The Effect of Research Efficacy and Perceived Financial
Condition on Research Productivity among Faculty
Fitrawaty, Gaffar Hafiz Sagala, and Indra Maipita
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia,
Abstract. This study aims to examine 1) the effect of research efficacy and
financial conditions on research grants; 2) the impact of research efficacy and
perceived financial conditions on scientific publications; 3) the impact of
research efficacy and perceived financial conditions on book publications. This
research was conducted at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan.
The study population was active lecturers at the Faculty of Economics Unimed,
and samples were taken by random sampling technique. The unit of analysis in
this research is the individual. From 105 active lecturers at the Faculty of
Economics Unimed, researchers received 46 responses to be analyzed. The data
of this study were collected using a questionnaire with survey methods. The
results revealed that the research efficacy and perceived financial conditions only
affect the research grant. While in article publication, only research efficacy has
an influence on it and for book publications, both research efficacy and perceived
financial conditions, do not have a significant effect. These findings indicate that
although on the same agenda, namely research, research grants, article
publications, and books have different task characteristics. This study provides
recommendations related to the evaluation of incentive schemes and financial
guarantees associated with the three research tasks according to the
characteristics and weight of the task.
Keywords: Management Human Resource Higher Education ꞏ Research
1 Introduction
Research is an integral part of the academic task of a lecturer. The implementation of
research is the responsibility of the lecturer in his profession as a scientist. In Indonesia,
according to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education issues
Minister Regulation no. 20 of 2017 and Credit Score Assessment Operational
Guidelines of 2019, for Promotion to the next level of lecturer academic position,
research is the tricky part because of its strategic value in terms of promotion and
conditions to get professional allowances. Thus the strategic position of lecturers as
researchers has become more competitive lately (See: Eagan Jr. & Garvey, 2017;
Fairweather, 2017; Potter, Higgins, & Gabbidon, 2011). Interestingly, the challenge
becomes a polemic in academic circles (Eagan Jr. & Garvey, 2017). Moreover, the
research productivity variables themselves are quite varied such as research grants,
Fitrawaty, ., Sagala, G. and Maipita, I.
The Effect of Research Efficacy and Perceived Financial Condition on Research Productivity among Faculty Members.
DOI: 10.5220/0010598500002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 797-808
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
publication of scientific articles, and publication of research results books, which are
these variables have their own values and challenges.
Research grants are a research agenda that is complemented by sufficiently
interesting funding. Therefore the competitiveness of the research agenda is quite hard,
although the outcomes collected from these grants are increasingly competitive (See:
Dundar & Lewis, 1998; Edwards & Roy, 2017). On the other hand, scientific
publications and books at a certain level have a high level of difficulty and are often
avoided by faculty members. Whereas, article and book publications are timeless works
that can emphasize the academic value of an academic. Besides, publication in reputable
journals or publishers is a condition for academic promotion at a certain level nowadays.
So that, in turn, faculty members can no longer avoid those research agenda. In this
phenomenon, there is a tug-of-war of utility in the preferences of lecturers related to the
priority of the research agenda, both in the productivity of grants or articles and books
publication. Referring to the Utility Maximizing Theory, an academic will leave certain
activities if he feels there are other activities that give him higher utilities (Kwiek, 2016;
Svein, 1990).
Recent study aims to examine 1) the effect of research efficacy and financial
conditions on research grants; 2) the impact of research efficacy and perceived financial
conditions on scientific publications; 3) the impact of research efficacy and perceived
financial conditions on book publications. Research efficacy and perceived financial
conditions were chosen as independent variables and were the main focus of this study
because research is indeed very closely related to economic motives and scientific
motives or academic passion. Edwards & Roy (2017) indicate that economic motives
are even feared would lead lecturers to non-ethical actions. But on the other hand,
economic motives can also trap lecturers in unproductive situations so that they are not
only stagnant in their careers, but these situations also make faculty less dynamic.
However, this study no longer measures economic motives, but the perceived
economics condition of lecturer that might affect its action in conducting research,
scientific publications, or writing books.
Furthermore, the efficacy of the study is used to review how far the lecturer can
develop, carry out, and report research as a variable that synergizes with economic
conditions in influencing research productivity (Hemmings & Kay, 2009). Self-efficacy
is more than just competence, it is the belief that an individual has to perform certain
tasks so that he can achieve the objectives of the task (Bandura, 1986). Thus, lecturers
with research efficacy ideally have excellent expertise in carrying out research grants,
scientific publications, and writing books (See: Hemmings & Kay, 2009).
2 Theoretical Framework
Research Efficacy
Self-efficacy is a crucial construct of Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)
(Bandura, 1986). SCT argue that the environment is shaped by human ideas and actions,
while the cognitive role is to motivate these ideas and actions Bandura (1986).
Referring to self-regulation (Bandura, 1990), a person cannot control his motivation
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
and actions well if he does not pay enough attention to the performance to be done, how
to do it, and how it impacts after the performance is implemented. Self-confidence in
the efficacy forms the goal-setting sub-function of self-regulation (Bandura, 1990). In
other words, people with high efficacy tend to set higher goals for themselves and are
increasingly committed to these goals (Bandura, 1990, 1991) (Bandura, 1991a;
Bandura, 1991b; Locke & Latham, 1990; Wood & Bandura; 1989). Hemmings dan Kay
(2009) explain that self-efficacy refers to a person's ability to organize and implement
actions to achieve a certain level of performance. Self-efficacy determines human
perception about the cause of a failure (Bandura, 1991, 1993). Individuals with high
self-efficacy tend to assume failure comes from lack of effort, while individuals with
low self-efficacy will consider failure due to lack of capability (Bandura, 1993). The
concept can also be associated with the argument of Major & Dolly (2003) which states
that academic staff in Higher Education must be able to view themselves as teaching
staff and researchers who can complete their various responsibilities. Then, the work
responsibilities of a faculty member are no longer oriented towards capabilities but
rather efforts that should be expended. It means that the implications of the belief in
self-efficacy are the ones that produce high-performance actions..
Belief in self-efficacy produces a variety of effects such as: how people feel, think,
motivate themselves, and behave through four main processes, namely: cognitive
processes, motivation, effective, and selection (Bandura, 1993). Thus, it is understood
that a person makes a causal contribution to his function through the mechanism of
personal agency (Bandura, 1993). Among agency mechanisms, there is nothing more
central or pervasive than people's beliefs about their ability to control the level of
functions and events that affect their lives (Bandura, 1993). In conducting research, for
example, a person will undoubtedly control his actions to focus on information related
to the research activity itself. Individuals with high belief will construct themselves
with activities that build their capabilities in researching. Various agency processes
produce basic abilities that affect the function of lecturers as researchers. For example,
sub-constructs 1) reviewing article and 2) broad view of research (Hemmings & Kay,
2009), as a basic ability, of course, is obtained based on the mastery of knowledge and
experience of the implementation of knowledge in research, both aspects of theoretical
study, research methodology, and data analysis. Furthermore, the ability to review
articles and the breadth of views in research will contribute causally to the capability
function, which is to conduct or develop research and report and supervise research.
Thus lecturers with high research efficacy should also have high research productivity
in the form of research grants, article publications, and books.
Perceived Financial Condition
Brewer et al. (1999) , in their research, found that financial assistance is a crucial
element for training the productivity of faculty member research. In the discussion,
Brewer et al. (1999) suggested that financial aid can provide financial security so that
a faculty member can focus on his research assignments and put aside other tasks
outside of academic activities. In this situation, it can be understood that financial
security is a key instrument for anyone to be able to focus on a particular job.
Furthermore, Bernales (2006) in Quimbo & Sulabo (2014) offers aspects that must
be considered to improve the productivity of faculty member research, namely time,
belief, faculty involvement, positive working climate, organizational communication,
The Effect of Research Efficacy and Perceived Financial Condition on Research Productivity among Faculty Members
decentralized research policy, research funding, and clear institutional policy regarding
research benefits and incentives. These aspects show that faculty members need time,
a conducive work environment, clarity, and a guarantee of regulations regarding the
benefits of functional research to stakeholders and researchers as well as financial
benefits (Quimbo & Sulabo, 2014).
On the other side, Conklin & Desselle (2006) reviewed the exogenous constructs in
influencing research productivity with the terminology of quality of work-life built with
hours spending in research activities, research and teaching self-efficacy, and stress-
related to fulfilling academic roles. In this view, it appears that work conduciveness and
self-efficacy are the main instruments in the study of Conklin & Desselle (2006). But
the construct only forms intrinsic motivation from faculty members. While in the body
of an individual must need to be motivated extrinsically and must be accommodated in
efforts to manage human resources. In this case Schroen, Thielen, Turrentine, Kron, &
Slingluff, (2007) are of the view that although research is the existence of scientists of
high academic value, financial incentives, and other rewards are deemed necessary to
align with these academic activities. So that all research activities must indeed have a
guaranteed incentive scheme in all academic missions (Schroen et al., 2007)
In the discussion above, we can understand that financial security is an essential
aspect for individuals to be able to work well even though research is basically an
integral part of faculty members that must be carried out continuously to improve their
capabilities in teaching and serving the community. However, financial guarantees are
directly related to the comparability of workloads and rewards and the guaranteed
quality of life of faculty members in carrying out their lives with their families. In this
study, we use the construct of perceived financial condition as a proxy for financial
guarantees that are perceived in an individual's mind. We measure perceived financial
condition with faculty member perceptions of the adequacy of their income for their
monthly living cost and the appropriateness of their income with the workload,
including teaching, research, and community service. Thus we can capture the
phenomenon from the basic perceptions held by lecturers and researchers to
recommend strategic policies by shaping these fundamental aspects.
3 Method
This research was conducted at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan.
The study population was active lecturers at the Faculty of Economics Unimed, and
samples were taken by random sampling techniques (see: Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
The unit of analysis in this research is the individual. From 105 active lecturers at the
Faculty of Economics Unimed, researchers received 46 responses to be analyzed. Data
for all research variables in this study were collected using a questionnaire with survey
methods. Survey is a measurement process used to collect information in a well-
structured interview, with or without the interviewer (Cooper, Schindler, & Sun, 2006).
The survey in this study was carried out with the help of electronic forms. Collecting
data is done by sending questionnaires via private messages to each respondent.
Completing the questionnaire is voluntary to maintain the independence of the response
given by the sample. The research instrument was adapted from Hemmings dan Kay
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
(2009). The instrument was designed with a Likert scale (5-scale) like most survey
studies. Likewise, before the data collected is further analyzed, the validity and
reliability of the research instruments are tested first (Cooper et al., 2006; Sekaran &
Bougie, 2016)
4 Result
The demography of the sample in this study shows that male is the majority with
69,57% and female 30,43% of all respondent. Its condition indeed represents the actual
condition of the population. In the age category, this study separates the sample into
below 45 years old and above 45 years old because 45 years old is the median number
of samples. Researchers found respondent was separate equally among those two
conditions. Furthermore, in an academic position, the respondent only exists in three
categories of an academic position, that is Assistant Professor, Lecturer, and Associate
Professor. The assistant professor consists of 10 respondents or 21,74%, while the
lecturer consists of 22 respondents or 47,83%, and the Associate Professor consists of
14 respondents or 30,43%. Finally, in marital status, respondent was separated into four
conditions, that is Single which includes five respondents (10,87%), Married which
consists of 21 respondents (45,65%), Married with children which consists of 18
respondents (39,13%), and divorce which includes of 2 respondents (4,35%).
Table 1. Demography of Sample.
Demography n %
Female 14 30,43
Male 32 69,57
46 100
Below 45 26 56,52
Above 45 20 43,48
46 100
Academic Position
Assistant Professo
10 21,74
Lecture 22 47,83
Associate Professo
14 30,43
46 100
Marital Status
le 5 10,87
Married 21 45,65
Married with Childern 18 39,13
Divorce 2 4,35
46 100
Furthermore, researchers identified in a brief the condition of respondents using
descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics show the number of mean and standard
deviation. With the plain analysis, we found there is a slight difference between the
number of publications on gender and age factors according to mean and standard
deviation. But interestingly, the number of standard deviation shows a substantial
The Effect of Research Efficacy and Perceived Financial Condition on Research Productivity among Faculty Members
weight. It indicates the respondent has a gap in productivity. Furthermore, on the
academic position, researchers found the significant differences in the number of article
publication productivity between Lecturer, Assistant Professor, and Associate
Professor, while in another factors we have not found a valuable difference according
to the mean number. The last factor, marital status, also shows the productivity between
categories is quite similar.
Table 2. Descriptive Statistics.
Factors N Mean Std. Dev.
Research Grant
Female 14 2,071 1,491
Male 32 3,093 2,751
Article Publication
Female 14 6,142 7,969
Male 32 5,968 8,902
Female 14 0,642 0,633
Male 32 0,625 1,313
Research Grant
<45 26 2,769 1,903
>45 20 2,8 3,105
Article Publication
<45 26 6,192 9,397
>45 20 5,8 7,515
<45 26 0,461 0,646
>45 20 0,85 1,565
Acdemic Position
Research Grant
Lecturer 28 2,80 1,39
Assistant Professo
52 2,36 2,22
Associate Professo
48 3,43 3,32
Article Publication
Lecturer 110 11 14,14
Assistant Professo
59 2,68 2,12
Associate Professo
108 7,71 8.11
Lecturer 3 0,3 0,48
Assistant Professo
12 0,54 0,67
Associate Professo
14 1 1,84
Marital Status
Research Grant
le 14 2,80 0,83
Merried 58 2,76 2,58
Merried with Childern 44 2,44 2,38
Divorce 12 6,00 4,24
Article Publication
le 19 3,8 3,19
Merried 131 6,24 10,26
Merried with Childern 111 6,17 7,56
Divorce 16 6 11,33
le 2 0,4 0,55
Merried 7 0,33 0,48
Merried with Childern 19 1,05 1,66
Divorce 1 0,5 0,71
This study uses multiple regression in testing phenomena and achieving research
objectives. Regression analysis was performed three times to review the difference in
influence between the three dependent variables with the same independent variable.
Three times of testing is done because of the limitations of the regression analysis tool
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
that only allows done with one dependent variable (see: Field, 2009). Meanwhile,
testing with Structural Equational Modeling (SEM) is not possible because of the
limited number of samples that do not meet the criteria to be tested with SEM. Thus
this study conducted three tests and observations made by reviewing the regression
coefficient and its significance. So that researchers can observe variations in the
phenomena between these variables. The independent variable in this study consisted
of research efficacy and perceived financial condition while the independent variable
consists of productivity research grants, article publications, and books.
Table 3. ANOVA Result.
Sum of
F Sig.
Dependent Variable: Research Gran
ression 46,732 2 23,366 4,424 .018**
Residual 227,095 43 5,281
Total 273,826 45
Dependent Variable: Article Publication
ression 201,890 2 100,945 1,409 .255
Residual 3081,088 43 71,653
Total 3282,978 45
Dependent Variable: Book Publication
ression 3,213 2 1,607 1,245 .298
Residual 55,504 43 1,291
Total 58,717 45
Table 4. Coefficients.
Unstd Coef.
Std. Coef.
t Sig.
Dependent Variable: Research Gran
(Constant) -3,968 2,334 -1,700 0,096*
Research Efficac
0,059 0,032 0,263 1,845 0,071*
Financial Condition 0,449 0,242 0,265 1,861 0,069*
Dependent Variable: Article Publication
(Constant) -5,619 8,597 -0,654 0,517
Research Efficac
0,197 0,118 0,253 1,671 0,102*
Financial Condition -0,191 0,890 -0,032 -0,214 0,831
Dependent Variable: Book Publication
(Constant) -0,538 1,154 -0,466 0,643
Research Efficac
0,025 0,016 0,237 1,560 0,126
Financial Condition -0,069 0,119 -0,088 -0,579 0,565
The result of F-test on the regression model shows that of the three models tested only
the first model with the dependent variable Research Grant has a high significance rate
of 0.018 (<0.05), while the other two models do not have high significance even at the
The Effect of Research Efficacy and Perceived Financial Condition on Research Productivity among Faculty Members
α level = 10%. This finding is quite interesting because it shows that the Research Grant
has a unique attraction for faculty members at the Faculty of Economics Unimed
compared to Article Publication and Book.
Furthermore, the results of the regression test show that perceived financial
condition and research efficacy has a positive and significant effect on the Reseach
Grant with at α = 10%. The impact of the research efficacy on the research grant has a
number of t = 1.845 and p-value = 0.071, while the effect of perceived financial
condition on the research grant has a value of t = 1.861 and p-value = 0.069. It indicates
that the perceived financial condition and research efficacy can trigger faculty members
in conducting research in the form of grants.
Furthermore, researchers found that research efficacy has significant impact on
article publication with p-value<0.1 = 10%), but perceived financial condition has
no impact on article publication with p-value = 0.831. These findings indicate that the
productivity of article publications has different characteristics from the productivity of
research grants. With the similar sample, the perceived financial condition have no
impact on the productivity of article publication. Interestingly, in the third model, with
the dependent variable productivity of book publications, no positive and significant
effect of research efficacy and perceived financial condition was found on book
productivity. In the third model, it is also indicated that the book is a product that is
more unique than the other two variables, namely the research grant and the publication
of articles because the two independent variables that are offered in no way can be an
explanation of the productivity of book publications.
Overall, the research grant does have a financial appeal that article and book
publications do not have. Therefore, economic motives certainly become sufficient
drivers for faculty members to be involved in a research grant. Meanwhile, research
certainly has scientific principles that must be carried out. In submitting a research
proposal, implementing, and reporting research, a faculty member certainly requires
expertise in arranging a study according to the rule of thumb. Therefore, a faculty
member must have research efficacy to be able to win a grant, implement it, and report
it. If not, he will not be able to win the grant, or if he earns, he will be constrained by
the implementation and reporting.
Under certain conditions, scientific articles and books are part of the outcome of a
research grant even though it does not apply to the whole award. But likewise, it turns
out that scientific publications and book publications have different characteristics and
cannot be explained with the same dependent variables as a research grant. In the
publication of articles, research efficacy is needed in the faculty members. But referring
to Becker, Kernan, Clark, & Klein (2015) that there is a commitment to carrying out
tasks such as writing scientific articles. The position of commitment also needs to be
explained, whether as a commitment to the institution, or commitment to the profession.
On the other hand, Brew (2001) also explains that the activity of writing articles is
conceptually varying in lecturer preferences. This relates to the utility of these activities
for the lecturer. Interestingly, in Indonesia, before the issuance of Permenristikdikti No.
20 of 2017, the publication of scientific articles did not have rigid criteria and
conditions. So the reference for faculty members is the credit score of a publication
regardless of its social index or journal reputation. Such an e
nvironment places the
lecturer in a comfort zone and is not pressured by particular demands so that the
publication of articles has less desirable value. It might answer the research findings in
the second model. However Permenristikdikti no 20 2017 regulates publication criteria
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
for certain academic position levels as a form of reward and punishment for faculty
members related to the provision of professional allowances. With this regulation, the
value of article publications should be better and trigger lecturers to increase their
productivity, although, at this time, lecturers are still adapting to these regulations so
that positive associations between perceived financial conditions and scientific article
productivity as well as book publications are not yet visible.
5 Discussion
Previous research has discussed the association of tenure and promotion policy with
research productivity (Hasselback, Reinstein, & Schwan, 2000) and tested the lecturer
performance evaluation format that links research performance as a condition for
obtaining tenure and promotion (see: Cattaneo, Meoli, & Signori, 2014; Leisyte, 2006).
Tenure and promotion itself contain two main values, namely career path, and financial
benefits for faculty members. That concept also seems to apply in the Ministry of
Research, Technology, and Higher Education issues Minister Regulation no. 20 of 2017
and Credit Score Assessment Operational Guidelines of 2019 for Promotion of Lecturer
Academic Position. In respond to these policies and arrange further policies at the
institutional and faculty level, this study seeks to analyze variations in the efficacy of
research and perceptions of the financial condition of lecturers in their effects on
publication productivity. The capture of the phenomenon in the model will indicate the
lecturer's response to the Minister Regulation and Credit Score Assessment Operational
Guidelines above and provide a basis for decision making and policy for the faculty to
encourage lecturer research productivity.
The results revealed that the research efficacy and perceived financial conditions
only affect the research grant. While in article publication, only research efficacy has
an effect on it while not for perceived financial conditions. And for book publications,
both of research efficacy and perceived financial conditions, did not have a significant
effect. These findings indicate that although on the same agenda, namely research,
research grants, article publications, and books have different task characteristics. In
conducting the research grant, besides the research assignment, there are financial
benefits inherent in it in the form of funding, while the publication of articles and books
does not always have economic benefits. Although in a years later publication of
articles and books is required to become mandatory outcomes from a research grant.
But from the results of this study, we can understand that the three research products
have different natures. So that the treatment of the three should be different too.
Research efficacy itself is seen as a vital instrument in the productivity of research
because the construct is in the individual, which then moves the individual to be able
to conduct research according to scientific principles. In this study, this is evident from
the effects on the research grant and article publication. These findings are certainly in
line with the findings of Conklin & Desselle, (2006) and Hemmings & Kay, (2009).
Faculty members are not allowed to have any research efficacy because that is the basis
for someone to be able to move themselves to develop proposals, implement them, and
report according to academic rules and regulations. An initial impulse is needed to be
born in an individual in the form of belief because research is not a simple thing but a
The Effect of Research Efficacy and Perceived Financial Condition on Research Productivity among Faculty Members
complicated and lengthy aspect so that it requires more than just knowledge, but also
commitment, determination, patience, and consistency throughout the study.
Moreover, the publication of articles must go through a process of submission,
double-blind review, revision, both from the aspect of introduction, literature review,
methodology, statistical tools, discussion, readability, etc. so that an article is worthy
of publication in a particular journal. The process is unpredictable in time so that it can
take six months to two years for one article. Thus, it can also be understood that the
publication of articles has a different nature from research grants that may be completed
according to the contract date with a certainty of time and financial benefits.
However, to encourage the productivity of the publication of articles and books, the
institution needs to review the incentive schemes and financial guarantees that already
exist with the level of effort that must be spent by a faculty member in producing an
article and book publication. This view is in response to the insignificant influence of
financial conditions on the productivity of scientific articles and books. On the one
hand, we can see that this influence is not significant because the productivity of articles
and books is not determined by financial perception. But if we return to the Utility
Maximizing Theory, which reveals that an academic will leave certain activities if he
feels other activities give him higher utility (Kwiek, 2016; Svein, 1990). This means
that if a faculty member feels that a research agenda is too heavy and is not
commensurate with its financial benefits, he will move on to other agendas that may be
outside the academic agenda and in certain situations he no longer feels that he has
financial problems, but his academic agenda has not been concentrated anymore on
actual research productivity becomes the core of his task. Thus, the institution must
consider the strategy of distributing incentives or other financial guarantees to be able
to control the faculty members' performance focus equally not only on the research
grant but also the publication of articles and books.
From organizational perspectives, financial security given to faculty members will
not actually be in worthless, but it will be an investment channeled to strengthen
intellectual capital so that in turn faculty members will have superior and productive
academic qualifications both in the implementation of research grants, publications
articles, and books (see: Brewer et al., 1999). The productivity must be regarded as a
return of investment (ROI). In this case, ROI indeed cannot be quantified with certainty
because the value of intellectual capital and publication is indeed not easy to quantify
monetarily. However, from the standpoint of investment for productivity, it is feasible
to consider strategic decision making in tertiary institutions.
6 Conclusion
This study revealed that the research efficacy and perceived financial conditions only
affect the research grant. While in article publication, only research efficacy influences
it, and for book publications, both research efficacy and perceived financial conditions,
do not have a significant effect. These findings encourage the institution to develop a
more appropriate policy to motivate faculty member regarding research productivity,
in particular article and book publication. The form of policy needs to be concerning
the value of publication referring to the worthy of benefit and the weight of effort. It's
being important because research grants, article publications, and books have different
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
task characteristics, effort, value, time spending, and form of financial benefit. The
higher education needs to analyze the appropriate scheme of research tasks also its
benefits and incentives then develop a suitable policy.
Further research can develop the draft of policy or evaluation form for measuring
research performance among faculty members using research and development or
experimental method. It will bring much of academic insight in this field of study.
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MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting