Investors can use the value of the company as a basis for seeing the company's
performance in the coming period. Profitability is one of the factors that can affect a
company's value. Profitability can measure a company's ability to make a profit.
According to Husnan (2001) profitability is the ability of a company to generate profits
at certain levels of sales, assets and share capital. Managerial ownership, managers have
an important role in planning, organizing, directing, supervising, and making decisions.
Managerial share ownership can align between the interests of shareholders and
managers, because managerial ownership provides the opportunity for managers to be
involved in share ownership so that the position of the manager is equal to the
shareholders. Managerial is also a factor that determines the value of a company.
With increasing managerial ownership, managers will be motivated to improve their
performance so that they will have a good impact on the company.
Dividend policy is to determine how much profit the shareholders will get so that
the profits to be gained by these shareholders will determine the welfare of the
shareholders who are the main objectives of the company. If dividend distribution
decreases, the company's financial condition cannot be controlled. If the company
distributes dividends in a long period of time, the company's financial condition will be
controlled so that it can convince investors that the company has a good performance.
The problem formulation in this study is "Whether profitability, managerial ownership
and dividend policy have a partial effect on the value of the company in property
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange".
2 Manuscript Preparation
The company will strive to achieve its objectives, both long-term goals such as being
able to increase the value of the company and the welfare of shareholders, as well as its
short-term goals for example maximizing the company's profits with the resources they
have. With the good value of the company, the company will be well looked at by
investors. Likewise the opposite if the value of the company is high, it can show good
company performance. Sartono (2001) states that the value of a company as a price that
is willing to be paid by investors if a company is to be sold. Company value can reflect
the value of assets owned by a company such as securities. In a company, managerial
ownership is often associated as an effort to increase the value of the company because
the manager other than as a management as well as the owner of the company.
According to Kasmir (2010) profitability ratio is the ratio used to assess the company's
profit in seeking an advantage. As for the notion of profitability according to Kasmir
(2014) is the ratio used to assess the company's profit in seeking an advantage.
According to Anita (2016) managerial ownership is a situation where the manager
has a company share or in other words the manager is also a shareholder of the
company. The managerial shareholding level of a company can be measured using the
proportion of shares in a company owned by management at the end of the year which
is expressed as a percentage, Haruman (2008). In the financial statements, notes to
financial statements are indicated by the percentage of company ownership by the
manager. Managerial ownership can be measured by the proportion of share ownership
held by managerial. According to Arifin (2014), formulated by the number of shares of
the management divided by the total shares outstanding. Managerial ownership is a
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting