training compared to the matched training when the
test utterances are solely from one language.
The main limitation of our work is the
differences in the recording conditions of the two
databases. As a result, the classification results not
only contain the language mismatch but also the
mismatch between the recording conditions. In the
future, we plan to extend our speech database with
new languages recorded in more unified
environmental and background conditions.
In the experiments, we observed that all three
methods do not perform well in language and
background mismatch conditions with MFCC
features. In order to improve the performance in the
mismatch conditions, we will investigate the other
features which are more suitable for the multi-
language age identification task. We also plan to
implement deep neural network types such as
recurrent neural network (RNN) and convolutional
neural network (CNN) for age identification in the
This work was supported by The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TUBITAK) under the project number 3150312.
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