The implementation of inclusive finance is carried out by BPRS Rahmah Hijrah Agung
with several approaches, namely:
1. A comprehensive approach, namely by developing regionally inclusive financial
strategies by adopting the local wisdom values of the Acehnese people. As we
can see in the people of Bali, West Sumatra and Madura.
2. Approach through various separate programs, such as by providing financial
education to the community through majelis taklim, socialization to village
level, Indigenous Institutions, Campuses and schools to increase understanding
and knowledge and awareness of the community to participate in realizing
financial inclusion in they work area.
In addition to the approach taken above, more deeply, in general the approach through
the national strategy includes three aspects that need to be considered, including:
Provision of appropriate facilities. Providing suitable products, and Responsible
finance through financial education and protection of consumers, especially SMEs in
Lhoseumawe City.
A number of challenges faced by BPRS Rahmah Hijrah Agunng in an effort to make
financial inclusion in Lhokseumawe City some of them are: limited access; minimal
use; low quality and lack of support from financial service players[8]. In addition to
this, regulations and institutions also pose their own challenges in realizing financial
inclusion, overlapping and convoluted rules, as well as weak coordination and
communication between government agencies still hampering the acceleration of
financial inclusion in Indonesia especially Lhokseumawe City.
5 Conclusion
The results of this study indicate that the performance of BPRS Rahmah Hijrah Agung
is quite good although it is still not optimal in implementing financial inclusion in the
City of Lhoksesumawe, as evidenced by the increase in customers who have access to
credit and opening new accounts. The financial inclusion strategy adopted by the BPRS
Rahmah Hijrah Agung is quite helpful in increasing financial inclusion especially in
the Lhokseumawe City area, the BPRS is engaging in collaboration with local
governments and various elements in society such as village apparatus, RT heads, RW
heads, RW assemblies, schools, campuses and constituents Local DPRD in promoting
financial inclusion to the middle and lower classes so that the obstacles and challenges
they face can be resolved together. and what needs to be pursued by the government,
especially local governments, is to ensure that all aspects related to the requirements
for achieving inclusive financial targets and empowering SMEs are carried out with
clear guidelines and measurable work Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
BPRS Rahmah Hijrah Agung and also regional governments must have a valid
database of the exact number of SMEs in their area. Then with accurate data-based, it
is necessary to create an innovative empowerment model to stimulate entrepreneurial
spirit and have the capacity to manage good business and finance, the government must
encourage all financial institutions both conventional and unconventional to meet the
credit needs of SMEs and form a network companion work organizations in each
productive economy sector to remote regions.