The algorithm developed in the article, which allows
eliminating boundary effects in the numerical
implementation of CWT, becomes especially
important in the case of signals with the predominant
influence of low frequencies, when the observation
period for such signals is not too large. If the signal
shows significant variations, the information on the
behavior of the signal at the initial and final
observation stages becomes very important for the
correct conclusion about its amplitude-frequency
We believe that as biological signals are strongly
nonstationary, special technique is necessary to detect
variations in frequency and temporal structure. Using
CWT and DCWT with the STS procedure of boundary
effect correction helps to solve the problem. The
effectiveness of the technique is demonstrated in
application to the record of human heart tachogram
during functional test (HDT – head down).
The calculations were made based on the frequency-
modulated tachogram model proposed by the authors.
The technique of double continuous wavelet
transformation leads to the conclusion that
nonstationary tachogram can be represented as a
combination of activity flashes in different spectral
ranges. Such flashes may appear and disappear at
certain points in time and in different spectral ranges.
The quantitative characteristics of nonstationary
tachogram estimate the increased heart activity in the
period of changing the position of the body during the
The method of studying the restructuring spectral
activity in the cardiac rhythm during the transitional
processes, which is suggested in this article, makes it
possible to reveal the dynamics of interaction
between parasympathetic and sympathetic parts of
the human autonomic nervous system. The proposed
quantitative parameters allow us to get an objective
assessment of the adaptive capabilities of the human
organism during various physical, orthostatic,
respiratory, psycho-emotional and medicated tests.
The proposed techniques help to reveal and
analyze important information, which can be used in
The work has been supported by the Russian Science
Foundation (Grant of the RSF 17-12-01085).
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Elimination of Boundary Effects at the Numerical Implementation of Continuous Wavelet Transform to Nonstationary Biomedical Signals