Simultaneous Estimation of Facial Landmark and Attributes with
Separation Multi-task Networks
Ryo Matsui, Takayoshi Yamashita and Hironobu Fujiyoshi
Chubu University, Kasugai, Aichi, Japan
Deep Convolutional Neural Network, Multi-task Learning, Channel-wise Convolution, Facial Landmark
Detection, Facial Attribute Estimation.
Multi-task learning is a machine learning approach in which multiple tasks are solved simultaneously. This
approach can improve learning efficiency and prediction accuracy for the task-specific models. Furthermore,
it has been used successfully across various applications such as natural language processing and computer vi-
sion. Multi-task learning consists of shared layers and task-specific layers. The shared layers extract common
low-level features for all tasks, the task-specific layers diverge from the shared layers and extract specific high-
level features for each task. Hence, conventional multi-task learning architecture cannot extract the low-level
task-specific feature. In this work, we propose Separation Multi-task Networks, a novel multi-task learning
architecture that extracts shared features and task-specific features in various layers. Our proposed method
extracts low- to high-level task-specific features by feeding task-specific layers in parallel to each shared layer.
Moreover, we employ channel-wise convolution when concatenating feature maps of shared layers and task-
specific layers. This convolution allows concatenation even if layers have a different number of channels of
feature maps. In experiments on CelebA dataset, our proposed method outperformed conventional methods at
facial landmark detection and facial attribute estimation.
From a person’s face, many attributes can be captured
many attributes including age, gender, facial expres-
sion and the positions of facial landmarks. These fa-
cial attributes will benefit many applications such as
face recognition, face swapping, and virtual makeup.
facial attribute estimation is thus an attractive research
field in computer vision(Zhao et al., 2018).
Since the Deep Convolutional Neural Network
(DCNN) achieves high recognition accuracy in ob-
ject recognition (Krizhevsky et al., 2012)(Simonyan
and Zisserman, 2015)(He et al., 2016), it is used in
many tasks such as object detection(Liu et al., 2016)
and human pose estimation(Wei et al., 2016). Si-
milarly, the DCNN can achieve high-accuracy facial
landmark detection and facial attribute estimation (Lv
et al., 2017)(Liu et al., 2015). However, training and
inference time increases in proportion to the number
of tasks due to a DCNN needing to be built for each
single task. Therefore, facial image analysis will need
vast cost because it requires information for many
tasks such as facial landmark detection, age estima-
tion, and gender recognition.
By using multi-task learning, multiple recogni-
tion tasks can be simultaneously trained and with a
single DCNN(Caruana, 1998)(Zhang et al., 2014b).
Thus, training and inference time can be greatly re-
duced. This method is efficient in facial image ana-
lysis consisting of multiple tasks. Multi-task learning
may share feature representation among all tasks and
optimize multiple tasks simultaneously. By training
multiple tasks simultaneously, common features can
be efficiently extracted in earlier layers. Zhang et al.
(Zhang et al., 2014b) proposed a Tasks-Constrained
Deep Convolutional Network that detects facial land-
marks and estimates attributes simultaneously. Misra
et al. (Misra et al., 2016) proposed Cross-stitch Net-
works that perform surface normal estimation and se-
mantic segmentation. Feichtenhofer et al. (Feichten-
hofer et al., 2017) proposed a method that detects ob-
ject and tracks object. Moreover, multi-task learning
has been successfully in not only in the computer vi-
sion but also in various fields such as natural language
processing(Liu et al., 2017). The methods based on
multi-task learning consists of shared layers to extract
shared features among all tasks and task-specific lay-
ers to extract task-specific features as shown in Figure
Matsui R., Yamashita T. and Fujiyoshi H.
Simultaneous Estimation of Facial Landmark and Attributes with Separation Multi-task Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007342602650272
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 14th International Conference on
Computer Vision Theory and Applications), pages 265-272
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Network architectures of existing multi-task lear-
ning: (a) hard parameter sharing which conventional multi-
task learning and (b) soft parameter sharing.
1(a). The conventional multi-task learning can not
exploit the low-level features of task-specific layers,
because task-specific layers come after shared layers.
Thus, only the high-level features of shared featu-
res and task-specific features are extracted from these
In this work, we propose Separation Multi-task
Networks, a novel multi-task learning architecture of
DCNN that extracts shared features and each task-
specific feature simultaneously. Unlike the architec-
tures based on the conventional multi-task learning,
Separation Multi-task Networks conduct parallel pro-
cessing with shared layers that extract shared fea-
tures among all tasks, and task-specific layers that
extract task-specific features in each task. The fea-
ture maps of shared layers are concatenated to feature
maps of each task-specific layers. Thus, Separation
Multi-task Networks are able to extract shared featu-
res and task specific features in each layer. To im-
plement a network, our proposed method introduces a
two-stage training. The network with shared layers is
trained first, and all task-specific layers are appended
to train task specific features. When shared features
are concatenated to task-specific features, the number
of channels of the feature maps increases. Therefore,
11 convolution (Channel-wise Convolution) is perfor-
med on the concatenated the feature maps. This al-
lows changes to the number of channels of the feature
maps that ate input for task-specific layers. Also, it al-
lows fine-tuning by general purpose networks such as
VGGNet(Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015) and Res-
Net(He et al., 2016), which are trained on an Ima-
genet dataset. In the experiments, we evaluate the
effectiveness of Separation Multi-task Networks by
performing facial landmark detection and facial attri-
bute recognition on the CelebA dataset. We will also
evaluate the effectiveness of introducing channel-wise
2.1 Multi-task Learning
Multi-task learning is a machine learning approach
in which multiple learning tasks are optimized at the
same time(Caruana, 1998). A single DCNN with
multi-task learning can improve learning efficiency
and prediction accuracy for the task-specific models.
In the conventional DCNN, training and inference
time increases in proportion to the number of tasks
due to the need to build a single DCNN for each
task. Meanwhile, multi-task learning can greatly re-
duce training and inference time by simultaneously
training multiple tasks with a single DCNN. Multi-
task learning has the advantage that it can extract effi-
cient common features. There are two types of multi-
task learning in DCNN: hard parameter sharing and
soft parameter sharing(Ruder, 2017).
2.2 Hard Parameter Sharing
Hard parameter sharing is a network architecture that
shares parameters from an input layer to intermediate
layers with multiple tasks. The network architecture
is as shown in Figure 1(a). Shared layers extract fe-
atures common to all tasks. Task-specific layers are
stacked after shared layers and extract all task-specific
features. Then, task-specific layers of each task out-
put the recognition results. Shared layers can reduce
over-fitting more than a single DCNN because these
layers train efficient feature representation to all tasks.
Hard parameter sharing is a general method of multi-
task learning and has many applications (Zhang et al.,
2014b)(Misra et al., 2016)(Dai et al., 2016).
Cross-stitch Networks perform surface normal
estimation and semantic segmentation simultane-
ously(Misra et al., 2016). In this method, DCNN is
structured for each training task, and shared features
are trained by Cross-stitch units. Cross-stitch units
integrate feature maps extracted by each channel of
each task and generate shared feature maps that are
fed into each DCNN. The accuracy in surface normal
VISAPP 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision
Theory and Applications
estimation and semantic segmentation is higher than
when a single DCNN is used. Specifically, the accu-
racy is significantly improved for the categories that
have few training data.
Multi-task Network Cascades arrange several
tasks in a cascade structure to perform instance seg-
mentation(Dai et al., 2016). Multi-task Network Cas-
cades sequentially process object detection, mask es-
timation, and category estimation after shared featu-
res extraction. The output of each task is fed to the
next task with shared features. The method achieves
highly accuracy in instance segmentation tasks.
Since multi-task learning can extract task-
independent features, it is also used to improve the
accuracy of specific tasks. A Tasks-Constrained Deep
Convolutional Network(TCDCN) trains facial land-
mark detection as the main task and the sub-tasks
such as face orientation detection, gender estimation,
smiling recognition (Zhang et al., 2014b), simultane-
ously. These sub-tasks help to improve the accuracy
of the main task. This means that sub-tasks catego-
rize the facial appearance, and the main task consi-
ders there categorizations to obtain efficient features.
TCDCN introducing task-wise early stopping, which
stops the training of a sub-task before it finishes, re-
duces the negative effects over-fitting of sub-tasks on
the main task.
2.3 Soft Parameter Sharing
Soft parameter sharing is a network architecture con-
sisting of constrained layers that make the distance
between the parameters of each task uniform. Un-
like hard parameter sharing, soft parameter sharing
has DCNNs for each task. The network architecture
of soft parameter sharing is shown in Figure 1(b). To
make the distance between the parameters of each
task uniform, soft parameter sharing utilizes regu-
larization by the L2 norm(Duong et al., 2015) and
trace norm(Yang and Hospedales, 2016). Because
the architecture of soft parameter sharing constructs
a DCNN for a task, training and inference time incre-
ases in proportion to the number of tasks.
In this section, we describe the network architecture
of Separation Multi-task Networks in 3.1, the two-
stage training in 3.2, and channel-wise convolution in
Figure 2: Our proposed Separation Multi-task Networks.
3.1 Network Architecture
As shown in Figure 2, in our proposed Separation
Multi-task Networks, shared layers that extract shared
features among all tasks and task-specific layers that
extract task-specific features in each task are con-
structed in parallel. The feature maps of shared lay-
ers are concatenated to the feature maps of each task-
specific layer. The concatenated feature maps are fed
into each task-specific layer. This allows training of
both low- and high-level features in shared layers and
corresponding task-specific layers.
3.2 Training Procedure
Separation Multi-task Networks extract features com-
mon to all tasks and task-specific features in each
task, simultaneously. First, the method needs to
train only shared layers to extract common features,
and then, it focuses on training task-specific features.
Therefore, we use a two-stage training procedure.
Stage 1. First, multiple tasks are trained simultane-
ously using a conventional multi-task learning appro-
ach based on hard parameter sharing such as in Fi-
gure 1(a). The parameters of shared layers that ex-
tract common features among all tasks are trained in
advance. These parameters are updated by using the
training loss of each task. For example, training tasks
are Task A and Task B when training losses are E
and E
, respectively. The training loss E
of the
whole network is defined in Equation (1). At this
time, the training loss is obtained by the mean square
error function when the training task is the regression.
On the other hand, the training loss is obtained by
softmax cross entropy loss function when the training
Simultaneous Estimation of Facial Landmark and Attributes with Separation Multi-task Networks
Figure 3: Channel-wise Convolution.
task is the recognition.
= E
+ E
Stage 2. In second stage, as shown in Figure 2, the
proposed method newly constructs task-specific lay-
ers in parallel with the shared layers. At this time,
the parameters of shared layers obtained in stage 1
are fixed in the training in stage 2. The method only
trains the parameters of each task-specific layer. As
a result, only task specific features are extracted from
task-specific layers. The parameters of the network in
stage 2 are optimized by the training loss function of
each task as in stage 1.
3.3 Channel-wise Convolution
The number of channels of the feature maps fed into
each task-specific layer increases, because the propo-
sed method concatenates the feature maps of shared
layers and each task-specific layers. Thus, each task-
specific layers can not fine-tuning a pretrained mo-
del such as VGGNet(Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015)
and ResNet(He et al., 2016). We introduce 1 ×1 con-
volution (Channel-wise Convolution) after concate-
nating the feature maps as shown in Figure 3. This
allows adjustment of the number of channels of the fe-
ature maps fed into each task-specific layers and fine-
tuning of each task-specific layer.
We evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method
and compare it with related methods. For multiple
tasks, we perform facial landmark detection and fa-
cial attribute estimation on the CelebA dataset. For
the comparison method in facial landmark detection,
multi-task learning based on hard parameter sharing
is used (baseline). This network architecture is same
Table 1: Details of the network architecture of Separation
Multi-task Networks used in this experiment.
TaskA Shared TaskB
Input size = 128 × 128, channels = 3
ksize = 3 × 3, channels = 64, pad = 1
max pooling ksize = 2 × 2
ksize = 3 × 3, channels = 128, pad = 1
max pooling ksize = 2 × 2
ksize = 3 × 3, channels = 256, pad = 1Conv3-2
max pooling ksize = 2 × 2
ksize = 3 × 3, channels = 512, pad = 1Conv4-2
max pooling ksize = 2 × 2
Fc 2048 2048
Output 10 80
as that in Stage 1. of Sec. 3.2. In facial attri-
bute estimation, we compare our proposed Separation
Multi-task Networks with FaceTracer(Kumar et al.,
2008), PANDA-w(Zhang et al., 2014a), PANDA-
l(Zhang et al., 2014a), and LNets+ANet(Liu et al.,
2015), which is described by Liu et al. (Liu et al.,
We implement three training models, 1) the two-
stage training model, 2) the two-stage training model
with channel-wise convolution, and 3)the two-stage
training model based on fine-tuning from shared lay-
ers. Furthermore, we evaluate the variation of the
network architectures with different numbers of task-
specific layers.
4.1 Experiments Details
The CelebA dataset used in this experiment consists
of about 200,000 facial images. Annotations are 5 fa-
cial landmarks (eyes, nose, and mouth corners) and 40
facial attributes such as ”hat,” ”black hair,” and ”smi-
ling.” In training and evaluation, 162,770 samples are
used as training data, and 19,962 samples as evalua-
tion data.
In these expriments, the baseline and our proposed
Separation Multi-task Networks use a network mo-
del that improved VGG16(Simonyan and Zisserman,
2015). Table 1 lists the details of the network archi-
tecture of our Separation Multi-task Networks used
in these experiments, where Task A is facial land-
mark detection and Task B is facial attributes estima-
tion. In addition, the activation function of the net-
work uses ReLU. To optimize both the baseline and
our proposed Separation Multi-task Networks, Mo-
mentumSGD was used. The learning rate is 0.0001
and momentum is 0.9. The iterations of training is
VISAPP 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision
Theory and Applications
Table 2: Accuracy of facial landmark detection with baseline and our proposed Separation Multi-task Networks [%].
Fine-tuning Left eye Right eye Nose
Left mouth Right mouth
Convolutioin corner corner
97.7 98.0 87.5 94.9 94.7 94.6
Ours X 96.9 97.0 82.2 93.1 93.0 92.4
X X 96.1 96.0 50.6 85.4 85.1 82.6
Baseline 96.3 96.5 54.0 92.0 91.9 86.1
Figure 4: Example of facial landmark detection by baseline and our Separation Multi-task Networks.
100 epochs and mini-batch size is 32. Input image
size is 128 × 128.
Evaluation Metrics of Facial Landmark Detection.
The evaluation metrics of facial landmark detection in
this experiments determines that detection is success-
ful when Equation (2) is satisfied in each facial land-
mark. In Equation (2), x
and y
are the annotation
labels, x
and y
are the detection results, L is the
distance between both eyes, and α is the threshold.
In these experiments, threshold α is set to 0.1, and
if the error between the annotation label and the de-
tection result is within 10% of the distance between
both eyes, the detection is successful.
+ (y
α (2)
4.2 Results for Proposed Separation
Multi-task Networks
Facial Landmark Detection. Table 2 shows accu-
racy of facial landmark detection for the baseline
and our Separation Multi-task Networks. From Table
2, the average detection accuracy of our Separation
Multi-task Networks is 94.6%, while baseline met-
hod is 86.1%. It is higher than the accuracy of base-
line. Also, our Separation Multi-task Networks achie-
ves high detection accuracy than the baseline for all
facial landmarks. Specifically, our Separation Multi-
task Networks accurately detected about 87.5% of no-
sed whereas the baseline is about 54.0%, a 33.5% dif-
ference. This shows the effectiveness in facial land-
mark detection of simultaneously extracting features
shared among all tasks and task-specific features for
each task. The two-stage training model introducing
channel-wise convolution into our Separation Multi-
Simultaneous Estimation of Facial Landmark and Attributes with Separation Multi-task Networks
Table 3: Accuracy of each method on 40 facial attributes [%].
Channel-wise Convolution
5 o Clock Shadow
Arched Eyebrows
Bags Under Eyes
Big Lips
Big Nose
Black Hair
Blond Hair
Brown Hair
Bushy Eyebrows
Double Chin
Gray Har
Heavy Makeup
High Cheekbones
93 81 80 83 98 95 69 82 85 94 95 84 91 95 96 99 97 97 89 85 97
Ours X 93 80 79 82 98 95 69 81 85 94 95 85 91 95 95 99 96 97 89 85 97
X X 93 81 80 83 98 95 70 83 85 94 95 86 91 95 96 99 97 98 90 85 97
Baseline 93 81 80 83 98 95 69 82 85 94 95 85 91 95 96 99 97 97 89 86 97
FaceTracer 85 76 78 76 89 88 64 74 70 80 81 60 80 86 88 98 93 90 85 84 91
PANDA-w 82 73 77 71 92 89 61 70 74 81 77 69 76 82 85 94 86 88 84 80 93
PANDA-l 88 78 81 79 96 92 67 75 85 93 86 77 86 86 88 98 93 94 90 86 97
LNets+ANet 91 79 81 79 98 95 68 78 88 95 84 80 90 91 92 99 95 97 90 87 98
Channel-wise Convolution
Mouth Slightly Open
Narrow Eyes
No Beard
Oval Face
Pale Skin
Pointy Nose
Receding Hairline
Rosy Cheeks
Straight Hair
Wavy Hair
Wearing Earrings
Wearing Hat
Wearing Lipstick
Wearing Necklace
Wearing Necktie
92 96 86 95 71 96 74 92 94 97 91 79 78 87 98 93 84 95 86 89
Ours X 92 96 86 95 70 96 74 91 94 97 91 79 78 87 98 92 84 95 85 89
X X 93 96 86 95 72 96 75 92 94 97 91 80 79 88 98 93 85 95 86 90
Baseline 93 96 86 95 71 96 74 92 94 97 91 80 79 88 98 93 85 95 86 89
FaceTracer 87 91 82 90 64 83 68 76 84 94 89 63 73 73 89 89 68 86 80 81
PANDA-w 82 83 79 87 62 84 65 82 81 90 89 67 76 72 91 88 67 88 77 79
PANDA-l 93 93 84 93 65 91 71 85 87 93 92 69 77 78 96 93 67 91 84 85
LNets+ANet 92 95 81 95 66 91 72 89 90 96 92 73 80 82 99 93 71 93 87 87
task Networks outperformed the baseline but it was
outperformed by the model that did not introduce it.
Similarly, the model that fine-tuned each task-specific
layers by introducing channel-wise convolution with
shared layers has lower accuracy than the baseline.
Figure 4 shows an example of facial landmark de-
tection results with the baseline and our Separation
Multi-task Networks. Red points are annotation label
and green points are detection results. Similarly to
Figure 4, our Separation Multi-task Networks achie-
ves higher detection accuracy than the baseline. Also,
for profile face, it deviations happen at all facial land-
marks when the baseline is used. However, our Se-
paration Multi-task Networks mostly solve this pro-
Facial Attribute Estimation. Table 3 shows results
for state-of-the-art method in addition to the baseline
and our Separation Multi-task Networks on 40 facial
attributes. From Table 3, our proposed method out-
performs the comparison methods in average estima-
tion accuracy. Also, our proposed method achieves
the highest estimation accuracy in specific tasks such
as “Bald, “Eyeglasses, and “Pale Skin. The model
Table 4: The accuracy due to variation of the network ar-
chitectures [%].
Branch point
Conv1-2 Conv2-2 Conv3-3
Facial Landmark Detection
92.9 95.5 95.2
Facial Landmark Detection
80.4 79.5 78.8
(Changed Ours)
Facial Attribute Estimation
89.9 89.8 89.9
Facial Attribute Estimation
88.8 88.8 88.8
(Changed Ours)
that introduces channel-wise convolution into our Se-
paration Multi-task Networks had the same estima-
tion accuracy as the model without it. However, the
model that fine-tuned each task-specific layers by in-
troducing channel-wise convolution with shared lay-
ers achieves the highest estimation accuracy with an
average estimation accuracy about 90%. Similarly
to facial landmark detection, our proposed method is
also efficient at facial attribute estimation. Thus, it is
considered that the features shared between tasks im-
proves the accuracy for the problems such as facial
attribute estimation.
VISAPP 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision
Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Visualization example of feature maps on Conv1-2 of our Separation Multi-task Networks.
Figure 5: Example of the change of network architecture of
Separation Multi-task Networks.
4.3 Comparison of the Network
In our Separation Multi-task Networks, both shared
layers and task-specific layers use the same network
architecture, and images are simultaneously inputs
into each networks. In these experiments, the feature
maps of shared layers are fed into each task-specific
layers instead of the input image as shown in Figure
5. The network uses the same parameters as in Sec.
4.1, where the start position input to each task-specific
layers from shared layers is taken as the branch point,
and the network model implements three models in
which the branch point is “Conv1-2,” “Conv2-2,” and
“Conv3-3” in Table 1. The comparison method is
multi-task learning based on hard parameter sharing
of the same branch point, in addition to the baseline
and our original Separation Multi-task Networks.
The accuracy due to variation of the network ar-
chitectures are shown in Table 4. From Table 4, our
Separation Multi-task Networks shows the accuracy
lower than the baseline in both tasks. Also, before
changing the network architecture, our Separation
Multi-task Networks has the highest estimation accu-
racy. From this, in multi-task learning, it is more ef-
fective to use the features shared between tasks more
supplementally for each task like our proposed met-
We input a image to Separation Multi-task Networks
and visualize these feature maps on Conv1-2 layer of
shared layer and task-specific layer as shown in Fi-
gure 6. In shared layer, facial contour features are ex-
tracted. On the other hand, task-specific layer of facial
landmark detection only extracts insufficient features
from the feature of shared layer such as endpoint of
landmark. Similarly, task-specific layer of facial at-
tribute estimation extracts context features such as fa-
cial wrinkle. Thus, Separation Multi-task Networks
Simultaneous Estimation of Facial Landmark and Attributes with Separation Multi-task Networks
shows it is able to extract common features for all
tasks and task-specific features in each task, separa-
In this work, we proposed Separation Multi-task Net-
works, a novel multi-task learning method that si-
multaneously extracts features shared between tasks,
and task-specific features in each task. Our propo-
sed method was able to train and inference taking
into account features shared between all tasks and
task-specific in each task. Moreover, by introducing
channel-wise convolution, our proposed method was
able to adjust the number of channels of the feature
maps input to each task-specific layers and fine-tune
each task-specific layers. In experiments, our Separa-
tion Multi-task Networks performed facial landmark
detection and facial attribute estimation on the Ce-
lebA dataset and outperformed the existing methods
in both tasks. Then, in multi-task learning, we sho-
wed that it is effective to use features shared between
tasks more supplementally for each task.
Future tasks include applying Separation Multi-
task Networks to images other than facial image. In
addition, our proposed method separates shared fea-
tures shared between tasks and task-specific features
in each task by two-stage training. Therefore, it is
considered that Separation Multi-task Networks can
be improved to train with end-to-end training while
separating these two features. By improving the net-
work model of our proposed method, it is considered
the number of parameters can be reduced by changing
the activation function to CReLU(Shang et al., 2016).
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