to have an
effect of 22.3%. For the construct of ethical ideology, the idealism dimension is known
to have a 21% effect on cheating behaviour, while the relativism dimension has a 38.4%
effect on student cheating behaviour.
4.4 Independent Sample T-Test Group Gender Male and Female
After each gender group has been analyzed, to see whether there are differences
between male and female gender groups in relation to cheating behaviour can be seen
in table 7.
Table 7. Structural Weight Group Independent Sample T-Test.
Structural covariances 21 50,376 ,000 ,011 ,013 ,002 ,003
Structural residuals 22 51,027 ,000 ,011 ,013 ,002 ,002
Measurement residuals 53 118,986 ,000 ,025 ,031 ,003 ,004
Sumber: Data processed, 2019
Table 7 shows that the P-value on structural covariances <0.05 shows that there are
significant differences between groups of men and women in this full model. The
difference in gender sensitivity to each construct is shown in table 8.
Table 8. Construct Sensitivity According to Gender.
IV Male Female Plus-Male Plus-Female
Fraud <---
0.496 0.293 0.203 -
<--- Pressure 0.53 0.327 0.203 -
<--- Rationalit
0.025 0.032 - 0.007
<--- Capabilit
-0.25 0.223 - 0.473
<--- Idealis
0.168 0.21 - 0.042
<--- Relativis
0.156 0.384 - 0.228
Sumber: Data processed, 2019
The Influence of Fraud Diamond, Gender, Ethical Ideology on Cheating Behavior of Accounting Student
The result obtained from Table 8 explains that the influence of opportunity and
pressure on cheating behaviour, the male gender group is known to have greater
responsiveness than female because it has a greater Beta value than female. However,
for the variable rationalization, capability, idealism and relativism of the female group
were more responsive than the male group.
5 Conclusions, Implications, and Limitations of Research
5.1 Conclusions
The results showed that the variables that significantly influenced accounting student
cheating behaviour were pressure, opportunity, capability, idealism and relativism,
while the rationality variable was known not to have a significant effect on student
cheating behaviour.
When reviewed the relationship to the influence of each dimension, the dimension
of pressure has a significant effect on student cheating behaviour, where the influence
of pressure on cheating is 37.9% in a positive direction which when high pressure in
students will increase cheating behaviour. In the Opportunity dimension, the estimation
results show a value of 26.9%, where it states that the opportunities that influence
student cheating behaviour are 26.9% in a positive direction. This shows that the greater
the opportunities, the greater the fraudulent activity. The dimension of rationalization
has no influence and is not significant on cheating behaviour. The capability dimension
shows that the level of ability possessed by someone will influence the cheating
behaviour of students by 22.6% in a positive direction. This shows that the higher one's
ability will increase the tendency to cheat. The idealism dimension influences 19.8%
of cheating behaviour in a positive direction. In the dimension of relativism, the value
that affects a person's relative level of cheating behaviour is 38.4%, where the higher
the level of relativism in one's eating will further increase the cheating behaviour that
In terms of the different gender groups, there are differences in the influence
between men and women on their actions of cheating. On the dimensions of opportunity
and pressure, the influence of cheating behaviour on male gender groups was found to
be more responsive than women, but for the variables of rationalization, capability,
idealism and relativism, the female group turned out to be more responsive than the
male group.
5.2 Implications
This research is expected to be beneficial for educational institutions or institutions,
especially universities, to pay more attention to the issue of fraud in the university
environment, so that prevention is obtained and reduce the problem of fraud in the
university environment, especially in accounting study programs so that it will create
quality graduates and respect moral values.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
5.3 Limitations
The limitations of this study are that the sample is limited to accounting students who
study at Syiah Kuala University only and in gathering research conclusions based only
on primary data collected through questionnaires, so that it can cause misperceptions
of respondents in answering questionnaire statements that may differ from actual
conditions which are a condition which cannot be controlled because it is beyond the
ability of the researcher.
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MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting