motion capture files in BVH format and classify it
according to labels defined by a simplified ontology
composed of 9 action tags.
Our approach considered a separate data set of ca-
refully edited mocap files for training the network on
how to recognize each action. These data sets were
adapted from the freely available CMU Motion Cap-
ture Library. After training, the network was tested
using a different set of files that did not have been
used during training. For the sake of assessment, each
of these files were manually annotated with the ex-
pected label.
Comparing the results obtained by the classifica-
tion software against the expected manually annota-
ted tags, the system showed, in several of the tests, an
accuracy in some cases better than 95%, what can in-
dicate that the original hypothesis have been satisfied.
For the future, it’s expected to improve training
by adding other actions to the ontology like, for in-
stance, considering affective body postures and/or ot-
her kinds of medias that might be of interest in a pro-
duction pipeline like textures, sounds, etc.
The ultimate goal would be to design an extenda-
ble modular content annotator capable of annotating
with different types of medias, based on a general-
purpose ontology.
Another possible application that might gain from
this automatic motion capture action recognition
technology is authoring character animations for the
purpose of retargeting crowd behaviors to different
scenarios. In theory, such an AI system could help
understanding each character’s movements in a given
situation and then help adapting the animations to new
target scenarios, and facilitate authoring crowd simu-
This publication has emanated from research sup-
ported in part by a research grant from Science
Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the Grant Number
15/RP/2776 and in part by the European Unions Hori-
zon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under
Grant Agreement No 780470.
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Using LSTM for Automatic Classification of Human Motion Capture Data