An Investigation of Multi-Language Age Classification from Voice
Osman Büyük
and Levent M. Arslan
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Sestek Speech Enabled Software Technologies Incorporation, Istanbul, Turkey
Keywords: Age Classification from Voice, Multi-language, Feed-forward Deep Neural Networks, Support Vector
Machines, Gaussian Mixture Models.
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the use of deep neural networks (DNN) for a multi-language age classification
task using speaker’s voice. For this purpose, speech databases in two different languages are combined
together to construct a multi-language database. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) are extracted
for each utterance. A Gaussian mixture model (GMM), a support vector machine (SVM) and a feed-forward
deep neural network (DNN) systems are trained using the features. In the SVM and DNN methods, the
GMM means are concatenated to obtain a GMM supervector. The supervectors are fed into the SVM and
DNN for age classification. In the experiments, we observe that the multi-language training does not
degrade the performance in the SVM and DNN methods when compared to the matched training where
train and test languages are the same. On the other hand, the performance is degraded for the traditional
GMM method. Additionally, the SVM and DNN significantly outperform the GMM in the multi-language
train-test scenario. The absolute performance improvement with the SVM and DNN is approximately 12%
and 7% for female and male speakers, respectively.
Today’s advanced voice enabled automatic systems
benefit from multiple information sources such as
speaker’s identity, gender, emotional state and age to
enhance the user’s experience. Age information can
be used in an interactive voice response (IVR)
system to direct the client to a specific branch of the
scenario or to advertise a suitable product. IVR
systems may work in different regions of the world
where multiple languages are spoken. Therefore, it
might be convenient to develop a multi-language age
identification system.
The main problem when developing a speech
processing application in an under-resourced
language is the lack of a manually tagged speech
database. For an age identification application, it
might be difficult to find large amount of data for
each age-gender combination. On the other hand,
speech databases from different languages can be
unified in a multi-language system to construct a
larger database. This might yield an additional
performance improvement as well.
In Interspeech 2010, the paralinguistic challenge
is organized for age/gender identification from voice
(Schuller et al., 2010). For the challenge, a speech
database in the German language is distributed. The
database consists of recordings from 954 speakers.
For this work, we constructed another age
identification database in the Turkish language. The
Turkish database consists of 384 speakers. The
databases in the German and Turkish languages are
combined together to develop a multi-language
Gaussian mixture models (GMM) were
introduced for speaker verification (Reynolds et al.,
2000) and has become the dominant classification
method for years. In the GMM-UBM method
(Reynolds et al., 2000), a universal background
model (UBM) is trained using a large speech
database collected from various different speakers.
The UBM is adapted to speaker models using target
speaker’s speech and maximum-a-posteriori (MAP)
adaptation technique. Support vector machines
(SVM) have also been successfully used for speaker
verification (Campbell et al., 2006). In the
GMM/SVM method (Campbell et al., 2006), GMM
Büyük, O. and Arslan, L.
An Investigation of Multi-Language Age Classification from Voice.
DOI: 10.5220/0007237600850092
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 85-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
means are concatenated to obtain a GMM
supervector. Then, the GMM supervectors are used
in the SVM modeling. The proposed GMM/SVM
method combines the generative and discriminative
powers of GMM and SVM methods.
Recently, deep neural networks (DNN) have
been one of the most popular approaches for many
machine learning problems especially after the
introduction of efficient methods to train the
networks with huge number of parameters (Hinton et
al., 2006; Deng and Yu, 2013). DNNs and its
variants have resulted in state-of-the-art-
performance in speech processing applications such
as speech recognition (Hinton et al., 2012),
speaker/language recognition (Richardson et al.,
2012), speech synthesis (Zen, 2015), emotion
recognition (Tashe et al., 2017) and spoof detection
(Zhang, 2017). The success of the DNNs mainly
comes from its deep learning mechanism in which
higher level features are obtained from the lower
level ones and the same lower level feature
contribute to many higher level features (Deng and
Yu, 2013). Its deep and flexible topology makes it a
suitable method for complex classification problems.
Therefore, it might be the ideal choice for the multi-
language age identification task, too.
Previous research on age identification mainly
focused on the selection of the best classification
and feature extraction methods for the task. In
(Metze et al., 2007), four methods are compared; i) a
parallel phone recognizer (PPR) with mel-frequency
cepstral coefficients (MFCC) features ii) a dynamic
Bayesian network with prosodic features iii) a
system based on the linear prediction (LP) envelope
of a windowed speech signal and iv) a GMM with
MFCC features. In the experiments, the best
performance is obtained with PPR. The PPR method
performs as good as human listeners except short
utterances. In (Bocklet et al., 2008), GMM/SVM is
compared to GMM-UBM using MFCC features. In
the experiments, GMM/SVM outperforms GMM-
UBM. In (Meinedo and Trancoso, 2010), SVM and
NN based systems are trained using a set of long-
term features. Additionally, the authors train a NN
with perceptual linear prediction (PLP) and pitch-
based short-term features. Moreover, a GMM-UBM
system is realized with modulation spectrogram
features proposed in (Kingsbury et al., 1998). In the
experiments, the best performance is obtained with
the NN using PLP + pitch features. The accuracy is
significantly improved with system fusion. In
(Dobry et al. 2011), the GMM/SVM method is used
with MFCC features. In the paper, a dimensionality
reduction method is proposed as an alternative to the
classical principal component analysis (PCA) and
linear discriminant analysis (LDA) methods.
Authors claim that the classical methods tend to
eliminate some of the relevant information from
features. The proposed method improved the
performance compared to a baseline system in which
no dimensionality reduction is performed.
Additionally, model training and testing durations
significantly decreased with the reduced dimensions.
In (Li et al., 2013), three baseline subsystems,
namely, GMM-UBM, GMM/SVM, and SVM
trained with 450 long-term features are compared
with four novel subsystems; i) SVM modeling of
UBM weight probabilities, ii) sparse representation
of UBM weight probabilities, iii) SVM modeling of
GMM maximum likelihood linear regression
(MLLR) matrix and iv) SVM modeling of
polynomial expansion coefficients of the syllable
level prosodic features. In the experiments, score
level fusion of the seven subsystems outperformed
all the other stand-alone systems. In (Bahari and
Hamme, 2011), a weighted supervised non-negative
matrix factorization (WSNMF) is used together with
a general regression neural network (GRNN) for age
identification. The WSNMF is trained with GMM
weight supervectors. GRNN is preferred over the
other NN types since it does not require an iterative
training and can be used effectively for sparse data.
In the experiments, the proposed method performs
better than the chance level. In (Grzybowska and
Kacprzak, 2016), i-vector approach is used for age
identification. In the method, i-vectors
corresponding to each age class are averaged in the
training phase. The cosine distance between the
test’s and target age classes’ i-vectors is computed
during the test. The proposed method achieved a
state-of-the-art performance on the paralinguistic
challenge’s German database. A DNN based
approach is proposed for age identification in
(Qawaqneh et al., 2017a; Abu Mallouh et al, 2017;
Qawaqneh et al., 2017b). In (Qawaqneh et al.,
2017b), a feed-forward DNN is used as a bottleneck
feature extractor. The bottleneck DNN has 5 hidden
layers with 1024 nodes in each layer except the last
layer where the number of nodes is reduced to 39.
As a result, it extracts the most relevant features for
the classification problem. MFCCs are used as the
baseline feature set in the study. The transformed
MFCCs after the bottleneck DNN are fed into an i-
vector and a DNN based classifiers. The transformed
MFCCs achieved 13% performance improvement
over the baseline MFCCs. However, the proposed
method requires the use of tied-state tri-phone labels
from a speech recognizer.
BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Previously in (Buyuk and Arslan, 2018), we
propose to use a feed-forward DNN for age
classification from voice. In the method, GMM
supervectors are fed into the DNN similar to the
GMM/SVM. The proposed method is compared to
other classification methods and DNN architectures
in (Buyuk and Arslan, 2018). In this paper, we
investigate the use of the DNN for a multi-language
age classification task. For this purpose, the German
and Turkish databases are combined together in
order to simulate the multi-language scenario. The
multi-language DNN is trained using the combined
database. We compared the proposed method with
the SVM and GMM methods. In the experiments,
we observed that the multi-language training does
not degrade the performance in the SVM and DNN
methods when compared to the matched training
where the train and test languages are the same. On
the other hand, it significantly improves the
performance in a multi-language test scenario.
Additionally, the DNN and SVM methods
significantly outperform the classical GMM for the
multi-language case. Both methods approximately
yield 12% and 7% absolute performance
improvement over the baseline GMM for female and
male speakers, respectively.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2, we present the German and
Turkish speech databases. We describe our
methodology in Section 3. The experimental results
are provided in Section 4. The last section is devoted
to conclusions and future work.
We use two speech databases for age identification.
The databases are collected in the Turkish and
German languages. We divide the speakers in the
databases into three age categories. Age categories
are named as young, adult and senior. Age of the
young speakers is between 15 and 25. It is between
26 and 40 for the adult and over 40 for the senior
speakers. Speakers in each age category are also
sub-grouped according to their genders. Age
classification experiments are performed gender-
dependent. Further details of the databases are
discussed in the following two subsections.
2.1 Turkish Database
The Turkish database consists of recordings from
384 speakers. 228 of the speakers are female and
156 of them are male. The youngest speaker in the
database is 15 years old and the eldest speaker is 84
years old. The recordings are taken in a soundproof
room to eliminate the background noise. They are
recorded in 16 kHz, 16 bits, pulse code modulation
(PCM) format and re-sampled to 8 kHz. Each
speaker in the database reads 200 prompted Turkish
sentences. The duration of the recording changes
from 3 to 10 seconds.
The distribution of the speakers according to the
age-gender categories is summarized in Table 1. In
the experiments, 8 speakers from each age-gender
category are set aside for testing. The remaining
speakers are used in the system development. As a
result of the train/test partition, 1600 test utterances
for each age-gender category are used in the age
classification experiments.
Table 1: Distribution of the speakers according to age-
gender categories in the Turkish database.
Female Male Total
Young 57 47 104
Adult 123 93 216
Senior 48 16 64
Total 228 156 384
2.2 German Database
The German database is first distributed in the
Interspeech 2010’s paralinguistic challenge
(Schuller et al., 2010). The speakers in the database
are asked to place calls to an IVR scenario in six
separate sessions. One day break is ensured between
each session to provide more variations in the
speakers’ voices. The calls are made indoor and
outdoor environments with a mobile phone. The
recordings are stored at the application server as 8
kHz, 8 bits, A-law format. They are encoded and
distributed in 8 kHz, 16 bits, PCM format.
There is 47 hours of speech collected from 945
speakers in the database. The average duration of the
recordings is 2.58 seconds. The speakers in the
database are divided into train, development and test
partitions. There are 471 speakers in the train, 299
speakers in the development and 175 speakers in the
test categories. In our experiments, we use the train
speakers for the system development. The
development speakers are used for the testing. 1500
test utterances from each age-gender category are
used in the experiments to balance the number of
test utterances with the Turkish database. The test
utterances are distributed uniformly among the
development speakers.
The speakers in the German database are
grouped into the same young (ages between 15 and
An Investigation of Multi-Language Age Classification from Voice
25), adult (ages between 26 and 40) and senior (ages
over 40) age categories as in the Turkish database.
The distribution of train and test speakers according
to the age-gender categories is summarized in Table
Table 2: Distribution of the speakers according to age-
gender categories in the German database.
Train Test
Male Female Male Female
Young 64 54 38 33
Adult 35 27 19 22
Senior 105 118 74 75
Total 204 199 131 130
3.1 Feature Extraction
MFCC features are commonly used in many speech
processing applications. We also make use of MFCC
as a common feature type for all the classification
methods. In the future, we plan to investigate other
features which might be more suitable to multi-
language age identification task.
13 static MFCC including the logarithm of
energy are extracted for each frame of speech using
26 mel-frequency filter-bank channels. 13 delta
coecients are appended to the static MFCC
resulting in a 26 dimensional feature vector. The
features are extracted for 25 milliseconds window
length and 10 milliseconds skip size. Cepstral mean
normalization (CMN) is applied to the features.
HTK toolkit is used for the feature extraction
(Young et al., 2006).
3.2 Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
GMM has been extensively used for many pattern
recognition applications. In the GMM, the feature
vectors are modelled with a mixture of Gaussian
distributions. The probability of observing a feature
vector given the model is computed as in Equation
is a Gaussian distribution in
Equation 2;
In the equations,
are the mixture
weight, mean and covariance of
is the
observation vector. is
the number of mixtures in the model. If the feature
vectors are assumed to be independent, the
recognition score can be computed as shown in
Equation 3;
In our GMM implementation, we adapt the
GMM-UBM method in (Reynolds et al., 2000) to
age identification problem. First, a gender-dependent
UBM is trained with 256 mixtures. 30 speakers in
the German and 20 speakers in the Turkish
databases for each gender are set aside for the UBM
training. The UBM speakers are not used in the
other stages of model development and test. The
UBM speakers are distributed with respect to the
number of speakers in each age-gender category.
UBM is adapted to an age model using the training
speech from the age category and the MAP
adaptation technique. The verification scores are
obtained with the age class GMM. Becars toolkit is
used in the GMM implementation (Blouet et al.,
3.3 Support Vector Machines (SVM)
SVM tries to find the best hyperplane that separate
observations of one class from another. Assume that
a feature vector is represented with a feature-label
pair 
. Here,
represents the feature vector
represents the class label. For a two-class
classification problem, we can assume that
. Then, SVM finds the solution for the
following optimization problem in Equation 4
(Boser et al., 1992; Cortes and Vapnik, 1995);
subject to constraints in Equations 5 and 6;
BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
In the equations, C > 0 is the penalty parameter
of the error term. is used to map the training
feature vectors into a higher dimensional space. The
separating hyperplane with the maximal margin are
found in that higher dimensional space.
is called the
kernel function. Radial basis function (RBF) is one
of the frequently used kernel functions and is
described in Equation 7;
where 0 is kernel parameter. This parameter is
usually optimized with cross-validation.
In our SVM implementation, the mean vectors of
the UBM in the GMM-UBM method are
concatenated to obtain a 6656 dimensional (256
mixtures * 26 features) GMM supervector. The
supervector is adapted for each utterance using MAP
adaptation. Adapted GMM supervectors are used as
inputs to the SVM. RBF kernel is used and kernel
parameters are optimized using a five-fold cross
validation. In the experiments, we use LIBSVM
toolkit (Chang and Lin, 2011).
3.4 Feed-forward Deep Neural
Networks (DNN)
Recently, DNN has become one of the most popular
modelling approaches for many machine learning
problems. Introduction of efficient methods to train
networks with huge number of parameters have been
the main turning point in the DNN research (Hinton
et al., 2006; Deng and Yu, 2013). Additionally, the
drastic increase in processing power of the
computing machines has accelerated the research in
deep learning. DNN achieved very good
performance in many machine learning problems
(Hinton et al., 2012; Richardson et al., 2012; Zen,
2015; Tashe et al., 2017; Zhang, 2017). As a result,
many research institutes turned their focus on this
emerging field (Taigman et al., 2014; Sainath et al.,
A feed-forward DNN is a multilayer perceptron
with two or more hidden layers (Deng and Yu,
2013). The neurons in the consecutive layers are
fully connected. In a feed-forward DNN, the
activation value of
neuron in the
layer can be
computed as in Equation 8;
In the equation,
is the weight between
neurons in the
is the bias term
for the
neuron in the
layer and is the
activation function. Sigmoid activation is frequently
used and defined as in Equation 9;
In our DNN implementation, the same GMM
supervectors in the SVM method are fed into a feed-
forward DNN. The feed-forward DNN has two
hidden layers with sigmoid activation functions. The
number of neurons in each hidden layer is 100.
Mean squared error is used as the loss function.
DNN implementation is performed with Keras
toolkit (Chollet, 2015).
Age classification accuracies are provided in Table 3
and Table 4 for male and female speakers,
respectively. In the tables, rows represent the test
and columns represent the train language. Multi-
language refers to the multi-language train/test
scenario. In the Turkish and German train/test cases,
only the utterances from the target language are
used. In the multi-language train/test cases, the
train/test utterances are combined together.
We can make several observations from Table 3
and Table 4. First of all, age classification
performances of all three methods are equal to
chance level (chance level is 33% for a three class
classification problem) for language mismatch
conditions. This result might be attributed to the
different acoustic spaces in the target languages.
Additionally, the diverse differences between the
recording conditions of the two databases might also
lead to poor classification accuracy. As mentioned in
Section 2, the Turkish database is collected in a
soundproof room with a high quality microphone.
On the other hand, the German database is collected
over a telephone line in indoor and outdoor
environments and includes noisy speech.
Secondly, the recognition accuracy in Turkish
female speakers is much higher when compared to
all other test cases. This is due to the clean recording
conditions in the Turkish database. However, the
recognition accuracy in Turkish male speakers is
comparable to German male speakers in spite of
better recording conditions. When we analyze the
results in Turkish male speakers in detail, we
observe that the low performance is mainly because
An Investigation of Multi-Language Age Classification from Voice
Table 3: Age classification accuracies (in %) for male speakers. Rows and columns represent the test and train languages,
Turkish German Multi-language
49.2 49.3 46.6 37.6 33.5 33.5 46.7 50.0
34.5 30.1 34.9 45.0 46.2 46.5 35.1 49.0
42.3 40.4 41.1 41.1 39.6 39.6 41.2 49.7
Table 4: Age classification accuracies (in %) for female speakers. Rows and columns represent the test and train languages,
Turkish German Multi-language
69.6 70.8 71.0 27.6 33.3 33.3 54.5 69.2
32.1 32.1 31.0 42.4 50.2 45.6 40.11 49.7
51.8 51.9 52.0 34.6 41.3 39.2 47.6 59.9
of the senior age class. As given in Table 1, there are
only 16 senior male speakers in the Turkish
database. We think that having relatively small
number of speakers in the age category degrades the
recognition accuracy. This result also shows the
importance of the speech data from various different
speakers for each category to achieve a good
classification performance.
When we use DNN, the recognition accuracies in
German database are 46.5% and 45.6% for the
matched and 48.5% and 47.4% for the multi-
language training for male and female speakers,
respectively. The same classification accuracies are
46.2% and 49.0% for the matched and 50.2% and
49.7% for the multi-language training in the SVM
method. These accuracies are comparable to the
results reported in (Meinedo and Trancoso, 2010).
The DNN and SVM methods perform slightly
better than the GMM for the language matched
cases. The performances of the DNN and SVM are
comparable. On the other hand, the performance
gain of the DNN and SVM is significant when the
training is performed in multi-language. In the
multi-language test case, the absolute performance
improvement of the DNN over the baseline GMM is
6.9% and 11.5% for male and female speakers,
respectively. The absolute performance
improvement of the SVM over the baseline GMM is
8.5% and 12.3% for male and female speakers,
respectively. We think that the discriminative
training of the GMM supervectors in the SVM and
DNN methods results in a significant performance
improvement in the multi-language test scenario.
Moreover in the DNN and SVM methods, the multi-
language training does not substantially degrade the
performance compared to the matched training
though it also does not improve it significantly. On
the other hand, the multi-language training degrades
the performance for all test cases in the classical
GMM method.
In this study, we propose to use the GMM
supervectors as inputs to a feed-forward DNN for
age classification from voice. We test the
performance of the proposed method using a multi-
language database. The database consists of
recordings from the Turkish and German languages.
In the experiments, we observed that the DNN
method significantly outperforms the traditional
GMM for the multi-language scenario. Its
performance is comparable to the SVM based
method. Moreover, the performance in the DNN is
not degraded substantially with the multi-language
BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
training compared to the matched training when the
test utterances are solely from one language.
The main limitation of our work is the
differences in the recording conditions of the two
databases. As a result, the classification results not
only contain the language mismatch but also the
mismatch between the recording conditions. In the
future, we plan to extend our speech database with
new languages recorded in more unified
environmental and background conditions.
In the experiments, we observed that all three
methods do not perform well in language and
background mismatch conditions with MFCC
features. In order to improve the performance in the
mismatch conditions, we will investigate the other
features which are more suitable for the multi-
language age identification task. We also plan to
implement deep neural network types such as
recurrent neural network (RNN) and convolutional
neural network (CNN) for age identification in the
This work was supported by The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TUBITAK) under the project number 3150312.
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BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing