Table 6: PointNet++ tested with real world point clouds: To train the network, w e either used point or face normals obtained
from 90% of 3D models as in Table 5. For testing, we used real point clouds equipped with point normals. Results were
compared with classical threshold segmentation as in Table 5.
training variant
Wall North East South West Flat Roof
point normals 65.2% 64.3% 52.0 % 70.7% 56.8% 55.7% 60.8%
face normals
53.3% 5 6.2% 57.0% 73.2% 57.1% 47.1% 57.3%
classical segmentation 52.1% 60.3% 59.5% 71.6% 59.4% 44.2% 57.9 %
Figure 11: Stable segmentation results on cloud subsets.
This work was supported by a generous hardware
grant from NVIDIA.
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