Accessing and Sharing Electronic Personal Health Data
Maria Karampela
, Sofia Ouhbi
and Minna Isomursu
Digital Design Department, IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dept. of Computer Science & Software Engineering, CIT, UAE University, Al Ain, U.A.E.
TICLab, FIL, International University of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
Personal Health Data, Accessibility, Sharing, Connected Health, Design.
An increasing attention has been given to personal health data (PHD) research over the last years. The rise
of researchers’ interest could be attributed to the increasing amount of PHD that are stored across various
databases, as a result of individuals’ rapidly-evolving digital life. Accessing and sharing PHD is essential to
create personalized health services and to involve patients in the design process of these services. This paper
conducts a survey of literature to present an overview of literature about accessing and sharing of PHD. This
study aims to identify limitations in research and propose future directions. Sixteen studies were selected from
various bibliographic databases and were classified according to three criteria: research type, empirical type
and contribution type. The results provide a preliminary review with respect to access and sharing of PHD,
addressing a need for more research about PHD accessibility and for solution proposals for both topics.
The development of information and communication
technologies (ICT) and their adoption in everyday
life, has resulted in a growing amount of personal
data that are stored across different digital platforms
(Karampela et al., 2018a; Carroll and Richardson,
2017). ICT has changed the way the organizations
and companies handle data and have been seen to hold
the potential to increase the value and quality in pro-
vision of healthcare services (Raghupathi and Raghu-
pathi, 2014). Healthcare industry undergoes a trans-
formation moving towards models that aim to exploit
electronic medical records EMRs and personal health
records PHRs to create more personalized interven-
tions for patients (Lee et al., 2017).
Electronic Health Records EHRs are records for
patients’ medical data such as medication and med-
ical history or laboratory tests. EHRs are adminis-
trated by healthcare professionals and organizations
(Ouhbi et al., 2017). In contrast to EHRs, PHRs are
records that consist of health and wellness data related
to the care of users and managed by them across their
life span. The adoption of PHRs has various potential
benefits. In fact, PHRs allow users/patients to access
their health information and have been seen to pro-
mote self-management of diseases (Tang et al., 2006).
Besides EHRs and PHRs, mobile PHRs (mPHRs) so-
lutions have also emerged to facilitate the manage-
ment of health information, especially useful in cases
of patients with chronic conditions. mPHRs allow
users to access and manage their health information
through their smartphones and give them the pos-
sibility to make appropriate data available to those
who need it (Ouhbi et al., 2015). Unified health-
care systems such as systems that combine EHR and
mPHR are considered to be a powerful tool that could
facilitate seamless communication between patients
and clinicians, leading to faster and informed deci-
sions, that are especially valuable in patients with
chronic conditions such as diabetes (Chang et al.,
2010; Richardson et al., 2017).
The potential of utilization of PHD towards the
creation of more personalized healthcare systems has
been discussed in literature (Pagliari et al., 2007;
Wilcox et al., 2009; Wilcox et al., 2010). Previous
studies have recognized the vital role of personaliza-
tion features in the design of future healthcare ap-
plications as components that could facilitate doctor-
patient interaction (Larkin and Kelliher, 2011). For
example, the addition of free-text annotation fields
to enable storage of personal information of patients
to EHR, could provide doctors with essential context
pertinent to diagnosis of diseases (Larkin and Kelli-
her, 2011). Apart from that, the addition of design
components to include patients’ personal information
in electronic healthcare systems has been proposed
as a step towards the improvement of quality of care
Karampela, M., Ouhbi, S. and Isomursu, M.
Accessing and Sharing Electronic Personal Health Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0007247301820189
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 182-189
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that potentially could also contribute to cost reduction
(Zhou et al., 2010).
Nevertheless, barriers such as security and pri-
vacy concerns discourage individuals to exploit this
potential in spite of the fact that medical data are un-
der the umbrella of constitutional laws (Srinivasan,
2006; Sahama et al., 2013). In the USA, the cur-
rent legislation concerning the protection of medical
data is regulated by Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) since 1996, while in Eu-
rope the enforcement of the new General Data Protec-
tion Regulation (GDPR) on May 2018, aims to protect
processing of personal data and to establish security
standards for the distribution of data (Carri
on et al.,
2011; GDPR, 2016). According to the new GDPR
people will have the right to demand and obtain elec-
tronic copies of health data from data controllers at no
cost, while data sharing will be more transparent in
terms of access control and protection of anonymity
(GDPR, 2016).
Many international organizations are working on
the standardization of e-health applications, particu-
larly EHRs applications (ISO/TR 20514:2005) (iso,
b) and PHRs applications (ISO/TR 14292:2012) (iso,
a), to address the need for common frames of refer-
ences. Among the well-know international organiza-
tions that work on e-health standardizations: Clini-
cal and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) (Cls,
2018), International Telecommunication Union (ITU-
T/ITU-D2) (Itu, 2018), e-health Standardization Co-
ordination Group (eHSCG) (eHS, 2018) and Interna-
tional Organization for Standardizations (ISO) Tech-
nical Committee (TC) on health informatics (ISO/TC
215) (Iso, 2018). Their effort demonstrates a contin-
uous demand for establishment of internationally ac-
cepted standards for the electronic exchange of medi-
cal information including personal health data (PHD).
PHD management is a research topic that has at-
tracted the interest of researchers and practitioners
from various disciplines, such as engineers, computer
scientists and medical professionals (Puustj
arvi and
arvi, 2016; Alyami et al., 2017; Agboola et al.,
2017). Various aspects of PHD have been studied and
discussed so far, such as mobile-based solutions for
integration of PHD to healthcare system, PHD man-
agement using meta-data and cloud-computing for
seamless access and sharing of data among medical
professionals, as well as access control and security
of PHD in cloud-computing (Aboelfotoh et al., 2014;
Alyami et al., 2017; Li et al., 2010). While privacy
and security solutions have also been a subject of dis-
cussions (Se
nor et al., 2012; Ishikawa et al., 2007),
many studies have been focused on evaluation of ac-
cessing and sharing of PHD.
To the best of our knowledge, no previous stud-
ies have reported and mapped accessing and shar-
ing of PHD. Thus, the present paper aims to give
an overview of the published research in this topic
identifying research gaps and stressing directions for
future research. To select candidate studies for this
survey of literature, a bibliographic search was con-
ducted in databases such as IEEE Digital Library and
ACM Digital Library. The selected papers have been
classified afterwards according to their research types,
empirical types and contribution types. This paper is
based on a previous study on PHD (Karampela et al.,
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 outlines the research method that was
used. Section 3 presents the articles that included
in the study and classification results. Section 4 dis-
cusses the main findings of the study. Finally, Section
5 presents the conclusions and future work.
This study has been undertaken as a survey of litera-
ture of the articles that address the topics of accessing
and sharing of PHD.
2.1 Review and Protocol
Quality reporting guidelines in this paper, specified by
the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews
and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) group (Liberati et al.,
2009), were followed. Before beginning the search
for studies and the data extraction, a review protocol
was developed in which each step was described, in-
cluding eligibility criteria.
2.2 Eligibility Criteria
The following inclusion criteria (IC) were used:
IC The studies that address PHD.
The studies that met at least one of the following ex-
clusion criteria (EC) were excluded:
EC1 Papers whose subject is non-digital health data.
EC2 Papers that are focusing on other aspects of
PHD such as data management and interoperabil-
2.3 Identification of Studies
To identify the studies to be included in this study, a
search has been conducted in January 2018 in the fol-
lowing sources: IEEEXplore, ACM Digital Library,
Accessing and Sharing Electronic Personal Health Data
Springer Link, and Science Direct (Karampela et al.,
2018b). Google scholar was also selected to seek
grey literature in the field such as white papers and
technical reports. The search string used to perform
the search in the digital libraries selected was the fol-
lowing: “Personal’”AND “health” AND “data” AND
(“electronic*” OR “Digital”). The selection of this
search string is in alignment with the scope of the
study, as authors wanted to limit the search results to
data instead of systems and applications. The search
was limited to the title, abstract and keywords of the
studies. There was no time frame specified for the
literature search.
A total of 16 studies were selected from 246 pa-
pers identified. Fig. 1 shows the process of the studies
selection. 5 studies were selected for PHD accessibil-
ity and 11 studies for PHD sharing.
Figure 1: PRISMA Flow Diagram. Acronyms: Inclusion criteria
(IC) and exclusion criteria (EC).
2.4 Analysis and Synthesis Method
The papers selected have been classified with respect
of their research type, empirical type and contribution
type (Karampela et al., 2018b).
A research type can be classified as:
Solution proposal: include studies that proposed
solutions either new or extensions of an existing
Evaluation research: the proposed approaches are
implemented in practice and evaluation is being
Opinion paper: these type of papers present a per-
sonal opinion pertinent to a solution.
Other, e.g. Review.
An empirical study could use one of the following
empirical methodologies:
Case study: a study that examines an approach in
real-life context.
Experiment: the evaluation of the approach is per-
formed under controlled conditions.
Survey: a query to collect qualitative information,
e.g. questionnaire.
History-based evaluation or other: the evaluation
of approaches is based on previous results.
If the paper is not empirically evaluated then it is clas-
sified as theory.
The type of contribution could be:
Method: a regular and systematic means of ac-
complishing PHD.
Model: a representation of a system that allows
investigations through a hierarchical structure.
Framework: a real or conceptual structure in-
tended to serve as a support or guide for PHD.
Process: a series of actions, or functions leading
to a result and performing operations on data.
Tool-based technique: a technique based on a
software tool to accomplish PHD tasks.
Guidelines, or other.
The data was tabulated in an Excel Sheet for both
quantitative and quality assessment.
3.1 Classification Results
This section presents the analysis of the results and
the map created by combining different facets. The
overall result is presented in Table 1.
Fig. 2 shows that there is a discontinuity in the
publication trend of PHD accessibility and sharing
and also that the interest in both topic has started a
decade ago.
Figure 2: Publication trend.
Fig. 3 presents the publication channels that have
identified in PHD accessibility and sharing literature.
80% of the selected studies about PHD accessibility
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: Classification results.
Topic Reference Publication
Publication year Research type Empirical type Contribution
PHD Accessibility (Wu et al., 2011) Conference 2011 Solution proposal Experiment Method
(Gladwin, 2012) Journal 2012 Opinion paper Theory Guidelines
(Van Gorp and Comuzzi, 2014) Journal 2012 Evaluation research Experiment Tool
(Sulthana and Habeeba, 2014) Journal 2014 Review Theory Method
(Greenberg et al., 2017) Journal 2017 Evaluation research Survey Tool
PHD Sharing (Frost and Massagli, 2008) Journal 2008 Evaluation research Other Tool
(Weitzman et al., 2010) Journal 2010 Evaluation research Survey Model
(Capozzi and Lanzola, 2011) Conference 2011 Solution proposal Experiment Framework
(Weitzman et al., 2012) Journal 2012 Evaluation research Survey Model
(Pickard and Swan, 2014) Symposium 2014 Solution proposal Survey Framework
(Pickard, 2014) Conference 2014 Evaluation research Survey Method
(Vahidhunnisha et al., 2014) Journal 2014 Solution proposal Theory Framework
(Bietz et al., 2015) Journal 2015 Evaluation research Survey Method
(Ssembatya and Kayem, 2015) Workshop 2015 Solution proposal Experiment Framework
(Chen et al., 2016) Journal 2016 Evaluation research Survey Method
(Spencer et al., 2016) Journal 2016 Evaluation research Survey Method
are published in journals while 20% are published in
conferences. 64% of the studies selected about PHD
sharing are published in journals, 18% in conferences,
9% in symposia and 9% in workshops.
Figure 3: Publication channels.
Fig. 4 presents the research types identified in
PHD accessibility and PHD sharing literature. The
majority of the studies selected are evaluation re-
search, followed by solution proposals.
Figure 4: Research types of the selected studies.
Fig. 5 presents the empirical types identified in
both PHD accessibility and sharing selected studies.
The majority of selected studies about PHD sharing
are empirically evaluated using surveys or question-
naires, while studies about accessibility have mainly
conducted experiments to empirically evaluate their
Figure 5: Empirical types of the selected studies.
Fig. 6 presents the contribution types identified
in both PHD accessibility and PHD sharing selected
studies. Three types were identified in PHD acces-
sibility: guidelines, tools and methods. While four
types are identified in PHD sharing: frameworks,
methods, models, and tools.
3.2 Solutions for PHD Accessibility and
Wu et al. (Wu et al., 2011) have proposed a method-
ology based on categorized architecture for accessing
PHRs. The suggested privilege management mecha-
nism allows users to adopt their own privilege scope
and access only the required data. The authors argue
that their contribution enhances the privacy security
Accessing and Sharing Electronic Personal Health Data
Figure 6: Contribution types of the selected studies.
level but may have an impact on disease statistics and
management of major infectious diseases.
Pickard and Swan (Pickard and Swan, 2014) have
presented a framework to increase PHD sharing based
on “trust, motivation, community, and informed con-
sent”. They have built their contribution on the results
of an online survey that has demonstrated a strong
willingness to share PHD for research purposes in the
population surveyed. Capozzi and Lanzola (Capozzi
and Lanzola, 2011) have proposed a synchronization
framework for speeding up the implementation of per-
sonal health services (PHSs). PHS refers to devices
made available by the combination of ICT, microelec-
tronics and nanosciences.
Vahidhunnisha et al. (Vahidhunnisha et al., 2014)
have proposed a framework to improve the privacy
in sharing PHD in the cloud and to establish patient-
centric privacy control over their own PHRs. This
framework is based on attribute based encryption
(ABE), which is a one to one encryption technique
that can be applied to protect PHRs and EHRs. Ssem-
batya and Kayem (Ssembatya and Kayem, 2015) have
also based their contribution on encryption. They
have proposed an access control framework supported
by identity-based encryption for a secure mPHR sys-
tem to share PHD in a secure and efficient way.
4.1 Main Findings
This study has conducted a survey of literature con-
cerning accessibility and sharing of PHD. PHD is
an interdisciplinary research area with contributions
to various disciplines (Larkin and Kelliher, 2011; Li
et al., 2014; Mendelson, 2017; Wilcox et al., 2010).
The aim of the study was to provide researchers with
an overview of the available literature in order to iden-
tify limitations in the present published literature. Ac-
cessibility and sharing of PHD are research topics that
have implications to future design of healthcare sys-
tems. Our study points out that research within these
topics is still in its infancy.
The interest in PHD accessibility and sharing
started since the end of the last decade. This recent
interest and the discontinuity in the publication trend
may seem reasonable and could be explained by the
fact that both topics started to emerge with the use of
EHRs, PHRs and digital health.
The majority of papers were published in journals.
Despite the increasing interest in accessing and shar-
ing of PHD over the last decade, we only found 16
studies that discuss access and sharing of PHD (5 ac-
cess, 11 sharing). Regarding access of PHD only one
solution proposal was found, which addresses the lack
of research in this area.
The contribution types of the selected papers point
out a lack of guidelines and tools in both research ar-
eas. Thus, more research is needed to towards this
direction. The majority of papers concerning sharing
PHD were surveys (models, frameworks), suggesting
that more experiments are needed. In both research
areas no case study has been conducted so far, reveal-
ing that there is a lack of user validation on the pro-
posed solutions in real settings.
Although many studies have addressed patients
with chronic conditions as the user group that could
benefit the most from accessing and sharing of PHD
(DuBenske et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2013), only one
paper (Greenberg et al., 2017) of the selected stud-
ies has evaluated a tool using data from patients with
chronic conditions.
4.2 Implications
The findings of this study have implications for re-
searchers who intend to conduct studies pertinent to
EHR or in general within PHD subject. In addition,
this research is relevant to practitioners who are work-
ing in connected health and would like to have an
overview on the existent studies on PHD accessibil-
ity and sharing. We believe that this study can be a
benchmark for future endeavors towards new research
in the areas of accessing and sharing PHD, as we have
attempted to point out the specific research types and
empirical types in need of further research. We invite
researchers to direct their research efforts to the sug-
gested areas in order to improve the quality and quan-
tity of research and to offer new perspectives evolving
users more actively in the validation process of the
identified approaches.
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
4.3 Limitations
This study may have several limitations, such as:
The search was limited only to the title, abstract
and keywords of the papers which may have omit-
ted candidate studies. However, if a paper’s main
focus is PHD then the PHD terms should appear at
least in the abstract and keywords which alleviate
the risk of omitting relevant studies.
Other classification criteria may have been rele-
vant to extract further information from the se-
lected studies. However, the main aim of this pa-
per is to give an overview of PHD literature and
the criteria used fit this purpose.
PHD literature was studied mainly in this paper
through the engineering and computing lens, for
this reason the search for papers was conducted in
the databases listed in Section 2.3. Although bib-
liographic search was conducted in Science and
Engineering databases excluding therefore med-
ical libraries such as PubMed, we could argue
that the inclusion of Google Scholar, which is a
generic database alleviates the risk of omission of
relevant studies.
This paper provides an overview of existing research
pertinent to PHD accessibility and sharing. We clas-
sified the selected papers according to their research
type, empirical type and contribution type and then
we described in brief the papers included in our study.
What we identified is a need for more research about
PHD accessibility and for solution proposals for both
topics. Although research about accessing and shar-
ing of PHD is still in its infancy, the emergence of
connected health solutions (Ouhbi et al., 2018; Car-
roll et al., 2016) and adoption of wearables technolo-
gies could increase scientific interest to this topic in
the future. For future work, we intend to propose a
solution for PHD accessibility and sharing with which
to assist connected health systems designers.
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Accessing and Sharing Electronic Personal Health Data