Differences between Mental and Physical Preparation of Muscular
Contraction: A Pilot Study
Yosra Saidane
, Sofia Ben Jebara
Tarak Driss
and Giovanni de Marco
University of Carthage, Higher School of Communications of Tunis, LR11TIC01, COSIM Lab,
Route de Raoued KM 3.5, Cite El Ghazala Ariana 2083, Tunisia
Universit´e Paris Nanterre, Centre de Recherches sur le Sport et le Mouvement, 92000 Nanterre, France
Mental Preparation, Physical Preparation, EMG Signal, Normalized Mutual Information, Mean Normalized
Preparation Power.
This paper studies some differences between mental and physical preparation of muscular contraction from a
signal processing point of view. Mental preparation is a cognitive process prior to performance while physical
preparation is a bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles. Two features are selected. The first indicator,
called Mean Normalized Preparation Power (MNPP), represents the amount of muscular activity produced
during preparation. The second feature, called Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), studies the functional
connectivity between a pair of agonist/antagonist muscles entering in action. Results showed that connectivity
is more important in Mental Preparation Activity (MPA) than in Physical Preparation Activity (PPA) while
muscles power is more important in PPA than in MPA. When classifying the preparation according to muscular
activity importance (low and large preparation), previous conclusions are valid for large preparation. In case
of small preparation, there is no differences between MPA and PPA in term of MNPP while MPA has higher
NMI. Finally, the study of the correlation between MNPP and NMI showed a moderate dependence with the
agonist muscle and an independence with the antagonist muscle.
Finding the best preparation of physical activity is al-
ways a daily issue especially during the instants pre-
ceding the activity beginning. This activity, called
motor preparation (Henry and Rogers, 1960), is use-
ful in many fields like sports and rehabilitation. In
sports, some studies showed that motor preparation
is effective for performance enhancement in basket-
ball free throw shooting (Lonsdale and Tam, 2008),
golf putting (Bell et al., 2010), water polo penalty
(Marlow et al., 1998), rugby goal kicking (Jackson
and Baker, 2001) and volleyball serving(Lidor and
Mayan, 2005). In rehabilitation, one study demon-
strated that motor preparation promote the relearning
of motor strategies post-stroke on patients with stroke
(Malouin et al., 2009). It was also shown beneficial
effects in patients with Parkinson’s disease especially
for reducing bradykinesia (Tamir et al., 2007).
Motor preparation is classified into two types:
mental and physical preparation. Physical Prepara-
tion Activity (PPA) is defined as any bodily move-
ment produced by skeletal muscles that results in en-
ergy expenditure (Caspersen et al., 1985) while Men-
tal Preparation Activity (MPA) is the cognitive re-
hearsal of a task prior to performance (Driskell et al.,
In this work, we aim studying the differences be-
tween these two ways of preparation by considering a
handgrip exercise. To study the differences between
PPA and MPA, the mean power of preparation activ-
ity that appears in EMG signals (Tabar et al., 2017)
and the functional connectivity between the two con-
sidered muscles during the preparation stage are ad-
dressed. The functional connectivity is described
through the Normalized Mutual Information (NMI)
feature (Arjunan and Kumar, 2015; Kawczy´nski et al.,
2015; Madeleine et al., 2011; Saidane and BenJebara,
2017; Johansen et al., 2013). In a previous work, we
showed that the functional connectivity between ag-
onist and antagonist muscles increases during move-
ment’s initiation and then decreases during effective
contraction (Saidane and BenJebara, 2017). It means
that agonist/antagonist muscles put their effort to-
gether to initiate the movement. We also showed
that when subjects prepare their movement, the inter-
muscular dependence in greater than the one without
preparation at movement’s initiation. When dealing
Saidane, Y., Ben Jebara, S., Driss, T. and de Marco, G.
Differences between Mental and Physical Preparation of Muscular Contraction: A Pilot Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0007256301010108
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 101-108
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with preparation power in muscles, we showed in pre-
vious work (Saidane and BenJebara, 2016) that prepa-
ration occurs in both cases of presence and absence
of warning of preparation. When it exists, it is higher
when a warning of preparation is given.
In order to enrich previous works, we aim in this
work to study the differences between mental and
physical preparation. To do it, MPA and PPA are first
defined and their percentages of occurence along the
experience are announced (section 2). Then, section 3
(resp. 4) analyzes the differences between mental and
physical preparation in terms of quantity of prepa-
ration expressed using the feature Mean Normalized
Preparation Power MNPP (resp. inter-muscular de-
pendence described by Normalized Mutual Informa-
tion). Section 5 is devoted to the classification of
preparation stage into low/large preparation in order
to refine the analysis of the differences between MPA
and PPA. Finally, the correlation between the two
features is given and some concluding remarks are
4 women and 8 men volunteers recruited for this pur-
pose are young people (aged 25.1 ± 5.9 years). They
were healthy and had no known neurological or neu-
romuscular disorders at the time of the study and did
not take any medication interfering with central ner-
vous system and muscles. Each volunteer executed
15 contractions (5 in self-initiated tasks and 10 in
externally-triggered tasks). Hence, a total amount of
180 contractions are studied. In externally-triggered
task,tThey were asked to mentally prepare the action
during 6.6 seconds and execute the exercice (squeez-
ing a handgrip) during 4.4 seconds, and afterwards
rest during 44 seconds. The mental preparation is
simulated by a preparation warning (verbal instruc-
tion). During this period, they had to firmly motivate
themselves and to strongly concentrate on the move-
ment that they had to execute. In self-initiated task,
they were also asked to do the same handgrip exercice
without mental preparation. Two muscles are consid-
ered: the Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS) is the
agonist muscle while the Extensor Digitorum Com-
munis (EDC) is the antagonist muscle.
Electromyographic signals were digitized and
recorded on a personal computer placed in the control
room and equipped with an MP 150 data acquisition
system (Biopac MP150, System Inc., Santa Barbara,
CA). The system software AcqKnowledge(Version
4.2) was configured to display the EMG signals. Sur-
face EMG signals were recorded using a sampling
rate of 1000 Hz during the handgrip preparation and
contraction periods from the FDS and EDC muscles
of the right arm. The overlying skin was shaved and
rubbed with an alcohol wipes to remove dead cells,
dirt or skin oils. Bipolar electrodes (ADD208, 8-mm
recording diameter) were firmly attached on skin sur-
face overlying each of the two muscles. The muscles
were identified by palpating the skin when subjects
flexed and extended the fingers. A reference elec-
trode was placed on the skin overlying the lateral epi-
condyle near the elbow joint of the right arm. The
electrode wires were effectively shielded by multi-
ple layers of shielding and connected to the amplifiers
(EMG 100C). EMG signal was amplified (gain range
at 2000).
Simultaneously with EMG, the force was measured
by a pressure captor (hand dynamometer TSD121B-
3.1 Definition
In order to define MPA and PPA from a signal pro-
cessing point of view, let’s illustrate the FDS muscu-
lar activity during the contraction and the time inter-
val preceding it (see Fig. 1). The first case (a) illus-
trates the absence of preparation and the two others
concern the presence of preparation. One can notice a
small activity preceding the movement that we qual-
ify as preparatory activity (it was checked and verified
that it does not correspond to any kind of noise, inter-
ference or crosstalk). Two types of preparation are
differentiated. In the first one (Fig. 1.b), the force sig-
nal which is acquired simultaneously is equal to zero
during preparation. It means that the subject did not
apply an action on the grip. We called this activity:
controlled or Mental Preparation Activity (MPA). In
the second case (Fig. 1.c), the force is different from
zero during preparation. It means that the subject un-
intentionally exerteda pressure on the grip. It is called
involuntary or Physical Preparation Activity (PPA).
3.2 Preparation Stage in Numbers
To have an idea on when and how much MPA and
PPA occurs, the contractions are firstly categorized
into two main classes: preparation presence (denoted
Yes) and preparation absence (denoted No). Next and
in parallel, two kinds of sub-classes are identified:
self-initiated/externally-triggered and MPA/PPA (see
BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Time (s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Normalized force
EMG signal
Motor activity
Without preparation
Time (s)
1 3 5 7
EMG signal
Normalized force
Motor activity
Time (s)
1 5 10 15
EMG signal
Normalized force
Figure 1: Temporal evolution of EMG and force signals.
(a): without preparation, (b): with mental preparation and
(c): with physical preparation.
Fig. 2). The first one depends on the use or not of
preparation warning to simulate preparation while the
second one looks if a muscular preparation occurs or
Figure 2: Preparation arboresence.
Tab. 1 resumes the frequency of occurence of the
two main classes (with and without preparation) and
the frequency of occurence of the sub-classes. Note
that each muscle (FDS and EDC) is firstly studied
alone and next both muscles are considered together
(denoted FDS/EDC). In the last case, both muscles
prepare at the same time while the other cases con-
sider each muscle separately without regard to the
other (if it prepares or not). One can notice that par-
ticipants prepare the activity in 70.7% of cases for
FDS muscle and 67.85% for EDC muscle. When
dealing with preparation mode, one can notice that
the percentage of preparation is more important in
externally-triggered than in self-initiated for FDS,
EDC and FDS/EDC muscles in case of with prepa-
ration. When dealing with preparation type, one can
notice that the preparation percentage is higher in PPA
than MPA when a preparation activity occurs (with).
However, we found the opposite result in without
preparation case. It confirms that PPA is related to
physical preparation while MPA can be considered as
a mental preparation. Moreover, results showed that
the all percentage are slightly more important for FDS
than EDC muscle in the case of ”with” preparation. It
can be explained by the fact that FDS is the agonist
muscle responsible for of handgrip exercise.
Table 1: Preparation percentages for FDS, EDC and
FDS/EDC muscles.
Preparation FDS EDC FDS/EDC
Yes (%) Overall 70.7 67.85 58.57
Externally 54.28 48.57 43.57
Self 16.42 19.28 15
MPA 31.42 28.57 20.71
PPA 39.28 38.57 37.85
No (%) Overall 29.28 32.13 19.99
Externally 20 25.71 15.71
Self 9.28 6.42 4.28
MPA 27.14 30 18.57
PPA 2.14 2.8 1.42
The objective of this section is to analyze the power
during MPA and PPA. The feature characterizing the
power is called Mean Normalized Preparation Power
(MNPP). It represents the mean of normalized Root
Mean Square (RMS). This latter is normalized to 80%
of maximal voluntary contraction. In fact, above this
level, it was proven that the EMG signal and the force
are exceptionally unstable and cannot provide a suit-
able reference point (De Luca, 1997). We recall that
the RMS is a smoothed version of EMG signal during
Differences between Mental and Physical Preparation of Muscular Contraction: A Pilot Study
preparation activity. It is obtained as follows:
RMS(n) =
N + 1
(n+k), (1)
where N is the window length. Its duration is chosen
equal to 512 (the equivalent duration is 512 ms since
the sampling frequency is 1 kHz). x(n) is the EMG
774 776 778 780
Normalized RMS signal
Motor activity
Preparation offset=Motor onset
Preparation warning
Preparation onset
Time (s)
Figure 3: MNPP and the relevant instants illustation on
RMS signal.
Fig. 3 illustrates the RMS of an example of prepa-
ration activity. MNPP is the mean of the hashed re-
gion which appears between the preparation onset and
the preparation offset. These instants are detected
automatically according to the method described in
(Ben Jebara, 2015). This graph is enriched with
two other instants: the preparation warning instant at
which the subject receives the warning instruction in
case of externally-triggered and the motor onset is the
instant of movement initiation.
Fig. 4 shows the MNPP boxplots during MPA and
PPA for FDS and EDC muscles. One can notice
that MNPP is more important in PPA than in MPA
for both muscles. One way ANalysis Of VAriance
(ANOVA) gives a significant difference between the
two modes: P
value=0.003 in case of FDS muscle
and P value<0.001 in case of EDC muscle. These
results can be explained by the fact that in physi-
cal preparation, MNPP is higher because subjects ex-
erced a mechanical reponse (non null force) while the
force is null in MPA.
To study the functional connectivity between FDS
and EDC muscles, we used the Normalized Mu-
tual Information (NMI)(Arjunan and Kumar, 2015;
Kawczy´nski et al., 2015; Madeleine et al., 2011;
Saidane and BenJebara, 2017; Johansen et al., 2013).
Figure 4: MNPP boxplots for FDS muscle (a), EDC muscle
It is calculated during preparation activity starting
from preparation onset to preparation offset instant. It
is based on the entropy H which measures the uncer-
tainty about an event given probability distribution. It
is written as follows:
H(X) =
)), (2)
where P
) is the probability of the i
outcome of a
random variable X. Here, it is an EMG signal obser-
Mutual Information (MI) detects the dependence of
FDS and EDC signals. It is defined as follows:
), (3)
where P
) is their joint probability density.
The NMI is used to study the functional connectivity
between muscles. It is defined as follows:
, (4)
where min denotes the minimum of quantities.
Fig. 5 illustrates NMI boxplots during MPA and PPA.
From this figure, one can notice that NMI values are
more important in MPA than in PPA. Statistical re-
sults (ANOVA) show a significant difference between
MPA and PPA (P
value=0.003). The fact that NMI
is higher in MPA than in PPA means that the inter-
muscular dependence is more important between the
flexor/extensor muscles during mental preparation.
This result can be explained by the fact that motor
BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
units are more activated during PPA than MPA be-
cause the force is non null and there is a mechanical
response in PPA. So, the connectivity does not need
to be higher to initiate the action. This result joins an-
other study which demonstrates that the reduction of
number of recruited motor units increases the depen-
dency of functional connectivity between the remain-
ing motor units(Arjunan and Kumar, 2015).
Figure 5: NMI boxplots during MPA and PPA.
The objective of this section is to study MNPP and
NMI differences between MPA and PPA according to
preparation importance and the correlation between
6.1 Classification Process
In a previous work (Saidane and BenJebara, 2016),
we found that preparation duration is a pertinent fea-
ture to characterize the motor preparation. In this
study, we used preparation duration and MNPP fea-
tures in order to classify the muscular activity during
preparation phase according to the quantity of prepa-
ration produced. More precisely, we divide prepa-
ration activity into low and large preparation. Low
preparation has a short duration and a weak power
while large preparation is the opposite case.
Supervised classification is used to define low and
large preparation for FDS and EDC muscle sepa-
rately. Tab. 2 shows the repartition of preparation
percentage according to low and large preparation for
each muscle. For FDS muscle, one can notice that, in
PPA type, the percentage of large preparation repre-
sents 83.01% of total preparation. In MPA type, low
preparation presents 72.41% of total preparation. It
is explained by the fact that mental preparation with-
out pressure on the handgrip leads to low muscular
activity. However, in physical preparation, exerting a
pressure on the hand leads to a relatively high muscu-
lar activity.
Dealing with EDC muscle, results are equivalent to
those of FDS muscle. The difference is that the per-
centage of preparation is slightly higher for FDS than
EDC muscle.
Table 2: Low/large preparation percentage for FDS and
EDC muscles.
Low Large Low Large
FDS 72.41% 27.59% 16.99% 83.01%
EDC 62.06% 37.94% 22.65% 77.35%
6.2 MNPP Boxplots During Low and
Large Preparation
After specifying low and large preparation, MNPP
is drawn in Low/MPA, Low/PPA, Large/MPA and
Large/PPA. Fig. 6 illustrates the MNPP boxplots us-
ing the results of the classification of FDS muscle
(Fig. 6.a) and EDC muscle (Fig. 6.b).
During low preparation, we show that MNPP values
are slightly higher in PPA than in MPA using the two
classifications. Statistical tests give no significant dif-
ference between MPA and PPA during low prepara-
tion (P
value=0.231) (resp. P value=0.1253) using
FDS (resp. EDC) classification.
Dealing with large preparation which is the case of
interest since preparation is meaningful (high level
of muscle activity), MNPP is more important in
PPA than in MPA in both figures. Statistical re-
sults give a significant difference between the two
modes: P value=0.039 using the FDS classification
and P value= 0.005 using the EDC classification.
Hence, we can conclude that there is no difference
between preparing physically or mentally the prepa-
ration when the generated muscular activity is weak.
However, it is different when the muscular activity is
important (large).
This result is useful in rehabilitation. In fact, patient
with musculoskeletal disease can replace physical
preparation with mental preparation, even though this
later is less powerful. This conclusion confirms the
ones of other studies which demonstrated that mental
preparation can be successfully substituted to physi-
cal preparationto improvemotor performance(Gentili
et al., 2010)(Allami et al., 2008). In fact, Allami et
al. have found that a combination of extensive mental
practice (75% of the training trials) followed by phys-
ical practice (25% of the training trials) is sufficient
to give similar result as physical practice alone.
Differences between Mental and Physical Preparation of Muscular Contraction: A Pilot Study
Low/MPA Low/PPA Large/MPALarge/PPA
Low/MPA Low/PPA Large/MPA Large/PPA
Figure 6: MNPP boxplots using FDS classification (a),
EDC classification (b).
6.3 NMI boxplots During Low and
Large Preparation
Fig. 7 illustrates NMI boxplots of low/MPA,
low/PPA, large/MPA and large/PPA. The two cases
are also given according to the used classification.
Fig. 7.a (resp. Fig. 7.b) uses the classification of FDS
(resp. EDC) preparation activity into low and large.
During low preparation, one can notice that NMI is
higher in MPA than in PPA. It confirms the results an-
alyzing overall MPA and PPA. Statistical results show
a significant difference between MPA and PPA us-
ing the FDS classification (P
value=0.036). However,
there is no difference between the two modes using
the EDC classification (P
value=0.249). During large
preparation, there is no significant difference between
two types of preparation (P
value=0.4) using the FDS
classification while NMI is a discriminant feature be-
tween MPA and PPA (P
value=0.027) using the EDC
6.4 Correlation between NMI and
MNPP during MPA and PPA
In this subsection, we aim to study the degree of
ressemblance between the two features selected to
study the preparation stage. To this end, we used
the pearson’s correlation coefficient r between NMI
and MNPP. Its mathematical expression is as follows
(Benesty et al., 2009):
, (5)
Low/MPA Low/PPA Large/MPA Large/PPA
Low/MPA Low/PPA Large/MPA Large/PPA
Figure 7: NMI boxplots using (a): FDS classification, (b):
EDC classification.
where Cov is the covariancebetween NMI and MNPP.
and σ
are the standard deviation of NMI
and MNPP respectively. Tab. 3 shows the pearson’s
correlation coefficient r between NMI and MNPP in
case of large preparation only. In fact data leading to
low preparation are discarded because of the insignifi-
cance of preparation. From this table, we show a very
low correlation between the NMI and MNPP for EDC
muscle in both MPA and PPA. So, these two features
are independent and complementary for analyzing the
preparation. In fact, the power of preparationseems to
not depend on the functional connectivity since EDC
muscle permits to hold the hand, whatever the method
of preparation and whatever the degree of connectiv-
ity between muscle. Dealing with FDS muscle, re-
sults show a moderate correlation in both cases of
mental and physical preparation. It means that the two
features share a common information. Moreover, this
correlation is positive which means that when con-
nectivity increases, the mean power of preparation in-
creases too.
Table 3: correlation coefficients between NMI and MNPP.
Large Large
FDS 0.4183 0.5555
EDC -0.0885 0.1787
BIOSIGNALS 2019 - 12th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
This work deals with the mean power and the func-
tional connectivity between FDS and EDC muscles
as features to differentiate between mental and phys-
ical preparation. Results showed that the increase of
functional connectivity of flexor/extensor muscles de-
pends on the mode of preparation. Mental prepa-
ration is characterized by an important connectivity
and a weak power of muscular activity while physical
preparation is characterized by an important power
of muscular activity with low connectivity. Finally,
a relatively moderated correlation between the mean
power and the functional connectivity is observed
during large preparation in physical and mental prepa-
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