According to the linguistic situation, the research location took part in the
Lhokseumawe society and partly in a formal place (mosque around Lhokseumawe ,
Aceh). The location was chosen as a research location because, the location as a place
where language users can communicate with the community freely, so that it was
possible to use more than one language, especially the Acehnese language which was
the preferred language in this study.
The data in this study was oral data. Oral data as the main data to be examined. Oral
data in the form of language from all linguistic activities that contain code switching,
code mixing, and interferencing. Oral data is linguistic data that lives in the language
user community to be studied, namely the Lhokseumawe Society. Oral data in the form
of language from all linguistic activities that contains code switching, code mixing, and
interferencing. This data was in the form of linguistic phenomena with all aspects of
the speakers of language users who would be examined naturally, meaning without
making up.
Population is all research objects. The population in this study was whole individual
in certain aspects of language (Subroto, 1992:32). The population in this study was the
whole language users by the people of Lhokseumawe, especially the language user by
the community that contains code switching, code mixing, and interferencing.
The research sample is a portion of the population that is used as the object of direct
research, which represents or is considered to represent the population as a whole
(Subroto, 1992:32). The sample of this study was language users in Lhokseumawe City.
The sampling technique is in accordance with the problem and research objectives.
Purposive sampling technique, namely selective taking and really meet the interests and
objectives of research based on existing data (D. Edi Subroto, 1985:28). The study took
a sample in the community. The scope of the community to be examined by others:
1. Lhokseumawe society scope,
2. Types of activities by taking a sample on the society in educational activities in
an official, relaxed, and familiar situation,
3. Research Tools
There are two kinds of research tools, namely the main tool and assistive devices. The
main tool is the researcher himself, the researcher in qualitative research with the help
of others is the main data collection tool. (Fatimah Djajasudarma, 1993:11). Assistance
in the form of recording equipment (MP3, or walkman), stationery (paper, pen, pencil,
set of computers), and other tools that support research. The method looks at listening
to the use of the language of the Lhokseumawe Society. basic techniques using tapping
techniques, which was to get data by tapping the use of the language of the society.
Advanced techniques: (1) Techniques of Listening. Involved Capable, Researchers are
directly involved in data retrieval, meaning that researchers were involved with speech
partners. (2) Free Engaging Technique, which means taking data without including
research to engage directly in conversation. The researcher is only an observer who is
outside the conversation. (3) Record Technique, these technique could be open, that is,
the recording was known by the recorder and closed was the recording that was not
Edi Subroto. Pengantar Metode Penelitian Linguistik. Surakarta: Universitas. 1992. Hlm 5
Subroto Penelitian Kwalitatif, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada., 1992, hlm. 32.
D. Edi Subroto, “Proposal Linguistik Tentang Bahasa Jawa”, 1985, hlm 28