4 Research Results and Discussion
4.1 Description of Research Objects
The data in this study are primary data using questionnaires as a means of obtaining
data. Questionnaires were distributed directly to mustahik who received productive
zakat from Baitul Mal Aceh with a total of 100 respondents. Respondents in this study
had different characteristics. Based on the results of distributing questionnaires to 100
respondents, 8% of respondents were male and the remaining 92% were female. For
the most age-based characteristics, 38% of respondents aged 41-50 years, and 35%
were aged 31-40 years.
For the characteristics of job classification, 83% is in the trade sector while 17% is
in agriculture. For the characteristics of the number of productive zakat received, most
receive Rp. 8,000,000-10,000,000, which is 37 people who receive Rp. 4,000,000-
6,000,000, totaling 33 people. For the monthly income characteristics of respondents
before earning productive zakat is dominated by those who earn income as much as
Rp500.00-1,000,000 which is 45 people.
While for the monthly income characteristics of respondents after earning
productive zakat is dominated by those who earn income of Rp1, 000,000-2,000,000
totaling 44 people. Before carrying out the research, first the data quality test is done
by testing the validity and reliability test, the next step is to analyze the data using the
classic assumption test that is normality test, multicolonearity test, and
heteroscedasticity test. Furthermore, hypothesis testing is done by t test (partial test)
and also multiple regression analysis by looking at significant values at 0.05 (5%).
4.2 Multiple Linear Regression Test Results
The output of SPSS (coefficients), can be obtained by multiple regression equation as
Y = 2,381 + 0,849X1 + 0,153X2 + 0,080X3 + e
From the regression equation, it can be seen that the results of each coefficient are for
a constant (a = 2,381), meaning that if the factors of productive zakat (X1), dependents
mustahik (X2), and the duration of mustahik (X3) are considered constant, then the
magnitude Mustahik income in Baitul Mal Aceh is 2,381. The productive zakat
regression coefficient (X1) is 0.849, meaning that every increase of one productive
zakat variable will increase the mustahik income by 84.9%. Thus the greater the amount
of productive zakat obtained, the relative will increase mustahik income that earns
productive zakat in the Baitul Mal Aceh.
Regression coefficient mustahik dependence (X2) is 0.153, meaning that every
increase of one in the dependent variable, then relatively will increase mustahik income
by 15.3%. Thus, the greater the number of mustahik dependents felt, the relative
increase in mustahik income that earns productive zakat in the Baitul Mal Aceh.
Mustahik (X3) business time regression coefficient is 0.080. This means that every
increase of one in the business duration variable, then relatively will increase mustahik