5 Conclusion and Suggestion
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the result, it can be concluded that the financial literacy significantly affects
on financial management behavior of MSME in Karawang Regency. The indicators
used to measure financial literacy are basic knowledge of finance, savings and loans,
insurance and investment. The indicators of basic knowledge of finance and investment
have significant effects on towards the financial management behavior of MSME, while
savings & loans and insurance doesn’t effects on financial management behavior of
5.2 Suggestions
To follow up the result of the study, workshop or seminar can be arranged for the
MSME regarding the financial literacy which will give effect to financial management
behavior of MSME, especially in Karawang Regency. Furthermore, for future studied
can conduct a study with a wider objects, by involving respondents more than what has
been done in this study. In addition, future studies can use a more variables, such as
entrepreneurial interests, knowledge of business interests and other variables.
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