STaDA: Style Transfer as Data Augmentation
Xu Zheng
, Tejo Chalasani
, Koustav Ghosal
, Sebastian Lutz
and Aljosa Smolic
Accenture Labs, Dublin, Ireland
School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Neural Style Transfer, Data Augmentation, Image Classification.
The success of training deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) heavily depends on a significant amount
of labelled data. Recent research has found that neural style transfer algorithms can apply the artistic style of
one image to another image without changing the latter’s high-level semantic content, which makes it feasible
to employ neural style transfer as a data augmentation method to add more variation to the training dataset.
The contribution of this paper is a thorough evaluation of the effectiveness of the neural style transfer as a
data augmentation method for image classification tasks. We explore the state-of-the-art neural style transfer
algorithms and apply them as a data augmentation method on Caltech 101 and Caltech 256 dataset, where we
found around 2% improvement from 83% to 85% of the image classification accuracy with VGG16, compa-
red with traditional data augmentation strategies. We also combine this new method with conventional data
augmentation approaches to further improve the performance of image classification. This work shows the po-
tential of neural style transfer in computer vision field, such as helping us to reduce the difficulty of collecting
sufficient labelled data and improve the performance of generic image-based deep learning algorithms.
Data augmentation refers to the task of adding diver-
sity to the training data of a neural network, especially
when there is a paucity of sufficient samples. Popu-
lar deep architectures such as AlexNet (Krizhevsky
et al., 2012) or VGGNet (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2014) have millions of parameters and thus require
a reasonably large dataset to be trained for a parti-
cular task. Lack of adequate data leads to overfit-
ting i.e. high training accuracy but poor generalisation
over the test samples (Caruana et al., 2001). In many
computer vision tasks, gathering raw data can be very
time-consuming and expensive. For example, in the
domain of medical image analysis, in critical tasks
such as cancer detection (Kyprianidis et al., 2013) and
cancer classification (Vasconcelos and Vasconcelos,
2017), researchers are often restricted by the lack of
reliable data. Thus, it is a common practice to use
data augmentation techniques such as flipping, rota-
tion, cropping etc. to increase the variety of samples
fed to the network. Recently, more complex techni-
ques using a green screen with different random back-
grounds to increase the number of training images has
been introduced by (Chalasani et al., 2018).
In this paper, we explore the capacity of neural
style transfer (Gatys et al., 2016) as an alternative
data augmentation strategy. We propose a pipeline
that applies this strategy on image classification tasks
and verify its effectiveness on multiple datasets. Style
transfer refers to the task of applying the artistic style
of one image to another, without changing the high-
level semantic content (Figure 1). The main idea of
this algorithm is to jointly minimise the distance of
the content representation and the style representation
learned on different layers of a convolutional neural
network, which allows translation from noise to the
target image in a single pass through a network that is
trained per style.
The crux of this work is to use a style transfer
network as a generative model to create more sam-
ples for training a CNN. Since style transfer preser-
ves the overall semantic content of the original image,
the high-level discriminative features of an object are
maintained. On the other hand, by changing the ar-
tistic style of some randomly selected training sam-
ples it is possible to train a classifier which is invari-
ant to undesirable components of the data distribution.
For example, let us assume a scenario where a dataset
of simple objects such as Caltech 256 (Griffin et al.,
2007) has a category car but there are more images of
red cars than any other colour. The model trained on
such a dataset will associate red colour to the car ca-
tegory, which is undesired for a generic car classifier.
Zheng, X., Chalasani, T., Ghosal, K., Lutz, S. and Smolic, A.
STaDA: Style Transfer as Data Augmentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007353401070114
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 107-114
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(a) Raw image (b) Style Image
(c) Stylized Image
Figure 1: Style Transfer: The style of Sunflower (b) (Van
Gogh) is applied on the photo (a) to generate a new stylised
image (c), which can keep the main content of the photo but
as well as contain the texture style from image Sunflower.
Using style transfer as the data augmentation method
can be an effective strategy to avoid such associations.
In this work, we use eight different style ima-
ges as palette to augment the original image datasets
(Section 3.3). Additionally, we investigate if different
image styles have different effects on image classifi-
cation. This paper is organised as follows. In Section
2, we discuss research related to our work. In Section
3, we describe different components of the architec-
ture used, in Section 4 we describe our experiments
and report and analyse the results.
In this section, we review the state-of-the-art rese-
arch relevant to the problem addressed in this paper.
In Section 2.1, we review the development of neural
style transfer algorithms and in Section 2.2, we dis-
cuss the traditional data augmentation strategies and
how they affect the performance of a CNN in the stan-
dard computer vision tasks such as classification, de-
tection, segmentation etc.
2.1 Neural Style Transfer
The main goal of style transfer is to synthesise a sty-
lised image from two different images, one supplying
the texture and another providing the high-level se-
mantic content. Broadly, the state-of-the-art style
transfer algorithms can be divided into two groups —
descriptive and generative. Descriptive approach re-
fers to changing the pixels of a noise image in an itera-
tive manner whereas generative approach achieves the
same in a single forward pass by using a pre-trained
model of the desired style (Jing et al., 2017).
Descriptive Approach: The work done by (Gatys
et al., 2016) is the first descriptive approach of neural
style transfer. Starting from random noise, their algo-
rithm transforms the random noise image in an itera-
tive manner such that it mimics the content from one
image and style or texture from another. The content
is optimised by minimising the L
distance between
the high level CNN features of the content and styli-
sed image. On the other hand, the style is optimised
by matching the Gram matrices of the style and styli-
sed image. Several algorithms followed directly from
this approach by addressing some of its limitations.
(Risser et al., 2017) propose a more stable optimisa-
tion strategy by adding histogram losses. (Li et al.,
2017) closely investigate the different components of
the work by (Gatys et al., 2016) and present key in-
sights on the optimisation methods, kernels used and
normalisation strategies adopted. (Yin, 2016; Chen
and Hsu, 2016) propose content-aware neural style
transfer strategies which aim to preserve high-level
semantic correspondence between the content and the
Generative Approach: The descriptive approach is
limited by its slow computation time. In the genera-
tive or the faster approach, a model is trained in ad-
vance for each style image. While the inference in
descriptive approach occurs slowly over several ite-
rations, in this case, it is achieved through a single
forward pass. (Johnson et al., 2016) propose a two-
component architecture generator and loss net-
works. They also introduce a novel loss function ba-
sed on perceptual difference between the content and
target. In (Ulyanov et al., 2016a), the authors improve
the work by (Johnson et al., 2016) by using a better
generator network. (Li and Wand, 2016) train a Mar-
kovian feed-forward network by using an adversarial
loss function. (Dumoulin et al., 2016) train for multi-
ple styles using the same network.
2.2 Data Augmentation
As discussed previously in Section 1, data augmen-
tation refers to the process of adding more variation
to the training data in order to improve the generalisa-
tion capabilities of the trained model. It is particularly
useful in scenarios where there is a scarcity of training
samples. Some common strategies for data augmen-
tation are flipping, re-scaling, cropping, etc. Research
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Components of the modular design for data augmentation using style transfer. The first module is a style trans-
fer module that is trained per style and takes an image as input to generate a stylised image and the second module is a
classification network that uses the stylised image for training to improve accuracy.
related to developing novel data augmentation strate-
gies is almost as old as the research in deeper neural
networks with more parameters.
In (Krizhevsky et al., 2012), the authors applied
two different augmentation methods to improve the
performance of their model. The first one is horizon-
tal flip, without which their network showed substan-
tial overfitting even with only five layers. The second
strategy is to perform a PCA on the RGB values of
the image pixels in the training set, and use the top
principal components, which reduced over 1% of the
top-1 error rate. Similarly, the ZFNet (Zeiler and Fer-
gus, 2014) and VGGNet (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2014) also apply multiple different crops and flips for
each training image to boost training set size and im-
prove the performance of their models. These well-
known CNNs architectures achieved outstanding re-
sults in the ImageNet challenge (Deng et al., 2009),
and their success demonstrated the effectiveness and
importance of data augmentation.
Besides the traditional transformative data aug-
mentation strategies as discussed above, some re-
cently proposed methods follow a generative appro-
ach. In the work (Perez and Wang, 2017), the authors
explore Generative Adversarial Nets to generate sty-
lised images to augment the dataset. Their work is
called Neural Augmentation, which uses CycleGAN
(Zhu et al., 2017) to create new stylised images in the
training dataset. This method is finally tested on a 5-
layer network with the MNIST dataset and delivers
better performance than most traditional approaches.
In this section, we propose a modular design for using
style transfer as data-augmentation technique. Fi-
gure 2 summarises the modular architecture we follo-
wed for creating our data augmentation strategy. We
choose the network designed in (Engstrom, 2016) for
our style transfer module. The reasons for this choice,
architecture and implementation of the network are
explained in subsection 3.1. For testing the data aug-
mentation technique we use the classification module.
In our experiments we used the standard VGG16 from
(Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) explained in section
3.2. In section 3.3 we briefly explain the datasets used
for evaluation of our strategy.
3.1 Style Transfer Architecture
For style transfer to be as viable as the other traditi-
onal data augmentation strategies (crop, flip etc.) we
need a fast running solution. There has been success-
ful style transfer solutions using CNNs but they are
considerably slow (Gatys et al., 2016). To alleviate
this problem we choose a generative architecture that
only needs a forward pass to compute a stylised image
(Engstrom, 2016). This network consists of a genera-
tive Style Transfer Network coupled with a Loss Net-
work that computes a cumulative loss which can ac-
count for both style from the style image and content
from the training image. In the following subsections
STaDA: Style Transfer as Data Augmentation
(3.1.1, 3.1.2) we will look at architectures of the Style
Transfer Network and Loss Network.
3.1.1 Transformation Network
For the transformation network, we follow the state-
of-the-art implementation from the work (Engstrom,
2016) and (Sam and Michael, 2016), with changes to
hyper parameters based on our experiments.
Five residual blocks are used in the style transfor-
mation network to avoid optimisation difficulty when
the network gets deep (He et al., 2016). Other none
residual convolutional layers are followed by Ulya-
nov’s instance normalisation (Ulyanov et al., 2016b)
and ReLU layers. At the output layer, a scaled tanh is
used to get an output image with pixels in the range
from 0 to 255.
This network is trained coupled with the Loss Net-
work (described in the following subsection) using
stochastic gradient descent (Bottou, 2010) to mini-
mise a weighted combination of loss functions. We
treat the overall loss as a linear combination of the
content reconstruction loss and style reconstruction
loss. The weights of two losses can be fine-tuned de-
pending on the preference. By minimising the overall
loss we can get a model well trained per style.
3.1.2 Loss Network
Since we already define the transformation network
that can generate stylised images, we also need to
create a loss network that is used to represent loss
function to evaluate the generated images and use the
loss to optimise the style transfer network based on
stochastic gradient descent.
We use a deep convolutional neural network θ pre-
trained for image classification on imageNet to mea-
sure the texture and content differences between the
generated image and the target image. Recent work
has shown that deep convolutional neural networks
can encode the texture information and high-level
content information in the feature maps (Gatys et al.,
2015)(Mahendran and Vedaldi, 2015). Based on this
finding, we define a content reconstruction loss `
a style reconstruction loss `
in the loss network
and use their weighted sum to measure the total dif-
ference between the stylised image and the image we
want to get. For every style, we train the transforma-
tion network with the same pretrained loss network.
Content Reconstruction Loss: To achieve that, an
image needs to be reconstructed from the image infor-
mation encoded in the neural network, i.e., computing
an approximate inverse from the feature map. Given
an image~x, the image will go through the CNN model
and be encoded in each layer by the filter responses to
it. We use F
to store the feature maps in a layer l
where F
i j
is the feature map of the i
filter at position
j in layer l. Let P
be the feature maps for the con-
tent image in layer l, and we can update the pixels of
image x to minimise the loss L to make sure these two
images have the similar feature maps in the network
and thus have the similar semantic content:
i, j
i j
i j
Style Reconstruction Loss: We also want the gene-
rated images to have similar texture as the style target
image, so we want to penalise the style differences
with the style reconstruction loss. The feature maps
in a few layers of a trained network are used for repre-
senting the texture by the correlations between them.
Instead of using these feature maps directly, the cor-
relations between the different channels of the feature
maps are given by Gram matrix G
, where the G
i, j
the inner product between the vectorised i
map and j
feature map in layer l:
i, j
The original texture is passed through the CNNs
and the Gram matrices G
on the feature responses of
some layers are computed. We can pass a white noise
image through the CNNs and compute the Gram ma-
trix difference on every layer included in the texture
model as the loss. If we use this loss to perform gra-
dient on the white noise image and try to minimise the
Gram matrix difference, we can find a new image that
has the same style as the original image texture. The
loss is computed by the mean-squared distance bet-
ween the Gram matrix of two images. So let A
be the Gram matrix of two images in layer l, the
loss of that layer equal:
i, j
i j
i j
and the loss for all chosen layers:
Total Variation Regularization: We also follow
prior work (Gatys et al., 2016) and make use of
total variation regularizer L
to gain more spatial
smoothness in the output image ˆy.
Terms Balancing: As we have above definitions, ge-
nerating an image ˆy can be seen as solving the opti-
mising problem in the style transfer module in figure
2. We initialise the image with white noise, and the
work (Gatys et al., 2016) found that the initialisation
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
has a minimal impact on the final results. λ
, λ
, and
are hyperparameters that we can tune according
to the monitoring of the results. To get the stylised
image, we need to minimise a weighted combination
of two loss functions and the regularization term:
ˆy = argmin
+ λ
+ λ
3.2 Image Classification
To evaluate the effectiveness of this design, we per-
form image classification tasks with the stylised ima-
ges. In a image classification task, for each given
image, the programs or algorithms need to produce
the most reasonable object categories (Russakovsky
et al., 2015). The performance of the algorithm will
be evaluated based on if the predicated category ma-
tches the ground truth label for the image. Since we
will provide input images from multiple categories,
the overall performance of an algorithm is the average
score of overall test images.
Once we train the transformation network that can
generate the stylised images, we apply it to the trai-
ning dataset to create a larger dataset. The stylized
images are saved on the disk with the ground truth ca-
tegories. We then use them with their original images
to train the neural networks to solve the image clas-
sification problems. In this research, the model we
chose is VGGNet, which is a simple but effective mo-
del (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014). Their team got
the first place in the localisation and the second place
in the classification task in ImageNet Challenge 2014.
This model strictly used 3 × 3 filters with stride and
pad of 1, along with 2 × 2 max-pooling layers with
stride 2. 3 3 × 3 convolutional layers back to back
have an effective receptive field of 7 × 7. Compared
with one 7×7 filter, 3×3 filter size can have the same
effective receptive field with fewer parameters.
To fully understand the effectiveness of the style
transfer and explore how useful style transfer can
be compared and combined with other traditional
data augmentation approaches for image classifica-
tion problem, we need to experiment from multiple
perspectives. The first experiments are to use tradi-
tional transformations alone. For each input image,
we generate a set of duplicate images that are shifted,
rotated, or flipped from the original image. Both the
original image and duplicates are fed into the neural
net to train the model. The classification performance
will be measured on the validation dataset as the ba-
seline to compare these augmentation strategies. The
pipeline can be found in Figure 2. The second expe-
riments are to apply the well-trained transformation
network to augment the training dataset. For each in-
put image, we select a style image from a subset of
different styles from famous artists and use the trans-
formation network to generate new images from the
original image. We store the newly generated images
on the disk, and both original and stylised images are
fed to the image classification network. To explore if
we can get better results, we go further to combine
two approaches to get more images in training data-
3.3 Dataset and Image Styles
The transformation network is trained on the COCO
2014 collection (Lin et al., 2014) containing more
than 83k training images, which are enough to get the
transformation network well trained. Since these ima-
ges are used to feed the transformation network, we
ignored the label information during training.
Two different datasets are used for images clasifi-
cation tasks, caltech 101 (Fei-Fei et al., 2006) and cal-
tech 256 (Griffin et al., 2007). We keep training and
testing on a fixed number of images and repeating the
experiment with different augmented data and com-
pare the results with others. The images are divided
by a 70:30 split between training and validation for
both datasets.
For the chosen styles, we try to select the ima-
ges that look very different. At last, eight diffe-
rent images were chosen as the style input to train
the transformation network. All styles can be found
in the GitHub repo.
This section presents the evaluation of style transfer
for data augmentation. We evaluate the results from
multiple perspectives based on the classification Top-
1 accuracy of VGGNet. The results of experiments
on traditional augmentation are collected as the base-
line. We then do experiments on every single style
and some combined styles. We also combine the tra-
ditional methods with our style transfer method to ve-
rify their effectiveness and see if we can improve on
previous methods.
4.1 Traditional Image Augmentation
We first used the pretrained VGGNet without any data
augmentation and reached a classification accuracy of
83.34% in one hour of training time. We then apply
STaDA: Style Transfer as Data Augmentation
two different traditional image augmentation strate-
gies, Flipping and Rotation, to train the model. Fi-
nally, we combine both strategies. Detailed results
can be found in table 1. We found the model itself
works the best without any augmentation. Using Flip-
ping as data augmentation strategy gives very simi-
lar results, however the combination of Rotation and
Flipping significantly reduces classification accuracy
to 77%. Adding Rotation as data augmentation does
not seem to help for classification, as is also shown in
our following experiments.
Table 1: Traditional Image Augmentation.
Traditional Image Augmentation
Style Name Result
None 0.8334
Flipping 0.8305
FlippingRotation 0.77
4.2 Single Style
We select eight different styles that look different
from each other to train the transformation network.
All styles can be found in the Appendix. We feed each
of the images in the training set to the eight fully trai-
ned transformation networks to generate eight styli-
sed images. Both the original images and the stylised
images are fed to VGGNet to train the network and
the best validation accuracy from all epochs is recor-
ded. The results for each style can be found in table
2. Compared with the traditional strategies, we can
see that 7 out of 8 styles work better than the tradi-
tional strategies. It can also be seen that the Snow
style works the best, reaching an accuracy of 85.26%,
whereas YourName style only reaches 82.61%. This
is due to the addition of too much noise and colour to
the original images for that particular style. In figure
3 a comparison between the original image and two
different stylised images is shown. As can be seen,
YourName style adds too many colours and shapes
on the original image, which explains the bad perfor-
mance in terms of the image classification accuracy.
(a) Original (b) Snow (c) YourName
Figure 3: Comparison between the original image and two
stylized images. YourName style adds too many colours
and shapes on the original image, which explains the bad
performance in terms of the image classification accuracy.
Table 2: Single Style Transfer Augmentation.
Single Style with VGG16 and Caltech 101
Style Name Result
Snow 0.8526
RainPrincess 0.8494
Scream 0.8490
Wave 0.8468
Sunflower 0.8461
LAMuse 0.8436
Udnie 0.8404
Your Name 0.8261
4.3 Combined Methods
To evaluate the combination of two different styles,
we take the original images and feed them to two dif-
ferent transformation networks and generate two sty-
lized images for each input image. We then merge the
stylized images and original images to compose the
final training dataset. This gives us three times the
number of images than the original dataset. We use
this augmented data set to train the VGGNet model.
We also try to combine the traditional augmentation
methods with style transfer together and evaluate the
performance. The results can be found in table 3.
Table 3: Combined Style Transfer Augmentation.
Combined Method
Traditional Method Style Result
Flipping None 0.8305
Flipping Scream 0.8454
Flipping Wave 0.8486
Flipping ScreamWave 0.845
FlippingRotation None 0.7521
FlippingRotation Wave 0.7837
FlippingRotation Scream 0.7862
FlippingRotation ScreamWave 0.7942
We notice a very slight increase in performance
of the combined style (ScreamWave) over the single
styles. We further notice that adding Flipping as a
data augmentation strategy degrades the performance,
although to a lesser degree for the combined style.
4.4 Content Weights Change
In this experiment, we change the proportion of con-
tent weights and style weight in the transformation
network to evaluate the impact on the performance.
We increased the content weight to create a new style
named Wave2. As can be seen from the table 4, no
significant change can be observed for a change in
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Original (b) Wave2 (c) Wave
Figure 4: Comparison between the original image (airplane)
and stylized images with different content weights. (a) is
the original image. Wave2 (b) has more content weight than
Wave (c). Two stylized images look similar to each other.
content weights. As can be seen in figure 4, the ima-
ges for the two content weights look very similar to
each other, which explains the minimal impact in our
experiments. In future work we would like to examine
this effect further with more content weights.
Table 4: Wave2 gets more content weight than Wave.
Different Content Weights
Traditional Method Style Name Result
None Wave 0.8468
None Wave2 0.8417
4.5 VGG19
To evaluate the generalisation of our approach over
network architectures, we used VGG19 as a classifi-
cation network and duplicated our experiments. The
results can be found in table 5.
Table 5: Experiments on VGG19 with Caltech datasets.
Experiments on VGG19
Traditional Method Style Name Result
None None 0.8450
Flipping None 0.8367
None Wave 0.8425
Flipping Wave 0.8581
None Scream 0.8446
Flipping Scream 0.8465
None None 0.62
Flipping None 0.6666
None Scream 0.6313
Flipping Scream 0.6728
None Wave 0.6272
Flipping Wave 0.6632
The baseline classification accuracy for Caltech
101 is 84.5%. Based on this number, there are some
interesting findings in line with the VGG16. Using
Wave or Flipping itself does not improve the perfor-
mance of VGG19, but if we combine Flipping with
Wave we can get a considerable improvement, with
accuracy reaching 85.81%.
Similar results can be seen for our experiments on
Caltech 256. The use of Flipping as data augmenta-
tion gives an accuracy of 66.66%, while the use of
Scream gives at 63.13%. However, if we combine the
two approaches, we can get an accuracy of 67.28%.
The combination between Flipping and Wave gives
66.32% accuracy which is higher than for Wave al-
The experiments performed on VGG19 show that
the style transfer is still an effective data augmentation
method, which can be combined with the traditional
approaches to further improve the performance.
In this paper, we proposed a novel data augmentation
approach based on neural style transfer algorithm.
From our experiments, we observe that this appro-
ach is an effective way to increase the performance of
CNNs in image classification tasks. The accuracy for
VGG16 is increased to 85.26% from 83.34% while
for VGG19 the accuracy increased to 85.81% from
84.50%. We also found that we can combine this new
approach with traditional methods like flipping, rota-
tion etc. to boost the performance.
We tested our method only for image classifica-
tion task. As a future work, it would be interesting
to try it out for other computer vision tasks such as
segmentation, detection etc. The set of styles is also
limited. Even though we tried to select images of dif-
ferent styles, we did not classify the images according
to their category. A more elaborate set of styles might
train more robust models. Another limitation of this
approach is the speed of training, which is quite slow.
However, once trained, the inference can still be fast
as it does not involve augmentation.
Our approach is independent of the architecture.
Better and faster models for style transfer will ena-
ble more diverse and robust augmentation for a CNN.
We hope that the proposed approach will be useful for
computer vision research in future.
This publication has emanated from research con-
ducted with the financial support of Science Foun-
dation Ireland (SFI) under the Grant Number
STaDA: Style Transfer as Data Augmentation
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