ble scale with that of more affluent studios. Wide-
baseline FVV systems are likely to always be more
susceptible to inherent noise in the form of occlusi-
ons and photogrammetry errors. While this noise pre-
sents a difficult obstacle we have shown that it is of-
ten temporally incoherent and so it can be corrected
by enforcing spatio-temporal constraints.
By leveraging the permanence of temporally co-
herent geometry, our system is able to effectively filter
noise while retaining pertinent geometric data which
has been lost on a frame to frame basis. By enforcing
this spatio-temporal consistency we demonstrate the
improvements that our system will have for modern
and future FVV systems alike.
We have shown that our system is suited to filte-
ring point clouds from both studio setups and hand-
held ”dynamic camera” outdoor scenes. Although the
effects are most appreciable for dynamic outdoor sce-
nes in which there tends to be much more noise, the
advantage of more accurate flow information demon-
strates visible improvements for indoor, studio-based
sequences also. Some inherent limitations exist in the
amount of noise which can be filtered whilst retaining
important geometry, as is typical of many signal-to-
noise filtering systems. This is particularly evident in
the case of fast moving objects but our system allevia-
tes this problem by using a dense optical flow method
with demonstrably good sensitivity to large displace-
ment as well as our proposed dynamic object tracking
In comparison to temporally-naive geometric ups-
ampling approaches we can see that supplying spatio-
temporal information leads to more accurate results
and provides tighter framework for seeding geometric
upsampling processes. This is confirmed by the re-
sults obtained from the synthetic dataset test whereby
the most accurate approach was achieved by spatio-
temporal filtering of an edge-aware upsampled point
This publication has emanated from research con-
ducted with the financial support of Science Founda-
tion Ireland (SFI) under the Grant No. 15/RP/2776.
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