To achieve the goal of this project we set up a web
page using Bootstrap, HTML, PHP, and CSS. We cre-
ated visualizations using D3.js. By using four differ-
ent visualizations and by making these visualizations
interactive in a variety of ways, we have achieved a
tool that can be used to visually communicate hier-
archy data. By making the layout adjustable to the
user’s needs and by using industry-standard icons we
have tried to give the user a great and hassle-free ex-
perience. There are still some things that we would
have wanted to implement. Some aesthetic aspects
have room for improvement, for instance the circular
treemap could be made to have opaque nodes, such
that the coloring corresponds better to the color scale
depicted in the legend. Furthermore, we would have
liked to implement some sort of search function, so
that users can easily find nodes. Moreover, we think
that adapting our tool such that it can edit, extend, and
export datasets would add a whole new dimension of
practical uses for our website. Also a user evaluation
by applying eye tracking techniques (Blascheck et al.,
2015) might be an option for future work.
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IVAPP 2019 - 10th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications