problem in CNN model training, the CycleGAN
model is applied to generate a sufficiently large
dataset of negative samples from a very limited
number of real saw-mark image patches. Due to the
indiscriminate patterns between the regular random
crystal grains and the saw-mark in a small image
patch, the detected saw-mark region in a full-sized
solar image may not be completely detected. The
postprocessing with the horizontal projection in the
segmented binary image can effectively identify the
presence/absence of a saw-mark in the inspection
image. The preliminary experimental results indicate
the proposed method can effectively detect various
saw-mark defects including black line, white line and
impurity in solar wafer surfaces.
The proposed method currently focuses on saw-
mark detection in multicrystalline solar wafers. In the
future, the use of the CycleGAN or GAN-variant
models to create various defect types such as
contaminants, particles and fingerprints and training
the CNN model for multiple-classes classification are
worthy of further investigation.
Table 1: Recognition rates with varying number of training
samples for the CNN models.
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VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications