Table 3: Discrete cosine Transform.
Transform Test Value
DCT PSNR 39.214499
DCT SNR 27.158767
DCT MAE 0.000299
DCT MSE 0.000000
Table 4: Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform.
Transform Test Value
FWHT PSNR -5.723057
FWHT SNR -17.778790
FWHT MAE 0.052583
FWHT MSE 0.004576
In a direct comparison between the above-mentioned
transforms, the FWHT obtained advantage because
the reconstructed signal approached the original sig-
nal and its compression was much more efficient.
DCT has proven itself to be effective with a very
precise reconstruction of the compressed EOG in ad-
dition to the need for signal repetition. as seen in the
images above, the graph of the DCT is relatively close
to that of the original EOG taking as example the er-
rors that were the lowest compared to the FWHT.
The DCT was proven itself most effective on a di-
rect comparison in the EMG case for that the DCT is
the best transform between the analyzed ones to EMG
With greater advantage than on the EOG.
keeping in mind the results obtained, we see that
the compression techniques discussed have their dis-
tinct particulars in certain aspects, therefore, we must
always take into account that in some cases the results
may not be identical.
for future work, it is interesting to classify a lar-
ger variety of transforms and their performances as
the DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) into a wider
range of medical signals, such as ECG (Electrocardi-
ogram) and EEG (Electroencephalogram).
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FCT - Fundac¸
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part of project UID/EEA/00760/2019.
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