Managerial Decisions and Organizational Performance
Pjp Ginting
Permanent Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Mpu Tantular University, Indonesia
Abstract. Managerial decisions are made differently from individual
decisions. Managerial decisions are made by considering the objectives of the
organization and adjusted to the overall existence of the organization. Managerial
decisions have broad effects rather than individual decisions. In managerial
decision making is through delegation of authority. This delegation is done so
that managers can develop subordinates so as to further strengthen the
organization, especially when there is a change in management structure. In this
connection, of course the concept of organizational performance is able to
illustrate that each organization provides services to the community and can be
measured its performance by using existing performance indicators to see
whether the organization has done its job well and to find out its objectives have
been achieved or not.
Keywords: Managerial Decisions ꞏ Organizational Performance
1 Introduction
A manager must, continuously, make decisions. Decisions are made in order to solve
the problem. Decision making and problem solving is an ongoing process in terms of
evaluating organizational conditions or problems that arise, considering alternatives,
making choices, and actions needed as part of decisions. In one condition, decision
making can be concise. In other situations, the process can take weeks or months and
no decision has ever been made. The entire decision-making process depends on the
accuracy of the information available to the right people at the right time.
On another aspect, organizational performance is a picture of the work of the
organization in achieving its objectives which of course this will be affected by the
resources owned by the organization. The resources in question can be physical such
as human or non-physical resources such as regulations, information and policies, so as
to better understand the factors that can affect an organization's performance. The
concept of organizational performance also illustrates that each public
organization provides services to the community and can measure its performance by
using existing performance indicators to see whether the organization has carried out
its duties properly and to find out its objectives have been achieved or not.
Performance measurement is said to contain virtue values because performance
measurement is able to provide information whether the organization has succeeded in
achieving the desired goals or not. Organizations that carry out performance
measurements are said to be able to manage the organization well. (Sudaryo,
2015). Conversely, an organization that does not measure performance is said to be like
Ginting, P.
Managerial Decisions and Organizational Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0010609800002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 960-965
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
flying with eyes closed without knowing where the organization is going. (Poister,
2 Literature Review
2.1 Managerial Decision
Decision making in an organization is inseparable from what is meant by a
decision. According to Robbins and Coulter, the decision is to make a choice of two or
more alternatives. (Robbins, 2009)
The decision was made because there is a problem. Managerial decisions made
differ from individual decisions. Managerial decisions are made by considering the
objectives of the organization and adjusted to the overall existence of the
organization. Managerial decisions have broad effects rather than individual decisions.
3 Organizational Performance
Organizational performance is the functions of the work/activities that exist within the
organization that are influenced by internal and external factors of the organization in
achieving the goals set during a certain period of time. (Tika, 2006)
4 Discussion
A professional organization will not be able to realize a good performance management
without strong support from all components of the company's management and also of
course the shareholders. Because in the context of modern management a synergistic
performance will not be able to run optimally if the shareholder or the
commissioner companies only duty is to accept profit without care about various
internal and external problems that occur in the company.
Overall shows that managerial performance which is the ability of managers to
make plans, the ability of managers to achieve targets, and the gait of managers outside
the company, is actually related to the four characteristics of information consisting of
broadscope, aggregation, integration and timeliness, it's just that the magnitude of the
relationship varies depending on functions that must be performed by the manager.
To achieve the goals of an organization or company must implement the
implementation of performance management by managing cooperation in harmony and
integrated between leaders and subordinates. Performance management will be realized
if there is a relationship and desire that synergy between superiors and subordinates in
an effort to jointly realize the concept of performance management is to develop and
prioritize effective communication between various parties both within the company's
internal and external environment. To survive in today's competitive environment,
businesses must be able to create flexible and innovative business conditions, and
businesses must consider the company's external factors which are increasingly
Managerial Decisions and Organizational Performance
difficult to predict. The competitive advantage that can be created by the company can
be achieved in one of the ways, namely to improve managerial performance.
If we see some of the symptoms above, it is a sign that managerial ability of a lack
of information is a problem in team work. To be able to improve performance,
management must have the ability to see and use opportunities, identify problems, and
select and implement adaptation processes appropriately. Management is also obliged
to maintain survival (survival) and control the company (going concert).
On another aspect, efforts to improve the performance of public sector
organizations through the application of performance management is a necessity for the
organization to take strategic steps to improve the performance of the organization. The
implementation of performance management has been started since 1999 with the
launching of the conception of performance accountability in good governance of
government agencies with the issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 7 of 1999
concerning Performance Accountability of Government Agencies (AKIP). But until
now, the performance of government agencies has not been a major focus in governance
in measuring the success of a program or activity carried out by government
agencies. Management of government agencies, still focuses on the performance of
outputs (outputs) rather than outcomes (outcomes). For this reason, it has become
important for public sector organizations to implement management strategies to
connect the performance of public sector organizations with changing environmental
According to Ibrahim (2008), strategic management in principle is the ability of
organizational management to adapt to the future which is generally short and medium
term. Strategy is important because it is a process to determine the direction that must
be followed so that the organization's vision and mission can be achieved. Strategies
can also provide a sound basis for decisions that will lead to the achievement of
organizational goals. Strategic decisions will increase the ability of leaders in dealing
with change.
In this connection, performance measurement is very important to assess the
accountability of organizations and leaders in producing better public services.
evaluating, controlling and improving procedures and processes, and to compare and
assess the performance of different organizations, teams and individuals. According to
Mahmudi (2007) the purpose of measuring the performance of organizations is as
1. Know the level of achievement of organizational goals
2. Provides employee learning tools
3. Improve the performance of the next period
4. Providing systematic consideration in making decisions regarding reward and
5. Motivate employees
6. Creating public accountability.
In general, the purpose of the performance measurement system according to
Mardiasmo (2004) is as follows:
1. Communicate strategies better by using the top down and bottom up methods.
2. Measuring financial and non-financial performance in a balanced way so that it
can be traced to the development of strategic achievements.
3. Accommodating the understanding of the interests of middle and lower level
managers as well as motivating to achieve the goal congruence.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
4. As a tool for achieving satisfaction based on an individual approach and rational
collective ability.
Mahsun (2006), stated several obstacles in measuring the performance of public sector
organizations, including:
1. The performance of public sector organizations cannot be judged solely on the
basis of financial ratios, because the aim of the organization is not to maximize
2. The output in the form of services is usually qualitative, intangible and indirect,
making it difficult to measure
3. Between input and output do not have a direct relationship (discretionary cost
center) because of the difficulty of setting standards as a benchmark of
4. Not operating based on market forces so that there is no independent comparison
and require instruments to replace market mechanisms in measuring
5. Measuring heterogeneous community satisfaction from public sector
organization services is not easy to do.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bruijn, 2002) stated the function of measuring the
performance of public sector organizations is as follows:
1. Transparency: organizations can make clearly what products they offer, how to
analyze the input-output, including the costs
2. Learning: the organization becomes a step further if it uses performance
measurement for learning, the transparency created teaches the organization
what virtues it has and where the possibilities for development are.
3. Appraising: Performance-based performance can be said to be a functioning
4. Sanctioning: assessment can be followed by positive sanctions if it turns out that
the performance is good, and negative sanctions if the performance is poor.
Bruijn (2002), put forward various positive impacts of measuring the performance of
public organizations which ultimately have implications for strengthening strategic
management as follows:
1. Performance measurement leads to transparency. Performance measurement
provides insight to the organization about the main products, the amount of costs,
and also how the activities of the organization or certain parts of the organization
contribute to the output. Transparency can produce various forms of
rationalization, and may trigger internal discussions about how activities can
improve organizational performance. There are also clear guidelines on how to
assess new structures or procedures, especially how they can contribute to
improving organizational performance. The rationalization and development
process can start together over time as the organization can measure the existence
of its output.
2. Performance measurement is an incentive for output. Initially performance
measurement has an impact on output, and subsequently it will ultimately
contribute to organizational performance. Some research results that illustrate the
relationship between the introduction of performance measurement with an
increase in output have been carried out for example in a city government .
3. Performance measurement is an elegant way to create accountability. When the
task of public organizations becomes increasingly complex, the discourse of
autonomy becomes important and when autonomy is given, the implication is on
Managerial Decisions and Organizational Performance
accountability, accountability for its performance. Information about performance
is systematically measured and calculated so that it adds to the ability of certain
periods. Information is also easily communicated, and information can be provided
periodically every year.
Meanwhile, according to Mardiasmo (2004), performance measurement can be useful
for the following matters:
1. Provides an understanding of the measures used to assess management
2. Provides direction to achieve predetermined performance targets.
3. Monitor and evaluate performance achievements, and compare them with
performance targets and take corrective actions to improve performance.
4. As a basis for providing reward and punishment objectively for the achievement
of performance measured in accordance with the agreed performance
measurement system.
5. As a communication tool between subordinates and leaders in order to improve
organizational performance.
6. Help identify whether customer satisfaction has been fulfilled
7. Help understand the process of government agency activities.
8. Ensuring that decision making is carried out objectively.
In this connection there are performance indicators used to show the following results:
1. Effectiveness, seen from the suitability of the implementation of the tasks and
work with the results achieved and the suitability of the policy with the
implementation of the tasks and work in general are in accordance with the
provisions set. Awareness from each field of tasks and functions plays a major
role in the implementation of the tasks of each field.
2. Accountability, from the consistency between the tasks and functions of each
section with the activities carried out by the company and its accountability to
policy makers is still low because not all jobs can be accounted for. The granting
of authority is not on target and there is no direct accountability to the
community so that the community does not know the program of activities
carried out by the organization properly and directed.
3. Responsiveness, in terms of the level of understanding of the tasks and functions
in accordance with applicable regulations, the level of sensitivity of the work
tasks with the results achieved, and priorities for the tasks and work carried out
by each staff.
5 Cover
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that managerial decisions and
organizational performance are two terms that are mutually sustainable. In this
perception, performance measurement is very important to be carried out by the
organization because it can help improve the quality of resource allocation and other
managerial decisions and can facilitate data and fact based management for the future
by providing a basis for planning, as well as monitoring and controlling planning. In
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
addition, performance measurement in managerial decisions and organizational
performance is also very important to increase accountability by making
responsibilities explicit and providing evidence of success or failure, and being able to
provide a systematic basis for assessing and motivating staff.
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with The Risks of Performance Measurement.” The International Journal of Public Sector
Management. © MCB Up Limited,0951-3558 DOI 10.11081 095135 5021044
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Managerial Decisions and Organizational Performance