teenagers to a fashion because they are easily bored and do not like models that are too
With the development of technology, new ideas for fashion models are growing
faster so that the writer must create an innovation and new creations in the tunic model
of teenage clothing. Seeing the potential that exists in the Kerawang Gayo craft supports
the fulfillment of factors in creating innovations and new creations in teenage clothing.
The development of creative industries today must be synergized with culture-based
industries. business fields from culture-based industries that can be developed in the
country such as traditional medicines, cosmetics, and fabrics or traditional motifs. With
the start of the development of this culture-based industry, it is hoped that places such
as tourism destinations, hotels, malls, modern markets, culinary places, traditional
markets, and others can further highlight the supporting products of Indonesian culture.
The world has now also entered the fourth wave of civilization called the creative
era. Quoting the book Future Shock by futurologist Alvin Toffler published in 1970,
the three previous waves were the agricultural era, the industrial era, and the
information age. Creativity and innovation become the main drivers of economic
growth of a nation or region in this fourth era. If a nation or region wants to compete in
the midst of global economic dynamics that are full of shocks, then these two things
must be the main focus of attention (Solichul Hadi Achmad Bakri, 2015) [1]. The
Indonesian Creative Economy Agency (2018) also argues that the Creative Economy
is a new economic paradigm that relies on ideas, ideas, or creativity from Human
Resources as the main production factor in its economic activities.
Based on the description above, the problem that becomes the main focus in this
research is product innovation and art motifs specifically related to the Kerawang Gayo
motif in improving Aceh's creative economy. stay sustainable and be able to compete
in the domestic and international markets.
2 Research Method
This study was conducted using research and development (R&D) methods or also
called Research and Development, which means a research method used to produce
certain products and test the effectiveness of the products (Sugiyono, 2014: 297) [2] .
In this study writer developed a product or perfected existing products by designing and
producing a Tunic Models of Teenage Clothing product with a touch of Karawang Gayo
motif that is applied to the tunic.
The subjects of this study were 60 of fashion students batch 2016 of Teacher
Training and Education (FKIP) Syiah Kuala University who were considered as active
students and had passed embroidery courses related to Kerawang Gayo. The object of
this study was the product in the form of a teenage tunic model with a Kerawang Gayo
motif. The technique of data collection were carried out with the study of literature,
documentation, applied experiments and questionnaires. Literature study was carried
out by the writer to obtain data in theory by studying books and journals.
After the theory of the Tunic Models of Teenage Clothing with a touch of Kerawang
Gayo motif summarized then it was made a basis for data analysis by applying applied
experimental methods. Furthermore, the distribution of questionnaires was conducted
to determine the response of consumers to teenage tunic clothing products with a touch