Mobile Apps for People with Dementia: Are They Compliant
with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
Joana Muchagata and Ana Ferreira
CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal
Keywords: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), mHealth Apps, Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease
Abstract: Mobile apps have the potential to improve the overall patients and caregivers’ quality of life and, particularly,
of those with dementia. The ability to stimulate cognitive functions, keep the brain active and helping people
to be as independent as possible in their daily lives are considered highly valued characteristics. But despite
those advantages, there is a lack of security standards and guidelines focused on mobile apps and the general
sense is that those provide low or no privacy/security and commonly do not comply with current regulations.
We analysed eighteen apps with the ability to stimulate cognitive functions for people with dementia to verify
if they were GDPR compliant. Results show that most analysed apps (78%) do not provide any information
regarding how personal data are processed, and if they do, this is not clear. Also, users’ consent to allow that
processing is rarely sought (11%). In conclusion, GDPR mandated requirements are still not implemented in
most of the analysed mental health apps to ensure privacy and security in the interactions between users and
mobile apps. This work intends to bring awareness to this issue to both researchers and developers, especially
in the area of healthcare and mental health.
Mobile devices have an important place in our daily
life as they have been transforming our personal lives
and work environments. More specifically, the
variety of applications available today, have
completely transformed our interaction with mobile
devices and the information we search and exchange.
Mobile apps offer a variety of solutions in many
different fields including healthcare, where its impact
has been very significant. In this domain there is a
noticeable development of health related apps
offering intelligent tools and services to support
healthcare interventions according to the users'
condition (Papageorgiou et al, 2018). Patient care and
monitoring, diagnosis, medical education and
communication are being carried out with
smartphones (Yasini and Marchand, 2015). Google’s
Play Store (Android system) and Apple’s App Store
(iOS system) have available mobile health
applications (mHealth apps) for patients all over the
world related to medication control and update,
appointments management, blood pressure monitor,
diabetes control, fitness, nutrition, mental health, and
many others. Apps have also been proving to have the
potential to improve the overall quality of life in
patients with dementia (Yamagata et al, 2013). And
although the variety of apps for both patients with
dementia and their caregivers is wide, are those
prepared to ensure security and privacy of users’
data? And are those applications in compliance with
the several legal requirements of the new European
General Data Protection Regulation (European
Union, 2016; GDPR, 2017)?
Due to the advanced processing capabilities of
smartphones, many apps in addition to collect users’
health data to help them better comprehend their
health status and to promote their overall wellbeing,
they also store and process other sensitive
information such as user's health related data,
location, lists of contacts and personal photographs
(Papageorgiou et al, 2018; Rosenfeld et al, 2017).
Also, many of them have not been tested properly in
terms of efficacy and safety (Armontrout et al, 2018).
This situation can compromise users’ protection,
privacy and security due to a lack of data protection
safeguards and control (EDPS, 2016). All this is even
more worrying when apps are for people with
dementia, whose cognitive impairment can put them
at an increased risk of privacy breaches and harm
(Rosenfeld et al, 2017).
Therefore, and in order to verify the state of
privacy and security in the interactions between users
and mobile apps and the protection of individuals’
Muchagata, J. and Ferreira, A.
Mobile Apps for People with Dementia: Are They Compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?.
DOI: 10.5220/0007352200680077
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 68-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
personal data, in this paper we searched for apps
available in online play stores, with the ability to
stimulate cognitive functions for people with
dementia. The main goal was to analysed if the
selected apps follow the several legal requirements
for GDPR data protection compliance.
This paper is organized as follows: section 2
presents the state of the art and section 3 describes the
methods used to analyse the apps for people with
dementia and if they are in compliance with the
GDPR. Section 4 presents the results of our analysis,
section 5 discusses the obtained results while section
6 concludes the paper.
Technological advances bring numerous benefits for
our society on a daily basis. Smartphones and apps
are becoming more accessible to everyone and are
increasingly used anytime and anywhere in today's
world. It is estimated that 78% of the Portuguese
population use smartphones and 72% of users
accessed the internet “on the move” (Instituto
Nacional de Estatística, 2016). Mobile apps have
been incorporated into the personal and social
routines of the global population. The diversity of
apps available today for the general public is
enormous, and in recent years, the development of
apps for mental illness has expanded significantly
(Armontrout et al, 2018). These apps aim to improve
mental health and well-being, helping mental illness
recovery and encouraging beneficial habits that
improve emotional health (Bakker et al, 2016).
Innovative solutions for people with some kind of
mental health issues are particularly valuable.
However, the progression of the mHealth market
comes with a growing concern for the security and
privacy of smartphones and their installed apps
(Papageorgiou et al, 2018). Many apps do not follow
design principles and privacy guidelines and many
times there is a lack of clinical evidence as to their
potential benefits (Bakker et al, 2016). Thus, despite
of the massive development on a digital level, society
began facing questions related with regulation which,
in addition to allow innovation, should provide
quality and help to ensure security and privacy of
users and their personal data.
In order to respond to the lack of security
standards or guidelines to follow, as well as, the low
or non-existent protection of users personal data, the
European Commission adopted, in 2016, a new
stricter legislation for protecting and controlling the
processing of individuals' personal data of European
member states, the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) (European Union, 2016).
2.1 General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR)
On May 25 2018, the new European Union (EU)
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has
come into force to regulate the principles and rules
applicable to the processing of personal data
(European Union, 2016; GDPR, 2017). GDPR is
designed to protect user’s personal data processing,
and to ensure that the user is in control of their
personal data, rather than companies or businesses.
This new regulation replaces the Data Protection
Directive 95/46/EC and it will also help to change the
way systems are designed and developed (Krempel
and Beyerer, 2018).
The GDPR is applicable to all businesses and
organisations that process and hold personal data of a
European citizen (e.g. hospitals, public authorities,
public organisations, etc.) establishing a uniform
framework for data protection legislation across the
European Union. This means that now the entire EU
is governed by a single regulation instead of each
country having their own data protection laws
(European Commission, 2018).
GDPR is having a major impact, and as it happens
in society in general, also mobile app companies and
app owners should implement several procedures to
comply with it in order to ensure privacy and security
in the interactions between users and mobile apps.
Nowadays, there is a lack of security standards or
guidelines to follow and the majority of existing
mobile apps provide low or no security protection
(Mirkovic et al, 2011).
Although GDPR regulation has been decided
since 2016, the authors could not find in the research
literature works that can provide clear methods to
translate the key changes that need to occur between
previous and current GDPR legislation regarding
users’ interactions with mobile apps. Designing and
providing clear privacy notices on smaller screens is
not easy. Also capturing and managing user’s consent
as required by GDPR is technically challenging. And
although GDPR does not contain any exact step-by-
step guidelines, it gives a list of the general rules that
should be kept in mind when designing and
developing software. Some of the GDPR key changes
are described by GDPR (GDPR, 2017), the Official
Journal of the European Union (European Union,
2016) and by the Portuguese National Commission
for Data Protection (CNPD, 2017) (more details in
section 3).
Mobile Apps for People with Dementia: Are They Compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
2.2 The Use of Mobile Apps by People
with Dementia
The world is experiencing demographical changes
due to a significant ageing increasing. One effect
related with the ageing population is a growing
number of people with dementia (Alzheimer's
Disease International, 2015).
Dementia includes a group of symptoms
associated with memory loss; difficulties with
problem solving, language, thinking and
concentration; decline of social skills; periods of
mental confusion and changes in normal emotional
reactions severe enough to reduce a person's ability to
perform everyday activities (Alzheimer’s
Association, 2018; UKS Mobility, 2016).
Some problems experienced by people with
dementia are related with short-term memory,
keeping track of a personal object, paying bills,
planning and preparing meals, remembering
appointments, traveling out of the neighbourhood and
even losing the interest in activities that they used to
enjoy (Alzheimer’s Association, 2018). Alzheimer's
disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia,
accounting for about 50% to 70% of all cases
(Alzheimer Portugal, 2018). This disease causes a
global, progressive and irreversible deterioration of
various cognitive functions (memory, attention,
concentration, language, thinking, among others).
This deterioration results in changes in behaviour,
personality and functional capacity of the person,
making their daily activities difficult to perform
(Astell et al, 2008).
A person living with dementia will require more
and more care as their condition progresses.
However, during the early or mildest stage of
dementia there are a number of things that can be
done to help the person maintaining their
independence for as long as possible and to keep the
brain active (UKS Mobility, 2016). As a result,
technology to assist people with dementia (and more
specifically with Alzheimer) is highly needed.
According with Christina Yamagata et al. (Yamagata
et al, 2013), technology can improve the quality of
life for individuals suffering from cognitively
debilitating diseases.
Nowadays the majority of people own a
smartphone and in recent years several mobile apps
have been arising with the aim of helping people with
dementia to keep them active and to be as
independent as possible in their daily lives. Mobile
devices and proper apps may allow patients and
caregivers to individualize the care to their own
needs, empowering this entire patient’s population.
Even more, apps that provide the use of the brain,
memory, and solving problem games, help stimulate
the brain, the cognitive ability and reduce symptoms
of older adults and patients suffering from AD
(Yamagata et al, 2013).
Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store offer a
wide range of apps in various categories. As for
instance, the number of available apps in the Google
Play Store was recently placed at 2.6 million apps in
December 2018, being the majority of them free to
download (Statista, 2018).
Over recent years, numerous mental health apps
have been developed and made available to
smartphone users. Particularly, for people with
dementia, there are several types of apps with
different approaches (daily aid, memory training,
relaxation, games, caregiver management and
information apps) and various apps contain games
and activities that can help stimulate the exercise of
the brain (UKS Mobility, 2016).
We decided to look for useful apps with the ability
to stimulate cognitive functions such as memory,
attention, concentration, language and thinking. Our
choice is related to the fact that the use of this type of
apps could help to slow down the progression of
Alzheimer's and dementia, on their first stages.
Due to Android's popularity, we decided to test
Android apps from Google’s Play Store, but because
of its huge dimension, it was difficult to do a full
review of all apps, so there was the need to take into
account the selection criteria. We have selected: (i)
free mobile apps with the ability to stimulate cognitive
functions for people with dementia, (ii) in English and
Portuguese languages, (iii) that matched the search
terms “Alzheimer and memory”, “Alzheimer and
cognitive games” “Dementia and memory”,
“Dementia and concentration”, “Preventing
dementia”, and (iv) with high rating by their users (four
and five stars). We also included in our analysis four
more apps (marked with an “a”) suggested by UKS
Mobility (UKS Mobility, 2016) as being useful and
beneficial apps for dementia patients and that could
make life a little bit easier for all involved.
At Google’s Play Store, after choosing the
application section, we introduced our search terms,
and then at the price menu we chose only the free
apps, available for downloading at Google’s Play
Store without any cost.
The reasons that led us to choose the apps in two
languages are related to the fact that Portuguese is the
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
authors’ native language and we were very interested
in having a perception about what type of applications
are available in our country for this specific public and
if the GDPR requirements implemented in them would
vary; and in English, because it is considered a univer-
sal language, both in research and technology domains,
and also because of the high volume and diversity of
apps in English available in the app’s market.
Therefore, we started with the apps’ selection
according to the criteria, followed by its installation,
and test of its various functionalities relating to
GDPR challenges.
Although initially, we had 33 apps selected, our
analysis includes only 18 apps. We decided to
exclude the apps: (i) exclusive for iOS system (due to
the unavailability of the equipment at that moment),
(ii) that did not work properly or could not be fully
used once installed (i.e., the app blocks in some parts
or the images do not show up for some reason), and
also (iii) those who were not directly related to our
study context (e.g., daily aid apps such as calendar
events and medication reminder, or apps to be used
by caregivers).
The selected apps were all designed to challenge
and improve cognitive skills (such as memory,
attention, processing, precision, and comprehension)
and they can be divided into small groups. Therefore,
four apps (22%), Brain Booster Game, Elevate Brain
Training, Lumosity Brain Training and Memory
Billionaire Lite offer different activities and games to
enhance brain function and increase confidence
which is particularly important for a person with
dementia. One app (6%) Alzminder Lite, in addition
to cognitive games, it also offers other functions such
as voice reminders, music player, talking photo album
and an emergency button. Six of them (33%) are just
composed by memory games: Alzheimer, Brain
Score: Connect Dots, Brain Training (PT), Cake
Memory: Match Card Cute Games, Memory Game
Brain for Dementia and Memory Game to Improve
Intelligence. In terms of visual, musical and written
tips for conversations and memory support we have
one app (6%), the app Memory Box. In its turn,
Rimentia - Brain Training (one app (6%)) is a simple
colour puzzle that aims to improve the cognitive
abilities of the mind and improve memory through
colours. Three of our apps (17%) consist in a simple
set of games designed to help slowing down the
progression of Alzheimer's and dementia:
Alzheimer's Speed of Processing Game - ASPEN,
Brain Mayo and MMSE. Another one (6%), The Dot
Game, is a very simple game designed for people with
cognitive and/or physical challenges. More than just
a memory game, BrainyApp 2.0 (one app (6%)) helps
users to track and monitor their brain health over
time. In addition to cognitive activities, it also offers
many daily workout tips for users to become
physically active, eating better and interacting with
other people in social activities.
Next, the authors indicate whether the tested
applications comply with the following GDPR
challenges (EDPS, 2016; European Union, 2016;
GDPR, 2017): a) Installation; b) Privacy policy; c)
Terms and conditions; d) Request for consent; e)
Special categories of data (explicit consent); f)
Portability of personal data, and g) The right to be
In order to verify if the GDPR challenges are
taken into account within the analysed apps, for each
of the above challenge we checked the:
Installation - before the app is installed it needs
to communicate to the users the type of access
that the mobile app will have in the user mobile
And if it included required GDPR items and/or
functionalities, such as the:
Privacy Policy - the app should inform users (in
a plain and understandable language) the
purposes of data collection, what personal data
is being collected from users, why, and how it
is kept private. A layered notice can be used,
where the initial notice to the user contains the
essential information and further information is
progressively available through subsequent
Terms and Conditions - instead of using a long
and never-ending “Terms and conditions”,
companies have to make it clear and
transparent and describe in a simple way the
rules, requirements, restrictions and limitations
that users must accept in order to use the
Request for Consent - users have the right to
freely express their consent. This can be done
by clicking on a button or checking a box.
Companies cannot rely on “presumed consent”
which takes consent implicitly just because
someone is using the app;
Revoke Consent - functionalities to revoke
users’ consent for each category of personal
data processed should be provided as users
Mobile Apps for People with Dementia: Are They Compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
have the right to change their wishes and
revoke their decisions at any time;
Special Data Categories (explicit consent) -
considered as more sensitive data (biometric
data, race, ethnic origin, politics, religion,
genetics, health, sex life and sexual
orientation), it can only be processed if the user
has given explicit consent. Information can be
provided through icons and images to show
when certain categories of personal data are
Portability of Personal Data - the user has the
right to request their personal information and
transfer it to another data controller;
The Right to be Forgotten - users should have the
opportunity to track their profile, edit information and
delete it entirely if they wish. Mobile apps must
provide functionalities to edit and request deletion of
users’ personal data.
Table 1: Analysis of applications for Alzheimer and dementia and their compliance with GDPR.
app complies app does not comply not applicable
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: Analysis of applications for Alzheimer and dementia and their compliance with GDPR (cont.).
app complies app does not comply not applicable
Mobile Apps for People with Dementia: Are They Compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
The authors carried out an analysis to evaluate
whether the selected apps presented in Table 1
comply with GDPR guidelines (those that can be
applied to mobile apps). The results are shown in
Table 1 and organized as follows: the first column has
a list with the apps’ name and in the remaining
columns we reflect on the compliance of each app
with the several points mentioned above.
Our analysis contains in some parts a small
description which can help to better comprehend that
specific functionality; symbols such as “” when the
app complies with a certain point; “” when the app
does not comply with it, and “n/a” in cases when that
point is not applicable to the app (e.g., in some cases
the user does not need to register or insert personal
data, thus, the “right to be forgotten” would not be
We also present Table 2, which shows a summary
of the results collected in Table 1.
Therefore, when the user starts with the app
installation s/he must be informed which type of
access that the mobile app will have in the user mobile
phone in order to be installed. In 18 apps, 7 (39%) of
them do not inform about the data they need, and 8
(44%) apps need to access personal data such as
location, contacts and photos. The most required
access is to “Photos/multimedia/files”, which allows
access to almost every file stored in mobile devices.
When the access is related to “Wi-Fi connections”, it
can reveal information about all Wi-Fi connected
devices, the user’s location, etc. Users allow or are
obliged to allow access to personal data in order to be
able to install mobile app to their mobile devices. The
lack of transparency and appropriate justifications
during the installation, rise several issues in relation
to personal data protection and privacy.
When “Privacy policy” is applicable, we verified
that in 14 (78%) apps the “Privacy policy” is not
present/visible and the user has to consent in order to
continue (even though s/he cannot have access to that
information), or the user is confronted with a very
extensive text full of difficult terms to understand
(this happened in 4 (22%) apps) (Figure 1). In 14
(78%) apps, the “Terms and conditions” are
inexistent and in 4 (22%) apps (as it happens with the
privacy policies) the information presented to users is
not concise, clear or simple to understand.
Figure 1: Example of a very extensive privacy policy.
The “Request for consent” occurs in 2 (11%) apps
and in the app “Brain Training (PT)” when the user
starts using the app s/he can control options such as
the automatic login, allow other users to find
Table 2: Summary of the results presented in Table 1.
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
user’s profile, allow other people to see user’s
activity, but there are no options to change consent.
In the app “BrainyApp 2.0” it is possible to control
features such as notifications, location, connection to
Facebook and the user can change his/her options at
any time (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Example of the features control such as location.
The “Special categories of data” is just applicable
in the app “BrainyApp 2.0” and after installation the
user has to answer some health questions such as
heart health, physical activity, mental challenges and
type of diet. Taking into account the GDPR, health
information is sensitive and the user must give
explicit consent. But in this app the user has to answer
the questions in order to continue. Thus, this cannot
be considered as an explicit consent. This app also
allows to share with others on the Community page
the progress obtained.
The last column of Table 1 is “The right to be
forgotten” and this feature makes sense when the user
has to make a registration (e.g., with an email
account) or when s/he needs to provide some personal
or sensitive data. Thus, 2 (11%) apps have the option
to delete the user’s profile; 3 (17%) don’t allow the
user to delete his/her profile; 2 (11%) apps do not
have that option although the user needs to register
through a Gmail account, and 1 (6%) app enables to
delete the profile but, according with their privacy
policy, they will still retain all information that were
collected until then (Figure 3).
Figure 3: The app will retain the information collected prior
to user’s request for deletion.
With the lack of adequate legislation, technologies
have expanded without any kind of control. Even with
the introduction of the new GDPR five months ago,
mHealth apps, which may include sensitive personal
data, are still not following the required basic key
privacy changes, at least for the area of dementia.
It is not reassuring that all the analysed apps do
not comply with two of GDPR key challenges related
to the availability of a clear and objective privacy
policy as well as terms and conditions for the use of
an app. Even before GDPR, users were expecting to
have some information available to help them
understand how and what type of processing their
data was going to have. But this analysis shows that a
vast majority of the analysed apps do not have an
available privacy policy or terms and conditions
(78%) at all, suggesting little or no user control of
their personal data once entered into the app. This is
particularly problematic for people with dementia,
who would be exposed to high risk of loss of privacy
if their data were shared without consent. In its turn,
those apps that have a privacy policy (22%), the
information provided is too general, long and vague,
and with a lack of clarity. This is especially
concerning for apps targeting people with dementia,
whose users may lack the cognitive capacity to
interpret the often long and illegible terms and
conditions full of legal, confusing and ambiguous
terminology. This ends up raising the issue of whether
people with cognitive problems may have the
capacity to make informed choices about providing
their data. At the same time, it can place them at an
increasing risk of privacy breaches.
Mobile Apps for People with Dementia: Are They Compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
According with the GDPR the essential
information should be clear and made available to the
user, followed by options for the user to specify what
personal data can or cannot be processed, preferably
with icons or pictures. Clearly, this situation is not
happening at the moment. These are basic privacy
mandatory requirements that should be made
available for every type of app, much so for people
with dementia, who need more care and clarity when
exposed to this technology.
Another critical issue is that one third of the
analysed apps do not inform the user about what type
of data and features the app will be accessing when
running while more than a third request some type of
personal data to be installed to fully function. This
disparity of procedures is not helpful and, many
times, there is no need to request personal data unless
the apps have more complete features such as health
advisors, health journals or functionalities that allow
data to be shared, for instance, with health
professionals. However, apps to train brain activity
and cognition, even if they follow users’ progress,
they commonly do not need to require personal data,
nor even data from special categories such as health
related data (as shown in Table 1, for almost all apps
this GDPR key requirement is not applicable). Still, if
they do, they need to make users well aware of what
data are being processed, how and what security
measures are in place and consent must be provided
at all times before that processing starts. Contrary to
this, most analysed apps do not provide the
opportunity to give consent to the various parameters.
Further, in the cases where this is possible (11%),
there is no liberty for the users to change their mind
and revoke that previously given consent.
As to the right to be forgotten, even when the user
creates an account and introduces personal data, a
small number of cases allow users to delete their
profile entirely, again, not in conformance with
Limitations. During this research the authors could
not find information and studies about the impact of
the new GDPR on the development of mHealth apps
and more specifically in cases of apps for people with
dementia, to be able to compare with.
Our sample is very small because, as a first study
in this area, we decided to focus on a restrict group of
apps that specified in their description that they were
designed to improve the cognitive function of people
with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Due to time
constraints only one researcher did the selection and
revision process. However, used methods can be re-
used/improved by other researchers and re-applied
for a larger sample. Also, we have just experimented
and tested apps for Android, making exclusive
applications for iOS system excluded in our study.
Despite all the advantages that apps seem to offer to
keep the brain active and help people with AD and
dementia to better cope with their disease, there are
several security and privacy concerns that are still not
addressed. This is particular important for this group
of people as they can potentially be more vulnerable
and less aware to online dangers and privacy breaches
as they may lack the cognitive capacity to interpret
and fully realize the problems.
Through this study we found that most available
analysed apps do not provide any information about
how they process and treat personal data or, if they
do, it is not done in a very clear manner. Furthermore,
most of the key requirements mandated by GDPR are
still not implemented in the available apps and so
these do not comply with regulation to ensure privacy
and security in the interactions between users and
mobile apps, for European citizens.
This work intends to bring awareness to this issue
to both researchers and developers, especially in the
area of healthcare and mental health. Further, it aims
to give some recommendations for future research,
e.g., (1) structured guidelines or principles should be
made available online for all mobile app developers
during the app creation process, to ensure
transparency and to be as much as possible GDPR
compliant, (2) the generalized use of simple, clear,
transparent and understandable Privacy Policy,
always available through a button in the menu
configurations or even in another visible part of the
app, (3) mandatory use of explicit consent, thus when
a user is making a registration on a mobile app, s/he
should be asked to opt-in to have their data collected
or receive communications (emails or notifications)
and this could be done through a consent screen on
the app launch. This screen should also show
information about what user´s data will be collected
and how they are going to be processed, (4) available
functionality where users can ask for their data to be
removed or can request their data to be deleted and
have an opt-out of communications/notifications, (5)
strong encryption algorithms of personal data by
default, (6) every mobile app must include contact
information of the business or app developer, so that
users can contact them and have a quicker and clearer
support, and, most importantly, (7) the existence of
app regulations made by credible entities related to
HEALTHINF 2019 - 12th International Conference on Health Informatics
the app content specially those created for sensitive
and vulnerable groups of people.
Future work includes the integration of iOS apps
in the study as well as re-applying the same methods
to a larger sample, within the same domain.
This article was supported by FCT through the
Project TagUBig - Taming Your Big Data
(IF/00693/2015) from Researcher FCT Program
funded by National Funds through FCT - Fundação
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
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Mobile Apps for People with Dementia: Are They Compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?