Figure 11: Three frames of the animation from the isolated
This paper proposes the first approach that is focused
on analyzing intersections between vessels through
data processing and interactive visualization strate-
gies. The approach consists of several data processing
tasks that extract the intersections from the raw AIS
data, a visual search strategy based on a magnified
fish-eye lens, an animation strategy that allows an in-
dividual analysis of the trajectories and a visual selec-
tion method based on high density areas and their ab-
normality levels. The experiments showed that these
new strategies help on the detection and analysis of
intersections that otherwise would be hidden in the
visual clutter. In the future an aspect to explore is
the evaluation of the usability and efficiency of the
proposed strategies with real users, particularly with
domain experts, in order to understand if they have
difficulties during the process. Another direction to
explore is to obtain more AIS datasets, which will al-
low new experiments in other contexts.
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A Data Visualization Approach for Intersection Analysis using AIS Data