that would need to be modeled.
The next topic that could be of relevance is to in-
corporate Gestalt laws into the compensation process.
For instance, horizontally aligned arrows on a virtual
horizontal line are less influenced by the tilt bias ac-
cording to our observations of initial tests. The human
visual system relies on certain expectations or makes
assumptions in the presence of geometric structures.
This issue is even more pronounced for large fore-
ground objects that may require nonlinear and spa-
tially dependent deformations for tilt compensation.
A related topic is the estimation of the dominant
frequency and direction. As described in Section 3,
the maximum response for direction and frequency
is currently utilized. However, Figure 5b shows that
there might be several distinct local maxima that
could be considered for compensation, in particular,
for large textures.
In this paper, we addressed the topic of visual illu-
sion effects; more specifically, the tilt illusion caused
by simultaneous orientation contrast. It is a relevant
topic within the field of visualization, as it can occur
when overlaying textures or even in line renderings.
We have proposed an approach to compensate for
the tilt illusion in case of superimposed textures. This
is of practical relevance for visualization since su-
perimposed textures are commonly used for multi-
field and other overlaid visualizations. To perform the
compensation, information about directions, frequen-
cies, and contrast are extracted from the input images.
Based on the results of prior experiments on the ef-
fects of the tilt illusion, we have approximated weight
functions for frequency and contrast, which are used
to avoid overcompensation. We demonstrate the re-
sults of our method for artificial stimuli and a realistic
scenario from flow visualization.
In our example cases, the results are promising.
However, a misinterpretation of the visualization is
only prevented for specific stimuli, render sizes, view-
ing distances and subjects; all of which we cannot
control. While someone looks at the digital version
of this paper on a screen, someone else prints it with
or without scaling, holds it nearer to the eyes while
reading, etc. In short, there are still a number of top-
ics that need to be addressed. One of them is that our
efforts resulted in a compensation success that varies
between each individual person. More work is needed
to explore the effects of simultaneous orientation con-
trast. Our method might benefit from additional ex-
periments to refine the weight functions, the incorpo-
ration of color or Gestalt laws, and, finally, the han-
dling of secondary maxima in the weighting of per-
ceived directions and frequencies.
We would like to thank the German Research Foun-
dation (DFG) for financial support within project B01
of SFB/Transregio 161.
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IVAPP 2019 - 10th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications