The Influence of Training, Competence and
Compensation towards Performance of Statistic Agency
of Statistic Agencies, Sumedang Regency
Dede Jajang Suyaman
, Hawignyo
, Hertelina
, and Deden Hermawan
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Indonesia
Kantor Badan Pusat Statistik Sumedang, Indonesia,
Abstract. This research is motivated by the lack of maximum performance of
employees at the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia) of Sumedang
Regency. A solution is needed to maximize employee performance to achieve
organizational goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
training, competency and compensation on employee performance at the Badan
Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia) of Sumedang Regency. Quantitative
methods are used with census data collection techniques for civil servants in BPS
of Sumedang Regency. The analysis method is a simple and multiple linear
regression method in a population of 32 respondents. The results of the F test
show that there is a significant effect of the training, competency and
compensation variables simultaneously on employee performance, but partially
the competency variables only have a significant effect on employee
performance. The magnitude of the effect of training, competence and
compensation on employee performance is 60.2% while the remaining 39.8% is
influenced by other factors. The simultaneous relationship does not produce the
best linear regression model, the best model is formed from competency variables
only, this model can explain the employee's performance is greater that is 61.9%
and the remaining 38.1% is explained by other factors. This empirical evidence
shows that the performance of employees in BPS-Statistics Indonesia of
Sumedang Regency can be improved by increasing the competency of
employees, then in-depth evaluations of the quality of training and compensation
are needed so that they can be strongly correlated with employee performance at
the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS-Statistics Indonesia) of Sumedang Regency.
Keywords: Training
CompetenceCompensationEmployee Performance
1 Introduction
The Central Statistics Agency, known as BPS, is a Non-Ministerial Government
Institution that reports directly to the President. BPS has the task of carrying out
governmental tasks in the field of statistics according to statutory regulations. In
carrying out its duties, BPS has a vision, namely as a pioneer of reliable statistical data
for all. The BPS process in the context of establishing its vision is certainly not an easy
thing, but it is also not an impossible thing to realize. This was felt strongly by all BPS
Suyaman, D., Hawignyo, ., Hertelina, . and Hermawan, D.
The Influence of Training, Competence and Compensation towards Performance of Statistic Agency of Statistic Agencies, Sumedang Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010599000002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 847-858
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
personnel inside, from the central BPS to the regions, many things had to be passed
either in the form of obstacles from within or in the form of external threats.
The vision of BPS Sumedang Regency 2015-2019 is certainly identical to the vision
developed by BPS as "Pioneer of Reliable Statistical Data for All" ("The Agent of
Trustworthy Statistical Data for All"). The word "pioneer" means that BPS is the
originator of the idea of a reliable statistical provider, as well as an actor in providing
reliable statistics. The word "reliable statistical data" is statistics that describe the real
situation. The word "for all" is meant that all parties have the same right to access BPS
data impartially / impartially, both national and international data users.
The BPS process becomes an agency that produces statistical data in accordance
with its vision, of course it requires a hard and maximum effort from every BPS
employee, in other words, every BPS employee is required to have extraordinary and
not mediocre performance, because of the extraordinary performance of every
employee accumulates.
then becoming an extraordinary organizational performance as well. Therefore, it
can be concluded that the exceptional performance of every BPS employee is the key
to achieving BPS's vision as a pioneer of reliable statistical data for all.
This is in line with the theory according to Veithzal Rivai Zaenal (2015) in his book
Human Resource Management for institutions of the theory of practice of the seventh
print, namely:
‘That performance is a function of motivation and ability, that is to complete a task
or job, a person must have a certain degree of willingness and level of ability. A person's
willingness and skills are not effective enough to do something without a clear
understanding of what will be done and how to do it. Performance is a real behavior
that is displayed by everyone as a work achievement generated by employees in
accordance with their role in the agency / organization. Employee performance is a very
important thing in the company's efforts to achieve its objectives.'Veithzal Rivai Zaenal
(2015: 406)
Efforts to improve employee performance from mediocre to extraordinary is a
challenge that must be faced and immediately realized which is then continuously and
consistently improved. One way that can be taken is of course by answering or solving
the problem model of motivation and ability functions.
The next thing is the process of increasing the ability of employees, this is closely
related to the role of organizing in management, one of which is the provision of job
training to employees, of course with the hope of increasing competency as well as the
positive attitude of employees who are trained on the task or job later. Therefore, the
responsibility for improving performance does not only rest on each employee
personally, but the responsibility of the leader / manager and management has a larger
or more important role in achieving the vision of the organization / agency / company.
It is not enough just to guess, as evidence as a basis for research, researchers refer
to the beginning as primary data, 10 respondents were taken and asked his willingness
to answer a questionnaire about measuring employee performance. After this
instrument is answered by the respondent then tabulated, if the average score is> 4
(more than four), it means that the employee's performance has been good. However,
if the average score tends to be below 3, the cause needs to be further investigated. An
in-depth study involving all parties is needed related to employee performance because
it can have an impact on agency performance (Veithzal Rivai Zae
nal 2015: 437). In
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
addition, the secondary data collection was also carried out on the Human Resources
data at BPS Sumedang Regency, while the results were as follows:
Table 1. Statistics on the Results of Performance Measurement for BPS Employees in Sumedang
Statistics Questionnaire Score
Min Modus Median Max
Respondents 1 2 4 4 5
Respondents 2 2 3 3 4
ondents 3 3 4 4 4
ondents 4 3 4 4 5
ondents 5 3 4 4 4
Respondents 6 2 4 4 5
Respondents 7 1 4 4 5
ondents 8 2 3 3 5
ondents 9 2 4 4 5
ondents 10 3 4 4 5
Source: Results of initial questionnaire tabulation, 2018
Table 2. The Development of BPS's Achievement of Performance Goals and Strategic Targets
Sumedang Regency 2012-2017.
Tahun Rata-rata Capaian Kinerja Tujuan Rata-Rata Capaian Kinerja Sasaran
2012 96,78% 96,06%
2013 96,56% 96,09%
2014 96,36% 96,66%
2015 101,42% 89,28%
2016 97,08% 97,17%
2017 103,25% 120,43%
Source: 2015 & 2017 Sumatang Regency BPS Performance Accountability Report
Based on table 1.5, the development of the average achievement of strategic goals and
objectives of the Sumedang District BPS Performance Accountability Report from
2012 - 2017 tended to rise but there was a sharp decline in 2016. Coinciding with that
too, the status of PAPs (reasonable without exception ) BPS was released in 2016 and
was retrieved in 2017 until now.
In addition to the problem of labor shortages, the next problem is the number of
activities in BPS Sumedang Regency from year to year continues to increase, both in
number and variation. Sourced from the 2015-2017 performance accountability report,
the number of activities in BPS Sumedang District, in 2015 there were 47 activities, in
2016 there were 43 activities and in 2017 there were 54 activities. Although in its
implementation, BPS was allowed to be assisted by statistical partners but the
accumulation of work in everyone BPS employees remain inevitable
Then the next thing is the work supporting office facilities, namely office facilities
in the form of laptops / notebooks that are intended or become a BPS employee's handle
especially the KSK to support the acceleration and smooth work. A description of this
problem can be seen in the following table:
The Influence of Training, Competence and Compensation towards Performance of Statistic Agency of Statistic Agencies, Sumedang
Table 3. Conditions of Work Supporting Goods in 2018.
No. Nama Barang Jumlah (unit)
Kondisi (Fungsi)
Baik Tidak
1 Personal Com
32 19 13
2 Noteboo
3 Laptop 20 6 14
4 Server Compute
Jumlah 58 30 28
Source: BPS Sumedang Regency Personnel Data, 2018
Based on table, it can be seen that office facilities supporting work are inadequate, this
is reflected by the number of laptops that are still functioning properly, in 2012 there
were a number of KSKs, namely 20, in 2018 only 6 KSKs held laptops, the rest did not
function or were severely damaged. The lack of office facilities certainly disrupts the
acceleration of work completion, especially in terms of data entry, validation and
publication processes.
In 2015, with the aim of still being associated with improving the overall
performance of BPS, an employee competency measurement activity was held for BPS.
In the Province of West Java, it is carried out in Bandung. The components or
dimensions measured are about:
1. Flexibility of thinking
2. Innovation
3. Thinking analysis
4. Conceptual thinking
5. Integrity
6. Tenacity
7. Initiative
8. The spirit of achievement
9. Commitment to the organization
10. Cooperation 11. Service-oriented
12. Build work relationships
13. Search for information
14. Oral Communication
15. Organization
16. Planning
17. Quality oriented
18. Respond to cultural influences
19. Empathy
20. Social interaction
The competency dimensions above are all tested except the dimensions of building
work relationships, organization, planning, and empathy are only applied to echelon IV
employees. The test results can be seen in the following table:
Table 4. Score Total Test Results of BPS Employee Competency Test per Position in 2015.
No. Position
Total Score
Organizational Expectations Test results
1 Eselon IV 120 56 Not as expecte
2 Fungsional 542 470 Not as expecte
Source: Secondary data processed, 2018
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Based on the above table data it can be said that generally BPS employees of
Sumedang Regency who took the competency test have a value not in line with the
expectations of the organization's competence or below the organization's expectations,
then when viewed from the total score per person, the results show that 70% of
employee competencies are below the organization's expectations. This issue must also
be the subject of special attention in order to achieve outstanding employee
performance in the future in order to achieve the vision of BPS.
The problem of improving employee performance is a multidimensional and
complex problem that requires serious handling. Therefore, the authors are interested
in submitting the title of the research "The Effect of Training, Competence and
Compensation on Employee Performance at the Central Statistics Agency of
Theory Study
This section is a theoretical basis, which is a summary or summary and theory of
various sources of literature that relate to the themes raised in the study. The basis of
this theory is intended in order to examine the concepts or variables studied, to provide
theoretical answers to the research problems that have been formulated.
1. Definition of Training
Training is a vehicle for building human resources (HR) towards an era of globalization
which is full of challenges. Therefore, training activities cannot be ignored, especially
in entering an era of increasingly fierce competition. In this regard, training is
fundamental for employees.
Placement of employees in a field of work can not guarantee that they automatically
succeed in their work. New employees often do not know for sure about their roles and
responsibilities. Job demands and employee abilities need to be balanced through
orientation and training programs.
In his book Veithzal Rivai Zaenal states that:
‘Training as part of education that involves the learning process to acquire and
improve skills outside the education system that applies in a relatively short time
with methods that prioritize practice rather than theory 'Veithzal Rivai Zaenal
(2015: 163).
Training is very important for new employees as well as for old employees. Training
is briefly defined as an activity to improve current performance and future performance.
The training activities provide dividends to employees and agencies, in the form of
expertise and skills which in turn become valuable assets for the agency. Through
training, employees also increase their abilities and so for agencies. However, training
activities are not a universal solution that can meet all needs. Effective task design,
selection / selection, placement and other activities are also needed. Even so, training
activities can make a significant contribution if done correctly.
Another competency approach is the organizational approach which means the
competency model is emphasized in organizations with certain types of organizations.
In organizations that still uphold hierarchy, individual competence cannot be realized
without the presence of certain factors that must be corrected. In other words, the
elements of this approach include current and potential individual competencies related
The Influence of Training, Competence and Compensation towards Performance of Statistic Agency of Statistic Agencies, Sumedang
to cognitive capacity, assigning high value to work, and also having a personality that
is in harmony with agency culture.
Future Competition Models
According to Veithzal Rivai Zaenal (2015), revealing the competencies needed to face
new challenges and new types of organizations, we can gain an understanding of the
quality of the people we are looking for for new organizations.
Based on the description above, the employee competencies in this study are work
characteristics and abilities that include aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes
according to the duties and functions or functions of the position. As for the dimensions
of employee competence in this study consists of (1) ) Cultural Social Competence, (3)
Technical Competence.
The managerial competency dimensions consist of: Integrity, Cooperation,
Communication, Orientation on Results, Public Service, Personal Development and
Others, Managing Change and Decision Making. Then the social cultural competency
cluster is the nation's adhesive competency.
The dimensions of technical competence are adjusted to the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes / behaviors that can be observed, measured, and developed specifically related
to the technical field of the position. So technical competence is comprised of work
knowledge, work skills, and work attitude. Details of the managerial and social culture
competency clusters are in the competency dictionary in the Regulation of the Minister
of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 38 Year 2017 Concerning Competency Standards for Civil Service
Apparatuses .
Dimensions of technical competence, the author has not received SKTPNS from the
research institute namely in BPS Sumedang Regency, as a temporary guess is not yet
there. However, the standard draft already exists. In this case, the authors try hard to
formulate themselves by displaying indicators that are harmonized based on the
documents and information that is available as well as possible.
1. Definition of Compensation
Compensation and compensation is an important matter in the agency, because this
right is the main goal for employees to be willing to work hard and work
enthusiastically. For employees, compensation and retribution are income and at the
same time are guarantees for the survival of the employee and his family. Therefore,
employees are very interested in the amount of compensation and reply received as a
contribution of labor and expertise that has been given to the agency. In an agency,
anxiety, conflict and others often occur, due to the lack of suitability in providing
compensation between employers and work recipients. Thus the provision of
compensation and reply is very influential for employees and agencies, especially in
motivating employee work. For agencies or people who provide work, compensation is
part of the costs that will affect the size of the profits to be gained by the agency.
If an agency provides compensation and low compensation that is felt to be
inappropriate for employees, then there will be difficulties in obtaining employees and
employing employees who are deemed capable or can affect employee morale.
However, if the compensation and reply given by the agency is deemed appropriate and
fair, then employees tend to devote their wholehearted devotion to the agency.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
Compensation and retaliation are important for employees as individuals because the
amount of compensation reflects the size of the value of their work among the
employees themselves, their families and the community.
According to Yoder in (M. Kadarisman 2017: 6) stated that compensation
compensation is the achievement achievement given by someone or a group of people
for work performance or services that have been sacrificed. Admosudiro in (M.
Kadarisman 2017) said that compensation for compensation is a fair and appropriate
award to employees for work performance and for services that have been issued
against organizational goals.
According to Sedarmayanti (2017: 173), compensation is anything that is received
by an employee as a remuneration for his contribution to the agency / organization.
According to Veithzal Rivai Zaenal (2015: 541), compensation is something that
employees receive as a substitute for their service contributions to agencies. Giving
compensation is one of the implementation of HRM functions that relate to all types of
individual awards as an exchange in carrying out organizational tasks.
1.1 Research Methods
The research method is a step that is owned and carried out by researchers in order to
collect information or data and conduct investigations on the data that has been
obtained. The research applied is a case study or case study regarding the situation in
one of the vertical Government Agencies with a quantitative research method approach,
where the information or research data is analyzed using statistical methods or
Training (X1)
(Veithzal Rivai Zaenal 2015)
1. Input
2. Process
3. Outcame
Competence (X2)
(Veithzal Rivai Zaenal 2015; PP No 11 Year 2017; PMB
Rempo No. 38 Year 2017; Perber Kep BPS No 27 Year
1. Managerial Competence
2. Cultural Social Competence
Compensation (X3)
(Veithzal Rivai Zaenal 2015)
1. Salary
2. Wages
3. Incentives
4. Indirect Compensation
Employee Performance (Y)
(Veithzal Rivai Zainal 2015; PP No 46 of
2011; BPS 360 degree performance in 2018)
1. Quality of Work
2. Job Quantity
3. Work Behavior
Research Paradigm
The Influence of Training, Competence and Compensation towards Performance of Statistic Agency of Statistic Agencies, Sumedang
The statistical method applied in the study is the parametric statistical method with
the choice of analysis technique is multiple linear regression analysis ie the researcher
intends to see the relationship between the effect of the independent variable of training,
competence and compensation for the dependent variable of employee performance.
The method of data acquisition by the researcher consists of two stages, the first stage
is taking secondary data from the administrative compilation that has been in the
administration section to support the first suspicion of the researcher, then the second
stage is the search for primary data from each research object with data collection
techniques using a questionnaire conducted by census with consideration of fear and
the number of employees that are not too much.
Researchers in this case, have an opinion more inclined to the opinion of experts
who state that the data generated from the linkert scale is ordinal data. So that before
researchers conduct further testing, it is necessary to transform the data first. Following
the manual calculation of the interval successive method for ordinal data, namely:
Step 1: Calculate Frequency
Step 2: Calculate Proportions (P)
Step 3: Calculate Cumulative Proportion (PK)
Step 4: Look for the Z value
Step 5: Calculate the density F (Z)
Step 6: Calculate Scale Value
Step 7: Calculate the value of the scale result
Testing Validity
Validity Test is intended to test how carefully a test tool performs its size function. A
measuring instrument has a high validity, so it has a small error variance so that the
data collected is a trusted tool. Validity Testing is closely related to the accuracy of the
measurement results of a measuring instrument, the steps taken to obtain a valid
measuring instrument by determining the construct of items based on the concept of
operational variables and their indicators, so that a measurement tool that is compatible
with the theory is obtained.
The type of validity used is the construct validity (Validity construct), which
correlates between the scores obtained by each item which can be questions or
statements with the total score. This Total Score is the value obtained from the sum of
all item scores. The correlation between item scores and their total scores must be
significant based on statistical measures. If it turns out that the scores of all items
arranged according to the dimensions of the concept correlate with the total score, it
can be said that the measuring instrument has validity.
The correlation formula used in this study is the product moment formula as follows:
𝑋𝑌  
rb = Pearson correlation coefficient between instrument items to be used with the
variable in question.
X = The score of the instrument item to be used
Y = Score of all instrument items in the variable
n = Number of respondents in the instrument trial
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
While testing the significance of the correlation coefficient (rb) is done with a
significant level of 5%. The t test formula used is as follows:
√1  𝑟
The decision of testing the instrument validity by using a significance level of 5% is as
1) The question item / statement of the research questionnaire is said to be Valid if
t count is greater than or equal to t table.
2) Invalid item question / statement of the research questionnaire if t arithmetic
smaller than t table.
The above stages are the manual formula, it will feel troublesome if the
questionnaire has a lot of items. Therefore, researchers will use the help of SPSS 24
software, namely through the search for the value of Corrected item-Total Correlation,
namely the value of item-Total correlated. The purpose is to improve the effect of
spurious overlap. As for the same test decision, that is compared with the t count
Analysis of Multiple Liner Regression
Regression equations can consist of one or more independent variables and one
dependent variable. Equations consisting of one independent variable and one
dependent variable are called simple regression equations, while those consisting of
one dependent variable and several independent variables are called multiple regression
equations. Regression can be separated into linear regression and non linear regression
Multiple linear regression is a regression equation that describes the relationship
between more than one independent variable (X) and one dependent variable (Y) The
relationship of these variables can be written in the form of an equation:
Y = dependent variable, X = independent variable, β0 = intercept / intersection with the
upright axis, β1, β2, ..., βp 1 = regression model parameters, Xi are independent of
each other and spread normally N (0, β 2), i = 1, 2, ..., n
The alleged regression equation is:
The hypothesis that must be tested in multiple regression analysis is
H0: β1 = β2 = ... = βp-1 = 0
H1: Not all βk (k = 1,2, ..., p −1) is equal to zero
To estimate the parameters of the multiple regression model and test the significance it
can be done with the SPSS 24 program
2 Conclusion
In order to support the achievement of the vision of the Central Statistics Agency as a
pioneer of reliable data for all, it is necessary that every BPS person in Sumedang
The Influence of Training, Competence and Compensation towards Performance of Statistic Agency of Statistic Agencies, Sumedang
Regency in particular and generally BPS Kab./Kota in other regions of Indonesia have
outstanding / maximum performance. Of course it needs planning and strategy in
improving employee performance so that the results are optimal. Therefore, researchers
will try to help in the planning and strategy by providing a bit of analytical conclusions
on how to improve employee performance in BPS Sumedang Regency by empirically
proving the extent of the influence of 3 independent variables studied namely: X1
(Training), X2 (Competence) , and X3 (Compensation) for the dependent variable Y
(Employee Performance) at the Sumedang Regency Statistics Agency Office. The
object of research is all employees of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) who are
organic BPS (PNS) in a census with a total of 32 employees.
The conclusions of this study are as follows:
1) Variable X1 (training) partially does not significantly affect the performance
improvement of employees at the Sumedang Regency (BPS) Central Statistics
Agency (Y) Office.
2) Variable X2 (competency) partially influences employee performance
improvement at the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Office in Sumedang Regency
3) Variable X3 (compensation) partially does not significantly affect the performance
improvement of employees at the Sumedang Regency (BPS) Central Statistics
Agency (Y).
4) Training (X1), competence (X2) and compensation (X3) together simultaneously
have a significant effect on employee performance at the Sumedang Regency (BPS)
Central Statistics Office (Y) with a coefficient of determination of 0.602 or variables
X1, X2 , and X3 can explain the Y variable of 60.2% while the remaining 39.8% is
explained by other variables.
5) The best regression equation is formed from the competence independent
variable [X2], that is, with a coefficient of determination of 0.619 or can explain the
Y variable of 61.9% the remaining 38.1% is explained by other variables.
3 Suggestion
From the conclusions obtained in this study, the authors provide advice as a little help
for the preparation of planning and strategy settings in improving the performance of
BPS Sumedang District employees in order to accelerate the achievement of BPS's
vision, namely as a pioneer of reliable data for all of the following:
1. Empirically in this study, training has no significant effect on improving employee
performance, therefore, improving the quality and quantity of employee work
training is needed to improve its correlation with employee performance, of course,
with changes in work training patterns at BPS. Especially in this case, the change
for the better. The first major improvement on the indicator methods or principles
of learning, secondly on improving the ability and preference of training instructors
in terms of providing guidance and direction to the participants because these two
values indicate the smallest number of respondents' perceptions.
2. Theoretically and empirically employee competencies have a significant effect, even
employee competency forms the best linear regression equation for employee
performance. Therefore, to improve the performance of Sumedang Regency BPS
staff from being mediocre to extraordinary, a special treatment is needed on how to
improve existing competencies in order to improve their performance, existing
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
treatments must improve to three dimensions of competence, namely managerial
competence, competent social culture and technical competence. The main thing
that is critical and needs improvement is the indicators of managing change and the
nation's glue. Training and development, specifically with the aim of increasing
competence is very much needed, because in reality this competency variable has a
significant impact on the ups and downs of the performance of BPS Sumedang
Regency employees.
3. Empirically the existing compensation cannot explain the increase and decrease in
the performance of BPS Sumedang Regency employees, but if the compensation is
done properly and fairly it will certainly increase the work motivation of BPS
Sumedang Regency employees. Changes that need to be made in relation to
compensation are by increasing the accuracy of payment of wages / scheduling of
wages and increasing the ease of procedures for disbursement of wages / schedules
of wages, this is very necessary because this is what addresses the lowest and second
lowest values of the compensation indicator.
4. The performance of BPS Sumedang employees can not be said to have exceptional
performance according to organizational expectations, the improvement that needs
to be done and the first time is in terms of increasing indicators of the level of
conformity of the quality of work results with work completeness infrastructure, so
supporting facilities for work that have been damaged need to be repaired and which
is less necessary to add to its existence, then an increase in the indicator of the
timeliness of completion of work, this can be done through a more equitable and
proportional division of work in the time of completion of the work, if necessary
using external partners then do it. In the case, one or two people have poor
performance, it is necessary to enforce clear, clear and fair rewards and
punishments, otherwise this will interfere with good employee motivation
especially in general BPS Sumedang Regency employees have the perception that
compensation is still less than the principle of eligibility and justice.
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MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting