Tourists’ Behavior and Purchase Intention towards Local
Processed Food Products in Anyer-Banten Tourism Area
Meutia, Tubagus Ismail, Nurul Ummi, and Nur Faizah
Indonesia Center of Excellence for Food Security of Sultan Ageng,
Tirtayasa University, Indonesia
Abstract. The tourism sector is present as one of the influential industries in
terms of improving the economic sector, especially MSMEs engaged in local
food processing sector. This study aims to analyze the effect of behavior on the
tourists’ purchase intention towards local processed food products in Anyer
Beach tourism area, Banten Province. This was an exploratory study to explore
the factors that influenced the tourists’ purchase intention towards local
processed food products in Anyer Beach tourism area. The sampling was
conducted by accidental sampling technique with a total sample of 150
respondents taken in the three points of Anyer tourism area, namely the Marbella
hotel area, Anyer Zero Point and the Anyer Mambruk Hotel area. Data processing
was performed by descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis to
observe the effect of attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control
variables on tourists’ purchase intention towards local processed food products
in Anyer tourism area. The results of the study analysis showed that the attitude
variable had an effect on tourists’ purchase intention towards local processed
food products because some Banten local products offered are products
accustomed to being available in the market. Furthermore, subjective norms and
perceived behavioral control variables had a significant effect on tourists’
purchase intention towards local processed food products in Anyer Beach
tourism area.
Keywords: Tourists’ Purchase Intention∙Local Food Products∙Anyer Beach
1 Introduction
Banten is one of the provinces that has a rapid development in the field of industry and
tourism regarding maritime tourism, nature tourism, cultural tourism and religious
tourism. This is supported by the existence of Banten as a very crowded port since long
time ago. Banten is also a province that has many advantages, including its strategic
location, as the gate of Indonesia's investment, rich in natural resources, beautiful
scenery, supporting human resources and a religious city. The fact that Banten is rich
in natural resources has made the local government develop tourism areas in several
locations, namely Tanjung Lesung Tourism Area, Ujung Kulon Tourism Area and
Anyer Tourism Area.
Anyer is well known to foreign countries because it has natural wealth and
biodiversity in various forms of nature, tourism, history, customs and culture (Banten
Regional Government, 2013). Besides visiting the Banten area to enjoy the natural and
Meutia, ., Ismail, T., Ummi, N. and Faizah, N.
Tourists’ Behavior and Purchase Intention towards Local Processed Food Products in Anyer-Banten Tourism Area.
DOI: 10.5220/0010609700002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 952-959
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cultural potential of Banten, the tourists both nusatara tourists and foreign tourists are
also looking for souvenirs typical of the Banten region. Anyer is one of the Banten
tourist sites that can be used as a place to introduce and promote the typical Banten
local food products. Local food is traditional food produced from an area consisting of
various kinds of processed foods, both staple foods and supplementary foods. Local
food can be used as a characteristic of an area. The availability of local food products
that are used as souvenirs by tourists also needs to be considered for their existence.
Local food products found in Anyer-Labuan tourist locations include Milkfish Satay,
Emping, Ceplis, Gipang Cake and Satu Cake, Jorong Cake, Pasung Cake etc.
From the data on visits to several souvenir centers in Anyer-Labuan tourist area,
75% of food products sold were food products originating from outside the Banten
Province, whereas only 25% were food products originating from local Banten
Province. With more dominated food products originating from outside the Province of
Banten, there was intense competition for local food products so that local food product
producers experienced sales that were not too high compared to food products
originating from outside the Banten Province such as Bogor, Bandung and Lampung.
This was due to the factors that influenced consumers in making decisions about
purchasing local food products from Banten Province.
To find out the cause of purchase intention, we need to understand the behavior of
tourists in choosing souvenirs they will buy. An understanding of this traveling
behavior can be started by understanding the intention of the travel. This intention will
initiate behavior. There are three factors that influence one's intention, namely attitudes,
subjective norms and PBC (Planned Behavioral Control) (Ajzen, 1991). Through this
study, these three factors will be explored within the context of tourism.
A good image will certainly attract the interest of tourists to come to visit. On the
contrary bad image will make tourism destinations worse off (Raj, 2012). Huda (2012)
reveals that image is a concept formed by consumer considerations and interpretation
as a consequence of two interrelated components: perceptive/cognitive evaluation
concerning individual knowledge and beliefs about objects (an evaluation of the
perceived attributes of objects) and affective judgments are related to how individuals
feel about the objects.
The difference of this study with previous studies is that this study examines the
effect attitude, contextual, self-efficacy, subjective norms and socio-demographic
variables more comprehensively on tourists’ purchase intention towards local
processed food products in Anyer Beach tourist area of Banten Province. The objects
of this study were tourists who visited Anyer beach tourist area from outside Banten
who bought local processed food products as souvenirs or for their own consumption.
2 Literature Review and Hypothesis Development
2.1 Consumer Behavior
According to Ibrahim & Mohamood (2013), consumer behavior is the study of units
and decision-making processes involved in the acceptance, use and purchase, and
determination of goods, services, and ideas. Furthermore Kotler (2005) explains
consumer behavior as a study of purchasing units that can be individuals, groups or
Tourists’ Behavior and Purchase Intention towards Local Processed Food Products in Anyer-Banten Tourism Area
organizations. Each of these units will form a market so that an individual market or
consumer market, a group purchasing unit, and a business market formed by the
organization emerge. Meanwhile, according to Engel et al (2006), consumer behavior
is an action that is directly involved in the acquisition, consumption, and end of
product/service, including the process that precedes and follows this action. Ariely and
Zauberman (2006) define consumer behavior as actions taken by individuals, groups,
or organizations related to the decision making process to obtain, use economic goods
or services that can be influenced by the environment.
A study conducted by Raj (2012) explaines that the theory of planned behavior
focuses the study on individuals with the aim of social marketing practices and it is one
of the most frequently used theories in social marketing theory. The study conducted
by Ibrahim and Mohamood (2013) explains the concept of behavior and attitudes in
terms of tourism in predicting city images. A study conducted by Moon (2012) showed
that customers who had positive behavior towards the product would have a positive
effect on purchase intention.
2.2 Purchase Intention
Dimension of purchase intention includes Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action
models. Following is the explanation of the AIDA model. Attention is the Stage where
we must be able to make consumers aware of the existence of our products by using
good promotions using print advertisements, radio, TV, or other personal networks.
Interest is te second stage. After successfully grabbing the attention of consumers, good
follow-up must be performed namely the stage of providing more product information,
persuading and being able to give reasons why consumers should buy the products we
offer. Desire is the stages that provides an offer that cannot be rejected by the consumer,
whereby a wish and desire to buy our products arises. Action occurs with there is a
strong desire of consumers to make decisions in purchasing products offered.
2.3 Factors that Influence Purchase Intention
Behavioral experts have identified several predictors of consumer behavior, including
one thing considered as the main predictor of consumer behavior, namely consumer
attitude. Not all consumer attitudes are related to their actions or behavior, because of
the different backgrounds in the formation of these attitudes. Attitudes formed through
direct experience will more closely lead to behavior, rather than attitudes that are
formed based on the opinions of others. Predicting consumer behavior is very important
since knowing the consumer behavior marketers can make a favorable anticipation for
marketing activities (Moon, 2012).
Subjective Norm. The construct that influences this intention is one's evaluation of
social pressures that influences individuals to do or not do an action. Social pressure
comes from people around who are important to themselves (significant others).
Subjective norm can be determined from one's normative beliefs about how significant
others think or expect someone to do something or not do it at all (Meutia and Ismail
2017). In Planned behavior theory, a person's normative beliefs are balanced with one's
motivation to comply. Motivation to comply is defined as the motivation or willingness
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
of a person to meet or not hope for significant others with all the considerations and
risks that will be faced that ultimately affect their intentions.
Perceived Behavior Control. This construct is an individual's belief about how much
control he has to bring up the behavior that he will bring up. Perceived Behavioral
Control, hereinafter referred to as PBC, can influence behavior directly and indirectly.
Indirect influence is done by influencing one's intention to do something behavior
(Ismail et al., 2018). In the Planned Behavior theory, PBC is formed from two
components. The first component is control belief, which is a person's perception or
belief about how difficult a behavior is raised that stems from his perception of the
difficulties, risks, and challenges involved if he wants to exclude a behavior. The
second component is perceive power that talks about one's perception of whether he is
able or not to bring up a behavior by considering the difficulties, risks, and challenges
that accompany. In other words, PBC can also be seen as a person's self efficacy to
bring up behavior (Ismail et al., 2019). To understand what components underlie a
person's purchase intention towards local food products, the researcher aims to
investigate the relationship between attitudes, subjective norms, and PBC on intention.
This is achieved by establishing psychological measuring tool that contains the
predictor components that underlie such intention. Based on the description of the
previous study, three hypotheses are developed.
H1: Attitude has a positive effect on purchase intention
H2: Subjective Norm has a positive effect on purchase intention
H3: Perceived behavioral control has a positive effect on purchase intention
This study can be described in a framework as described in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Study Framework.
Tourists’ Behavior and Purchase Intention towards Local Processed Food Products in Anyer-Banten Tourism Area
3 Methods
In this study the data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM
provides researchers with the opportunity to adopt a more holistic approach to building
models. The ability to explain the effects of measurement errors on latent variable
estimation is the main difference between SEM and both path analysis and multiple
regression analysis. SEM can overcome several problems and limitations inherent in
multiple regression analysis. The author chose the appropriate statistical tool for testing
this variable using Partial Least Square (PLS).
This study used a questionnaire survey method to collect data. Therefore, every
question in the questionnaire must meet the quality of valid and reliable data. Validity
test is used to measure what should be measured. Meanwhile, reliability test is used to
measure the consistency of measuring instruments in measuring a concept.
Endogenous variable used in this study was purchase intention. Purchase intention
can be identified through e indicators. First indicator is transactional interest that is the
tendency of a person to buy a product. The second indicator is preferential interest that
is one's tendency to refer products to other people. Preferential interest is an interest
that describes the behavior of someone who has a primary preference on the product.
This preference can only be replaced if something happens with the product of his
preference. The third indicator is Explorative interest, this interest illustrates the
behavior of someone who is always looking for information about the product he is
interested in and is looking for information to support the positive qualities of the
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents
47% respondents in this study were women and 53% were men. The average age of
respondents who bought typical local products were categorized in the middle
productive age those that are dominated by the ages between 15 years to 50 years.
Respondents who were intentioned in buying typical local products were dominated by
tourists from outside the Province of Banten. On the average, tourists who visited the
Anyer Beach tourism area came from West Java Province. The education level of
respondents was dominated by high school, Diploma and Bachelor graduates. Based on
the data above, it can be seen that on average people who consumed typical local food
products in Banten were respondents with secondary education or had 12 years of
On average, respondents were dominated by 12% of students, 35% civil servants,
55% private employees and others. This showed that respondents who visited the Anyer
beach tourism area had a permanent job that would affect their income. The location of
the beach that is close to the capital is a great opportunity to be a community refreshing
site, especially to utilize work days off to travel.
This study used a structural equation modeling (SEM) as a multivariate analysis
tool so that it had higher flexibility to connect theory and data. This study used Smart
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
PLS software as a tool to solve SEM problems. In the results of tests on the outer loading
of all variables, there was no construct that had an outer loading value below 0.5. This
showed that each indicator in all constructs was considered reliable, thus elimination was
not needed and the test produced Smart PLS output as shown in table 1.
Table 1. Inner Weight.
Exogen Variable Endogen
Original sample
Subjective Norm
0.3922 5.8765
Perceived behavioral
0.4422 4.9843
R- Square
Hypothesis 1 was accepted that attitude had a positive effect on purchase intention. The
construct test results showed the original sample estimate value of 0.5632, it indicated
that there was a significant positive relationship because the statistical T value was
more than 2 as a critical point for the full significance of accepted or rejected
hypothesis. Hypothesis 2 states that there is a positive relationship between subjective
norm and purchase intention. The results of testing using smart PLS showed an original
sample estimate of 0.3922 with a statistical T value of 5.8765, these values indicated
that hypothesis 2 was accepted. Likewise with hypothesis 3, it was shown that
perceived behavioral control had a significant positive effect on purchase intention.
Intention is a tendency in individuals to be attracted to an object or like an object.
The emergence of interest in an object is characterized by a sense of pleasure or interest
in something that has an attraction. Based on the results of interviews with respondents,
it can be concluded that their purchase interest towards local food products was due to
the products had an appropriate taste to the tongue of the tourists. The emergence of
intention towards an object is characterized by a sense of pleasure or interest in
something that has an attraction.
Based on the attitude variable, there were two aspects of attitude that affected the
purchase intention namely cognitive or knowledge aspect and perceptions obtained
through a combination of experiences. These components are often known as
confidence, so consumers believe that an object has certain attributes. Next is the
affective attitude that is the emotion or feeling towards a particular product or brand.
The attitude variable showed that 76% of respondents already had knowledge of local
food products in the tourism area of Banten, because most of the respondents came
from local Banten and Jakarta which is only 100 km away. 81% of respondents felt that
local food products offered a low impression since there were still many traditional
product packaging. This finding is in line with the opinion of Ismail et al. (2018) who
states that attitude is an evaluation that can be created by the affective system in the
form of emotions, feelings, moods and immediate and direct responses to certain
Tourists’ Behavior and Purchase Intention towards Local Processed Food Products in Anyer-Banten Tourism Area
stimuli. If the emotions, feelings, and moods of consumers are positive, it will lead to
an intention to buy a product/service.
Subjective norms are one's perceptions or views of other people's beliefs that will
influence the interest in performing or not performing the behavior under consideration
(Septifani, 2014). Subjective norms are one's perceptions or assumptions about other
people's expectations, certain behaviors that a person will or won't do. In this study,
subjective norms became the main predictors in purchasing decisions where the effect
of subjective norms is able to suggest, process and strengthen an act or consumer
purchasing behavior.
This finding is in line with the opinion of Ajzen (2005;) who states that if an
individual feels it is his personal right to determine what he will do and it can be
determined by others around him, then he will feel that people's views about the
behavior he will do are appropriate, so it will cause the intention to buy a product /
Ajzen (2007) states that perceived behavioral control is also a function of control
beliefs and the access to the control factor. Control factor includes: internal factors
(such as: expertise, abilities, information, emotions) and external factors (for example:
situation/aqenvironment). Perceived behavioral control indicates that an individual's
motivation is influenced by the perception of how difficult the "A" behavior can be
done, including the extent to which the individual's success might be achieved if he
behaves "A". As assumed by Fishbein and Ajzen, individuals are usually quite rational
and able to use the information they have systematically. So, if an individual feels that
he does not have the resources or the opportunity to do something, then the individual
will not do the behavior that requires these resources (even in situations where the
individual has a positive attitude and subjective norms that approve the behavior).
This finding is in line with the opinion of Chiou (2008) who states that purchase
intention is seen as something that immediately precedes behavior that is determined
by perceived behavioral control. This shows that the better perceived behavioral
control, the higher the purchase intention of the customer.
5 Conclusions
Local food products in Banten province such as milkfish satay, palm sugar, goat rabeg,
gipang and so on are products commonly sold by MSME entrepreneurs. Increasing
sales of local food products which can further increase the economic income of the
people of Banten is an important issue. There were several variables that must be
considered based on this study: First, consumer attitudes had a positive effect on
purchase intention towards local food products, second, subjective norm found in
consumers must be raised to increase consumer purchase intention towards local food
products in Banten province, and third, perceived behavioral control had a significant
positive effect on purchase intention.
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Tourists’ Behavior and Purchase Intention towards Local Processed Food Products in Anyer-Banten Tourism Area